MTL - Undead Farm-Chapter 475 Artifact: Dragon Armor Dragon Ting Gun!

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The 20th floor is still a statue corridor, but the difference is that in addition to the pterosaurs, there are still some humans and orcs, all of which have been petrified, and even the weapons they carry are gray and gray. black.

"If I don't understand what you mean, then I underestimate my IQ!"

He snapped his fingers, and the archer behind him immediately stepped forward, firing a precise shot directly on the skull of a human warrior.

But I only heard the sound of a ding, the arrow with the burst effect was bombarded, and only a small chip of debris fell on the statue!

"So hard?"

Wu Zheng was surprised. All the statues suddenly began to shake sharply. With the debris flying, the statues seemed to have come alive, and they launched an attack on Ye Sangeng.

But these human warriors whose stone chip armor has faded out are no longer so strong in defense. A Goblin spearman just passed forward and pierced him thoroughly.

Everyone: ...

Well, dragon people are happy.

Then there are 30 layers, 40 layers, 50 layers ... 70 layers. As the number of layers increases, the fighting power of those petrified statues becomes stronger and stronger.

Every tenth floor, there is also a strong person like BOSS, who has some powerful skills that will cause people to roll over.

For example, the Phantom Swordsman on the 70th floor can not only separate hundreds of clones, each clone also has his equal sword gas attack ability.

Although the avatar can only synchronize the movement of the body, this shortcoming no longer exists in the narrow corridors, but it is a pity ...

家伙 That guy is a bit silly, the avatars are all gray, but the body is red crayfish like crayfish, obviously looking for a pump, Sha Wencheng just cut it off with a rifle impact.

Suddenly, while watching those avatars disappearing, Ye San shot his head suddenly and suddenly.

"I rub, I'm a pig brain!"

"This dragon-man tower is so tall, when do I climb slowly like this? Can't fly ?!"

Thinking of this, Ye San looked at the window beside the corridor.

There is no enchantment, and the window is not hard. The most important thing is that there seems to be a door ...

I opened the door and looked at the small platform outside the tower that was obviously a dragon landing platform, and everyone was silent.

I didn't blame them for being blind. These platforms only appeared after the 50th floor, and in order to hurry up the tower, they didn't pay much attention to the scenery outside the window.

既然 "That being the case, Sha Wencheng rides a steel tooth, Dalu you carry me, we two rushed up and the others waited for us under the tower."

Gandaru gave a white look at the night and said, "I'm fine, I'm afraid I'll wait until the sky is high and the air is thin. The long-winged crocodile may not be able to fly."

"It's okay, even if it can't move, it can climb."

After Sha Shaocheng had finished speaking, Gangya had his neck raised, and he learned the gecko to climb up and down the tower in a vigorous manner.

"Yes, I didn't expect it to have this ability! This is no problem, hurry up, time is money!" Ye Sangen rubbed his hands and urged.

At this point, Ya San Geng rode the unhappy face of Dalu, while Sha Wencheng rode the steel teeth of the incarnation gecko and sprinted directly from the Dragon Man Tower towards the top of the tower.

The petrified puppets in the tower couldn't trigger at all. They could only watch the two men and two beasts openly, flashing past the window, and then stayed in place, waiting for the next unconnected person.

"The tower is so tall, you can't see it even after five hundred floors."

The next night, Sanxian sat next to a balcony and looked at the ground under his feet. For a moment, a strong domineering spirit rose in his chest, as if the world was in his own hands.

"No wonder those dragons are so proud and look down on others every day. Can they not treat others as bugs?"

Looking at the ground, who might not be as good as a Bed of Sand with a grain of sand, Yasha even shook his head, kicked Dalu to rest, and moved on.

This girl was just laughing at Steel Tooth, but instead she had to fall down and rest every 100 flights, and waited after the refractory period to continue to return to the flying form.

Therefore, this girl can only keep silent in the back. After all, in the thin air, there is still a man with a ton of tonnage to fly, which can save a little effort.

I just rested and flew like this, and it took them three full days to finally see the legendary tower top:

Nine hundred and ninety-nine floors!

I looked at the top of the tower like a large sarcoma, and Ye San silently uttered a shameless shape and stepped in.


As soon as I entered the lobby, Ye Sangen's eyes instantly widened as big as a copper bell.

I saw that the lampposts and columns in the hall were all made of gold, exuding a charming dazzling light, and at a glance, at night, it was estimated that the 99th floor of the house would be able to straighten up to 18 million gold coins.

In the middle of the hall, there is a golden throne decorated with purple cloth strips.

There is a pair of armor on the throne, and a gold spear is tied in front of the armor.

"this is……"

Wu Shaocheng wanted to take a closer look, but a huge force suddenly shocked him.

"Long Weijia and Long Ting Gun ?!" Sha Wencheng exclaimed in a voice.

The great power just now is the dragon power that Longwei armor automatically distributes after feeling the approach of the undead general armor, but it can fight him back in this way.

"A set of artifacts!"

Yan Yesan even blinked his eyes, and leaned hard in the might of Long Wei.

At present, the artifacts in his hands are only Qizhi God Stone and Tianji Qiankun Sword ~ ​​ ~ But the sword is old, Qi Zhi God Stone is fused in the body, there is no way to take it out or force it out. Sell.

若 If this set of artifacts in front of you is real, how much will it cost?

Swallowing swallowed, Ye San stretched his hand even harder, but at that moment, two stars suddenly lit up in the armor's mask, and then a fierce dragon roared out.

"Where did the garbage come from, my King's relic ?!"

He was just a roar of a dragon, and he actually dropped Ye Sangeng and Sha Wencheng together and slammed on the wall.

Suddenly, in the shaking of the ground of the Dragon Man Tower, the armor started to rise slowly, and there was a dazzling light of gold in the gap.


The next night, Sanjian pumped the sword alert, while Sha Wencheng on one side wiped the blood on the corner of his mouth.

"No, it should be the artifact of the artifact. If you don't believe it, it has no substance at all."

No entity?

Yan Yesan fixed his eyes and found that, as Sha Wencheng said, there was no flesh and blood in the armor, but an instrumental spirit composed of light spots.

He said that an artifact with an instrumental spirit can be called a real artifact, but the instrumental spirit of Long Wei Kai has learned the tenor of his master, the Dragon King,

Look at its nasty words and deeds, it is exactly the same!

Unfortunately, it is just an instrumental spirit ...

:. :

Read The Duke's Passion