MTL - Undead Farm-Chapter 493 Sorry, I'm a Lich!

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Yi Ze face was bitter: "Hey, I just ran back to talk to you and report to you. I haven't responded yet. Besides, I'm not as perverted as you. I'll forget it?"

Keno nodded: "It's not to make you desperate. You just need to put a few hundred small teleportation holes in the other person's crowd. The quality is not high, you know what I mean?"

"His, you're ruthless!"

Ize looked at the slime jelly that Keno had brought up, and immediately understood what he meant.

With a wave of his hand, a pile of palm-sized teleportation holes suddenly appeared on the ground of the human battlefield. A soldier accidentally stepped in, but the teleportation hole disappeared, and his foot disappeared with a stun.

Suddenly, those soldiers had to be distracted when fighting the undead. After all, they could fight if they broke their feet, but they could n’t do it.

"Next, I'll go and solve that South Thunder, and another Xu Muzhi ..." Keno frowned, but Weng Ling came up.

"give it to me."

"That's not your master ..." Keno glanced at the night shift and found that he nodded.

"Well then, be careful, Hader, you'll take ten new brothers ready to answer!"

"it is good!"

The four archbishops were assigned opponents, and there was one pope left. Ye Sangen had just wanted to leave, but the weaving and puppets behind him suddenly stepped forward.

"Just leave it to us."

"Uh ..." Ye San blinked.

The woman's mind is really hard to guess, but he has not seen the real strength of the two women, so he nodded.

"Come on!"

Sha Wencheng patted the steel teeth and flew directly to the huge element of water.

At this time, Archbishop Nishikawa was like a huge vacuum cleaner in the army of the undead, and all the undead in the past were sucked into it, and then turned into residues within ten seconds.

"Frozen musket!"

Sha Wencheng poked and shot a blue ice icicle. The icicle was still glowing and looked very strange.

The people who came to Nishikawa were just diamond-level, so they didn't take it seriously, and the formed element of water swiped away.

But just listening to Ka La, the fist turned into scum and cracked in an instant, which made Xichuan instantly alert, a short body, avoiding the gunfire that blasted from the top of his head.

"Frozen Dragon Breath? What gun are you doing?" Nishikawa felt startled, feeling the hot pain above her head.

General ice-based spells want to freeze him, which comes from the deepest part of the endless sea. Rukawa's mad water, which is said to never freeze, is basically impossible, unless it is an ultra-high-level spell like absolute zero.

But that spell is ridiculously expensive, and it's not so fast to cast, but in addition, there is another thing that can freeze Ruchuan's mad water, which is the frozen dragon's breath!

What other spell levels are too high for dragons?

That's why Nishikawa is so horrified. In this world, there are still people who can spell dragon breath? Isn't the Dragon race extinct?

But his eyes flickered. Xi Chuan saw the rifle in Sha Wencheng's hand and the gilt armor on his body.

"Long Ting gun? Impossible! This gun is integrated with Dragon Man Tower, it is impossible to pull it out! How did you get it ?!"

Sha Wencheng smiled and shook his gun. "You don't know what's left, do I have to tell you everything? Let's die!"

"Abominable undead, don't underestimate people!"

Xi Chuan saw Sha Wencheng dive again, immediately condensed the other arm, and then patted with two palms. Suddenly, hundreds of millions of drops of water were like bullets, and madly attacked Sha Wencheng. The undead along the way were even more rampant. Alas, it was sieved directly.

"Wanhua Mirror-Rain Gun!"


Daru glanced at Sha Wencheng, who was fighting fiercely in the distance, skipped his lips, turned his head to look at the Archbishop Beishan who turned into a fifty-meter mountain giant in front of him, and took a bite of his thumb.

"Super battle form-Duckling!"

"Hmm! A duck is coming to stop me, too!"

Looking at the swelled, perfectly muscular duck, Beishan felt that he had been greatly insulted.

It took him so much time and energy to build a muscle that was better than a duck! Isn't this a joke? !!

"Granite hammer!"

Blow the ground, the fist as big as the door board, but Dalu did not avoid flashing, even with two palms to resist directly, but the power seems to be too large, it kneeled softly on one knee, and then squirted blood Go out.

"Oh, fool!"

Beishan threw his fist again, but Dalu looked up and held his chest with one palm:

"Roshan Morphology-Tumor Differentiation!"

Just a moment, the cells of the entire body of the mainland began to divide rapidly, expand, and then swell. In just half a breath he changed from three meters to a huge muscle duck that was one hundred meters high, which was twice as large as Beishan. .

With just one kick, Beishan flew over a stone and flew over a hundred meters away ...

"Ahhhhh! Bastard! The Holy Light is gold!"

Beishan's golden light flashed, and the stones on his body turned into Huang Chengcheng's golden body. Dangdang and Dalu fisted up as if two orangutans were fighting for mating rights ...

But even more violent than them, there are a couple ...

Kai Nuo looked at the archbishop Nanlei who was full of golden light. He arched his hand first, then his eyes were fixed, which was directly five claws and one buckle, which led to five silver thunder lights banged over.

The same as the strong thunder system, Nan Lei did not care about it, and his fingers burst out a few arcs, which directly led Keno's silver thunder into the army of the undead, and split five ten-meter pits.


Keno frowned. The opponent didn't seem to be a rude type of ability, but unfortunately, neither was he.

The two claws waved again and again, and under the thunder of ten silver thunders, the archbishop of South Thunder once again performed the trick again, leading to a small arc trying to lead those thunder lights away.

In this way, as long as you come a few more times, the opponent's energy will be consumed by him, and you do not need to use any big tricks yourself.

After all, his energy is very precious ~ ~ Among the archbishops present, only he has a large range of lethal attacks.

Just listening to Boom Boom ten loud noises, and another batch of innocent undead was slain by Kai Nuo, but Nan Lei was stiff.

He found that he was frozen in ice!

"Oh, sorry, I'm a Lich, except for a light mutant Goblin!"

Kai Nuo laughed, and then folded his palms, a green lantern appeared on his forehead:

"The essence is withered!"

Suddenly, a purple electric arc enveloped Nan Lei's entire body, constantly extracting energy and life from him.

Xu Muzhi turned his head fiercely, his empty eyes looked at Nan Lei, and he was about to make a shot, but a slim figure stopped him:

"Master, don't worry, Kai Nuo will not kill the Archbishop of Nan."

"Weng Ling ..."