MTL - Under the Tutelage of the Golden Lion: The Beginning of the Overlord-Chapter 219

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Katakuri didn't hesitate, the trident in his hand began to spin wildly, and his entire body turned into an afterimage, rushing forward.

At this time, Katakuri didn't want to think about whether he could block Charlotte Lingling's attack from the front.

He wants to fight this battle openly and aboveboard, no matter what the final outcome of this battle is, he must use all his strength to confront Charlotte Lingling head-on.

For so many years, due to his own blood relationship, Katakuri has never had a corresponding opportunity to take action against Charlotte Lingling.

At this time, Katakuri has realized that perhaps this is the best opportunity for him to do it.


Accompanied by a huge roar, the huge purple sword energy collided directly with the trident in Katakuri's hand.

A strong shock wave immediately spread to the surroundings.

At the same time, Katakuri's body madly retreated directly to the rear for the first time.

And Katakuri's legs were deeply inserted into the ground and above the ground, two clear ravines were pulled out.

At the beginning of the battle, Katakuri fell directly into the disadvantage.

At this time, Charlotte Lingling could not help but laugh and said, "¨"This is the strength gap between us."

"Katakuri, if you turn around now, it's too late."

"If you kill the people of the Pirates of God, then we are all still a family."

Hearing this, the **** Katakuri (good Zhao Hao) looked at the front with a cold expression, and then said, "Mom, don't you have a complete awakening at this time?"

"Now, the overall situation has been decided. If the Charlotte family is under your leadership, there is no so-called future at all."

After hearing this, Charlotte Lingling's face became very ugly in an instant, and she clenched her fists tightly.

"Since you took the initiative to seek death today, then I will fulfill you."

"Fire in the sky!"

Charlotte Lingling clenched the huge Prometheus and threw the huge flame towards the front.

The volume of Prometheus even exceeded two kilometers directly.

The size of Prometheus's body depends on Charlotte Lingling's inner anger and soul strength.

At this time, Charlotte Lingling was basically furious, so the power of Prometheus had expanded to a new level.

Chapter 297: One arm is enough

Seeing this scene, Katakuri's expression changed slightly.

He naturally knew very well how powerful the destructive power of Prometheus was.

So Katakuri did not hesitate at all, and the power of the Devil Fruit in his body quickly began to be transferred away.

At the same time, the ground that Katakuri stepped on quickly began to shake, and the entire ground completely turned into an area covered with white glutinous rice.

At the same time, Katakuri also directly entered the fruit awakening state.

The large amount of glutinous rice attached to the ground is frantically devouring all around.

As the area covered by these white glutinous rice grows larger and larger, from a distance, the Katakuri at this time is like stepping on a sea of ​​glutinous rice.

At this time, the home ground of the battle has completely become a favorable place for Katakuri.

"Lan Tian" 456348770

"Flowing glutinous balls!"

Along with Katakuri's frantic mobilization, it belongs to the power of Devil Fruit.

The large amount of glutinous rice formed on the ground still gathered crazily, and then turned into straight cylindrical objects.

And the diameter of each straight tube of glutinous rice directly exceeded ten meters.


One after another, a huge sound of breaking the air continued to sound, and the straight-shaped glutinous rice pillar began to rush towards the front frantically.

In the end, under the control of Katakuri, many 373 glutinous rice cylinders accurately hit the body of Prometheus in midair in advance.


A huge roar appeared.

Between the rings, the many flames on the surface of Prometheus were completely extinguished.

However, even so, Prometheus, whose size has shrunk by more than half, is still moving forward firmly.

At the same time, Hormizp and Rometheus let out a roar.

The next moment, I saw that the flame on its body gradually began to change in the direction of crimson.

And at this time, trying to prevent the many glutinous rice cylinders of Prometheus from being melted in an instant.

Seeing Katakuri here, a look of astonishment flashed on his face, and then he said firmly: "So, can the soul flame of Prometheus even melt my glutinous rice directly?"

Katakuri could clearly see the many glutinous rice dumplings he made on the ground, rolling continuously. In the end, it completely turned into a fluid-like existence.

And the glutinous rice pillar in this state, unless it can directly defeat Charlotte Lingling through a large amount of superposition to generate huge pressure, otherwise, this kind of attack has no threat to Charlotte Lingling.

Then, Katakuri began to frantically display the awakening ability belonging to the Devil Fruit.

At this time, Charlotte Lingling was also completely fired up.

In this situation, Katakuri was quickly suppressed in an all-round way.

