MTL - Under the Tutelage of the Golden Lion: The Beginning of the Overlord-Chapter 202

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Speaking of which, the World Destroyer glanced left and right at the many big pirates present with a satisfied look on their faces.

Although he did not despise the many big pirates who were imprisoned in the same prison as her.

But it has to be said that with the existence of these guys on this battlefield today, the pressure on each of them will be much less.

Moreover, after so many pirates who have been suppressed for a long time are released and have the opportunity to fight, the combat power they can show will shock the whole world.

At this time, the big wine barrel couldn't help shaking his head and said: "In addition to the combat power of the four generals, there are even ten lieutenant generals."

"It seems that there are still those lieutenant generals who escaped from the Battle of Fishman Island."

"Looks like we're really going to have a tough fight this time."


You must know that the original Whitebeard Pirates ambushed directly near Fishman Island, waiting for the arrival of many navies.

And the people of the Whitebeard Pirates also came out in full force at that station.

The strength of any navy member who could survive that battle was extremely formidable.

Not to mention the Vice Admirals who survived that battle, their strength has begun to be infinite, after all, with the Admiral.

Nami and the others at the scene also looked solemn.

But even so, they stretched out their hearts without showing any panic at all.

At this time, the expression on Jinping's face was also very solemn, and he said directly: "In this battle, I must give them back all the revenge from the previous battle of Fishman Island.".

Chapter 265: What do you think the general is?

If it weren't for the fact that the Whitebeard Pirates happened to be on Fishman Island, I am afraid that the Demon Slayer Order fleet at that time would have completely wiped the entire Fishman Island off the map.

And this matter has always made Hai Xia Jinping extremely fearful, so at this time, Hai Xia Jinping's hatred for the navy who escaped from the Battle of Fishman Island has even reached a new extreme.

I saw Crocodile at this time, with a cigar in his mouth, took a deep breath, and a large amount of sand had begun to circle around the surface of his body.

"My favorite is this kind of messy battlefield. My sand will fill the inside of their facial features, and finally replace everything inside their heads."

At this time, Crocodile's face also became excited. At this time, he didn't need to think about it at all, so he planned it.

After joining the Pirates of the Gods, Crocodile found that he only needed to keep executing Shane's orders.

27 In the past, he needed to do very careful preparations before executing every plan. At this time, he had gradually started to like the feeling of fully executing orders.

Of course, the main reason for this was that Xia En's strength far surpassed everyone present, so it was impossible for everyone to express any objection to Xia En's command and plan.

Even during this period of time, they have learned that all those who oppose Xia En have all disappeared from this world or have become a waste person in a certain corner of the world, lingering on.

It is precisely because of this that everyone present has reached a new level of confidence in Xia En.

At this time, Shane couldn't help grinning as he looked at the many naval warships that were constantly approaching the Hive Island.

Then, Shane waved his hand and said directly: "The next battlefield will be left to you to play freely. The reputation and status of the Pirates of God will be determined by your hands."

"Let these guys feel the anger from the Pirates of God!"

With Shane's order, many pirates from the infinite hell, including Barrett, began to howl wildly.

In the eyes of many pirates, there is a look of extreme fanaticism.

Originally, their individual strengths were also very strong, but they had to be cautious when facing the navy.

But even so, in the follow-up process, they were still directly captured by the navy and imprisoned in the advance city.

When they are in the advance city, the situation of these pirates all day is naturally fundamentally different from that of the previous prestige.

It is precisely because of this that many pirates have always hidden their anger and resentment towards the navy in their hearts.

And on this battlefield today, they not only gained the right to make unscrupulous shots, but also obtained the guarantee of worry-free.

And this also completely released the crazy fighting desire in the hearts of many pirates from the infinite hell.

The battle on the field went straight to the white-hot stage from the very beginning.

"Warring States, die under the iron fist of Lao Tzu!"

Many big pirates began to attack the Warring States directly.

You must know that the Warring States period at this time was the Admiral of the Navy, and such a person was the existence they hated the most.

After all, the Admiral is known to many pirates, the highest general of the Navy.

Many pirates have pushed all the suffering they have suffered over the years directly to the Sengoku body.

Of course, this is because the many guards and generals in the advancing city did not arrive at the scene, otherwise, I am afraid that all the big pirates present will go directly to them.

In this case, the Warring States is also not false.

After all, the reason why he came to this battlefield today is to solve this group of big pirates and completely stop the God Pirates.

hum! !

A touch of rich golden light bloomed directly in the field, and I saw that the Warring States period at this time entered the form of the Great Buddha at the first time.

The Warring States period had long predicted that once he joined the battlefield, he would be besieged by many people. Therefore, in the form of the Great Buddha, his attack power and defense power skyrocketed.

Only in this way, the Warring States can start the battle without distraction.

On the other side, the three admirals were also besieged for the first time.

hum! !

The rich cold aura poured out directly from the body of Admiral Aokiji, towards the surroundings.

At this moment, the movement speed of the many pirates who were preparing to besiege Admiral Aokiji began to slow down.

But even so, Admiral Aokiji still fell into the difficult state of being besieged in an instant.

"Ice Blade!"

I saw Admiral Aokiji spit out a breath of cold air directly from the mouth of Admiral Aoki, and the cold air directly condensed into an ice blade in mid-air.

Aokiji's right hand tightly held the ice blade, and then he rushed directly to the group of many pirates with a grim look.

