MTL - Underworld Game Producer-Chapter 146 Zhou Bo's story continues...

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Sometimes game manufacturers release too many games in a short period of time. For players, this is a trouble of happiness.

Too high yield, in fact, it will give players a headache.

To say that the games produced by Happy Paradise are of average quality, and it's okay if players don't like them too much.

At least it won't be like it is now. Every game released has its own characteristics and can firmly capture fans who like Happy Paradise.

In this way, what should fans of every game that comes out want to play?

Very distressed, okay?

Resident Evil 2 will be officially launched tonight at twelve o'clock in the morning.

Whenever a new game is launched, there is an old friend who is looking forward to it.

That's right, it's still Zhou Bo.

He who has not squatted to the starting position three times in a row and played the game happily, this time he is fighting hard!

He started preparations half a month in advance this time.

In order to be able to completely break up with the best friend who was still haunted by his ex-girlfriend.

He sold his house, quit his job, and canceled his phone number and got a new one.

In order to be able to avoid these annoying things, he even changed a city.

Came to the favorite city of domestic game manufacturers.

Li Wen's happy paradise is located in this city, and almost half of the domestic game manufacturers are located in this city.

It belongs to the holy land of domestic gamers.

Zhou Bo chose this city mainly because of Happy Paradise.

It's not just the reason why he likes the company Happy Paradise, the reason he came to this city is that he successfully applied to work in Happy Paradise Company.

The book chasing app recommended to me by an old book friend who has known me for ten years! It’s really easy to use. I rely on reading and listening to books to pass the time while driving and before going to bed. You can download it here..】

Although he is not a career related to game production, he is very happy to be able to work in Happy Paradise.

With the money from selling the house, I bought a new house in this city.

What surprised him even more was that he became Li Wen's neighbor.

Li Wen is his boss now, and he has personally interviewed him. Li Wen looks much younger than he imagined, and he doesn't even look like a boss at all.

He was also very friendly to him, and even invited him to dinner when we met in the same building.

Although he ate takeaway, it also moved him very much. After all, Li Wen is now his boss and idol.

He has always liked the games made by Li Wen. At first, he chose to play Escape because he was interested in scary things.

At that time, he was a person who was not very interested in games, and he even felt that those who played games all day long were exhausted.

It wasn't until he really played escape that he realized how superficial he was before.

Games are also a carrier of cultural content, which is more immersive than movies.

That immersion is completely different from watching a movie.

He became deeply addicted to escape 1, and even started to try other types of games.

From a person who doesn't play games, Zhou Bo is instantly immersed in the world woven by various types of game companies.

Of course, his favorite games are still horror games.

After becoming an employee of Happy Paradise, he can grasp all the game information in the company at the first time.

That alone got him excited.

The day after tomorrow, he will officially join the job, and the reason why he didn't join the job immediately is to play Resident Evil 2.

Logically, this kind of thing shouldn't be told to the boss.

But when Li Wen invited him to dinner and chatting, he didn't know which cramp he had.

The main reason for exposing his true thoughts was because Li Wen was so enthusiastic.

I have been thinking about him all the time, asking him if he has encountered any troubles after joining the company two days late, etc.

Under such kindness, he felt very embarrassed, and as soon as his mind wandered, he even said that the reason for delaying his entry was to play Resident Evil 2.

At that time, he could clearly see Li Wen's very surprised face.

Li Wen told him very euphemistically that it was not that exaggerated to go to work in the company, and he was not working in the game production team.

Lots of free time and little overtime.

Zhou Bo also sighed and helplessly explained why he was so obsessed with the first episode of Evil 2.

He told his tangled past one by one.

Games, especially linear games like Resident Evil 2, are only fun when you play them for the first time.

Otherwise, according to the current popularity of Resident Evil 2, it is not surprising that the next day will be full of spoilers.

At that time, you need to be careful when surfing the Internet.

And now in the era of big data, according to his recent hobbies, he will continue to push the content he is interested in.

Needless to say, all he received must be the content of Resident Evil 2.

