MTL - Underworld Game Producer-Chapter 138 This game is really 'dinner'

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【Death Game Producer】【】

The live broadcast of Resident Evil 2 until now, the audience who were watching Xiaotian's live broadcast suddenly found a problem.

This game has so many cutscenes?

The time left for Xiaotian to control was nothing more than a stroll in the small supermarket at the gas station.

Everything else is cutscenes.

Especially for some sensitive viewers, it is found that Resident Evil 2 seems to return to the game style of the old platform period.

So it also makes it more like a game.

It's not that the pursuit of real games is bad, but it's really tiring to play games that are too real.

At the beginning, the games of the Second World continued to pursue all kinds of realities. Players admitted that when they first came into contact with it, they were really amazing and amazed.

But after playing such a game for a long time, you will gradually feel tired, and even players will doubt whether they are playing the game.

Games are entertainment in themselves.

After making it more and more realistic, there is no entertainment at all, so that players play games just like going to work.

Resident Evil 2 returns to the original intention, and it seems to look pretty good.


There was bgm in the game just now?

Players seem to have forgotten that games on the old platforms have such things as bgm.


Game screen transition.

Leon and Claire's police car pulls into Raccoon City.

The whole city seems to have become a purgatory on earth.

Vehicles piled onto the road, slowing Lyon's drive.

In the city, the sound of the radio repeats over and over again.

'Attention citizens. '

'Due to the unusual situation in the city, it is recommended that you take refuge at the Raccoon City Police Station. '

'We will provide free food and medical supplies to citizens in need...'

"It's all so unreal."

After Claire saw the scene outside the car window, the expression on his face was very solemn.

"The police station is not far away. They must know something."

Leon and Claire had similar expressions, but he firmly believed that the police station would be able to explain his current confusion.

"Okay, but... What if we are the only ones left? Could there be no other living people at all?"

Claire's voice was full of disbelief.

"No, there must still be people alive. In such a big city... there must still be people alive."

With firm eyes, Leon refuted Claire's words.

Clare seemed to want to argue, but she also hoped to find survivors in this city. If there were no survivors, what would her brother do?

So, she chose to keep her mouth shut.

Neither of them spoke, and the vehicle was driving on the road.

Until, a roadblock appeared in front of them, stopping their vehicles.

"Looks like we have to go."

Lyon stopped the car, and the roadblock blocked the entire road, making it impossible for vehicles to pass through.

Claire saw the zombies eating the corpses outside the window, and the expression on his face became very solemn.

The zombie who was eating just happened to look up at her and was discovered.

"Looks like we'll have to run."

Leon also saw this scene, "I agree with your proposal."


There was a loud bang from the window in the driver's seat where Leon was.

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【Death Game Producer】【】

A zombie from the Flesh Mold Lake crashed into the car window.


Claire was taken aback, and at the same time, the window of her co-pilot was hit by zombies.

The police car was instantly surrounded by more than a dozen zombies.

Under the impact of the zombies, the police car shook very badly.

"Leon, back up quickly."

At this critical moment, Claire discovered that there were no zombies surrounding the police car.

at this time.

A large truck suddenly appeared behind the two of them. The speed of the large truck was very fast, and it seemed that they had no intention of slowing down at all.

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"Wang Defa!?"

Horror finally appeared on Claire's face.

Shot transition.

The big truck that was speeding up was the same big truck that hit people and tried to escape at the beginning of the game.

The driver of the large truck was seriously injured, and the blood from the wound had stained most of his body red.

He pressed the wound with one hand and manipulated the steering wheel with the other.

However, his big truck is not carrying ordinary cargo, but oil tanks.

"Damn it, Claire get out of the car, quick!


Lyon burst into a foul language.

However, at this moment, the door of the police car was tightly blocked by zombies.

The two tried their best but couldn't hit the door.

The speed of the truck did not decrease, and it was getting closer and closer to the police car.

The background bgm is getting more and more exciting.

"Sit tight!"

