MTL - Under the Tutelage of the Golden Lion: The Beginning of the Overlord-Chapter 221

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Only when internal and external troubles exist at the same time, the Pirates of God can continue to walk on the road of becoming stronger.

It is precisely because of this that Shane quickly led many of his subordinates to avoid direct contact with the Whitebeard Pirates.

The Whitebeard Pirates on the other side also had corresponding ideas, so the two parties reached a unified pace very tacitly.

The two sides started from two directions, completely avoiding their respective target sites, and slowly began to occupy the entire new world.

In fact, one of the main reasons why Shane didn't take action against the Whitebeard Pirates easily is that Whitebeard is already old.

Although the current Whitebeard is still strong, his age is there.

When Shane continued to exist, when the Pirates of God really reached their peak, the huge force supported by the Whitebeard Pirates was slowly heading towards the road of decline.

By that time, the Whitebeard Pirates will definitely have corresponding troubles.

Although the incident of Blackbeard Titch has long been properly handled, Shane believes that within the Whitebeard Pirates, there will never be only one Blackbeard Titch.

The human heart is always immeasurable in the face of absolute desire.

When Whitebeard is completely unable to suppress the entire pirate group, the corresponding contradictions accumulated in the past time within the pirate group will also slowly erupt.

At that time, the Whitebeard Pirates will probably undergo a huge change.

The Pirates of the Gods can also take this change as the core and slowly start to develop new external driving forces.

The slow collapse of the Whitebeard Pirates will also bring a new turning point to the world.

At that time, perhaps more powerful geniuses will emerge from the Pirates of the Gods or even the Pirates in the region.

And in the chaotic situation, these geniuses can also get the opportunity and time to grow.

Just like since this period of time, Shane directly brought the Pirates of the Gods, and they continued to rise and cause great wars.

It is precisely because the Pirates of God led by Shane has attracted the attention of the world government and the navy, some pirates who have just entered the sea have a long-lost respite.

After many pirates have been cultivated for a long time, a group of newcomers with very good quality have emerged.

And a new wave of newcomers began to stir the wind and clouds above the sea.

Among them, the name of Pirate Supernova was once again raised.

This time, Supernovas such as Kidd and Trajafallo chose to join the Pirates of the Gods without hesitation.

And the addition of these people was specially approved by Shane.

Xia En is naturally very aware that this group of people will be able to have a corresponding status in the future, and their own potential is beyond doubt.

Therefore, this group of supernovas was directly valued by Shane when they joined.

Because of this, Ace and others are also very interested in this batch of newcomers.

The supernova that joined it were soon completely divided up by the nine kings.

Because the reason why many supernovas directly become pirates is because of the influence of Shane.

Shane has opened up a series of feats in a short period of time, and has competed against the entire world with the strength of one person.

Therefore, among the many pirates who went to sea in the future, the only idol was Shane.

It is precisely because of this that everyone who has a little pursuit and achievement chooses to join the Pirates of God.

Of course, some people choose to join the Whitebeard Pirates and regional, individual pirates.

After all, the selection requirements of the God Pirates are still very strict.

And Whitebeard is also known as the strongest man in the history of the sea. Therefore, he also attracted many people to join by his own personality.

The Whitebeard Pirates and the God Pirates occupy their own territory in the entire new world, and there has not been any violent conflict between the two sides.

Whether it is the God Pirates or the Whitebeard Pirates, exploration has occupied enough territory during this period of time.

Now the two big pirate groups have a lot of things to deal with, and there is no time for meaningless battles.

And if the two pirate groups go to war, there will be no 373 benefits for them.

They already have all the sites and resources they want, and the number is very large.

What they lack the most right now is the time to keep developing slowly.

Although it is said that the two pirate groups have now obtained the qualifications to occupy the site, they can only harvest all the resources inside the site and bring it in, so that the site can be completely in their pockets.

Only the two big pirate groups can really get on the right track.

Because of this, Whitebeard and Shane have met many times in private.

The core cadres of the Whitebeard Pirates and the main leaders of the Nine Kings of the Shenzhen Pirates have also met many times.

The two sides have carried out close cooperation in various fields.

This world is so huge that even the world government has developed for hundreds of years in order to control the whole world.

Therefore, even if the two pirate groups join forces, many core cadres are running back and forth all day to deal with the corresponding things.

Moreover, the two big pirate groups did not suppress the living space of the other small pirate groups.

This also makes the atmosphere of going to sea in the whole world become more and more enthusiastic.

And everyone hopes to be like Shane, directly above the sea, with their own powerful ability to break out into the world.

Chapter 301: The Unknown Monster

On the other side, just after the completion of the Water Capital Incident, the Straw Hat Pirates were left behind by the Revolutionary Army.

Just as Straw Hat Luffy was about to start a resistance with his partner, he saw Dragon, the leader of the Revolutionary Army who came to the Capital of Water specially.

I saw that the dragon at the moment looked at Luffy with satisfaction and said, "The achievements you have achieved so far are enough to satisfy me."

"Even when I was your age, I wasn't as good as you."

Hearing this, many cadres of the Revolutionary Army looked at Luffy in front of them with complicated expressions.

They also clear that Luffy is the son of Dragon, the leader of the Revolutionary Army, and Luffy is destined to become one of the core leadership of the Revolutionary Army in the future.

