MTL - Under the Tutelage of the Golden Lion: The Beginning of the Overlord-Chapter 241

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Shane can understand, because he is not the **** of death.

Only when facing the **** of death, Ishida Yulong will show the fierce side.


In normal times, Ishida Yulong is a very gentle person.

He is even a member of the sewing department in the school, and his hobby is sewing dolls for people.

"Thank you for your compliment." Shane also smiled.

I didn't expect to meet Xia En and Ishida Yulong as soon as they appeared in this world, but it saved myself a lot of trouble.

"It's just that you are so close to the **** of death, it will bring you misfortune, and maybe you will be used as a test product to study." Ishida Yulong's words were very serious.

There have been cases of Quincy masters being captured as test objects before.

However, Ishida Yulong would not have thought that his grandfather was also used as a test object.

"I still have the ability to protect myself." Shane's tone was full of confidence.


He still doesn't know what level his strength is in this world.

But what is certain is that he is definitely not someone who is wantonly bullied.

"That one household, what do I have to leave first."

At this moment, Rukia's expression became a little panicked.

"Oh, oh." Kurosaki Ichigo nodded.

"You must not come here!"

And Rukia ran in the other direction without waiting for Kurosaki Ichigo to answer.

"Hey, don't you think she's a little weird?" Ishida Yulong frowned.

"It's a little bit." Kurosaki Ichigo felt a little uneasy in his heart.

Shane felt that two powerful guys had appeared in Kakuza Town.

This is what he perceives with his arrogance.

Combined with the expression Rukia showed just now, could it be that those two guys are here!

In the Soul World, Byakuya Kuchiki, the sixth division captain of the Gotei 13, and Renji Asanei, the vice-captain!

That's right!

The two of them must have come to capture Rukia.

She was very familiar with the two Reiatsu, so Rukia felt it right away.

She didn't want to implicate Ichigo Kurosaki, so she faced it alone.

"I sensed the emergence of two powerful auras, I'm afraid Rukia is looking for each other." Shane said.

"Maybe it's her death companion." Ishida Yulong showed a look of contempt.

In the plot, Ishida Yuryu also helped B. Rukia when Rukia was about to be taken away.

Chapter 339: The Pursuit of Death in the Soul World

But it was because she found out that Rukia was in danger while passing by.

In Ishida Yuryu's heart, he not only treats Kurosaki Ichigo specially, but also recognizes that Rukia is not the **** of death that he hates.

But for other gods of death, Ishida Yulong is still full of malice.

"I sensed a dangerous aura from those two people. They may not be friendly to Rukia." Shane said in a deep voice.

He didn't expect to meet Kuchiki Byakuya who came to hunt down Rukia so soon.

"I'll take a look!" Kurosaki Ichigo immediately walked in the direction where Rukia disappeared just now.

"What are you going to do?" Ishida Yulong looked at Xia En.

"Although it's only the first time we met, I have a good impression of Ichigo Kurosaki and Rukia. If there is any difficulty, I can help, but you shouldn't go." Xia En said with a slightly joking look. Zero Three" Light looked at Ishida Yulong.

"Cough, I don't share the sky with the **** of death, so I'm going to investigate the information." Ishida Yulong coughed to hide his embarrassment.

He would never say it, and he was actually a little worried about Rukia's words.

Wouldn't it be very embarrassing to do so.

"Then let's go together." Xia En had already guessed that Ishida Yulong would say so.

The two also quickly found Rukia and Kurosaki Ichigo.

The reason why it was so fast was because Rukia was stopped halfway.

A man in a death tyrant outfit was already standing on the wall.

"Rukia, you've been here too long." Asanjing Renji said slowly.

"Renji!" Rukia frowned.

"You must be too careless now, you were found so easily by us, is it the guy next to you who took your power?" Asanjing Renji pointed at Kurosaki Ichigo and said.


Rukia was taken aback after hearing the word.

"How could a mere human take away my power, I gave it to him voluntarily!" Rukia explained.

"Hey, pay attention to your words! Giving power to human beings is a serious crime!" Asanjing Renji said in a deep voice.

As a childhood sweetheart who grew up together in Liuhun Street.

What Renji Asanei was more willing to believe was that Rukia's power was taken away by force.

In that case, Rukia is at best a sin of dereliction of duty.

But now she actually took the initiative to say that she gave her power to the yellow-haired guy, and the nature was completely different.

They just came to capture Rukia this time.

And this matter is not handed over to Xingjun, but it is already very kind to let Byakuya Kuchiki handle the affairs of the team members.