Seeing that he couldn't hit the door, Leon quickly ordered Claire.

Finally, the truck driver seemed to see a police car surrounded by zombies, and there seemed to be living people inside.

He turned the steering wheel, trying to avoid the police car.

However, the large truck that had been driving at high speed suddenly turned the steering wheel, and the result was self-evident and the vehicle lost control.

The out-of-control truck still crashed into the police car in which Clare and Leon were riding.

This came from the king's unparalleled sense of pushing back, which almost made the two of them fly out of the car.

The police car was stopped by a roadblock, and the out-of-control truck turned sideways onto the road.

At this moment, the gate of the police is no longer surrounded by zombies.

Claire pushed the door out, she was a little shaky as she walked, as if she hadn't recovered from the impact just now.

Just after she got away from the police car, the police car she was riding in suddenly exploded.

The huge impact made her back again and again.

"I go..."

The flames from the explosion of the police car went along the fuel tanker, the flames were extremely fast, and Claire had just finished complaining.


The tank truck exploded instantly.

The shock wave of this explosion was much stronger than that of the police car explosion.

Claire's whole body was thrown into the air and hit the side of a car.

Although she was just an 'ordinary' college student with a high-caliber revolver.

But with the protagonist's halo body protection, it hurts to hit it when you look at it like this.

She was able to stand up unscathed.

Watch the tanker trucks engulfed in flames.

Her eyes fell on the police car, which was almost burnt to scrap iron.

Her face was full of sadness.

at this time.

"Claire, are you alright?"

A familiar voice passed through the fire and fell into Claire's ears.

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【Death Game Producer】【】

"I'm fine! How about you?"

Clare also yelled at the flames, blocked by the wall of fire, she couldn't see where Leon was at all.

Leon, the main character, is also unscathed, but his condition does not look good.

Countless zombies slowly got up from the ground.

"I'm fine, I can't stay here, it's too dangerous."

Similarly, the situation on Claire's side is similar to that of Leon.

She was also about to be surrounded by zombies, "Yabai!"

"You go first, I will go back to the police station and meet you."

In front of Clare was covered with dense zombies, attacking her at this moment.

The cutscene ends.

Britney can finally control the character, and the screen has returned to the first-person perspective.

She controlled Claire to turn around and run without any hesitation.

Seeing the dense crowd of zombies made her scalp tingle.

Fortunately, the speed of zombies is very slow.

She didn't need to run very fast to get away easily.

This path is set.

Just follow the road and run straight to the Raccoon City Police Station.

Although the city roads have been blocked by vehicles.

However, the player's path to the police station is very spacious, and it is easy to avoid zombies.

Xiaotian was on her way while looking at the city that looked like the end of the world.

Such a doomsday scene gave her a very shocking feeling.

Walking through the alley, I didn't see any living people along the way.

All are a group of bloodthirsty zombies.

These zombies were either eating or chasing her.

"Is this the end?"

She finally made it to the door of the Raccoon City Police Department.

Burning buses, broken limbs everywhere.

The whole street was stained red with blood, even the rain could not wash it away.

"The blood flowed into a river, that's how to describe such a scene."

It was the first time for Xiaotian to experience such a big scene of the end of the world in the game.

Although seen in the movie.

But watching a movie is different from playing a game.

The doomsday scene in the movie did not shock her so much.

She walked through the crowd of zombies surrounding the entrance of the police station in one breath, opened the gate, and entered it.

Looking at the rushing zombies, without any hesitation, she quickly locked the door and kept the zombies out.

The gate was quite strong, and the collision of countless zombies did not shake the gate at all.

The production cost of this Resident Evil 2 is very high. Whether it is the number of zombies or the scene, etc., it is much larger than the remake of Resident Evil 2 in Li Wenyuan's world.

In the remake of Resident Evil 2, after entering the police station, the zombies outside the door were scattered, only a few.

In this next-generation Resident Evil 2, the zombies outside the gate are densely packed, enough to make patients with intensive phobias get sick.

Xiao Tian stood at the gate, studying the zombies carefully.


