MTL - Underworld Game Producer-Chapter 134 Happy Paradise high yielding sow

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【Death Game Producer】【】

Xiaotian is worthy of being a professional anchor, but even a lottery is played by her very well.

The lottery is five yuan once.

She recharged 50 yuan for the first time, and came to a ten consecutive draw.

As the audience imagined, it was a pile of rubbish.

She continued to recharge 50 yuan, and drew ten consecutive draws in the second round.

It's still rubbish.

There is a guarantee in the lottery, but the guarantee can only guarantee orange items.

There is no need to think about guarantees for red props and the like, it is simply impossible to have them.

The guarantee needs one hundred times, which is five hundred dollars.

This is already equivalent to the price of buying a big-production game from a big factory.

The current players are still not able to accept such an expensive guarantee.

As the second round of ten consecutive draws failed.

Xiao Tian directly recharged 500 yuan this time, "I have a hunch that my 500 yuan will definitely be able to draw red props."

Just when the audience complained that it was impossible for her to get the red props.

The third ten consecutive draws, the red prop clown girl skin, was drawn by her.

The effect of the show exploded immediately.

Although players are unwilling to spend 500 yuan to draw guaranteed orange items, they also know how rare red items are.

There was even a rich guy who was black to the limit.

There is no legend about getting red props after charging more than 100,000 yuan for the lottery.

And Xiao Tian, ​​just took away the red props for only 150 yuan?

The live broadcast room exploded in an instant.

At the same time, it also caused some players to say, 'Maybe I can draw a red item for 150 yuan! ’ dangerous thought.


In the beginning, Li Wen really felt that Chen Xin had no talent for playing games, and that it was the easiest job in the whole company.

If it wasn't for Chen Xin being really free, he would never be able to do such an easy job for Chen Xin.

Although Chen Xin is not his biological sister, she is also a cousin who is related by blood.

Therefore, it is really not good for Chen Xin to do the easy work.

The most important thing is that he is more willing to train Chen Xin well than to let Chen Xin work easily.

Just when he was thinking about what method to use, the game consoles had already officially started working.

After learning about the hard work of the game trustees, Li Wen canceled the transfer of Chen Xin from the game trustee position.

He thinks this girl just lacks exercise...

It's not that he wants to try to drive Chen Xin out of his house, after all, blood is thicker than water!


The news that Resident Evil 2 will be launched three days later was posted on the scarf by Li Wen, and he also pinned the news to the top.

Xiao Tian also sent out the news of the live broadcast of Resident Evil 2 tonight on the scarf.

The old version of Resident Evil and the remake of Resident Evil 1 have combined sales of more than 30 million.

It is the best-selling series of Happy Paradise, and its audience is much larger than that of pure horror games such as escape.

As soon as the news of Resident Evil 2 came out, the players of the previous game were excited.

The remake of Resident Evil 1 is actually not very popular with players, because of the relationship between the tool man and the protagonist, it is difficult for players to be brought into the plot.

It lacks a lot of sense of participation in the plot.

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【Death Game Producer】【】

In the past, it was indeed possible to tease npcs by relying on them, such as Rebecca, Jill, and players with serious tastes could even tease Chris.

However, that was when the second world was just launched, and it was just a wave of second-world game bonuses.

Now, two months have passed, and games that rely on female characters that can be teased have begun to weaken.

This is a very normal thing.

Just like a game like Resident Evil, the core of the game is obviously horror survival, and the focus of the game is not at all on attacking a certain npc.

It's a game of surviving in a world full of crises.

In terms of attacking npcs, it is naturally not as good as those pure girl games, the difference is too far.

And because the npc is too real, it will hurt the fragile hearts of the players, and the damage will be doubled.

In fact, it can be seen from the customs clearance rate that the remake of Resident Evil 1 was not successful.


Yes, Resident Evil 1 remake only has 13% clearance.

Most of the players are thinking of ways to attack friendly NPCs, and they don't play the game seriously, especially the players of the remake of Resident Evil 1, who don't even know anything about the plot.

Players don't even know the plot, they only know how to attack a certain friendly npc, if this continues, the series will die 100%.

