MTL - Underworld Game Producer-Chapter 121 As long as he can beat Li Wen, why not sell him?

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It's really strange for Xiaotian to look at the four acquaintance NPCs.

"Where did you find the camera, it's not professional at first glance..."

Li Wen looked at her with disgust, and his tone was extremely arrogant.

"Director Li, money is tight, so..."

With an apologetic smile on his face, Xiao Huang waved at her, signaling her to be smarter.

The vivid flattering expression was exactly the same as what she saw in reality, except that the flattering partner was Chen Xinhe, not Li Wen.

"Funds are tight and you can't hire such an unprofessional person. Look, what's the use of not knowing how to shoot at such an important moment just now? I can find a dog better than her."

Li Wen cursed, his words were full of complaints.

Xiaotian was completely dumbfounded. Although she looked exactly like Li Wen, her personality was very different from the real Li Wen, which made her feel a sense of disobedience.

Zhang Chunsheng immediately came out to smooth things over, "Director Li, let's go into the village and find a place to live. It's filming. Can't we just teach it?"

Only then did Li Wen nodded, and did not continue to embarrass Xiaotian, and everyone officially entered the deserted village.

The deserted village is not actually deserted. The villagers seem to be surprised by the fact that there are foreigners in the village.

The costumes of these villagers have a strong rural style of the 1990s, giving people the illusion that the entire deserted village seems to be still in the 1990s.

The villagers stood at the gate of their own courtyard, looking at the group of people.

They didn't make any sound, they just stared at Xiao Tian's group with their eyes.

Even if Xiaotian and others took the initiative to strike up a conversation, the villagers couldn't speak, and the whole village was dumb.

The scene is very weird...

Xiaotian felt a little hairy in her heart.

'Is this Outbreak 3? How can I have a sense of déjà vu of a domestic horror movie...'

‘Is this the next-generation game based on the second world platform? It feels completely different from the original escape. '

'I know that guy! Li Wen...Damn it, this guy turned himself into an npc, I just want to know if it is possible to beat this guy in the game? '

'For the one in front, count me in. I have also been displeased with Thief Li for a long time, and then we will form a team and beat Li Wen together. '

Escape 3 is a game that is completely different from the first two escapes.

No matter what mode it is, except for monsters, all human npcs are loaded with the top intelligent ai.

In other words, every human npc can be simulated as a real person.

That's why Outlast 3 costs so much.

Each npc has detailed settings, and the cost of designing an npc is more than 100,000, including modeling and so on.

An entire village of npcs is a lot of money.

The escape production team, led by Zhang Chunsheng, is going to have a big game.

It is precisely because every human npc has reached the level of human intelligence, so the game style will also jump out of the first two escapes.

The escape production team wants players to enjoy a horror journey like time travel.

Every time you open the game, it will bring a new experience to the player.

Game flow, five days and five nights.

There is only one main plot, and that is to successfully escape from the deserted village.

To escape from the deserted village, players need to find the hidden secrets in the deserted village.

Back to the game.

Xiaotian and her team are still looking for villagers to talk to, but unfortunately, the villagers seem to have been silenced, and they just look at them, outsiders, quietly.

Even if the villagers were provoked with words, the villagers did not say even a word, they would just go back to the house and close the courtyard door.

After being rejected, Li Wen in the group seemed even more irritable and impatient.

Even because Xiaotian was walking in front of him, she pushed her hard. If she hadn't reacted quickly and quickly stabilized her figure, otherwise she would definitely fall to the ground.

The audience's barrage also exploded at this moment.

‘Wow, Xiaotian, can you bear this? '

‘Xiaotian, if you don’t beat Thief Li again, we will scold you. '

‘Is this game a welfare game specially made for players? Putting Li Wen, who is so aggressive, into the game, is simply good news for us players! There is wood. '

The players seem to have deep resentment towards Li Wen.

At this moment, in reality, Li Wen and the executives of the escape production team routinely watched Xiaotian's live broadcast in the conference room.

Naturally, he also read all the bullet screens sent by the audience.

There is also the npc reproduced with his data in the game, which is completely different from him, and he is a little speechless.

Although the escape production team agreed to use his data to make npc, at least restore him.

Zhang Chunsheng seemed to be aware of Li Wen's gaze, and spoke in embarrassment.

"Mr. Li, we actually designed this character according to your character from the beginning, but! There is a very bug."

"Mr. Li, your character is really too salty, and the whole game has completely lost its atmosphere."

"Also, when you need to explore dangerous places, the npc made with your personality will be ruined immediately. No matter what you like, it's impossible for you to go to those places even if you look like a king of heaven."

"In the end, I tested many times, but the result was the same. Mr. Li, you are not suitable to be an npc at all. In order to add atmosphere and drama to the game, you can only greatly change the npc's personality."

As he spoke, he looked at Li Wen cautiously, still feeling a little uneasy.

These are all his good words, and the nppc produced by Li Wendata should look like.

That rotten appearance is simply a disaster for such an immersive game.