Next, Rukia will be convicted after being interrogated in Room 46.

If he said the same thing in front of Room 46, the consequences would be very serious.

"I am willing!" Rukia's tone was particularly firm.

In any case, she would not implicate Kurosaki Ichigo.

"If you say that, aren't you afraid that Captain Kuchiki will be sad?" Asanjing Renji's tone became anxious.

Originally it was just a soul of Liuhun Street, but Kuchiki Byakuya took him as his younger sister.

It's already a great gift, how could Rukia do something to be sorry to Kuchiki Byakuya?

Rukia looked at Kuchiki Byakuya, who was standing beside him silently.

The eyes of the other party looking at him are full of indifference.

So far, Rukia still doesn't understand why she was adopted, but that doesn't mean she will lie about it.

"I'm really willing." Rukia's tone did not weaken at all.

"Is that so, that's a pity." A Sanjing Renji shook his head helplessly.

She had already guided herself like this, but Rukia always stood firm.

Otherwise, cut off that yellow-haired guy as a scapegoat, and everything will be over.

"Hey hey hey! You've been talking non-stop since just now, you didn't take me seriously!" Kurosaki Ichigo was dissatisfied.

The huge Zanpakutō in his hand was also particularly noticeable.

If it wasn't for Kurosaki Ichigo who stood by Rukia's side from the beginning, Renji Assani was sure that Kurosaki Ichigo was the one who took away Rukia's power.

Then, just by virtue of her appearance, Renji Asanjing would mistakenly think that Ichigo Kurosaki was a master of which team.

Only a person with a strong Reiatsu can make Zanpakutō so exaggerated.

"One household! Don't do it, you are not their opponent!" Rukia hurriedly shouted.

"How do you know if you don't try it." Ichigo Kurosaki looked at Renji Asanjing and laughed.

Rukia shook her head frantically, of course she was not referring to Renji Asanei......

But Kuchiki Byakuya!

One of the captains of the Gotei Thirteen Squadron, he possesses absolute crushing power here.

"Go on Kurosaki Ichigo! I will also take action when necessary." Ishida Yuryu, who had been watching the battle, also said.

This made Shane a little speechless.

Originally, this sentence was his line, but he was preempted before he could say it.

It seems that Ishida Yuryu is really worried about Kurosaki Ichigo and Rukia.

"Don't worry, I won't let them take you away." Xia En could only follow.

It makes my role a little bit less.

But Shane is very aware of Kuchiki Byakuya's strength.

At most, Kurosaki Ichigo can defeat Renji Asanjing, but he can't even touch Kuchiki Byakuya's sleeve.

And the reason why Asanjing Renji was defeated was that most of his power was sealed when he entered the real world.

Avoid the appearance of captain and vice-captain-level characters, and the impact of the powerful Reiatsu on the surrounding ordinary people.

Rukia originally wanted to ask Kuchiki Byakuya not to attack Kurosaki Ichigo.

But for some unknown reason, after hearing Shane's words, a burst of confidence suddenly appeared.

Maybe this sudden eastern exorcist can really help them through this crisis.

When you are really not your opponent, beg for mercy yourself.

Although there are some deviations in the plot, Kurosaki Ichigo and Renji are still fighting together in 1.1.

During this battle, Ichigo Kurosaki learned that Zanpakutō also had a name.

It was even more so that I saw how Asanjing Renji's Shewei Maru has changed greatly since the beginning of the solution.

From an ordinary knife to a flexible weapon that can be freely retracted and shaped like a pit viper.

In terms of skills, Kurosaki Ichigo was no match at all, and he was quickly injured in multiple places.

"Ichigo Kurosaki, let's deal with this guy together!"

Ishida Yulong was the first to ignore it and took the initiative to help him to fight.

An arrow transformed into spiritual power pushed Assani Renji back, giving Kurosaki Ichigo a chance to breathe.

"Two people? Two people are not rivals!" Asanei Renji looked at Kurosaki Ichigo and Ishida Yuryu with contempt in his eyes.

He didn't even take Xia En, who was standing next to him, in his eyes at all.

Chapter 340: Extinguishing Quincy? Is it only to this extent?

"Blank" 698925850

Ordinary people without Reiatsu!

"You run away!" Rukia suddenly shouted anxiously.

"Why, the two of us can completely beat him!" Ishida Yulong was very confident.

"Because once you shoot, that man will shoot too!" Rukia looked at Kuchiki Byakuya with fearful eyes.

She knew Kuchiki Byakuya too well.

Read The Duke's Passion