If you are not careful, you will see the exciting scenes in the game, or a paragraph of text will spoil the entire game.


If you play this way, you will lose a lot of things.

Therefore, it is the best choice to play these linear games for the first time.

It's really disgusting to be accidentally spoiled or something, and I don't even have the mood to play in an instant.

Before, he squatted in the starting lineup just to put an end to such things.

However, it didn't go well every time, and when I swiped my phone the next day, I accidentally saw the spoiler of the game.

That feeling, the game is not fragrant at all.

Although I finished the game after being spoiled, I really lost a lot of anticipation during the game.

In order to be able to play the first game, without being completely spoiled, he has worked hard.

Of course, he didn't stop Xiaotian's live broadcast.

Because he knows that Xiaotian's live broadcast of the game in advance is just a trial version, and some content will be shown to the players.

But not all of them, just a small part. After watching this kind of trial live broadcast, players who don't like it can stop their losses in time.

Players who like it will be full of expectations and look forward to all the content of the game.

I won't lose interest completely because of this little spoiler in the demo.

The content pushed by big data to him is almost all wonderful pictures that would never appear in Xiaotian's live broadcast.

Even the direct title spoils the finale of the game.


This kind of article whose title spoils the finale, Zhou Bo can't wait to kill the editor who wrote this kind of article.

Obviously did not play the first game, they are very careful to avoid all kinds of spoilers.

Unexpectedly, a title will spoil the most important thing.

The only way to avoid spoilers without playing the first episode is to not use your phone.

This approach is almost impossible in today's era.

Even if you can resist taking out your mobile phone to scan it when you are at work, but when you have a bowel movement, you can't do without a mobile phone at all.

A **** without a mobile phone is an imperfect poop.

Zhou Bo confides all his troubles to Li Wen, a boss who has only met twice.

He didn't know what magical power Li Wen had.

He had only just met him, and he was also his boss, but he actually knew everything and said everything.

Said everything.

Li Wen, who heard all this, didn't really understand the anguish of being spoiled after he didn't start playing the game.

He is more interested in Zhou Bo's ex-girlfriend and girlfriends.

This is simply a lively youth workplace romance drama, no matter what.

The **** plot is even more **** than the movie.

In particular, when the best friend and the ex-girlfriend are fighting, the two sides broke the news of each other's intense scenes.

In the end, the ex-girlfriend's text message, the warm reminder of friendship, made the ending of what seemed like a girlfriend's victory even more confusing.

And later, when her ex-girlfriend was pregnant and found Zhou Bo, it was even more **** to the extreme.

He looks really good looking, and he can successfully lay eggs after two and a half years of practice, bah! Zhou Bo made his debut.

Immediately felt a little confused, did such a **** thing really happen to such a good-looking person?

He completely forgot that, in fact, the ex-girlfriend encountered by his predecessor was also very bloody.

In the end, he didn't know how to comfort him, who had already endured too many cycles at this age.

She even told him thoughtfully that it would be okay to play for two more days.

Now Zhou Bo is sitting in his new home, it is already half past eleven.

Only half an hour away, the game will be officially released.

At this moment, his cell phone rang suddenly, he frowned, and immediately relaxed again.

Fortunately, it's not the phone ringtone, it's just the message ringtone.

He glanced at it, it was from the boss Li Wen.

‘Please have fun today, but I don’t know why, I always feel that you will be disturbed by other things, if something fun happens again, please tell me! '

Zhou Bo was speechless for a while. Originally, he was a little moved when he saw the message and told him to have fun.

Such a good boss, is there any reason to move Huaxia?

But what happened next left him speechless.

In terms of feelings, Boss Li Wen is interested in his entangled affairs.

What was this message of anticipating what was going to happen to him.

It hurts okay.

However, as a subordinate, he still replied a message very politely.

‘Thank you boss, if there is anything, I will let you know as soon as possible. '

After sending the message, Zhou Bo stood up and walked to the door of the living room, and looked out through the peephole for a while.

