MTL - Undead-Chapter 61 .Chapter 61

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But how did the base sneak into the zombies? !!

"It's not me, it has nothing to do with the experiment." Ning Yu flatly said: "It should be that all patrols have concentrated on the front door tonight, and a small group of zombies hidden in the north jungle collapsed and drilled into the barbed wire. What should I do now? "

Zhou Rong immediately decided: "Crush at full speed!"

Zhou Rong and Yan Hao both shot out the muzzle from the car window and thumped fire!

Seven or eight zombies fell instantly, but in the high-beam light reflected, more zombies emerged from the darkness in twos and threes, showing a distorted figure. The jeep rammed into a rush, and Zhou Rong wrapped his bullet chain around his arm with his backhand, angrily, "Dr. Ning! You have a little zombie!"

Ning Yu: "You ... you have to compare with tens of thousands ..."

Dr. Ning was obviously not good at high-risk driving. Sinan leaned over the upper body from the back seat, grabbed the steering wheel with one hand, and swung violently without a word, avoiding the five or six zombies that ran into the front of the car at the first sight.

There were a few muffled sounds, and the body knocked the zombies to the side. At the same time, a black hand with flesh and blood flew in from the broken window, scratched blindly, and almost caught Zhou Rong's neck!

Si Nan opened the door of the car, pushed it hard, and then flew his long legs. The zombie who had picked up the car door rolled out and disappeared into the night behind the car.

"The 500 meters ahead is the signal tower! You see the gray building!" Yan Hao shouted in the charge | gun bursts: "Captain, do you want to take two locators ..."

When Yan Hao turned his head, he saw Zhou Rongzheng turning around and taking advantage of the time to change the magazine, he raced against Sinan and kissed him.

"..." Yan Hao muran said: "You are too much."

Zhou Rong nodded with his gun arrogantly: "It's midnight! I am Alpha! I have the obligation to keep my wife happy! What do you want to say?"

Ning Yu's driver was so unstable that he couldn't shake the car. Yan Hao supported the back of the chair and pointed forward. Zhou Rong followed his hand and saw several buildings appearing behind the trees in front of him, and the signal transmission tower was built on top of one of them.

Yan Hao asked: "Chen Yajing said that she repaired the communication base station. The signal tower should be usable. Would you like to try two locators?"

This is feasible. The specific frequency wave sent by the locator can cause the 118 headquarters to lock them in one direction, but given the hardware limitations, the signal has always been weak. If a transmission tower is used to enhance the frequency and increase the radiation range, the probability of the headquarters receiving a positioning signal will undoubtedly increase hundreds or thousands of times.


The three looked at the same time and saw Ning Yu calmly saying, "We tried to call hundreds of times when the disaster broke out, and no one came to answer it. Although you insist on the so-called military, IMHO ... It doesn't exist. "

Yan Hao shot away the zombies rushing to the jeep from the side of the road and looked at Zhou Rong for consultation.

Living dead flashed out in the night gradually formed a group, once the base breached, the zombies that sneaked in would only increase with time.

Zhou Rong thought for a few seconds and glanced at Sinan. I saw Si Nan leaning against the window, one eye narrowed slightly to stare at the scope, and nodded almost invisibly.

"——Try it." Zhou Rong made a decision and said, "We are using the military's top-secret communication channel, and it is worth taking a risk. You two gave me earrings, and then put me down in front of the signal tower, Yan Howe escorted Dr. Sinan and Ning to find a helicopter. I'll meet you after I launch the signal ... "

Yan Hao said, "No, Captain, let me go. You send Sinan them."

Zhou Rong said coldly: "What do you say, you can't shoot at all. At that time, you had an electronic communication class at the military academy. Don't think I haven't checked your graduation transcript ..."

Yan Hao: "It's Da Ding! I shot very well. Would you like to try?"

Zhou Rong: "Who tried who? Who came here ..."

Child pops bangs! The bright ringing interrupted them. Sinan shot and killed two zombies, seriously, "Dr. Ning asked you to drop me in front of the signal tower and let them open the room."

Zhou Rong: "..."

Yan Hao: "..."