There is no way, in the end, the npc data can only be changed a lot.

In fact, not only Li Wen, but also Xiao Huang, Li Xin, and his own NPCs had their personalities more or less modified.

It's just that there are not as many revisions as Li Wen.

Li Wen nodded, but didn't say anything. It's a game, you can change him to anything for fun.

As long as the game can be sold, even if he is changed into a Ji Lao in the game, he doesn't care.

After all, it was just a game, not the real him.

If you think about it carefully, forget about Mr. Ji. As a person with a normal sexual orientation, being a shit-stirring stick is really disgusting.

Of course, he didn't discriminate against Ji Lao, he just felt that it would be disgusting if it happened to him.

"Although this npc looks exactly like me, it doesn't look like me at all, but it's just a game, and I can understand it in order to increase the conflict."

He acquiesced to Zhang Chunsheng's statement.

In fact, he also understood what Zhang Chunsheng said inside and outside the meaning, it was very simple.

It means that he is just an ordinary person with no distinctive personality and easy-going personality, who is useless in the world of horror games.

He has a good understanding of himself, so he is not angry. What is there to be angry about? He himself is an ordinary person.

It's just eating the bonus of being reborn into a brand new world.

The barrage in the live broadcast room has begun to become more and more outrageous.

Just now most of the audience were still discussing the weird village of the deserted village in the game.

Slowly, they began to discuss how players would beat Li Wen after Escape 3 went online.

Although I don't know how important the npc Li Wen is in this game, it's over as long as you beat him up.

Punch first and talk later!

As for the consequences?

The big deal is to restart the game, as long as you can beat Li Wen, it will be the best game experience for the players who have been abused by him.

This producer named Zhang Chunsheng seems to understand it very well.

In fact, even if Escape 3 becomes a pile of shit, as long as Li Wen can be beaten, the sales will not be bad.

In fact, Zhang Chunsheng thought so too...

Get back into the game.

Xiaotian and his party came to the center of the village at this moment.

Barren Mountain Village is actually quite big.

It is not too much to call it a small town, but the buildings here are almost all tile-roofed farmhouses in the 1990s.

As a result, it looks more like a big village than a small town, and the whole village is full of muddy roads when it rains.

In the center of the village, there is a square.

The square is very large, the size of three or four basketball courts.

In the center, stands a strange statue.

Wither is like a headless man riding a big dog with three tusks.

Look closely, there are three holes where the big dog's fangs are located, it looks like three fangs are missing.

Xiao Tian just took a look at it and understood that the player must find three fangs in the village to equip the big dog.

"The people here are so strange, why don't they talk, are they all dumb?"

Li Xin frowned, resting his cheek in one hand and embracing his body in the other, looking at the strange figure in the square and thinking about something.

"you you..."

Li Wen started acting like a demon again, pointed at Xiao Tian, ​​and was furious, "You don't want to take pictures of the statues in this square, what are you doing here?"

"Hurry up and shoot me!"

While speaking, he stretched out his foot and kicked Xiaotian.

Fortunately, Xiaotian was agile and easily dodged Li Wen's attack, just a kick. After so many second world games, she was no longer an ordinary person.

After dodging the attack, she quickly picked up the portable camera on her chest, turned on the lens and pointed at the statue in the square to shoot.

"Isn't that all right? I have to poke and move like a toad."

Li Wen is very satisfied with Xiaotian's shooting action.

As she was filming, she really wanted to point the camera in her hand at Li Wen's head.

The setting of this guy is really too annoying.

Can you still be bullied by such a guy in the game?

Well, she was indeed bullied. For the first time in the game, she felt that it would be better to be honest and obedient.

Just after she finished shooting the portrait.

Suddenly a head protruded from behind the statue.

The weather was dark and without a ray of sunshine, it was obviously noon, but it seemed to be at the moment when the sun was setting and the night was about to hand over in the evening.

The whole village looked extremely dark.

The sudden exposed head made the already weird statue even more frightening.

Xiaotian, who was filming, was startled by this head without accident.

When she took a closer look, she realized that it was a little girl who seemed to be hiding behind the statue, only showing her head and looking at the group of them timidly.


After Li Xin saw the little girl, he took out a lollipop from his bag.

Xiaotian took a look, yo, it still tastes like strawberry.

As she approached the little girl, she tore off the package of the lollipop, "Do you want a lollipop?"

This scene is very similar to the scene of abduction.

The little girl seemed to smell the scent of candy, closed her eyes and sniffed with her nose intoxicated.

"Little friend, can you tell my sister where the village chief's house is?"

Li Xin waved the lollipop in his hand to the little girl, "If you tell my sister, she will give you the lollipop."

"My mother told me not to talk to foreigners."

The little girl seemed to have thought of something, and quickly stepped back a few steps with a very serious face.

"But you've already spoken to your sister."

With a smile on her face, Li Xin approached the little girl, squatted down, and handed the lollipop to the little girl.

"It's delicious, try it."

The little girl seemed to be hesitant, but the sweetness of the lollipop was indeed full of temptation for her.