After all, this is not a pure girl game. On the Raiders NPC, the feedback given to players is not as good as a pure girl game.

Li Wen and the Resident Evil production team, after a meeting with all the staff, decided to overthrow and redo the half-finished Resident Evil 2.

Remove the role of the tool man, and the player chooses to play as Claire or Leon at the beginning.

In the large DLC, the player plays Jill directly.

Strengthen the plot of the Resident Evil game, and remove all the gaudy Raiders and NPCs.

Just do pure Resident Evil.

If the player has a high voice and wants to attack Jill, Rebecca, Krall, or even Aunt Wang, these npcs.

Then Li Wen can just make a special game for beautiful girls.

He understands very well that the foundation of Resident Evil is the plot of the game and the charm of each character in Resident Evil.

Characters and plots are the important pillars that support the entire Resident Evil series.

Card **** naturally do the same.

It's just that the screenwriters of Resident Evil are frequently changed, and the players are often played inexplicably in the main story.

Especially the plots of the two main stories from Birth 6 to Birth 7, it can be said that there is no connection at all.

In the plot before Sheng 6, the evolution of viruses can also be linked together.

When Life 6 ends, a big family that can influence the world structure is drawn out.

It should be a matter of course for Sheng 7 to engage in this big family.

However, the painting style changed, and he became an "ordinary" person, looking for his missing wife Mia.

The hole of the sixth generation has not been filled at all.

And the protagonist in the seventh generation, although marked as an ordinary person, after receiving the mold, completely turned into a hand sanitizer **** of war.

It can be said that among the protagonists of all dynasties, there is no one of the strongest.

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【Death Game Producer】【】

At the end of Life 7, Chris, an old acquaintance, appeared and landed on a Blue Umbrella plane.

Originally, I thought that Sheng 8 would also fill in the pitfalls of why Chris took the Blue Umbrella plane.

Unexpectedly, Sheng 8 opened another pit again.

At the end of Sheng 8, bsaa seems to be blackened too.

This should be the plot of Sheng 9.

However, Li Wen speculates that there is a high probability that Sheng 9 will be the solo show of the second generation of Rose Poison.

It is estimated that I will not continue to fill the hole.

This is the biggest flaw in the main story of the Resident Evil series.

The previous screenwriter wanted to make the plot more conflicted and to leave more suspense at the end of the game.

The screenwriter may not have thought about how to bury the hole, anyway, he must work hard to write it.

When the new screenwriter took office and saw the big hole left by the previous generation of screenwriters, he was immediately stunned.

In the end, I decided to overthrow the plot directly and rewrite a more exaggerated script.

Therefore, Sheng 7 was born.

And Sheng 8 naturally changed another screenwriter.

The remaining Chris pit is very difficult to fill just thinking about it.

If this is the case, there is no need to fill in it!

Therefore, Sheng 8 appeared again.

According to this guess, it is estimated that Sheng 9 will not fill the pit of bsaa, but he will not be able to play.

Although the plot is becoming more and more vague, players still buy it.

It is nothing more than the characters created in the previous Resident Evil series.

It's like giving birth to 8, successfully shaping a great father.

Although the plot is old-fashioned, the story of the father saving his daughter has been ruined by TV dramas and movies.

But such a plot is still very classic.

Yin Sen's popularity is also due to these two works, surpassing Li Sanguang and becoming the most popular character in Resident Evil.

This is the charm of the character, and also the charm of Resident Evil.

In order to make Resident Evil equally attractive in this world, the routines of the remake of Resident Evil 1 cannot be used.

If it continues to be used, it is estimated that no one will buy it after Resident Evil 3 comes out.


It's time for Xiaotian's live broadcast to play the new game first.

This time, all the members of the Resident Evil production team did not leave, and they set up three large projections in the office area, and all the staff watched the live broadcast.

Now the Resident Evil production team has 340 people, belonging to a medium team.

More than 300 people watched Xiaotian's live broadcast in the office area. The scene was actually quite shocking.

Li Wen even paid out of his own pocket to buy snacks, snacks, and drinks in a self-service mode, so that employees will not be so dry when watching Xiaotian's live broadcast.

Originally, according to the old practice, the top executives of the Resident Evil production team and some other top production executives came to the conference room to watch.

