MTL - Undead-Chapter 87 Chapter 87

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Five minutes ago.

Wu Bei was hit by an oncoming bullet and paused, then the bullet flew from his forehead and landed on the ground.

"Wh ... who ..." The self-defense team fired by the opponent backed back, with a look of horror: "What kind of monster are you?! ..."

Wu Beishun dragged the two Tantric disciples rushing towards him, twisted his neck by hand, and threw the body behind him. Immediately came to the already frightened self-defense team members, as the chest kicked, the other party flew out like a cannonball three or four feet away, and fell to the ground motionless.

"Team leader!" The second group of barber brothers grabbed a car, and Feng Chi stopped short in front of him. He leaned out his head from the window: "Vice Yu ran to the magic dragon! What should I do?"

Wu Bei looked around, and saw that the self-defense forces had been almost resolved, and the rest were scattered, and even Tantric disciples fell to the ground. In the dark night, Zhou Hui should be dealing with his son, in the mountain forest in the other direction, the dragon's whole body was shrouded in green fire, making a deafening roar.

"Boss Zhou doesn't need us to worry, to support Yu Yu." Wu Bei opened the door of the car and just got in. Suddenly, Yu Guang glanced at the direction of the demon dragon in the corner of his eyes, and suddenly two golden shooting stars rose.

Wu Bei turned his head.

Meteors across the sky reflected in his slightly quivering pupils.

"Get down ..."

Wu Bei suddenly yelled: "All of the two groups-! Get down !!!!"

--boom! !!

The first wave of explosion formed a shock wave, sweeping away in all directions, and the land rippled with countless circles of curved ripples.

Zhou Hui and Capricorn swords met each other, and looked back at the same time.

"Zhou Hui!" Chu He was almost pushed by the wind, grabbing Zhou Hui's arm: "Peaceful Charm! Your peace charm has blown up, two ---!"

Zhou Hui froze in a panic, and the next second shock wave came to her head, just like King Kong's hammer, and lifted him 100 meters away.

Bang Bang Zhou Hui fell to the ground, and he took several steps to grasp the ground and stand firmly. He also held Chuhe tightly with one hand: "Are you okay ?!"

Chuhe ate a lot of dust and coughed while shaking his head.

Not far away, the mound broke off the ground, like a pot of chocolate sauce in a frying pan, completely flying into the air. Further afield, the second round of explosions was glowing in the siege of the clods, reflecting half of the sky.

"Don't worry, it's not two positive signs-!" Zhou Hui posted in Chuhe's ear loudly: "I gave him two positive and negative signs. "

The Chu River finally spit out the dust that filled the mouth, and raised his hand not far away, hoarsely, "What do they do in Wubei ?!"

I saw all people lying on the ground in the open space in the distance. In the light of the explosion, we can see that those people were covered with thick dust, and they could not see whether they were alive or dead.

Even if Wu Bei is inaccessible, it is difficult to carry such an equivalent explosion two or three times, not to mention that besides him, there are several members of the second group, which are all flesh and blood. If the shock wave wrapped in a large rock and swept directly, the Tantric Gate and the Self-Defense Force would be ignored. The brothers of the second group would be too unjust.

"Wait a minute, help me open the door of time and space!" Zhou Hui flashed in his mind, and said quickly: "I took the source of the explosion all over, let's go to the sea of ​​blood!"

It was a good idea for the Chu River to react for a moment and then came over.

Although the principle is complex, the operation is very simple. It is to rush directly to grab the source of the explosion, enter the sea of ​​blood along the space-time door, and throw it directly. But this requires the timing to be well-coordinated, and no mistakes can be made, otherwise it would be very troublesome if it explodes in Zhou Hui's hands.

Without further ado, Zhou Hui rushed towards the Demon Dragon in a lightning flash, Chu River turned into a phoenix in an instant, grabbed Zhou Hui one second before the second round of explosion swept in front of him, volleyed across the battlefield, headed straight The countless trees and rocks in the sky landed in front of the dragon.

"Where is Vice Vice Yu and Yan Xiao——!" Phoenix landed into a human body, making a roar that he could not even hear in the loud noise.

I saw the surrounding area as bright as snow, and the mound turned into a huge pit. Vaguely two figures were nailed to the center of the bottom of the pit, Yu Fu and Yan Lanyu.

Phoenix's voice had just fallen, only to be seen in the void in front of his deputy, slowly standing up a translucent figure.