After a while, I saw that Katakuri's body was completely covered with flames.

At this time, Charlotte Lingling had a ferocious look on her face and said, "Damn betrayer, I will let you die in flames completely."

Then, Charlotte Lingling waved her right hand suddenly.


With the sound of a huge air-breaking sound, Prometheus began to laugh frantically and shrink the inner circle, trying to completely cover Katakuri.


At the same time, a sound of breaking the sky sounded, and then, a bright golden light flashed.

I saw that the huge flame belonging to Prometheus was completely cut in half in an instant.

At this time, Katakuri was unscathed,


Katakuri fixed his gaze on the figure in front of him without hesitation, and then said, "Xia En, you are so timely."

Shane said calmly, "You've done enough. Charlotte Lingling, leave it to me."

"You go and deal with the rest of the Charlotte family cadres, we can't waste too long here."

Hearing this, Katakuri did not hesitate in the slightest, turned and walked directly into the crowd (chbb) of the many officials of the Charlotte family.

Although it is said that this time the God Pirates directly hold the purpose of completely destroying the Bigmom Pirates.

But because of the favor of Katakuri, it is impossible for the members of the Pirates to directly attack the members of the Charlotte family.

At this time, Katakuri also came directly to the front of many officials of the Charlotte family.

"Brothers and sisters, you shouldn't know much about my current situation..."

Then, Katakuri directly told everything he had experienced in the recent period in front of everyone.

Soon, the face of the action cadre of the Charlotte family was full of astonishment.

"What? Brother, are you now the absolute core cadre in the Pirates of God?"

"And brother, have you already acquired a huge territory?"

"So, even if our Charlotte family completely abandons the nations, we can still have our own territory."

"No, you shouldn't say that, but brother, you already have your own territory."

After telling all the things, many officials of the Charlotte family are very envious of the corresponding territory that Katakuri has obtained.

At this time, many cadres within the Charlotte family also fully realized that after the battle between Shane and Charlotte Lingling was over, the future of their nations would also be completely locked.

At this time, Charlotte Owen and others all set their sights on the battlefield aside.

At this time, Xia En looked at Charlotte Lingling indifferently, and said directly: "You are a stubborn person, so I won't talk nonsense with you."

Shane never expected Charlotte Lingling to surrender directly, so he was already ready to use the absolute overwhelming advantage to win.

Charlotte Lingling's face was full of solemn expressions, and she said, "It is absolutely impossible for me to surrender."

hum! !

At the same time, a large number of flames belonging to Prometheus began to gather wildly on the surface of her body.

At this time, Charlotte Lingling directly took out her hands and held the giant sword Napoleon tightly.

"Blade Mother's Flame!"

hum! !

A large number of orange-red flames converged directly towards the crimson, and directly attached to the body surfaces of Charlotte Lingling and the great sword.

The many flames at this time seemed to have completely turned into the power within Charlotte Lingling's body.


Then, with Charlotte Lingling waving her right hand suddenly, a huge slash with flames went straight ahead.

Chapter 298: I don't even believe my children

At this time, Xia En was looking at everything in front of him indifferently, and a golden light began to flash in his right hand.

"According to my estimation, one arm should be enough to deal with this old woman."


The next moment, Xia En's figure turned into a golden light, rushing straight ahead.

At the same time, Charlotte Lingling at this time also completely understood that if she couldn't persist in this battle, she might be waiting for a very terrifying ending.

"Even if Shane is you, so what?"

"We haven't had a good fight yet. I want to see how strong you are."


I saw the huge cloud floating in the sky directly above Charlotte Lingling's head.

The next moment, Charlotte Lingling let out a low voice, and her right hand went straight up into the huge dark cloud.

Zizizi! !

One after another tiny thunder and lightning flashed constantly in the air.

Swish! !

Then I saw Charlotte Lingling's right hand suddenly waving forward.

At the same time, an extremely thick purple lightning bolt appeared directly in Charlotte Lingling's right hand.

"Let me see whether your body is stronger, or the power of thunder and lightning is stronger."

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Charlotte Lingling's face was full of madness, and the rich purple thunder and lightning immediately moved towards the direction of Shane's body.


A golden light wave flashed past, and the golden light on the surface of Xia En's body immediately washed away the purple lightning.

Under this circumstance, a large number of purple thunderbolts were constantly swaying around. Seeing Charlotte here, Lingling's face showed a look of extreme horror.

"What? How is this possible?"

The strongest attack of Zeus, which Charlotte Lingling worked so hard to pull out, was completely dissipated in an instant.

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