Moreover, Luffy's corresponding talents and leadership skills displayed in the short time he went to sea have been recognized by everyone.

And they were very clear that the revolutionary army did not provide any help after Luffy went to sea.

Moreover, the Straw Hat Pirates lingered on the edge of life and death many times.

The leader of the revolutionary army, Long, who received the corresponding news, did not even send out a rescue, because he knew very well that if Luffy couldn't even overcome these small difficulties, it would be impossible for him to completely adapt to the sea.

Because of this, Luffy is still above the qualified level in the hearts of many high-level personnel of the Revolutionary Army.

After all the members of the Straw Hat Pirates were incorporated into the Revolutionary Army, Long and others continued to lead the Revolutionary Army personnel to make corresponding cooperation plans in the first half of the great route.

Under the action of the revolutionary army, they completely occupied the entire water capital.

And with the help of Esbagu, the hand of the water capital, a large number of boatmen began to frantically build the real Hades according to the drawings.

Esbagu himself did not reject this matter, because everyone in the world knows that the revolutionary army and the world government are incompatible.

And the person who killed his master was the result of the concerted efforts of the world government navy, not the revolutionary army.

What's more, Esbagu has been hoping to avenge his master for so many years.

Therefore, the people of the water capital and the revolutionary army hit it off, and the construction of Hades was soon officially on the right track.

At the same time, wait until the next stage of Mingwang's construction.

The leader of the revolutionary army, Long, and the homes of many revolutionary army cadres are scattered, and they are constantly lobbying various kingdoms and forces on the sea.

"Join the revolutionary army! Pluto, one of the ancient weapons, is completing the final stage of the construction plan..."

"Our revolutionary army now has the strength to confront the world government head-on."

"Not to mention, have you forgotten the Pirates of God? There can only be one between them and the World Government."

"How strong is the Pirates of God, I don't need to emphasize it any more? In short, the defeat of the World Government has already been completely doomed."

Many leadership members of the Revolutionary Army even directly showed Hades who completed the first phase of the construction plan.

After seeing the true state of Hades, many people even expressed their stance directly that they were very interested in joining the revolutionary army directly.

However, because the revolutionary army has not yet achieved the final victory, many kingdoms are still watching.

Many members of the royal family who have experienced hundreds of years of inheritance are very clear about how powerful the world government is.

Before the World Government has shown enough obvious defeat, they will definitely not stand in line easily.

And many cadres of the revolutionary army have long realized this, so they are not disappointed.

At least their primary purpose has been achieved, which is to ensure that when the Revolutionary Army and the Pirates of God attack the World Government, the big kingdoms and forces will not secretly directly mobilize resources to support the World Government.

It is precisely because of this that the retreat of the World Government has been completely cut off.

If they are completely defeated in this battle, then the pattern of the whole world will be completely rewritten.

Because of this, during this period of time, the world government is in a state of precariousness at any time, and it may collapse completely at any time.

But whether it is the Whitebeard Pirates of the God Pirates or the Revolutionary Army, they have maintained sufficient vigilance against the World Government.

Inside the Revolutionary Army conference room.

I saw that the face of Betty, the commander of the Eastern Army at this time, was very heavy.

"I was with Sabo at the time."

"And we were also standing on the same line of defense with a group of elite troops."

"But suddenly a group of weirdos appeared, and they directly defeated our first line of defense with great speed."

"If it wasn't for Sabo who stood up at the first time and helped us delay time with his own life, I am afraid that no one at the scene could have escaped."

When hearing this, the faces of many revolutionary army cadres present were full of serious expressions.

They have discussed the details of the last retreat several times.

However, there is no way to know what the **** is going on with this group of weirdos mentioned by the commander of the Eastern Army?

And they have even verified it in many ways, and no one knows this.

The leader of the revolutionary army at this time, Long, said with a heavy expression: "¨"This should be the trump card of the World Government."

"According to the current situation, they should still have the corresponding strength to face our joint attack."

"But everything we can do is over, and the rest is up to Shane and the others."


On the other side, the world government is naturally very aware of how difficult the situation they are in.

But the people of the world (good Zhao Zhao) government are naturally unwilling, so they are willing to admit defeat.

A limited number of world conscriptions were carried out within the part they still control.

After all, the world government still has a strong heritage, and it still has a group of blind followers.

Soon, a large number of recruits were directly enlisted in the army.

However, because there is no training from Vice Admiral Zefa, the training plan of the recruits is still very hip, and the strength of the recruits is also very slow.

Most importantly, two real monsters were discovered among the world governments during the conscription.

These two monsters were given the titles Fujitora and Green Bull by the World Government.

Moreover, the world government claimed that Tang Hu and Lu Niu all possessed the strength of the Admiral of the Navy.

And this piece of news is like a real reassurance pill, completely letting everyone around the world relax and frighten.

Chapter 302: The tyrant is back

Because of this, the world government at this time even organized a group of new forces to prepare accordingly, ready to deal with the impact of Xia En and others.

The background of the encounter of the world government, coupled with the return of the two admiral-level combat capabilities, the navy has regained the trust of many kingdoms.

But even so, on the entire sea, more countries and forces still trust more, the Pirates of God.

What's more, today's new world has basically been occupied by the Whitebeard Pirates and the God Pirates.

And the navy and the world government have never had much control over the new world.

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