——It was a young man. The muscles in his chest, arms and thighs were taken away alive, exposing gray and rotten bones.

But his pale face was very calm, his eyes were looking straight ahead, and he held an irregular round bronze mirror in his hands.

In the snow light, the bronze mirror turned into a shield of light, like the protector of the heavens and earth, and would protect the vice and Yan Lanyu inside!

Zhou Hui's eyes reflected the magnificent light of the five-awned star, and he said, "This is ... Yang Shihun?"

"Yang Shihun Sacrifice Eight is close at hand!" Chu He shouted loudly, "Hurry up! I'm opening a monument!"

With the exception of a few large Buddhas in the colorless sky, it is the privilege of King Asura to travel freely between the six lanes. However, this does not mean that no one else can cross the Six Realms. Ancient gods such as Phoenix, Xuanwu, and White Tiger can temporarily move back and forth between the three realms of man, god, and demon by twisting space. It's unstable.

Zhou Hui looked up and stretched out his hand in the air.

In the light, two golden meteors came up against the sky, entangled with each other, and flew back to his hands. Immediately afterwards, the space in front of the Chu River trembled violently, as if the air was split open, and the phoenix phoenix shook along the ancient wind, sounding from all directions.

The vision of the human boundary monument flashed in the void, and the Tongtian monument opened suddenly.

Zhou Hui grabbed the two meteors, turned and rushed towards the gap in time and space!

At the same time, **** blood sea.

The red-smoked sky ran through the cracks, as if the fangs of a fierce beast shattered and collapsed.

Immediately after the tooth decay, the dark huge mouth opened in the sky, and Zhou Hui's figure swooped down from the deepest throat of that huge mouth, throwing two rapidly pulsating Venus into the sea of ​​blood!



Venus made a sharp whistle when it fell, and then blasted open. The whole sea of ​​blood was dragged into the air by the invisible giant hand, and the waves were torn apart!

At this moment, an angry howling suddenly sounded in the space of time and space above Zhou Hui's head, and then the peacock Daming King flew in his arms, and Tian Cong Yun Jian wrapped in countless electric lights.

Zhou Hui looked back, and for a moment, he reacted.

Capricorn is so demon-like, he lives in the blood, and he has divided his surrounding territory into his own territory. After the disappearance of King Asura, the Asura tribe was severely damaged. Few evil ways could hardly restrain the Peacock King. Hell almost became his territory.

He just threw the two peace charms, which were comparable to the atomic bomb, into the sea of ​​blood.

"You die for me-!"

Tian Cong Yun Jian slashed in the head, Zhou Hui waved his fist to block, and a sweeping hurricane broke out in the sky!

If it is said that the fighting power of Phoenix has been in the trough for hundreds of years because of the condemnation and nirvana, then his eldest son, Peacock Ming, is now at its peak.

These beasts with a life span of billions of years are like this. They will enter the heyday after thousands of years of birth. Compared with Capricorn, even Galauru has not yet entered the best state. Zhou Hui has dominated the Six Roads for many years, and he is very rich in both combat consciousness and experience. Fighting with Capricorn immediately caused earth-shattering earthquakes and tsunami.

Zhou Hui bit the ring finger, summoned the forbidden, and instantly sealed the million hectares of thunder:

"Big hair! It's really wrong to break your house, or your father will inherit the real estate on Zhoushan, OK ?!"

Capricorn said coldly: "No, I'll keep it as a morgue."

"This is your fault, Da Mao-you are a real Ming Wang, why are you so disrespectful to your parents?"

Capricorn stabbed, Zhou Hui avoided lightningly, Jian Feng rubbed his cheek, and the hot stream of steam instantly dried up the surrounding collapsed seawater.

"Do you count my father?" Capricorn mocked. "Don't you always want me to die?"

Surprisingly, Zhou Hui didn't talk about it, nor did he show his usual mockery, with a look of ridicule.

His eyes were gloomy, but that was only an instant.

"... No," he said lightly, "not always."

The Capricorn sneered, the sword flipped, and the whole person stabbed at Zhou Hui from a very tricky angle.

At this moment, the wind is overwhelming, and the sea and the sky blend together, and the world is rolling up and down like beans in a sieve. Zhou Hui raised her eyes, followed her stab toward his sword, and moved to Capricorn's face, and clenched the handle in her hand.

At this moment, the wind stopped suddenly and the tsunami calmed down--

Capricorn's sword stopped in midair.

