MTL - Undead-Chapter 69 .Chapter69

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Zheng Zhong immediately pressed his breath into his throat and saw that Chun Cao said nothing. He drew a skirt and pulled out the machete from the leather sheath tied to the outside of the thigh.

"Do not……"

The words of Lieutenant General Zheng must not have been exported before being shocked back. I saw Jane Blade from top to bottom and was heavily resisted by the machete. The metal made a squeaking noise in the eardrum during the impact!

"Little girl," Jane coldly said.

Chun Cao didn't even beat him: "Old woman."


The two blades were separated at the touch of a finger, and then they became fierce. It was like a heavy rain hitting pear blossoms.

"What do you want to do?" The scene was clearly uncontrollable. Lieutenant General Zheng slammed an empty gun at Tian and shouted, "Stop it for me! Colonel Zhou!"

The dagger swept across like a snake, drew blood under the clavicle of spring grass. Suddenly, the hand holding the dagger was caught by Chun Cao, and it made a loud noise. Jane was kicked by Chun Cao and flew for a few steps.

Lieutenant General Zheng: "Zhou ..."

"Major." Zhou Rong interrupted, holding on to Romuel. The atmosphere was tense and tense, but his voice softened terribly, and said, "Don't call me wrong, General."

"Stupid stupid girl," Jane wiped the blood off her mouth and gritted her teeth. "Who's the old woman?"

Chun Cao didn't answer, and the tooth decayed with a smile. The phalangeal joints made a crisp snoring sound in the palm of the hand, struggling to step up!

The note that Fei has just made Jane realize that this girl's musculoskeletal is not so much a human as a steel tank, and then she catches the fist that Chuncao's oncoming. At that moment, she felt like catching a heavy and heavy iron ball, her fist rushed to make her arm sharply bow back, and the shoulder blades suddenly made a crunch.

"Oh shit!"

Jane yelled, slamming Chun Cao over her shoulder with her backhand, and knocked her face down.

Instantly "Boom!" A loud deafening sound, Spring Grass's machete slammed against the tip of the dagger, and immediately fell in the posture of falling from the sky, straight out from Jane's feet, a lightning-like carp was upright, and the toes were extremely accurate The dagger kicked out!

This series of movements was only half a second. The closest patrolmen did not respond. The dagger whistled and flew out of the ear, nailed deeply into the trunk.

Jane was too late to dodge, and was caught by spring grass lying flat on her scissors legs, and suddenly twisted her neck!

This trick was so beautiful that a few soldiers even forgot to forget it later, and subconsciously blurted out: "Okay!"

"..." Jane's cheeks quickly turned red, her knees slammed against the concrete floor, her upper body was pulled down by spring grass into a U-shape with her head down, and her neck was locked by the girl's thin white legs.

The two faced each other up close, and Chun Cao slightly raised his head from the ground, mockingly, "Who is stunted?"

Jane's blue eyes protruded quickly, and her red lips curled into a cramped sneer.

The next second she grabbed the ankle that spring grass ran across her neck, and the back of her hands broke out. All ten nails painted with bright red nail polish did not enter the flesh. Blood crooked down her calf, and then she shook an inch of spring grass's scissors legs!

"You think," Jane said hoarsely, "you won't grow old in your whole life, smelly girl?"

Spring grass suddenly rolled on the spot, Jane's fist wind rubbed her back, chopped into the ground!

Romuel said coldly: "Your people will take punishment, Captain Chou."

The two of them were almost in conflict, and no one could move lightly. Zhou Rong smiled a little, with evil spirits flowing under his eyes: "Really? Your people will be killed alive."

Lieutenant General Zheng Tieqing stood beside his face.


I saw ten steps away, Chuncao got up before he could dodge, his cheek was beaten with a strong punch, and he immediately spit out the bleeding foam. The rubble in the pots on the ground shattered under their feet, the spring grass split backhand, and the machete forced Jane back, marking a deep bloodstain on her choppy breasts!

Blood stains were visible deep in the bones, and Jane slammed her back. She took off her short jacket with her backhand and strode forward to re-box her head. It was a fake action, and Chun Cao was stabbed and evacuated while being boxed by her back. This time, she was very fierce. Then she caught Chun Cao's short ears and inserted her eyes with two fingers:

"You girl-"

Chun Cao didn't even beat him. She cut her hair with one swipe, and turned her back to her throat!

Jane was forced to retreat in the blood-spattering flowers, and Spring Grass was like a wild wild beast. She took a step forward and cut it, and wiped the knife against her face. In a moment, she retreated by seven or eight steps. Arrived at the corner.


When desperate, Jane was protecting her face with her arms, and she was struggling with her arms. She slammed the scimitar in her hand. When the machete fell to the ground, the next kick was caught by Chun Cao's hands, and then Jane was beaten by the chest for several meters and hit the wall heavily!

The impact of the spring grass iron boots was comparable to the Dongfeng Jiefang truck. For a few seconds, Jane felt that her heart had stopped, and then she coughed and burst into blood.