"What am I afraid of? I've changed the city. Is it possible that those **** things can still come to this city?"

He slapped himself, changed his phone number, and even changed a city. The only people he knew in this city were Li Wen and the young lady who interviewed him.

It's just that the young lady who interviewed him did look a little familiar, but she couldn't remember if she had met him somewhere.

"Hey, I feel familiar when I see someone's beautiful parents. Is it possible that I'm a **** scumbag?"

He slapped himself again.

The two slaps were very light, almost like touching.

Back in the bedroom, sitting in front of the computer desk, the mobile phone message rang again.

I glanced at the time, it was eleven fifty.

It was only ten minutes before twelve o'clock in the morning.

Needless to say, this text message should be from the boss Li Wen.

Unexpectedly, Li Wen, who looks so gentle and looks very serious, would be so gossip.

I won't talk about gossip, but the gossip is so direct, it's so hard that Li Wen doesn't know, is this gossip the same as his wound?

It's no different than rubbing salt on a wound.

Zhou Bo was very helpless, although the boss Li Wen's gossip was very direct, which made his wound a little painful, but it was very real.

He likes Li Wen's authenticity.

However, when he saw the information, he was a little overwhelmed.

This is an unknown number.

The message has no text, just a selfie.

In the selfie, there are two women smiling sweetly at the camera.

The background of the photo is somewhat familiar, and the gate of the "Sunshine Community" appears in the selfie.

He shuddered a little.

The Sunshine Community is exactly where his new house is located.

And the two women in the photo are the protagonists who ran through his several first game events.

Ex-girlfriends and best friends.

Are the two women reconciled?

Kind of scary.

The smile on the selfie, under some dim street lights, looks so creepy for some reason.

Moreover, the two women have their right hands behind their backs. Is there something hidden?


Although Zhou Bo admits that he likes horror things very much.

But something horrible happened to him in reality, and he couldn't like it anyway.

'Did you see us? '

While he was still thinking about it, there was another message on his phone.

Then attach a photo.

It’s still a trick selfie, which is also a photo of the ex-girlfriend and best friend smiling very ‘sweetly’.

This time the background has changed.

The two seemed to have entered the community, and stood under the unit building where his new house was located, taking pictures of the unit building as the background.

It is impossible to say that Zhou Bo is not panicking.

This is just like a horror movie, can you not panic?

Obviously it is the twelfth lunar month of winter, and there is no heating in the south, and the inside of the house is even colder than outside, so he can feel the heat and sweat constantly coming out.

The thermal underwear he was wearing under his clothes was almost wet.

what to do?

What are these two women up to?

In the new selfie except that the background has been changed, the poses of the two women are exactly the same as the previous one, and the hands behind their backs must be holding something.


The phone's message ringtone rang again.

Selfies are at it again.

This time, the background of the selfie of the two women is the inside of the elevator.

He took a good photo of the floor the elevator was about to go to. The seventeenth floor was exactly the floor he was on.

Good guy, it's fine if the security didn't stop the two of them, can't the password door of the unit building stop them?

Zhou Bo really panicked, he rushed to the door in one breath, thinking that it is more important to run for his life at such a time.

Just when he was about to open the door and escape.


new information.

Or a selfie of the two of them.

At this time, the background became his new house.

Clearly put his new house into the photo.

Cold sweat flowed down his temples continuously, and he swallowed nervously.

Carefully put his eyes close to the eyes of the cat and looked out.

Looking at it this way, it almost didn't send him away.

A bloodshot, ferocious eyeball filled the entire cat's eyes!


! "

Zhou Bo was so frightened that he fell backwards and hit his head **** the wall of the entrance.

It hurt a lot, his head was knocked dizzy, he felt that he must have had a concussion, and he couldn't tell what level it was.

However, now fear occupied his nerves, the pain was suppressed, and he just felt a little dizzy.

Walking is also a little wobbly.

He gritted his teeth and tried to steady himself, he couldn't fall down.

Because, the lock of the new house seems to be turning, the door is about to open?

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