The peacock narrowed its eyes and looked back at the cold, powerful thorn-like strength of the back of the head.

Not far behind, the whirlwind blew the collar and hair ends of the Chu River, and the pure green arrow on the bow in his hand was pointing at the back of Capricorn.

Ise Jingu, in the ruined mountain forest, Yu Vice-Han hugged Yan Lanyu and stepped back a half step.

"You are the special agent who was released by Xiao Lanyu at that time." The head looked at Yu Jingzhong, with great taste: "Xiao Lanyu waited for more than two years, you are very unreasonable."

Yu Jingzhong's cheek muscles tightened, and his gaze swept away.

Yan Lanyu was unconscious, her temperature was cold, and her mouth continued to bleed. The condition was very bad.

He must leave here as soon as possible, otherwise Yan Lanyu will not insist on the time when Phoenix returns to save him.

"Introduce yourself, I am a predecessor with a dark heart, a bad intention, and always waiting in the dark to take advantage of the imagination. I am the villain you must defeat on the way to customs clearance."

The head blinked, watching Yu Jingzhong's ugly face momentarily, and finally laughed: "Now, I'm kidding, don't be so nervous, just sit down and chat like a man."

Yu Fu did not move, stood there staring at him.

Yu Jingzhong's eyes in the dark night were like a lone wolf. He might not be aware of it, but no matter how deep the darkness was, he couldn't cover the horrible light thrown by his eyes.

The head of the door turned a blind eye, and leaned leisurely against a half-folded dead tree, touching his pocket: "Oh, there is no smoke ... there is also a bad place to enter the magic."

"What are you trying to say?" Yu Jingzhong asked in a deep voice.

"It's nothing special. Do you want to know what happened after you left Tantric Gate?"


"Xiao Lanyu was waiting for you all night and all night. He didn't think anyone knew. He was sitting on the promenade every night, the moon rose from this side of the sky, and the other side fell down ... so waited a lot. Repeated nights. Sometimes I even think that if he can't wait any longer, he may slowly die in the position where he dries up every night. "

The head made a regretful gesture.

His tone was actually a little frivolous, even like joking, but he didn't know why, but suddenly Yu Jingzhong suddenly felt a huge sourness in his heart, as if the sharp claws suddenly choked the heart, and even caused the throat to spasm. Into a ball.

He could guess that, but guessing was one thing, and hearing it was another.

"I'd love to see how long he can persist and when it will collapse. I'm curious about this for a long time, but unfortunately I didn't wait until the end ..."

"... you pervert ..." Yu Jingzhong grunted hoarsely.

"Hey, that's too much to say, I'm just curious." The head smiled and said, "Curious people have it. It's right to have a respect for the curiosity of the villain. It is often the main character in the story. The key to defeating the villains. "

Yu Jingzhong's throat knot slipped up and down, as if to use this action to forcibly cover up a certain emotion.

He supported Yan Lanyu with one hand, but reached into his lower back in the dark.

The head captain rubbed his chin, wondering, "Actually, I wanted to know that year, hey ..."


"I want to know what special skills you have, Mr. Agent, that will make our spirit like Xiao Lanyu upside down, and if he doesn't live with you, will he live a little better?"

Yu Jingzhong said coldly: "Do you think it's good to be a monster that kills without seeing anyone?"

"You definitely do n’t understand who has no pursuit of power, so I want to know. Have you never thought about if the story ’s direction will change the outcome if something does not happen? All causes and effects in this world are one With a chain link, the outcome can be very different with the slightest change in the beginning. "

Yu Jingzhong grasped the cold handle of the lower back, and the hawk-like eyes fixed on the face of the head.

The head seems to be unaware, looking at the sky with his chin in thought.

"Sometimes I think about such complicated propositions. For example, if one day nineteen years ago, I didn't go out with the boy from Aida ... and then, for example, if I wasn't bored later, I would go out and drink every day ... "

"Even if you go to the celebration honestly on New Year's Eve, it may be much better than the desolate situation now."

The head of the sigh was quite interesting.

At that moment, Yu Jingzhong pulled his gun out of the sheath and pulled the trigger without any warning!


The bullet full of red charms rotates and bleeds out. If it is decomposed in slow motion, you can see that at the moment when it flew out, a round of gold light condensed away in all directions.

Immediately afterwards, the bullet passed through the throat of the head, and the loud noise came out in the night!


Yu Jingzhong stood in place, and suddenly the pupils tightened, covering his neck like lightning! 2k novel reading network