MTL - Underworld Game Producer-Chapter 140 This big frog, what should I do if I'm hungry?

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【Death Game Producer】【】

Xiao Tian, ​​who got the combat dagger, also opened a new area, the west side of the police station.

However, she learned to be smart this time, and did not go to the west corridor immediately, but searched for supplies in a safe hall.

A lot of bullets were found, a total of thirty rounds, which made her feel relieved.

Resident Evil 2 has not yet been officially launched, and no players have developed self-made practical props yet.

Xiaotian's hands-on ability is very ordinary, and she almost needs to watch the video of handbag teaching to barely learn it.

It's pretty good to be able to learn it. She never thought about developing self-made props by herself, she didn't have that ability.

So the bullet in the game is very important to her.

A statue of a lion was also found on the second floor.

Just to verify the decryption recorded on the notebook.

After adjusting according to the pattern on the notebook, the lion statue spit out a disc.

Xiaotian put it in her backpack, and since it still occupied a space in her backpack, she used it immediately.

Installed on the hall secret passage door.

The secret passage began to change and rose a little. It seemed that all three disks were needed to open the secret door.

There is nothing left to explore in the entire hall at the moment.

So Xiaotian started to head towards the west corridor.

The door to the west corridor is locked, and the switch is tightly bound with duct tape.

When you walk to the switch, a prompt will appear in the game.

'Please use the combat knife to cut the tape. '

She checked the backpack grid again.

There are currently eight slots in the backpack, one for pistol bullets, one for combat daggers, and one for her revolver.

Only five grids are left.

Xiao Tian, ​​who has played Resident Evil, naturally knows the importance of grid.

She felt that the game should not be called Resident Evil, but Grid Crisis.

Separate the tape, press the switch, and open the door to the west corridor.

She is a little nervous now, mainly because she was attacked by zombies before.

Now you not only need to fight the zombies head-on, but also pay attention to whether you will be attacked by zombies at any time.

After the door was opened, Xiao Tian searched for another ten rounds of bullets and one piece of green herbal medicine in it, feeling very happy.

Ammunition is undoubtedly the reassurance of players, at least until other powerful players develop homemade items.

Push open the west corridor door and enter a dark and narrow corridor again.

Don't think about it, there will definitely be a fight with the zombies here.

She turned on the flashlight, and walked in the same corridor as the east corridor, which was full of broken limbs and arms.

At the end of the hallway sat a dead body, holding a walkie-talkie in its arms.

At this moment, the walkie-talkie issued a 'Zi Zi' signal sound, which was quite obvious in the quiet corridor.

However, she did not approach the body.

It is not uncommon to see this kind of bridge where the corpse suddenly explodes after approaching the corpse.

She has been tricked many times in Resident Evil 1, and she has learned to be smart.

As an experienced player, she aimed her gun at the corpse's head and shot without hesitation.

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【Death Game Producer】【】

A corpse like this that suddenly 'comes to life' can be activated only by shooting.

After trying to fire a shot, and the body showed no signs of resurrection, Xiao Tian approached the end of the corridor with peace of mind.

When he got closer, he realized that the corpse's head was almost falling off the body.

The neck was broken, held together only by a thin layer of skin.

While she was carefully observing the corpse.

Suddenly, on her right, there was a loud noise.

The sudden sound startled her like something heavy had fallen from the ceiling.

Another sneak attack?

When she turned her head to check, she found that what fell on the ground was a corpse, which had no head.

As we all know, one cannot become a zombie without a head, it is a safe corpse.

She moved her gaze upwards, wanting to see how the corpse fell.

Then, she saw a monster she had never seen before, with only red muscle fiber skin all over her body.

The mouth is full of fangs and is terrifying, and there is even a long tongue sticking out.

He was lying on the ceiling and staring at her.

The monster appeared suddenly, and disappeared suddenly before Xiao Tian had time to be afraid.

"What the hell?"

"What was that just now?"

"It looks a little scary, okay?"

Is this a new monster added to Resident Evil 2?

When Xiaotian caught the monster in her vision, the audience watching the live broadcast also saw the monster clearly.

Although only a very brief appearance.

But the image of lying on the ceiling with a long tongue sticking out seems to make the audience feel difficult to deal with.