But other team members have expressed that they also want to stay in the company and enjoy the game live broadcast carefully produced by everyone in the Resident Evil production team.

Li Wen made it into such a form.

Of course, other members of the production team can stay and watch if they want to, but they need to bring their own chairs.

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【Death Game Producer】【】

The office area of ​​the Resident Evil production team is large enough to occupy 70% of the building.

After many discussions with the landlord, they finally agreed to open the partition wall of the entire office area.

The space is very wide, and more than 300 people will not feel crowded in this space.

This time, three projection screens were used, which were placed in the middle, front and rear respectively.

In this way, no matter where you are sitting, you can clearly see the live broadcast.

Soon, Xiao Tian's familiar face appeared on the three projection screens.

Not only the production team of Resident Evil, but the entire staff of Happy Paradise are very familiar with Xiaotian.

But recently, I haven't seen Xiaotian rushing through the door for a long time.

The main reason is that during this period of time, there are so many games in Happy Paradise that she has no free time at all, and she is addicted to the ocean of games every day.

Zero, Dead Souls, Battle Royale, Escape 3.

Especially Battle Royale and Escape 3, both games are very time-consuming.

Not to mention the battle royale, after all, it is an online battle game, a game between players.

Games are naturally very time-consuming.

Another time killing game Escape 3.

Because the game is very free, the ghosts at the beginning of each game are different, and the key props to restrain the ghosts need to be explored by the players themselves.

And because of the different ghosts, the attitudes of friendly npcs and various details are also different.

Every time you play a game, it's like opening a brand new game.

Except for the same map, the whole game is different and very playable.

This game takes online play to the extreme. Players can not only choose to cooperate with each other, encourage each other, and work together to restrain ghosts and monsters to pass the game.

They can also pit each other, sacrifice each other, and put their own safety first by all means.

You can even find the ghost contract at the beginning, and become a ghost exorcist from the very beginning, becoming the real villain in the game.

All in all, Outlast 3 is a super free horror game where players can do anything.

The game is very, very playable.

Since its release, the game Escape 3 has no less than 500,000 online players every day.

Always maintain a large number of players online.

Now, Escape 3, Xiaotian has not gotten bored of playing, and Resident Evil 2 has come out again.

She is also very much looking forward to Resident Evil 2, and she probably likes Resident Evil 1 on the old platform.

However, she used the keyboard and mouse to operate the shooting game on the old platform, which is really bad.

I didn't like Resident Evil 1 very much.

Until, after playing the remake of Resident Evil 1, she gradually became proficient in shooting games of the next era.

In the remake of Resident Evil 1, he quickly became a sharpshooter who pointed and shot.

She loved it, and she even fell in love with shooters because of it.

However, due to the different ballistics of each shooting game and different firearms, the feeling when shooting is completely In addition, every game company will have its own set of ballistic assistance systems.

The gap between the two shooters is huge.

Later, she discovered that her ability to point and shoot was not due to her good shooting talent.

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【Death Game Producer】【】

But the ballistic assist system of Happy Paradise belongs to the gospel for novices.

Every player can become a master of where to play!

Knowing the truth, she is somewhat autistic.

After thinking about it, she felt relieved, just leave him alone and just have fun.

Therefore, after Resident Evil 2 came out, she was looking forward to it very much, even more than Survival 3 at that time.

She really wanted to experience the thrill of having a zombie's head blown off again.


The zombie's head exploded like a watermelon falling to the ground.

Actually, it was cool on the old platform, but after the remake on the second world platform, it feels even better.

What she likes most is to enjoy this feeling.

‘Xiao Tian, ​​live broadcast of Resident Evil 2 today? I feel that Happy Paradise has been very productive recently, one new game after another, and it doesn't stop at all? '

‘Indeed, Happy Paradise is producing as much as a sow now. I didn’t even get tired of playing zero, and a bunch of games came out. How can I play this? I really want to quit my job and go home and just play games. '

'I'm playing battle royale now, this game is definitely not as cheap as I thought, I seriously doubt that Xiaotian is just a trick! Otherwise, how could it be so easy to pull out the skin of the clown girl! '

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