"Let me go, Captain." Yan Hao sighed. "The number of zombies is within the controllable range, which is not so dangerous. I will come down after the signal is fired, Sinan will give me some bullets ... Look at me alone definitely no problem."

The jeep stopped in front of the signal tower. Two hundred meters away, the gray concrete building stood quietly in the dark.

Zhou Rong remained silent for a few seconds, and said hoarsely, "Thank you."

Yan Hao opened the door of the car and blasted a few dead people seven or eight meters away. He smiled back and said, "My brother, thank you?" He walked out of the car and rushed towards the building where the signal tower was located.

At this time, there were not too many zombies on the ground. Roughly there were less than a hundred. Ning Yu stepped on the accelerator again. It took only a few seconds for the 200 meters, and Fengchi stopped in front of the gray concrete building.

Zhou Rong rushed out of the car and broke the door lock with a shot. After Si Nan held the gun hall tacitly, the two protected Ning Yu in the middle, rushed into the quiet hall, pushed open the security door and rushed in before the zombies chased in.

There was a power outage here and the fingers were dark in the stairs. Ning Yu had to fall every three steps. In the end, Sinan almost ran on his shoulder and ran all the way.

"This ... here ..." Ning Yu was out of breath, and her rimmed glasses were crooked. She pushed the door to the rooftop with her last strength.

Under the sky, a huge gray curtain was covered on the roof. Zhou Rong and Sinan jointly pulled down the curtain to reveal a small helicopter.

Zhou Rong patted the ash on his hand: "Your base can be, so tightly hidden?"

Ning Yu sat exhausted on the ground: "Because it was prepared for me alone, only Chen Yajing and I, and Wan Biao who are responsible for maintenance, know the aircraft."

Zhou Rongji said nothing, put on a single piece of night vision goggles, and saw a light green figure quickly climb to the signal tower in the distance, and immediately the top of the tower began to flash two red lights.

That is Yan Hao.

By the time Yan Hao's mission was completed, they had about five minutes to spend time alone.

Zhou Rong took a string of fine copper chains from his neck and reached for Sinan's neck.

"This is the virus data chip we got from the B military area and the experimental antibody you found. There were two tubes of antibodies. Before I went to see Chen Yajing, I gave one to Chun Cao and one to Yan Hao." Zhou Rong Holding Sinan's hand, he whispered, "Yan Hao returned his stick to me just before getting on the car. You take it ..."

Sinan grabbed the copper chain with one hand and prevented him from hanging it on his neck.

Under the starry sky, the two were deadlocked for a moment, Zhou Rong stared at Si Nan's eyes, and half a moment almost begged: "... Si Xiaonan ..."

"Aren't you coming to the port to meet me?" Sinan asked back.

Zhou Rong immediately said, "So you will return it to me after the meeting."

Sinan raised his eyebrows, his facial features with a mixed depth of depth, this action made his face look very handsome and ruthless: "Then if you don't come, I will throw it into the sea and kill Ning Yu in one shot. Everyone is dead. "

"?" Ning Yu asked from a distance: "Who did I recruit?

Zhou Rong laughed, hugged Sinan with open arms, and whispered close to his ear, "You won't. If I don't come, you will work hard with my share and try to find the military headquarters and tell them You are my widow. You can receive 18,000 pensions every month ... "

Sinan leaned down on his shoulder, his throat was a little blocked, and his face was expressionless. "Oh, are you worth as much as 18."

"Of course, the country still owes me a lot of salary. After the disaster passes, Rong will give you money to buy a pigeon egg. Don't you want platinum or gold? Gold, look at you."

Si Nan closed her eyes, and after a moment seemed to vent her anger, struck Zhou Rong's strong butt.

"Ouch!" Zhou Rong smiled and dodged: "You are too much Comrade Xiao Si! Domestic violence has begun without a permit!"

"... my dog's eyes are going to be blinded by you ..." Ning Yu murmured, holding his forehead and turning his head.

