MTL - Undead-Chapter 3 .Chapter3

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"Free surname Zhou, Rong Ma Rong Ma Rong, not Rong Huang Rong."

"We squatted in this unlucky T city for more than half a month. We didn't touch a penny of the field subsidies, and the bullets and grains were bottomed out. The refueling of the soldiers was like a thief."

"How do you say this virus broke out, a variant of rabies virus, or the desperate genetic tactics implemented by the US imperialists and Western powers against China? A few days ago, I followed the news broadcast, and even a television signal followed last night. Shortwave broadcasts are gone, but unfortunately I chased "People's Urban Management Team" and "People's Broadcasting and Television Bureau" which have not been interrupted for more than half a year. But most unfortunately ... "

Zhou Rong clicked and caught fire, took a deep breath, and looked back at the crowds, the side windows of the carriage opened wide, and the wind poured in.

"Leave ... Leave," said a younger brother. "Just turned out of the car window ..."

"When did you leave?"

"Newscast was there."

Zhou Rong was silent for a moment, without regret: "It is a pity that I am trying to give him the eighth season of the People's Development and Reform Commission."


The tide of zombies was led to the southeast, and at the moment only a dozen living dead were wandering on the street. The young man rolled over and fell to the corner, and then stepped into a messy large pharmacy.

The incandescent light flickered overhead, the wall was covered with blood spattering, and several incomplete corpses crushed the glass counter. You can imagine how terrible it was when the virus broke out.

As ethnic and gender appeals have grown, Omega pheromone inhibitors have lifted bans in many countries, but they are also strictly regulated prescription drugs. The young man held the carbine in front of him, bypassing the body of the pharmacist and leaning over the counter, smashing the glass cabinet with a backhand butt, and when he saw the familiar injection, he took out his breath imperceptibly, quickly dismantled the packaging and dispensed himself Arm veins.

The pharmacy has been looted several times, but there are still some supplies in the corner, such as protein | powder, nut bars, energy drinks, etc. He picked a blood-filled rucksack from the body, swept in all that he could bring, and noticed that he had pulled out two packets of water purifier.

After doing this, he looked up and saw himself through the broken mirror by the counter.

Motorcycle helmets and jackets are full of rust, jeans have no original color, and high-top boots are full of dried rotten flesh.

Suddenly he found something, pulled the zipper slightly, and pulled a pendant from his collar.

It was an ordinary brass round box, the size of a pocket watch. When opened, there was an old photo, pressed under a thin piece of crystal.

A young couple smiles at his five- or six-year-old son, his wife is white, and his linen hair is colored amber eyes. Even with limited photographic technology years ago, his outstanding beauty is clearly visible; his husband is completely Orientals, with clear and elegant looks, are full of books, and have a very familiar face.

-His own face.

The young man closed his eyes, couldn't help breathing, and flashed through a few incomplete pictures in his mind: a jerking cabin, screams, corpses, flying cartridge cases, suitcases flashing cold silver ...

Immediately, the camera zoomed out. Under the cold and gray sky in the morning, the military boots stepped on the grass roots and dew, slamming the eardrums of each soldier:

"... There is no tomorrow, no hope. You can never wait for rescue, and no mistake is ever lost ..."

"You will be the last living people on this earth to fight the undead! ..."

The young man shook his head subconsciously, trying to rub his eyebrows, but encountered a hard helmet.

"Be careful!"

A huge force rushed from the side of the body instantly threw the young man to the ground—the sound of a loud bang, the young man's instinct was to hit the attacker's neck, but the next moment there was a deafening gunshot in the room!

A torrential bullet blasted the warehouse door in the corner, and several dead people fell to the ground behind the door, struggling to twitch, and finally turned into a pile of flesh and blood.

Zhou Rong lowered his gun, drew out his cigarette butt, and ran out casually: "Are you two okay?"

The young man pushed away the "Sneak Attacker", turned over and sat up, holding his eyebrows with a split headache.

"Hello, we just came in and saw the zombie pushing the door from the warehouse ..." Yan Hao got up, spreading his palms to the young man sitting on the ground. The latter supported his hand, stood up, and lifted the motorcycle helmet. "Thank you."

Yan Hao: "..."


Yan Shuaiyan looked back. Despite the instinct, the flushing on Bai Jing's face was still obvious, and he coughed hard: "No ... nothing."

Zhou Rong was quite interesting. After stroking his chin for a while, he smiled and asked, "Brothers are looking for food?"

-If the masses in the last days voted for the ten worst rankings, this sentence would surely top the list.

The young man didn't answer, picked up the backpack and threw it on his right shoulder, holding the carbine from Yan Hao, the muzzle pointed to the ground, and walked around the two towards the door.

Zhou Rong grabbed his arm by surprise, "this ..."

"You follow me?"

The two looked at each other at close range. In the messy pharmacy, it seemed that an invisible bowstring was gradually tightening. For a long time, Zhou Rong smiled humbly: "What do you say, it hurts your feelings ..."

"... responsible for the safety of people's lives and property."

The young man looked at Zhou Rong again carefully and felt that he had made a mistake in judgment. This person should not be a local force, but rather a weapon that had stolen ordnance after being expelled from the team.

