MTL - Underworld Game Producer-Chapter 156 Follow me, let you be the master

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【Death Game Producer】【】

Li Wen started to use the second hive t-virus enhancer, which did not raise the level to the third level, but raised the second level to level 13.

This time, there were more than fifty t-virus enhancers in the second hive.

He was going to search for other hives.

On the other side, Zhou Bo, who was barely alive with only half his life left, was really uncomfortable playing at the moment.

He managed to stop the bleeding from the severed arm, but unfortunately, he didn't grow a new arm after hemostasis.

His health has dropped to forty-three percent.

The setting of life value in this game is different from other games.

In other games, the life value needs to be reduced to zero before the character will die.

In the game of Dawn of the Night, after the health value drops below 40%, it is possible to die suddenly at any time.

The character's attributes will be greatly reduced, and it will enter a weak state. Even if it is the full-level boss of the fourth stage, if the health value drops below 40%, it will have to stop eating.

He is naturally very aware of this, and it is impossible to say that he is not panicking.

Of course, due to the very strict determination of the health value, the health value of the character will recover normally when the satiety and drinking water levels are normal.

Unless there is any fatal injury or the impact of negative dbuff such as illness, poisoning, etc.

Otherwise, under normal circumstances, the life value can be recovered slowly.

But in his current appearance, not only was he seriously injured, but his satiation and drinking levels were also close to the red line, and he was in a big crisis.

If you still can't find medical kits, food, and purified water to drink.

Then he has only one option left, which is to reopen.

He felt that his current situation seemed to be salvageable, except that he lost a hand, but he had a crossbow.

He can't guarantee that he can get such a powerful weapon after reopening.

If he knew that Li Wen was so fat that he could walk sideways in Raccoon City at this moment, he would have no idea what kind of mood he would have.

For now, Zhou Bo just wants to find some medical kits that can heal wounds and some edible food in the shopping mall.

You can definitely find something to eat in a huge shopping mall.

He took out the crossbow from his backpack, held it with his remaining right hand, and began to explore the next floor.

He is not in good physical condition now, and he is a little staggered when he walks, but fortunately he persisted until he reached the third floor.

Before the exit door on the third floor, his face became very ugly.

The roar of zombies came intermittently from the door, and there seemed to be many zombies inside.

He didn't even think about turning around and leaving.

However, the closed door suddenly opened.

Zhou Bo was startled by the sudden opening of the door. He turned his head to look, but fortunately, it was not a zombie that opened the door, but a person.

To be precise, this should be a colleague who tested together.

"Big brother, why are you so miserable?"

He does look a bit miserable now, his whole body is stained red with blood, and he is missing an arm. If it is put into reality, there is a high probability that he will lose too much blood and die in a situation like his.

The colleague saw the crossbow in Zhou Bo's hand and his eyes lit up.

"This is a good thing."

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【Death Game Producer】【】

The colleague's eyes clearly revealed a trace of envy.

It's just that the game is now in the company's internal testing stage, and it is not officially launched.

Moreover, both of them are employees of Happy Paradise, and they can't see each other when they look up.

Generally, you can't do such things as killing people and taking goods.

Zhou Bo sighed, and handed the crossbow in his hand to his colleague. He is indeed a useless person now.

Although there is a high probability that the colleague will not steal it openly, it is better to give the weapon to the colleague than to hold it in his hands.

"Unlucky, there is a tyrant boss on the upper floor."

The colleague was not polite either, he took the crossbow and played with it in his hand, "Is there a tyrant on it? You can still survive the tyrant, brother, you are very strong!"

This colleague is a member of the production team of Dawn of the Night, Xiao Zhang.

An unremarkable one belongs to most programmers.

Originally, he could leave work early today, but he still applied for the test.

Not for anything else, just to be able to swim in the game I personally participated in.

He is different from many game production practitioners. He really loves games, instead of making games as a job.

He regards making games as everything, and it is this love for games that makes him enter the production team of Happy Paradise Dark Night Dawn.

He is very clear about the tyrant attributes in the dawn of the night.