She didn't expect that the door, which hadn't moved at all just now, suddenly made a tooth-piercing sound.

She was startled.

"No way, isn't this a safe zone?"

She quickly turned around and walked through the courtyard of the police station into the interior of the police station.

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【Death Game Producer】【】

When she entered the police station, the zombies lost their target and returned to calm, no longer fighting against the iron gate.

police station?

In the lobby of the police station, there are special statues that can only be found in cultural centers.

No matter how you look at it, this doesn't look like a police station.

This is Xiao Tian's first feeling when she enters the police station.

She still has a certain impression of the Pretty Country Police Department, whether it is in the game or in the movie, the Pretty Country Police Department is not what it looks like in Resident Evil 2 at all.

All right.

It is estimated that the police station is set up like this for the convenience of putting puzzles.

She began to explore the lobby of the police station.

Just a cursory glance in the hall, she had a feeling that this police station must be very complicated.

Not far away, she saw a typewriter on the table.

This is dedicated to storing games.

On the box not far away, she also picked up a bottle of spray.

The treatment effect of the spray is very good, no matter how serious the injury is, one bottle can fill up the whole.

Having played the previous game, she is very familiar with the spray.

"I need support."

Just when Xiaotian discovered the locker, there was a computer on the table next to the locker.

The surveillance video displayed on the computer.

In the fourth surveillance video, a policeman is fighting zombies.

The police retreated while beating, and he didn't stop until he got close to the surveillance camera.

"David, Marvin, are you there?"

"I found my way out, and it's here."

As he spoke, he took out a palm-sized notebook from his trouser pocket.

As soon as he finished speaking, the zombies chasing him had already moved closer. He put away his notebook and raised his gun to fight back.

However, because he is not the protagonist, he can't defeat the zombies without the aura of the protagonist.

Firing several shots in a row was of no use at all except to make the zombies bleed out some blood.

He was even killed by zombies.

He pushed the zombies away with all his strength, and shouted at the surveillance camera, "Reinforcement, east corridor!"

After shouting, the police left the surveillance camera, and the zombies followed the police and disappeared.

East corridor?

Xiaotian opened the map and took a look.

Since the map has not been picked up yet, the map is gray.

However, she can still tell the difference between southeast and north.

"The next step is definitely to get the notebook in the policeman's hand. I guess there must be decryption clues on it."

While talking to the audience, she walked towards the east corridor.

The east corridor is blocked by a rolling door.

But there is a switch next to it.

Press the switch, and the shutter door starts to rise.

But for some unknown reason, the shutter door got stuck after rising only a little.

"Do you want me to climb in?"

The gap between the rolling shutter door and the ground is just enough for crawling to enter.

Looking at the blood spilling out from the corridor on the east side, to be honest, she really didn't want to crawl in.

She wanted to look around, and found that there was really only one way to get in.

She hesitated.

Although Resident Evil 2 is more like a game.

But because it is also a next-generation game, all senses such as smell and touch are also there.

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【Death Game Producer】【】

The faint smell of blood wafting in the air made her very uncomfortable, adding a lot of pressure invisibly.

Seeing Xiao Tian not moving for a long time, the audience complained about her one after another.

"It's not that I dare not, I'm just a clean freak..."

She countered the audience's barrage that said she was timid.

‘Bah, you have a fart cleanliness, the remake of Resident Evil 1, when you stomped on a zombie’s head and splashed red and white all over you, why didn’t you see your cleanliness? '

‘If you’re afraid, you’re afraid. We don’t despise you. The most we can do is laugh at you. Isn’t it good to admit it openly? '

‘What’s so scary about Resident Evil 2? I’ve been watching it until now, and I haven’t been taken aback. I don’t understand what’s so scary about going through a door. '

'Weren't you brave before? What did you say when you were playing escape, in order to have fun, you even turned off the lights, how long has it been, and you are so cowardly...’

Seeing the bullet screens mocking her, she was speechless.

