MTL - Under the Tutelage of the Golden Lion: The Beginning of the Overlord-Chapter 259

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But he already got the information he wanted.

Once he and Shiba Gansu were blocked here, it would be really indefensible.

Even if he doesn't put the crime of killing the members of Room 46 on his head.

That's at least a charge of breaking into the Great Spirit Book Corridor, and a sentence of thousands of years in prison is not a problem.

According to Jingling Court's punishment standard, it is also possible to give himself a death sentence.

Aizen has now got what he wants and is ready for his final move.

Then the situation in Room 46 is likely to be discovered at any time.

Shane didn't want to be a scapegoat.

After leaving Room 46, it was already dawn.

There was still no one around the forty-sixth room, which made Xia En heave a sigh of relief.

"Go over there." Then he pointed in a direction and said.

Shiba Gansu followed without any hesitation.

"The battle between Kurosaki Ichigo and Asanei Renji has long since ended, and now Kurosaki Ichigo's opponent should be Zeraki Kenpachi." Shane could feel the Reiatsu happening in the distance.

"Is that the captain of the 11th Division? Isn't it miserable for Kurosaki Ichigo!" Shiba Gansu was still very worried about Kurosaki Ichigo.

Especially, I heard that Zeraki Kenpachi is a madman fighting maniac with countless lives in his hands.

"Don't worry, he can win!" Shane knew Ichigo Kurosaki's ability very well.

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Today's Kurosaki Ichigo is already relatively strong, otherwise it would be impossible to defeat Asanjing Renji.

But there are two other powers in Kurosaki Ichigo's body, and these two powers will not allow Kurosaki Ichigo to die.

"It seems that you are very optimistic about Ichigo Kurosaki." Shiba Gansu was relieved to hear that Shane was so confident.

"I hope he will be our help in the future. Speaking of which, he should be your cousin." Xia En smiled.

"What, cousin?" Shiba Ganju was confused.

Chapter 363: The Fighting Way of Sword Eight

Isn't Kurosaki Ichigo from the real world, what does it have to do with them?

Souls with spiritual power in the corpse soul world can live for a long time and reproduce offspring.

Only those dead souls will turn into spirits and return to the real world.

Therefore, it is difficult for the soul world and the real world to catch up.

The Quincy's way of fighting is to absorb spirits, which will lead to the collapse of the balance of the world in the long run.

It was destined to become the enemy of death.

"Kurosaki Ichigo's father's name is Kurosaki Isshin, his original name is Shiba Isshin, and he is the patriarch of the Shiba branch." Shane explained.

"Zhibo Yixin, Uncle Zhibo! Could it be that Uncle Zhibo isn't dead yet?" Zhibo Ganji was stunned.

He had also seen Zhi ~ Bo Yixin in the early years.

This was the pride of the Shiba family at the beginning. After all, being able to become the captain of the Shinigami meant stepping into the high-level of Jingling Court.

Moreover, the captain of the **** of death will not take the initiative to replace, usually only after death.

This means that there are members of the Zhibo family in the high-level Death God, and at least for the next few hundred years, they can straighten their backs.

In the end, Shiba Isshin disappeared inexplicably after a trip to the world.

After investigation, the Soul Society concluded that Zhibo Yixin had suffered the death of a powerful virtual.

How could the Shiba family accept such findings.

Powerful virtual?


Zhibo Yixin is a captain-level figure, how could he be afraid of mere emptiness.

Since the appearance of Zanpakutō, Shinigami has gained an overwhelming advantage in the battle with Xu.

Let the originally chaotic real world gradually balance.

Even a grim reaper only needs to guard one area.

Therefore, the Zhibo family believes that this is still a suppression against them, which has happened countless times in the history of thousands of years.

Originally, Zhibo Haiyan had also been investigating this matter, but he also died before he had any clues.

"Of course still alive, in the real world." Shane nodded.

"Then why didn't he return to the Soul Realm?" Shiba Ganju was confused.

He couldn't think of the reason why Zhibo Haiyan didn't return to Soul Realm.

"He temporarily lost his strength, and he has a family to guard." It was difficult for Shane to explain this matter for a while.

In particular, it is also related to Kurosaki Ichigo's secret.

"If there is a chance, I want to meet him!" Zhibo Ganju nodded silently.

"Surely there will be."

At this time, on the other side, Kurosaki Ichigo was fighting a **** battle with Zaragi Kenpachi.

"Your luck is really bad, I was looking for another person." Zaragi Kenpachi mocked while playing with Kurosaki Ichigo.

"Now your opponent is me!" Kurosaki Ichigo fought back.