Aokiji can even clearly remember that there were several pirates among them, and he was still directly imprisoned in the advance city.

And now, these pirates want to get revenge on him in this way.

The corner of Qing 353 pheasant's mouth slowly pulled out a contemptuous arc, and he said directly: "If the rules of the year were not there, I would have arrested you for the first time and executed all of you. already."

"I thought I would never have a chance to kill you disgusting guys directly in this life, but I didn't expect you to take the initiative to send it to the door now."

Looking at the faces of many familiar pirates in front of him, Admiral Aokiji's long-lost fighting spirit was also directly inspired.

Whizzing! !

One after another, the sound of breaking the sky continued to sound, and the ice blade in the hand of Admiral Aokiji was waving frantically.

Trails began to appear in the air.

At this time, Admiral Akainu on the other side was besieged by many pirates.

"It was this guy who killed everyone in our pirate group except me. I want to avenge the brothers who died that year."

"This **** Akainu, he directly let many navies completely destroy my hometown, and so many people died because of me."

"Akainu is a shy guy, I didn't expect that he would persist in the navy camp for so many years. Couldn't anyone see through his hypocritical face?"

Admiral Akainu even slaughtered civilians in order to make many pirates feel the extreme pain.

Chapter 266: The Absolute Justice of Akainu

Because Akainu thinks that since that piece of land can directly give birth to a vicious big pirate, it means that there is such a problem in the situation there.

And most importantly, since he couldn't find the relatives of his target in a piece of land, he could kill all the civilians on the entire land.

In this way, he can absolutely guarantee that he has completed the goal of this action.

And Akainu has been using this method to implement the justice in his heart for so many years.

"A group of guys who should have been eliminated by this era long ago, in front of me, you are just a bunch of ants who are just trying to survive."

hum! !

While speaking, a large amount of magma can be directly attached to the surface of Akainu's right fist.

"Big fire!"

The huge fist composed of many magma bombarded forward at an extremely fast speed.

A large number of heat waves swept directly around.

What Akainu's move imitates is the huge power and impact caused by the moment when a real active volcano completely erupts.

It is precisely because of this that the many pirates who were besieging Akainu were quickly dealt a devastating blow.

However, after all, these guys are big pirates who have prepared accordingly.

hum! !

A large number of pitch-black armed colors quickly covered their bodies, but even so, under the action of the heat wave, their bodies still fell backwards like a broken sack.

However, although he had the upper hand, Akainu didn't even have time to breathe a sigh of relief, and was directly surrounded by a large number of big pirates again.

And this is the ultimate goal of Shane entering directly into the advancing city.

Use the real human sea tactics to deal with the high-end naval forces, and the quality of each member of the human sea tactics is very high.

Many big pirates have rich combat experience, and their long-term repression makes them eager to vent their emotions to the navy.

Because of this, today's battle is destined to be very exciting.

And Shane also hopes to see the strong contrast after many navies fell into a very embarrassing situation when they were frantically besieged by the pirates they had made up in the past.

This scene will also be faithfully spread all over the world through the world live broadcast, and the huge drama generated by this scene will also start to frantically impact the reputation of the Navy.

The position of the navy and the world government on the entire sea also began to officially fall.

There is nothing more ironic than the person who he once captured with his own hands reappears and besieged him frantically.

Obviously, at this time, Akainu was already completely irritated, and the surface of the body continued to spread out circles of magma to the outside world.

However, even so, Pledge is still unable to get rid of the group of big pirates who are besieging him.

Many pirates are frantically venting their depression towards Akainu.

After all, all of them are basically advancing into the city and have been imprisoned for more than 20 years.

The 20 years of being locked up have not only deprived them of their freedom, but also completely deprived them of all the resources at their disposal.

Therefore, it makes them hate the navy and the world government.

Now that Shane is at the forefront, opening a grand battlefield for them, this battlefield is the best place to vent all their emotions.

On the other side, the lieutenant admiral of the Navy Headquarters and the candidate for the general, Momotu Gion, also began to shuttle frantically among the crowd.

And on top of Taotu's body, wearing a pink battle group, and with a delicate face, Miaoman's figure attracted the crazy attention of many big pirates in an instant.

These guys kept spraying all kinds of foul language in their mouths, and then kept trying to get close to Taotu.

But they obviously didn't pay attention to Taotu at all, which also made them suffer a lot.

I saw a flash of disgust in Taotu's eyes, and then, the whole person rushed forward at an extremely fast speed.

Taotu has a spider tattoo on his left leg, and holds a famous knife in his hand. The whole person is like a pink whirlwind, shuttling back and forth on the battlefield.

"Yi Dao Liu, Profound Truth Huang Fengjuan...!"

With Taotu constantly waving the famous sword in his hand, I saw a red sword light suddenly appeared on the battlefield, and swept away frantically towards the surroundings.

At this time, many unprepared big pirates were directly defeated in an instant, and even deep ravines appeared on the surface of some people's bodies.

After all, the headache is a real alternate general, and his own strength is naturally beyond doubt.

Even if the strength of the candidate generals can basically reach the level of generals, and in some special battle situations, they can even exert their strength beyond the generals.

It is precisely because each alternate lieutenant general's own combat potential is very strong that they can get the opportunity to be a spiritual general in the future.

Obviously, the clay at this time also regarded this battle as a very rare battlefield to brush records.

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