Although squatting down and looking at the dark east corridor through the gap of the rolling shutter door, it was indeed a little scary.

But this little bit of terror was not enough to make her afraid to move forward.

The main reason is that she had to crawl into the gap, and if she didn't pay attention, she would be covered in a lake of blood mixed with pieces of flesh.

If you let her know, she will have to walk in the sewer in the next level, I don't know what expression she will have.

The blood in this area is unbearable, and the all-encompassing sewage in the sewer will make her completely collapse.

Although, the sewer sewage is set to become the most popular sweet coconut milk flavor in the player questionnaire.

But after the smell is combined with various things floating in the sewage, it is estimated that no player will take the initiative to try the taste of the sewer.

Xiao Tian gritted her teeth, she crawled on the ground and got into the east corridor through the gap of the rolling shutter door.

Sure enough, I accidentally tasted a mouthful of blood on the ground.

The taste of happy water in the fat house made her very speechless.

After climbing into the corridor on the east side, it was very dark here, and it was difficult to see the surrounding environment clearly. Even after the eyes adapted to the darkness, they could only see a general appearance.

Turn on the flashlight, hold the light in your left hand, hold the revolver in your right hand, and start exploring the corridors.

The corridor on the east side is very narrow, barely enough for three people to stand side by side.

When encountering zombies in such a narrow corridor, it is difficult to avoid the attack by walking, so you can only confront the zombies head-on.

Not far away, there is a locked door with the words "East Office on the First Floor" on it.

Going forward, the east corridor has already been covered with blood on the wall and floor.

Residual limbs and broken arms appear in piles like wholesale markets.

It's like walking in hell.

The strong smell of blood was a bit pungent.

The Raccoon City Police Station, which was supposed to be the last bastion of the citizens, has also fallen and become a purgatory on earth.

Those citizens who went to the police station to seek asylum must be numb.

After walking through these two long corridors, Xiaotian was surprised to find that she didn't encounter any zombies, which was a bit unbelievable.

Just when she wanted to show off to the audience that she walked through two invisible corridors without changing her face.

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【Death Game Producer】【】

At the corner of the second corridor, she saw a scene that left her dumbfounded.

The space here is large, not as narrow as the corridor.

Great place to fight zombies.

However, there are all kinds of corpses piled up here, forming a small mountain of corpses.

These bodies include not only policemen, but also citizens in various clothes.

The scene was very bloody, and Xiao Tian felt a little uncomfortable.

As she approached the corpse, an urgent voice suddenly came from the room next to her.

"Open the door quickly, open the door quickly!"

"Quickly open this **** It seems to be the policeman who is under surveillance and asking for backup.

Xiao Tian resisted the discomfort, and walked towards the room diagonally opposite Xiao Corpse Mountain.

There is another rolling door in the room.

This is a locked rolling shutter door. She searched around but couldn't find the mechanism.

At this moment, the game prompts.

'Please lift the door...'

"This door doesn't look like it can be lifted."

While complaining, Xiao Tian squatted down and pulled the handle of the rolling door, and lifted the door with a slight force.

However, the shutter door seems to be stuck, leaving only a gap for people to climb in.

In the gap, a hand suddenly stretched out, holding a notebook in it.

This was the hand of the police, and soon half of his body got into the rolling door with the help of Xiao Tian.

Xiaotian was about to pull the police in in one breath, using the strength of the boss.

But no matter how he pulled it, he couldn't pull it. It seemed that something was pulling the policeman with great strength.

Suddenly, the policeman that Xiaotian was pulling screamed.

Blood suddenly splashed out from the policeman's body, and the amount of bleeding was huge.

She only felt that with a light hand, the police were pulled into the rolling door.

However, only half of the police officers were pulled in.

The policeman's body was split into two, and Xiaotian was a little dumbfounded by this **** scene.

Whether it is the old version or the remake of Resident Evil 1, although it is also bloody, it is not so bloody.

Looking at the intestines and various internal organs scattered all over the upper body of the policeman, she said that this scene was really a "dinner"...

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