But the difference in strength made it impossible for him to hurt Zakigi Kenpachi at all.

This is the difference in spiritual pressure!

"I thought that you defeated Renji Asanjing, and was also a character who defeated the vice-captain, but did you only have this kind of strength?" Zaragi Kenpachi made no secret of his disappointment with Kurosaki Ichigo.

"Damn!" Kurosaki Ichigo was shocked and angry.

The heart is even more shocking, is this the strength of the captain level?

Just like a monster!

"Why don't you see me a few knives first, whether it's eyes, mouth or heart, come quickly!"

Zaragi Kenpachi directly tore off his death tyrant outfit and stood in front of Kurosaki Ichigo defenseless.

This time, Ichigo Kurosaki was even more shocked.

There is nothing wrong with the people in front of you.

"Chop, don't you even know how to chop people?" Zanaki Kenpachi's eyes were full of mockery.


Kurosaki Ichigo made his move.

With a wave of Zhanyue in his hand, he slashed towards Zaragi Kenpachi's collarbone.

Tick ​​tock!

Blood flowed down Zhanyue.

"I thought you were really invulnerable..."

Before Kurosaki Ichigo could finish his words, his whole face distorted.

Because the blood was flowing down the handle of the knife, it was his own blood!

It's your own tiger's mouth that splits, and it's you who bleeds!

"Why, why!" Kurosaki Ichigo couldn't understand.

Fear welled up in his heart, and Kurosaki Ichigo turned around and ran.

Seeing Kurosaki Ichigo's embarrassed appearance, Zaraki Kenpachi pouted in disappointment.

"I thought you could let me play for a while, maybe I was wrong, but there is no reason to let you go now."

While muttering, Kenpachi Zaraki chased after him, and started a hide-and-seek game with Ichigo Kurosaki.


It's the only feeling Kurosaki Ichigo feels right now.


So much so that he almost dropped Zhanyue on the ground.

Kurosaki Ichigo never thought that he would be so embarrassed.

It was clear that he had already chopped down Zaraki Kenpachi, but the opponent was not injured.

On the high wall not far away, Shane and Shiba Ganju were already watching the battle here.

"What's going on? Is this the ability of that Zeraki Kenpachi?" Shiba Gansu asked with a puzzled look.

Although I didn't get along with Kurosaki Ichigo for a long time, it was only a few days.

But Shiba Gansu had already seen that Ichigo Kurosaki was not the kind of person who was afraid of death.

Not one who is afraid of fighting.

Otherwise, it would be impossible to go to the Soul Realm to save people.

Few people have this courage alone.


"No, it's just that Kurosaki Ichigo's body can't withstand such a powerful spiritual pressure for a while, and he will get used to it soon." Shane shook his head and said.

"Then do we want to help? Kurosaki Ichigo is obviously not the opponent of that **** Reaper!" Shiba Gansu was still a little anxious.

For fear that Kurosaki Ichigo would die in the hands of Zaraki Kenpachi.

"This is an opportunity for Ichigo Kurosaki. If he misses this opportunity, he will not be able to grow." Shane is very clear that Ichigo Kurosaki has always had great strength.

But this potential resides in Kurosaki Ichigo's body.

So if you want to unleash this potential, you have to unleash Kurosaki Ichigo's own limits.

Many times Kurosaki Ichigo grew up after falling into a desperate situation.

This is one of the ways Kurosaki Ichigo becomes stronger.

"What if he dies?" Shiba Ganju hesitated, and finally expressed his confusion.

"If Kurosaki Ichigo died here, it would prove that he was just a man of this level." Shane would not deliberately change Kurosaki Ichigo's battle.

Especially in the plot, this is a key moment in the dialogue between Kurosaki Ichigo and Zhanyue in the body.

Let Kurosaki Ichigo better understand how to use Zhanyue.

"It's fierce, but I like it." Shiba Gansu looked in the direction of Kurosaki Ichigo.

Shiba Gansu also firmly believes that Kurosaki Ichigo will definitely be able to survive from the hands of Zaragi Kenpachi.

After realizing that he was being frightened by Kenpachi's spiritual power, Kurosaki Ichigo finally overcame the discomfort in his body.

Sheet 364: Blood-stained slaughter, a family and Jianba

Really able to have a fight with Zaragi Kenpachi.

Seeing Zaragi Kenpachi who had chased after him, Ichigo Kurosaki waved Zhanyuki again.

This time, Zaragi Kenpachi was finally injured.

"It turns out that you still have some skills, then I understand the real thing." Zaragi Kenpachi nodded slightly and raised his arm.

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