Zhou Rong couldn't help kissing Sinan's hair, kissed his ear again, and rubbed his neck with a little bit of scum, as if the male wolf was trying to leave his breath to mark his territory. After a long time, he finally managed to control his instincts, and said with regret: "Actually now think about it, I should take you to the pharmacy to find the inhibitor at that time, in case I have something ... three long and two short, big deal, you just put a few drops off Tears of white-eyed wolf, there must be a lot of handsome guys chasing you in the future ... "

Sinan asked, "Isn't that the nearest city at that time was two thousand kilometers away?"

"No, I'm not going to Lhasa," Zhou Rong admitted. "In fact, I could find a pharmacy by driving for half a day."

Sinan: "..."

Zhou Rong did not hear the movement, raised his head slightly: "Aren't you angry?"

Si Nan's expression was quite strange, it seemed very embarrassing, and he sighed for a while.

"No, I'm just thinking ..." He said slowly: "Fortunately, you lied, otherwise how should I implicitly and stubbornly express the meaning of 'Let's not find the inhibitor' ..."

Zhou Rong paused for a few seconds, then Yang Tian made a proud and happy laugh.

Ning Yu covered her ears and said helplessly: "... Can you spare my dog ​​ears?"

The red dot on the top of the launch tower in the distance went out, Yan Hao quickly fell back to the rooftop and started to go downstairs.

Zhou Rong clasped Si Nan in his arms unreasonably, stretched his palm into the bottom of his shirt, and squeezed and scratched on the protruding butterfly bone. He also stretched out his hand from the back collar, kneading a small piece of the neck neck affectionately Alluring soft meat.

Sinan's revenge was to insert his hands into Zhou Rong's waistband, and twitched his lips while jogging up and down: "The waist and back muscles are well trained, Captain Zhou, is this the legendary McKay Ling? ... , Your gluteus maximus is quite energetic ... "

"His—" Zhou Rong grabbed his wrist in lightning: "Comrade Xiao Si! Don't be petty and proud! Where do you want to touch ?!"

Sinan lazily said, "Don't be so sensitive, don't you have to check when you join the army, chrysanthemums are already innocent."

"You ... I ... I have to meet Yan Hao, you are waiting here." Zhou Rong hurriedly covered her **** with one hand and charged the gun with a few steps back and threatened: "Be good! Know! Be careful! Brother Rong came back and cried you every day! "

Sinan arrogantly compared to his **** as an answer.


Zhou Rong rushed downstairs, jumped into the jeep, and at the same time the front of the car turned around, Yan Hao appeared in front of the building opposite.

Sinan leaned boringly on the edge of the rooftop, suddenly hesitated. He didn't have night vision goggles, and he couldn't see clearly from such a high place, but a dozen jeep headlights reflected a dense crowd of zombies in the open space. This was a time-consuming effort, and the number of zombies sneaking into the base had skyrocketed !!

"Be careful!" Si Nan shouted sharply, and then fired from a height!

The zombies stuck in front of the car were smashed with blood, and the jeep moved slowly. In conjunction with Sinan's fire suppression at a high place, a road mixed with rotten blood and broken bones was run through the zombies.

As soon as Yan Hao came out of the building, he was surrounded by zombies chased by him. He had to shoot a gun and returned to the building. At this time, the jeep had already drove over. Zhou Rong turned his head flicking exquisitely, and the rear wheel crushed the zombies into pieces of flesh. Then he shouted, "Yan Hao! Come up!"

Yan Hao shouted in the sound of the bullet: "I can't get over! Need support!"

Zhou Rong wrapped around his body with three bullets, five bullets, and two assaults while pulling out the door | the trigger of the gun, the fire tongue spit out, tearing the zombies in front. He jumped up and grabbed the top frame of the gate, flew over the heads of all the zombies, and fired again immediately upon landing, sweeping five or six zombies in the hall: "Yan Hao!"

Yan Hao was so embarrassed that he had been forced up the stairs by the zombie: "Here!"

Zhou Rong originally wanted to meet with him. The two forced him out of the gate with high pressure fire, but did not expect that Yan Hao was about to be forced back to the second floor. In desperation, he had to grab the handrail of the staircase and jump sideways. His body shape was extremely fast, and he climbed up the second staircase directly, hitting the zombies chased by his feet.