"Hey look, let's go with us. No one beats your idea of ​​these two packets of biscuits." Zhou Rongshun flew a young man's shoulder with a piece of splattered flesh, and did not even feel sick, saying, "We want Go to the city center refuge and meet with your teammates, pick up the crowd, send a positioning signal, and notify the local government to send a helicopter to pick it up-T city will be cleaned by a nuclear bomb tomorrow, alas, this is my certificate. "

Zhou Rong was full of blood-stained mittens, carefully drawing a cowhide envelope from his arms, and opening it was really a letter of introduction to the army with a red stamp.

He arrogantly dangled in front of the young man, and treasured the official letter back into the protective vest, saying, "You can't go anywhere, personal heroism, or accept the organization ... What's your name? "

There was a silence, the young man's eyes fell to the ground, and there was a overturned medicine box at his feet, which read "XX Sinan Traditional Chinese Medicine Pieces Co., Ltd. (Guangdong 2011XXXX)".

"... Sinan," said the young man husky.

"South to North."


After half an hour.

"Their body fluids are highly toxic. The result of being bitten is 100% infection and death, followed by mutation. The mutation rate varies from person to person. The shortest mutation time currently observed is fifty seconds, from the heart of the infected person. From the start of the jump, the longest is more than twenty-four hours, during which the corpses and speed are the same as ordinary corpses. "

Sinan raised his eyelids: "Where's the subject?"

"Some of my team members," said Zhou Rong, spitting.

On the left and right sides of the carriage, seven or eight special forces lined up separately, constantly bumping left and right because the front of the car hit the zombies blocking the road.

On the side of Zhou Rong, Yan Hao touched a paper bag from behind him and motioned to the opposite Sinan.

-In the paper bag are several pieces of high-protein chocolate and military compressed biscuits.

Sinan threw the paper bag back to him, pointed to his backpack, meaning I have it here, and immediately asked Zhou Rong, "Are you the local garrison?"

"When the virus broke out, experts thought it was collective rabies, so the first batch of infected people were sent to the army to take care of it, and the local garrison was logically extinct." Zhou Rong opened his hands and expressed his courtesy mourning, saying: " If you go to the military camp now, there should be tens of thousands of dead people with guns and ammunition inside, and there is a lot of towering ... it's a **** of a dense phobia. "

"Then why do you come to T city?"

"Perform the task," Yan Hao whispered.

A glance at Si Nan's eyes, Yan Hao stared intently at the swaying floor of the carriage, his lips pursing a tight line.

"Let's carry out the mission. We were out of luck. We encountered a zombie outbreak, so we temporarily changed the content of the mission and decided to go to the shelter to rescue ordinary people." Zhou Rongman asked casually: "How about you, brother?"

Sinan didn't answer, "What's your mission?"

He thought that the purpose of this team, like Tang Hao, was to seize Omega from the war zone, the so-called precious strategic resource. Who knew Zhou Rong sighed, and said, "Brother, take a little back ... the task object is dead, and you are afraid to take punishment when you go back ..."

"Not necessarily dead," Yan Hao whispered suddenly.

The team members looked at both of them. Zhou Rong asked: "Can you live after falling free from a height of nine kilometers?"

Yan Hao was silent.

"Rong brother!" The driver shouted in front: "The latest road map is out, come and see the down lane!"

Zhou Rong got up and walked to the cab, wiped himself and patted Yanhao's shoulder again.

Si Nan suddenly found that Yan Hao often appeared when talking with Zhou Rong, passing something or inserting a word, intentionally or unintentionally brushing the sense of existence.


Yan Hao suddenly coughed with his fist and handed a box of soft Chinese: "Smoke?"

Sinan's appearance was extremely oriental, but his pupils were as amber as his mother. When he stared at people so motionlessly, he often had the illusion of being cold like an inorganic substance.

He looked at Yan Hao for ten seconds and shook his head. "No, thank you."


Yan Hao was a little nervous, smiled at him, and smoked a cigarette, but did not light it, just tossing and playing around between fingers, as if to ease some emotions with this movement.

After a while, Zhou Rong returned to the back of the car carrying the equipment bag. When Malaysian Golden Sword sat down, he sighed while digging out the equipment: "It's not easy-at the current speed, we will arrive at the refuge in two hours, just don't know the city center What ’s the density of zombies in the street. I ’ll go up and fire a round with a machine gun on the road. You take your time and sleep for a while ... why, brother, look at me? ”

Zhou Rong opened the metal box of the firearms part, and took out a ruby ​​earring from a tool slot, and buckled it on his right ear.

Sinan: "..."

Si Nan was sitting opposite them, his eyes moved from Zhou Rong's ears to Yan Hao's ears, two identical rubies were shining in the dim carriage.

At that moment the doubts were resolved, and he felt like he understood something.

"I'm sorry," Si Nan said sincerely, got up and patted Yan Hao's shoulder, and headed into the front room without looking back, sitting on the co-pilot.

Yan Hao: "... ????"

There was a weird silence behind the carriage.

However, Sinan was very kind and ignored, and nodded to the driver to disturb him, then closed his eyes and stunned. 2k novel reading network