MTL - Under the Tutelage of the Golden Lion: The Beginning of the Overlord-Chapter 200

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"Is this the Pirates of the Gods? It really is a group of real lawless guys."

"I wonder if these guys will be able to persevere in the battle with the navy?"

"If even a lineup like them will fail directly, then I'm afraid this era does not belong to pirates at all."

Chambord Archipelago, within a rip-off bar.

That year, the two veterans of the Roger Pirates, Jabba and Hades Rayleigh, reunited again.

The two of them were all the right-hand men of the Roger Pirates, one of the real core members.

However, Jabba suddenly descended on the Chambord Islands.

After the two old buddies met again, there was no greeting, everything was as usual.

The two put all their attention on the live broadcast in front of them.

"Rayleigh, do you think these guys from the Pirates of the Gods will be able to hold on to the end?"

There was a look of nostalgia in Jabba's eyes.

At this time, Pluto Rayleigh smiled and said, "Whether Shane and the others can persevere to the end is not so important anymore. When they bravely took this step, the mysterious layer of the World Government is not that important anymore. The veil has long since been completely taken off."

Chapter 261: The Last Battle

The reason why the existence of Tianlong people is feared by many civilians in the whole world. It is because of the world government and the navy standing behind the Tianlong people.

Of course, there is more of the mysterious veil of the creator that the Tianlong people themselves have.

But now, when this battle and this execution are completely over, all the veils on the Tianlong people will completely disappear.

"Therefore, no matter what the outcome of this battle is, the final loss to the world government and the navy is something they can't imagine and bear at all."

Jabba nodded equally.

At this time, Xia Qi prepared a very hot rum for the two, which was their favorite configuration back then.

Xia Qi on the side couldn't help shaking her head and said, "These guys are really crazier than the Rocks Pirates!"

Hearing the Pluto Rayleigh here, the two couldn't help but nod their heads in agreement.

They belonged to the Roger Pirates back then, but they also experienced the crazy era of the Rocks Pirates.

The original Rocks pirates were called the most powerful pirates in the world, and they were not one of them.

The rise of this pirate group was very smooth, but the process of its final fall was also very abrupt.

But no matter what, no one can hide the madness of the many members of the Rocks Pirates.

Just like Charlotte Lingling, the real madman in the sea, and Kaido were the core members of the Rocks Pirates.

And now, Kaido, the beast that was originally one of the four emperors, also slowly rose from the status of a trainee crew in the Rocks Pirates.

In the process of Kaido's continuous rise, there were already many more powerful monsters in the Rocks Pirates.

Even with the strength of Kaido of the Beasts as a comparison, everyone can imagine how terrifying the strength of the core cadres of the Rocks Pirates.

Holy Land, inside the World Government Building.

At this time, the members of the Five Old Stars were furious.

The bald old man, Sonobe Keiichi, kept yelling angrily.

"What the **** are these guys in the science department doing? We give them so much research funding every year..."

"Why can't they cut off the live feed now? Is this their response to us?"

You must know that if the original plan is followed, the navy will dispatch real high-end combat power and rescue the Tianlong people is only the first plan.

If the situation changes and the rescue cannot be successfully completed, the navy will even kill all the Tianlong people directly.

As long as the live broadcast signal and battle pictures at that time did not get out, they could put all the blame on the Pirates of God.

However, the premise of all these follow-up plans is that the live broadcast signal must be interrupted.

The truth of all these facts must never be known to the outside world.

Otherwise, even the Five Old Stars would be impossible to explain to the people of the World Government.

After all, the supreme status of the Tianlong people was pushed up by them, but now, they are directly deaf, and I am afraid that the bad effect of this matter will be even more terrifying.

Masutani Yasuji on the side sighed slightly, and then said, "The sudden rebellion of that guy from Morgan Gas has had a great impact on us."

Without the help of Morgans, it would be difficult for the members of the Pirates of God to successfully complete the world live broadcast.

It can be seen how terrible the role of the huge news snake on the sea is.

Another member of the Five Old Stars, Xian Ogata, couldn't help but grit his teeth and said, "After this incident is over, we must settle the account with Morgans."

"Even if possible, we have to replace the news agency with a new organization that completely controls the mouthpiece above the sea."

Then it's too late to say everything.

While the members of the Five Old Stars kept complaining, everyone gradually calmed down.

Then Sonobu Keiichi directly dialed Sengoku's phone bug.

"Warring States, since the signal cannot be interrupted, let's use the last method of action."

"Using physical combat to completely erase the hive, causing all the phone bugs on it, so that the live broadcast can be cut off naturally."

Hearing the Warring States here, he was slightly taken aback, and finally agreed directly.

The Warring States Period had already sensed their determination from the members of the Five Old Stars.

At this time, the members of the Five Old Stars probably have not thought about successfully rescuing the three Tianlong people.

After all, the strength of the Pirates of God has been shown in front of everyone.

If you want to completely rescue the three Tianlong people, the price that the navy and the world government need to pay is very huge.

The members of the Five Old Stars don't know that the Three Tomorrow Dragons are just fat pigs, and their life and death do not affect the overall situation at all.