"Here!" Yan Hao's voice came from behind him. "Quick! I'm out of bullets!"

Zombie's joints were stiff, and the speed of climbing the stairs was slow. Zhou Rong stepped back while shooting, and Yu Guang suddenly caught a glimpse of the dead hand of Zombie. However, the stinky tooth had not fallen on his neck, Yan Hao rushed forward, grabbed the zombie with his bare hands, and was too late to think, pushing it out directly from the window at the end of the corridor.

Wow! The glass windows shattered, and the zombies fell to the ground on the first floor, leaving them motionless on the spot.

There are more and more dead people climbing up the stairs. In the darkness, like countless twisted branches in various shapes, they crooked and twisted into the corridor. Zhou Rong made a charge | The gun was gradually unable to suppress the tide of zombies, Yan Hao touched his last hand from the tactical bag | Lei, snarled next to Zhou Rong's ear in the bullet rain: "Jump to three!"

Zhou Rong: "Quick!"

Yan Hao's hand | Lei threw out the second floor window. Four seconds later, a terrifying explosion rang out from the zombies downstairs.

"Three!" Yan Hao climbed up the windowsill and leapt forward: "Jump!"

Zhou Rong: "Don't there be one or two ?!"

Zhou Rong's onion, like a professional diving athlete, was beautifully grounded, and the thick smoke was scattered from his feet.

Yan Hao: "Don't worry about one or two! Run around!"

People can often burst into unimaginable potential at critical moments. From the landing to the front door of the building, the jeep took only five seconds from the 50 meters distance, and the world championship is nothing like this. The zombies blocking the road were either blown by hands | Lei Fengfei, or charged | gun headshot, Zhou Rong and Yan Hao drifted at the same time, opened the jeep and rushed in, and slammed the door shut.

The zombies followed, snarling and slapping by the window.

I didn't notice when I came over, Yan Hao happened to be in the driver's seat, so he started the car smoothly, crushed the zombies and drove forward, and suddenly caught a glimpse of Zhou Rong putting down the charge | gun and reached out and touched his neck.

"What's wrong?" Yan Hao asked casually.

Zhou Rong did not answer.

"……what happened?"

A sense of uneasy feeling suddenly rose from the bottom of his heart, Yan Hao tilted his head, saw Zhou Rong's hand down from the back of his neck, and slowly spread out to him.

-He was soaked with a trace of purple-black blood on his fingertips.

Yan Hao's breathing stopped.


Si Nan stared closely at the rooftop door. Although there was no expression on his handsome face, no one could see that his patience had reached the limit, and he could suddenly throw it out anytime, anywhere.

Just the moment Sinan's pupils were about to erect, suddenly—hey!

The roof of the roof was wide open, and Zhou Rong and Yan Hao walked in with the cold wind.

"It took you fifteen minutes to climb eight floors," Sinan nodded a military watch, jokingly: "Honestly what did you do in the corridor, try to see who shot better ... oh ..."

He was embraced by Zhou Rong face to face, and the embrace was as tight as ever, so much that Si Nan suddenly lost his voice.

"Si Xiaonan," Zhou Rong's voice was hoarse and unstable. He buried his face in the collar of Si Nan and took a deep breath, and then turned his chin to kiss his face casually, whispering, "Rong brother loves you, you know? I love you the most in my life. It ’s nice to meet you. I regret nothing when I meet you. In the future, I will depend on you, everything will follow you, and I will always look at you. ... "

Sinan couldn't help but twitch the corner of his mouth, and just wanted to answer something, and suddenly saw Yan Hao standing not far away, suddenly covering his mouth and tilting his head.

I don't know why the action gave Si Nan something wrong.

"Zhou Rong?" Si Nan asked softly, "Is it all right?"

In the shadow nobody saw, Zhou Rong's throat knot slipped violently, as if he swallowed the hot and hard lump in his throat, then raised his eyes to reveal a smile.

"It's okay, Rong is going to leave ... to go back and kill a few more zombies. Come on, hurry up and let me see you again."