"It's useless to accumulate fat on the chest." Chun Cao wiped his cheek with the inside of his wrist, wiped his hands with blood and ash, and tickled his index finger: "Of course I will grow old, but ..."

Romuel blinked.

But he had not had time to move, Zhou Rong followed, and he was sealed to death in a hurry.

Romuel spit out a word between his teeth: "You!"

Chun Cao said, "But you will only become an old woman ..."

Jane's pupils dilate and then tighten.

"... and I will become an elegant oldlady."

The last word didn't fall, and the girl's iron fist wrapped up.

--boom! !!

At that time, people who were close could almost hear the sound of a cracked skull.

At this point, the situation has become a hanging state, in the storm, Jane could not make any sound at all. At first, she could still protect her head and face and resist slightly. After being cramped by Chun Cao's upper abdomen, she could only wow the blood water mixed with bile.

Romuel finally couldn't hold back, but at the same time Zhou Rong also shot suddenly!

The cymbals sounded loudly, because they were too fast and seemed to be in a row. At the blink of an eye, the two were stubbornly resisted, and Romuel held the dagger in both hands, and the blade of the knife pressed Zhou Rong's three edges |

"Stop! Enough!" Lieutenant General Zheng heard the clear visceral squeal from boxing, knowing that there would be death next, and finally strode forward: "Captain Yangchuncao! Okay!"

The guards rushed up and pulled away the spring grass that unilaterally beat the other side. Jane had been stunned by more than a dozen fast and urgent iron fists. Seeing the whole body in blood, she had to put it on a stretcher to rescue him.

"Captain Yangchuncao, you ..."

The girl's viciousness remained untouched, with **** and white eyes from the bottom up, a glance at Lieutenant General Zheng, and the corners of his **** mouth casually lifted.

That look was exactly like Zhou Rong, Zheng Xiezhen forgot what to train, and he only had one feeling in his heart.

-It is indeed 118.

The old Lieutenant General Tang made a sudden pause, and then yelled, "This is the discipline of 118 ?! Who asked you to come here ?! Colonel Zhou, immediately take your people to prison-"

"General! Come, come!"

Zheng Xie looked up.

Not far from the crowd, Sinan looked pale as paper, and fell silently.

Zhou Rong stepped forward, and saw the surrounding souls flying away. The guard grabbed forward and touched Sinan's head, and his whole body trembled and he felt the blood in his hands!

"Smashed by ..." the guard trembled. "Smashed by that woman, please inform the institute!"

Lieutenant General Zheng's anger was poured into a bucket of ice, and it was immediately extinguished cleanly, leaving only chills rising from the internal organs.

I saw that Romuel pushed away the crowd and walked forward. Before he stood still, he was knocked to the ground by Zhou Rong with a lightning punch. Immediately after that, Zhou Rong hugged Sinan, who was unconscious, and shouted, "Call the medical team!"

The observation room on the top floor of the Institute building.

"Brain concussion." Ning Yu swiveled the chair, her lab coat swayed in an arc, and said coldly: "With the previous intracranial congestion, the antibody carrier fell into a coma and had transient brain dysfunction."

General Zheng Zheng looked dignified: "Is there danger to life?"

Ning Yu said, "I don't know."

Ning Yu's attitude towards the military was extremely uncooperative. Lieutenant General Zheng took a deep breath and was so upset that he didn't know who to attack.

He hadn't had time to speak, just listening to Zhou Rong's clear voice, "This thing must not be left alone."

Zhou Rong was sitting at the inspection table, holding Sinan's hand tightly, and there was anger in calmness: "Why did those people appear in the military area? They are Country A spies, the White Eagle secret base! Everyone hangs in the 118th brigade. Check number! "

Lieutenant General Zheng lived for a while, only to say: "Colonel Zhou, calm down ..."

"Sinan never took the initiative to attack people. He probably escaped from the White Eagles. Romuel once accepted the task of hunting down and even assassinating him." Zhou Rong stared directly at Lieutenant General Zheng, his words pressing hard, even in the slightest Don't let: "I demand a thorough investigation of this matter, will Rommell and others of Hostile A ..."

Lieutenant General Zheng was numb and turned to wipe his face.

However, as soon as he turned his back, Ning Yu changed her secondary posture, holding her cheeks in one hand, raising her eyebrows and looking at the unconscious Si Nan.

The next second, Si Nan opened his eyes and spit out the tip of his tongue to Zhou Rong.

Zhou Rong: "..."

The aggressive Zhou Rong forgot the words instantly.

The observation room was embarrassing. Lieutenant General Zheng turned his head back. Si Nan had closed his eyes and passed out. Only Zhou Rong was stunned and stared at Ning Yu, who was innocent.