This monster is one of the more well-known monster lickers in Resident Evil.

It is much stronger than miscellaneous soldiers and belongs to the elite level monsters.

In Resident Evil 2, Lickers are very powerful elite monsters.

After Resident Evil 5, the lickers who once terrified countless players have become miscellaneous soldiers.

In Resident Evil 6, even the chance to play is gone.

Although lickers will become miscellaneous soldiers in the future.

But in Resident Evil 2, it is the most difficult monster, bar none.

You must use a large-caliber weapon to hit straight.

And the player has to move fast and fight first!

Let the licker take the lead, and there is a high probability that he will be taken away by one of his combos full of blood.

The licker is fast, has high attack power, and even has a high blood volume.

Even in the forms of Tyrant and Doctor One Two Three, there is not as much pressure on the players as the Licker.

The main reason is that once this guy finds the player, the speed is really too fast.

A light lick with the tongue can kill a lot of blood from the player, which is very scary.

Although the licker has no eyesight, it is the only weakness.

But the problem is that lickers have very good hearing.

Especially in the next-generation Resident Evil 2, if players want to avoid being discovered by lickers, they can only move on their toes.

Make a little noise and it will be keenly heard by the licker.

If there are only lickers in the whole scene, there are no zombies or being chased by the tyrant.

That's okay, players can preemptively kill the lickers with heavy firepower without any damage.

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【Death Game Producer】【】


There are only a handful of scenes where there is only one licker under the training of the inappropriate person Li Wen.

Most will be accompanied by zombies.

When the zombie finds the player, the roar will trigger the licker's hatred, and the player will immediately fall into a bitter battle.

It's all good.

If a tyrant is added to the scene.

It is difficult for players to survive.

Fortunately, monsters like lickers are weak.

You can kill with the door stuck, and you don't need the player to face it.

‘What the **** was that just now? Kind of like a dog, but what dog can crawl on ceilings? '

‘Where does it look like a dog? I looked at the frog that looked like it had just peeled off the skin, and I was a little hungry. It was only ten o'clock, and it was just right for supper. '

‘Good guy, it’s obviously a terrifying monster, why did it turn into a frog? Are frogs that big? '

‘In a game like Resident Evil, there are frogs as big as people, I think it’s very reasonable! It's just a mere frog, and it can be taken away with a few bullets, and after this guy finds the player, his first choice is to run away, so I conclude that this is a bullying guy, and there is no threat. '

‘What I said earlier is indeed very reasonable, but why do I always feel that something is not right? '

Looking at the barrage, Xiaotian recalled in her head the monster she had just glimpsed, and it really looked like a flayed frog.

I was a little scared at first, but suddenly I relaxed a lot.

She doesn't eat less frogs, so what's so scary about this frog?

It is obviously a monster with a high standard, but under the description of various netizens, it has become a large frog.

After the episode, Britney moved on.

She still kept an eye on her surroundings all the time, and she was still afraid of being attacked.

As the saying goes, once bitten by a snake for ten years, you are afraid of well ropes.

Whenever there is a corner ahead, or an obstacle in front of her is blocking her view, she is 100 percent focused.

Carefully, he almost walked to the middle of the second corridor at a slow moving speed.

It was found that almost all the windows in this corridor were broken.

Some windows are boarded up, while others are exposed.

The night wind mixed with rain poured into the west corridor through the broken windows.

September happens to be the season when summer turns into autumn.

Hot during the day and cold at night.

The night wind mixed with rain fell on her body, which made Xiaotian feel a little cool.

Fortunately, the game is not set to be winter, otherwise it would be too cold to even hold a gun if it was shocked by the rain.

at this time.

The roar of zombies came from outside the window.

This is not just one or two zombies, but a group of zombies roaring in unison.

The background music of the game also played at this time.

The situation suddenly became tense again.

Xiaotian didn't know how many zombies were outside, but just by hearing the roar, she knew that there must be a lot of them.

So, she quickly made a decision and started running forward.

Although there are now forty rounds of bullets, it is considered a little bit of confidence.

But Resident Evil 2 is a new game, and she doesn't know the flow of the game.