Ning Yu launched the helicopter, and the propellers turned out to whistle. Zhou Rong circled Sinan in his arms and pushed him towards the cockpit semi-forcedly.

"..." Si Nan tried several times to stop and say something, but Zhou Rong seemed to be unaware, even avoiding his eyes, and forced him to the door.

"Come on!" Zhou Rong shook back, shaking loudly: "Come on! Time is tight!"

Sinan boarded the first step of the cabin door, suddenly turned back, and frowned at Zhou Rong.

"Come on, Si Xiaonan, Guabao, Brother Rong really has to go ..."

"Aren't you proposing?" Si Nan asked suddenly.

Zhou Rong froze.

"You haven't proposed to me yet," Sinan turned around, his tone calm and doubtful: "Don't you take advantage of it now? It's all done in the movie."

Zhou Rong was panting quickly, and the hands on his side were shaking violently, and the frequency was hard to conceal.

"Wait ... wait for the port to meet." He finally forced himself to say a word, "No ring now, there are rings in the movies ... there are rings in the movies ..."

Si Nan closed her eyes and suddenly rushed forward. Zhou Rong was pushed to the ground before he could react!

"Si Xiaonan, listen to me ..."

"What's the matter with you?" Si Nan's voice was very tense, pulling Zhou Rong's face to check his chin and neck, and forcibly raising his cuffs to check his wrist: "Did you get bitten ?!"

Zhou Rong quickly dodged: "No, really not, what are you thinking about?"

The voice didn't fall, and Si Nan felt the warmth pouring from his back neck and shook his hand.

Yan Hao's steps were frozen in place.

——The lights of the helicopter cabin were cast from behind them, reflecting the dripping black blood on Sinan's finger.

"What's going on ..." Sinan was shaking, and his eyes were almost at a loss: "Why, how could he be bitten, how ..."

"It wasn't bitten ... it's glass." Zhou Rong turned Sinan's face and looked at him in despair: "It was scratched by the glass stained with zombie blood, it may not be infected, ah, obedient, obedient, go up aircraft……"

Sinan froze for a few seconds, then raised his hand and dragged the thin copper chain on his neckline-the copper chain was tied to the antibody tube they brought out of the B military area.

"What are you doing!" Zhou Rong yelled, "Yan Hao!"

Si Nan was sitting on Zhou Rong's body, and his strength was almost inhuman. He yanked the antibody tube from his neck and bit off the three-section tube cap, and then stuck the needle on Zhou Rong's neck.

However, at this moment, his hands were empty—Yan Hao rushed, and the hands were taken away by antibodies.

"Come back," Sinan trembled. "Give it back to me!"

With tears in his eyes, Yan Hao shook his head and stepped back: "I'm sorry, I'm sorry Sinan, I'm sorry ..."

"Shut up!" Si Nan burst into a scream that shrieked sharply, almost disappearing, and appeared again in front of Yan Hao at the same moment. "Boom!" A loud sound sent him to the ground fiercely!

"Release!" Si Nan clenched Yan Hao's throat tightly with one hand, and seized the antibody tube with the other, like a gambler who had no choice but to go crazy: "I told you to let go--!"

Yan Hao held the test tube tightly, and Zhou Rong rushed forward to pull Sinan's hand forcibly, holding him by his elbow and dragging it backward, but neither of them could restrain him.

"I found the antibodies. I brought you two to fight with Zhang Yingjie! Who saved your life ?! Who the **** saved you ?!" Si Nanquan sat on Yan Hao's wrist, wrist Caught by Zhou Rong, he yelled at Yan Hao with a hoarse noise: "Why do you have antibodies, others can't ?!"

Yan Hao couldn't help choking, and said intermittently: "We shouldn't have used it ... the last two may not be enough research, in case spring grass ..."

"You shouldn't use it! You shouldn't use it. Why shouldn't you die?" Sinan's fury interrupted him: "Go and kill the antibody you used, go!"

Yan Hao's tears finally ran down his cheeks.

"Sinan, listen to me, Sinan ... Antibodies really can't be given to you," he choked and said, "I'll give you my life, will I give you my life? Sorry, antibodies really don't work ... 2k novel reading network

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