"?" Zheng Xie didn't know so, Shen said: "Now is not the time to take responsibility. Dr. Ning, informed the Institute to concentrate all human and material resources immediately, and must ensure the safety of the life of the antibody carrier. Colonel Chou should not leave, stay in Here until the carrier wakes up. "

After a pause he said, "As for Captain Yangchuncao ..."

Zhou Rong immediately said: "Chuncao and Sinan have a good relationship. I applied for Captain Yangchuncao to accompany the bed. I believe it will greatly promote Sinan's recovery."

"I know!" Lieutenant General Zheng was so big-headed that he felt defeated by the group of 118 special forces: "Remember Captain Yang Chuncao once, punish ... the punishment will be discussed later. Remember first, there will be wrong counts and punishments in the future. ! "

This matter is a hot potato, and it is impossible to say who is responsible. After all, it is indeed Sinan ’s first move. However, if you are to blame, you will see that Zheng Zhong, the antibody carrier who has an accident in front of himself, and the special service tracking staff who do not look at Sinan will all have trouble.

Even Lieutenant Colonel Tang Hao, who is in charge of Sinan's security, came from the sky at home, and the involvement was too extensive.

Lieutenant General Zheng had to sternly tell him not to disclose the secret, and then carefully examined the research matters, but Ning Yu was not soft or hard but he went back, but left first.

The metal door closed silently behind Zheng Xie's body. Three seconds later, Zhou Rong's eyes slowly moved to Si Nan's sleepy face, raised two fingers, and pinched his nose.


Sinan: "It's going to be a nosebleed."

Zhou Rongju pulled himself up and opened up his posture, and was about to start criticizing Comrade Xiao Si's wanton behavior, and saw only two nosebleeds flowing down.

"Are you bringing the notice?" Zhou Rong couldn't help crying, and quickly went to take a cold towel to stop: "Alright! Don't move! Spit out carefully!"

After a lot of mess, Ning Yu sent the researcher who heard the news and personally applied a needle to Si Nan's infusion, then took the door from the outside, leaving only the stunned Si Nan and Zhou Rong in the observation room.

"Many zombies rushed to this side. I shot him in the abdomen and drove away from his car, thinking that all three of them would die ..." Zhou Rong sat on the edge of the bed, holding Sinan's upper body in his arms. Murmured: "Why can they survive? Even if they don't bleed too much, they should be dismembered by the zombies. Does Romuel also have serum in his hands?"

Sinan's head was wrapped in gauze, her hair was messy, she looked paler, her eyes closed, and she said, "The White Eagle Base has been conducting vaccine research for a long time."

Zhou Rong asked, "Is it your serum?"

"Forgot," Sinan said. "But the research has been fruitless, otherwise the zombie virus will not erupt first from Florida. Romuel's status in the White Eagle is very high, and it may have something to do with healing ability."

Zhou Rong frowned, and suddenly his heart moved slightly, remembering something.

Sinan asked, "What?"

"At the international competition that year ..."

Zhou Rong is a little bit erratic. If Si Nan opened his eyes, he would find that Zhou Rong, whose face is more skinny than the city walls and the train at the bottom of his tongue, is very unnatural.

"I'm going to find you after the end ... Well, it's not for the purpose of accounting. I just heard that you had an operation and wanted to visit it, then walked outside the ward and saw an Alpha inside ..."

"I sipped my neck," Si Nan shouted. "You've already pained me with this, Rong."

Zhou Rong snorted, and his handsome face was a little hot.

Sinan said, "It's Romuel."

In Zhou Rong's nature, Alpha's exclusive desire was immediately activated, and he was jealous and asked, "Why is he biting you? A younger brother at home has nothing to bite out of breath? Try to taste soft enough? How many times have you bitten?"

"Just once."

"Right ?!"

"I'm a patient with amnesia, Rong Brother." Si Nan smiled. "The beginning of my memory was in the underground warehouse in T city. An Alpha special soldier asked me if I wanted to make an appointment. Working hours are not OK. I can consider after I return to the base ..."

Zhou Rong: "………………"

"Instead of remembering Romuel, I am more interested in the love history of this Alpha Special Forces. Let's talk about his youthful and passionate military academy life. Ah, by the way, it would be very rewarding to inquire with Yan Hao, After all, this special soldier is very skilled in appointments, maybe the military academy has a rich history ... "

Zhou Rong jumped out two words: "No!"

Si Nan was lying down, Zhou Rong was sitting, both of them were high and low, facing each other for a moment.

Sinan was very polite: "It doesn't matter, in the army, I understand."

Zhou Rong was red with red ears, and got up and left.

"Rong brother?" Si Nanqiang's ridiculous voice came from behind him and asked, "What does it mean?"


"Do you want to declare that you are actually a virgin, hey! Rong brother!"

Zhou Rong opened the door and fled. Ning Yu, who was eavesdropping behind the door, caught off guard and almost planted a dog to eat | shit.

"I'm going ... I'll go to the Military Commission to resolve the cheap big sister-in-law, and I'll be back later." Zhou Rong kept busy and walked away. 2k novel reading network

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