Therefore, as long as the truth of the deaths of these three Heavenly Dragons is completely covered up, the mysterious veil on the Heavenly Dragons will not completely disappear.

And the only thing they need to consider now is how to deal with the Pirates of God.

Then, Sengoku also quickly communicated the latest order directly to the combat troops on the front line.

"¨"Destroy all the phone bugs on the island at all costs, or even the entire island if necessary."

The authorized naval unit was slightly taken aback after receiving the order, but in the end they quickly began to deploy combat artillery.

Once the artillery of the huge naval warship is activated, it is only a very easy thing to destroy an island.


And on the other side. Outside the city gate of the Holy Land Mary Joa, suddenly (good Li Hao) there were bursts of shouts of killing.

A man in a suit and leather shoes rushed in and reported in a panic.

"Several adults, the situation is not quite right. Sabo, the second-in-command of the revolutionary army, is currently leading many cadres of the revolutionary army to attack the residence of the Tianlong people."

"Revolutionary Army type guys seem to suddenly start to go crazy."

Hearing the five members of the Five Old Stars here, their expressions changed greatly.

"Has any revolutionary army already attacked in the chaos?"

"Are they ready for a full-scale war with the World Government?"

"What the **** are these guys trying to do?"

The members of the Five Old Stars remembered the members of the elusive revolutionary army in an instant, and then quickly began to contact the naval headquarters again.

"I order you to immediately send support forces to Mary Joa to stop the members of the Revolutionary Army with all their might.".

Chapter 262: The Confrontation Between Father and Son, Dragon and Garp

However, soon, the latest response from the Navy Headquarters base came out directly.

"Several adults, the Navy Headquarters is doing its best to prevent the revolutionary army from landing on the Red Continent. We can't mobilize our strength to deal with the defense of the Holy Land Mary Joa."

"Once we give way to the landing direction of the red earth continent, then the overall situation will become even worse."

All the members of the Five Old Stars were stunned.

At this time, Keiichi Sonobe asked subconsciously, "Why is there still a revolutionary army? What the **** is going on?"

After further questioning, the members of the Five Old Stars learned that the revolutionary army leader Long was also leading a huge revolutionary army to attack the Red Earth Continent.

The two men and horses are marching towards the interior together in two directions.

And this is definitely the revolutionary army has long been prepared, the corresponding fighting method.

The World Government is really in big trouble this time.

After all, the revolutionary army is the real determination to overthrow the existence of the world government.

And these guys keep going on and on and on all the time.

The power that the revolutionary army can display in the sudden outbreak is enough to shock the whole world.


On the channel leading to the Red Continent.

There was a lot of lightning and dark clouds all over the sky, and the overall light visibility above the sea became very low.

Boom! !

Thunder and lightning flashed continuously in it, and there seemed to be some extremely terrifying creatures hidden in the dark clouds above the sky.

And above the sea below, a strong pressure arises spontaneously.

I saw a few elite naval warships directly and completely cut off the entire channel.

Numerous navies stood on both sides of the deck, and their eyes were full of solemn expressions.

Many navies have already clenched their weapons directly, and the sweat on their foreheads is so clear.

What's more, even a little bit of sweat appeared on the back.

On the opposite side of these naval warships, more than a dozen black warships formed a huge battle formation, but their surfaces were disguised with some simple decorations to look like merchant ships that could be seen at a glance.

The two sides have been facing each other here, and it is precisely because of this that the atmosphere in the field (chbb) has become very dignified, as if a real war will break out at any time.

Under such circumstances, I saw Garp with a solemn expression on the deck of the naval warship.

I saw that Garp's eyes were like electricity at this time, and he was locked on the opposite battleship, and there was a figure wearing a green robe standing.

And this person is the leader of the revolutionary army Long.

The father and son looked at each other from a distance, and neither of them had any idea of ​​giving way.

At this time, in the minds of the father and son, the fragments of the good times they spent together appeared invariably.

But since the dragon completely woke up, he realized that the navy is definitely not an existence that can save the world.

Therefore, Long Cai created a revolutionary army without hesitation.

At that time, Garp didn't care about Long who left the navy team. However, he did not expect that the army of the Revolutionary Army created by Long himself was getting bigger and bigger, and the strength of many soldiers of the Revolutionary Army was getting stronger and stronger.

Gradually, the seeds belonging to the revolutionary army were thoroughly sown all over the world.

At this time, the atmosphere in the field also became very depressed.

Whether it is the elite soldiers on the naval warships or the soldiers of the revolutionary army, at this moment, they don't even dare to let out the atmosphere.

Because both parties understand that the father-son relationship between Garp and Long is decisive and guiding for the current battle situation.

There is no overnight feud between the father and son, but the two are completely different in beliefs and positions.

The naval hero Garp also has a very high status in the hearts of the Chinese Revolutionary Army soldiers, not only because he is the father of the revolutionary army leader Long, but also because the naval hero Garp has been constantly fighting against pirates throughout his life.

What the Revolutionary Army really wants to overthrow is the world government, not the navy.

If the revolutionary army can successfully overthrow the world government, then in the future, they will also not have any chance to coexist with the pirates.

After a while, I saw Karp glaring at him, and even yelled: "What the **** do you want to do? Are you going to face your father in front of so many people today?"