Her small face kept changing, and finally she seemed to have made up her mind, and finally put the lollipop in her mouth.

The sweetness stimulates the little girl's taste buds, and the dopamine secreted by the sweetness makes the little girl close her eyes happily and enjoy it.

After a while.

The little girl opened her eyes and pointed to the northeast, "The village chief's house is right there. There is a picture of a big dog engraved on the door, which is the village chief's house."

After she finished speaking, she turned and trotted away.

Looking at the back of the little girl running, the group was about to turn around and go to the village chief's house.

The little girl stopped suddenly, "It's going to be dark soon, and it's impossible to go out in the dark. Goodbye sister, the lollipop is delicious."

It's going to be dark soon?

Xiao Tian glanced at the game time, isn't it only noon?

Wait until the little girl completely disappears in the village alleyway.

Li Wen spoke first, "Let's go to the village chief's house quickly."

He is the director of the documentary film crew, and he has the greatest authority over the entire film crew. After hearing his order, the group of people immediately started to act.

Just when Xiao Tian turned around.

In front of the village alley where the little girl disappeared just now, there seemed to be a black shadow staring at them.

She could see clearly, and when she was about to turn on the camera to zoom in and observe, the black shadow disappeared.

"Can you do it!"

"Xiao Huang, I asked you to find a videographer. You can't find anything. Look, what's the use of this guy from the moment you enter the deserted village?"

Li Wen's angry voice came from behind her.

Hey guys, it's starting again?

This is too real.

Does playing a game have to be so real?

As a temporary worker, the plot of being scolded by the boss is happening anytime and anywhere in reality.

Xiaotian sighed, and she chose to endure it!

Amidst Li Wen's scolding, a group of people came to the door of the village chief's house.

In fact, there is no need to describe the engraved picture of a headless man riding a big dog on the door.

Anyone with a discerning eye can tell at a glance that this family is obviously different from residents in other villages.

The family used iron gates.

The houses of other villagers have wooden doors, and the gap between rich and poor is obvious.

bang bang bang—

Li Wen's temper was very irritable, and he began to knock on the door vigorously while holding the door knocker.

The sound of knocking on the door was particularly harsh in the quiet deserted village.

Soon, there were hurried footsteps in the courtyard.

An ordinary-looking middle-aged man opened the door, looked at the people who were about to speak, and put his hand to his mouth to make a silent gesture.

Then he motioned for a group of people to come in.

Xiaotian followed the crowd into the village chief's yard.

The yard is clean, without any litter, not even a single domestic animal.

Just this point, in the countryside, or in this village in the mountains, it already looks very strange.

But what is even more strange is that in the clean courtyard, there are actually four coffins lying flat...

This made the whole village chief's yard even more weird.

Without saying a word, the middle-aged man led everyone through the coffin and into the house.

This is a two-story self-built tile house, a very common self-built house in the 1990s and 2000s.

Enter the house.

The room was pitch black, and it was clearly still daytime, but something seemed to be devouring the light inside the room.


At this point in the game, it finally has a little taste of escape.

The dark world...isn't it the characteristic of the escape series?

Just when Xiaotian was about to use the camera's night vision function, a candle was lit, lighting up the whole room.

The middle-aged man put the candle on the table, "What are you guys doing in the deserted village?"

As he spoke, he motioned for everyone to sit down.

"I'm a director, named Li Wen, and I came to the deserted village to shoot a documentary, and everyone else is from our crew."

Li Wen introduced himself and the others, and he sat down unceremoniously after speaking.

Under the candlelight Xiao Tian could clearly see the structure of the entire living room in the main room.

The main room is very simple.


This can no longer be described as shabby, the whole main room has nothing but a square table and a few stools.

No TV, no sofa, not even a clutter.

The whole main room was empty, as if it had just been built, and the owner's house hadn't had time to decorate it.

However, this self-built tile house has existed for many years from the traces on the wall, so it is impossible to build it just now.

Then why is the main room arranged like this?

Xiaotian was very surprised by this.

Could it be that the production rent cut corners?

Impossible, but she knew that the game Escape 3 only had a budget of 50 million at the beginning, and then increased the budget a lot, raising the game cost to about 200 million.

So it is impossible for the production team to be lazy, there must be some reason.

"Director? Shoot a documentary?"

The middle-aged man was silent for a while, "Thank you for coming all the way to shoot a documentary for our village."

"However, you'd better leave the deserted village as soon as possible. This place is not suitable for filming documentaries at all."

Li Wen frowned, "Village Chief, shooting a documentary can be a good way to promote your village, and maybe it can also become a tourist village, and then you won't have to live in such a poor life."

This barren village is indeed very poor.

Now the countryside has basically changed a lot, not to mention that all villages have built hardcover self-built houses.

However, self-built houses with tile-roofed houses in backward times like barren villages are indeed very rare.

Therefore, the development of tourism may still be an opportunity for barren villages.

The village chief shook his head, "You don't know how scary this village is..."

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