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【Death Game Producer】【】

At this time, you can save a little bit.

Running all the way forward, before she had run far, there was the sound of a heavy object falling behind her.

She turned her head and saw that a zombie had already crawled in from the window.

Bang, bang, bang.

At the same time, at the end of the second corridor directly opposite her, zombies also appeared.

Looking at it with the flash of lightning, her scalp felt a little numb for a moment.

There were crowds of people outside the window, and there were countless zombies at a glance.

Where did she dare to stay, and continued to run forward.

At this time, she only hoped that the big frog monster she saw just now would never come out and attack her.

At the end of the second corridor, turn right and there is another long narrow corridor.

When she turned around and was about to continue running.

Mengde found that there were zombies blocking the way in the third corridor, and there were not only one zombie, but three in total.

Katsa -

The glass next to her shattered.

This window certainly won't last long.

Xiao Tian fell into great pressure again.

She raised the gun to shoot, and under the tremendous pressure, her shooting accuracy was indeed a little bit worse.

One clip, six-way revolver bullets, knocked down a zombie.

She quickly changed the magazine, when she had just changed a round of magazines.

The window was finally overwhelmed and broken by zombies.

Fortunately, the window is not too big, and only one zombie can be squeezed in at a time.

Although she avoided the dilemma of being surrounded by countless zombies, she is not optimistic about the situation now.

bang bang bang—

She took a deep breath, forced herself to calm down, and fired three shots, knocking down the zombie closest to her.

Then, aim again at the last of the three zombies blocking the way ahead.

Before shooting, she glanced behind her. The zombies squeezed in through the window were slowly getting up, less than two meters away from her.

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So she had to use these three bullets to knock down the zombies in front.

Otherwise, she will fall into a situation where she is caught between two sides.

If you are surrounded by zombies, there is no time to change the magazine.

If you are lucky, you can escape from the zombie attack by walking.

If you are unlucky, you can only start over.

This pressure is really great. On the old platform, when encountering such a scene of being flanked by front and back, one would feel flustered.

Let alone a second-world sub-era game.

A strong sense of substitution will only make players panic!

Therefore, Xiaotian's operation deformed again, and two of the three shots hit the air.

However, she did not give up hope of escape, she pinned all her hopes on her 'flexible' body skills.


When zombies face players, there will be a period of outbreaks, and the judgment of zombies catching players is very high.

Even if he is a real martial arts master, he has the agility of Lingbo and microsteps.

When being attacked by zombies at close range, you have to kneel!

On the old platform, the crawling judgment of zombies is not so big.

This is mainly due to the characteristics of games in the second world era.

Players can make all kinds of weird and twisted poses to avoid zombies.

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【Death Game Producer】【】

The remake of Resident Evil 1 Zombie capture judgment is the same as the old platform.

Play a bgm that dodges left and right, and players can play face to face with zombies for a day without getting caught.

Although it is also possible to treat these messy players with a patch.

But Li Wen didn't think it was necessary, so let these fancy players continue to dance.

Therefore, the grab judgment of Resident Evil 2 has increased the scope.

Dedicated to all kinds of bells and whistles!

Before Xiaotian could perform, she was hugged by zombies.

Fortunately, she had a combat dagger. Before the zombie bit her, the dagger was inserted into the zombie's head, helping her break free.

Before she could escape, the zombie behind her hugged her again. This time without the combat dagger, she was bitten by the zombie on the neck, and her blood turned yellow instantly.

Finally broke free from the shackles of the zombies behind him.

The zombie with a combat dagger stuck in its head hugged her again.

And also triggered the fall mechanism.

In Resident Evil 2, the player will not fall to the ground when hugged by a zombie.

But it's like being attacked by two zombies at the same time, and you will be thrown to the ground.

And it will become harder to break free.

The other zombie followed her from the second corridor at the beginning, the forgotten zombie.

With the two zombies 'working together', Xiaotian's health bar instantly bottomed out.

'You are dead! '

Sweety hasn't realized that Resident Evil 2's zombie grabbing range has increased.

She just felt that the zombies had become difficult to deal with. Compared with the remake of Resident Evil 1, the zombies seemed to be much stronger.

The game also becomes more difficult.

Is this an illusion?

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