The tyrant in the dawn of the night is very strong, the kind that beats the five tyrants in Resident Evil 2 without panting.

It belongs to the very powerful boss in the early stage.

Players who have not been upgraded to Tier 1 in the early stage will not be able to defeat the tyrant even if they organize a large group of people to besiege the tyrant.

To defeat the tyrant, at least ten Tier 1 players are needed, and a tacit cooperation is required to survive.

Li Wen was very lucky, the first hive did not encounter the tyrant, otherwise even if his firepower was strong, he would not be able to beat it.

A boss like a tyrant is not designed to challenge novice players.

This is a regular boss that players will only start thinking about attacking after they have reached the first stage.

"Stop talking about that, is there a medical kit? I'm dying."

Of course Zhou Bo knew how powerful the tyrant was, and he was almost crippled just by throwing crossbow arrows with his hands.

If only the crossbow had been a little closer to his body instead of his arm.

Then he most likely died on the spot.

That power is even more powerful than ordinary firearms, and it can almost catch up with the power of large-caliber weapons.

"I don't have a medical kit."

Xiao Zhang spread his hands helplessly, the third floor shopping mall is full of zombies, it is no exaggeration to say that it is a zombie lair.

He was always cautious, and it took him a long time to sneak out of it.

His character is not very lucky, refreshed in the utility room next to the toilet on the third floor, the player's birth point is absolutely safe.

But whether it will be safe outside the birth point, this is an unknown.

After going out, he found that he seemed to be reborn in a zombie lair.

As one of the production members of Dawn of the Night, he naturally knows very well that there are many good things in the zombie lair.

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【Death Game Producer】【】

Especially now that the test has adjusted the explosion rate and item refresh rate to extremely high, there must be a lot of very good and attractive things in it.

However, he found that even though he knew there were good things in it, his current strength was really too weak.

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Although many things in this game can be used as weapons to attack.

But if it is not set as a weapon, the attack power is actually similar to that of bare hands.

Only certain weapons with individual values ​​can increase attack damage.

With his bare hands, he can single out one zombie, or even three or five zombies.

The initial value of the character is actually very high, much better than ordinary people.

But this is a zombie lair, and it is impossible for him to fight the zombies one-on-one.

As long as you provoke the hatred of a zombie, it will immediately trigger a chain reaction, and the zombies in the entire nest will wake up and lock him with hatred.

Even a Tier 1 player would have to hate being surrounded by zombies, let alone his initial character, who had no chance of surviving at all.

He could only wait for the opportunity, while sneaking out to find out the zombie's lair.

Although he is not very far from the exit gate.

But with the existence of countless zombies, his speed can only be described as a snail speed.

When he touched half the distance, he even had a feeling, 'Why don't you just let the zombies chew it up and start over. '

But after thinking about it, I finally ran here, and it seems a bit too bad to give up now.

It's all here, let's try harder.

This effort took him a lot of time.

Finally, Xiao Zhang escaped from the zombie's lair, which did not arouse the hatred of any zombie.

He also meets another colleague, Zhou Bo, who looks like he is about to die suddenly.

If it wasn't for the player's name on Zhou Bo's body, he would have thought it was a zombie wandering outside.

He even almost gave Zhou Bolai a flying kick!

He told Zhou Bohou about the situation of the zombie lair, and patted his chest, "Don't worry, play with me, you definitely don't need to reopen."

"I'm from the production team of Dawn of the Night!"

Xiao Zhang proudly took Zhou Bo's backpack again, took out the crossbow bolts from the backpack, and installed them on the crossbow.

"Let's go, hang out with my brother, I'll let you walk sideways in Raccoon City."

Zhou Bo looked at Xiaozhang, and Xiaozhang said that he was believed by Zhou Bo from the production team of Dawn of the Night.

But for some reason, he always felt that this product seemed a bit unreliable.

But now he doesn't want to reopen, so he decided to hang out with Xiao Zhang.

From Xiao Zhang's mouth, he also learned that this kind of injury such as a broken arm can grow back as long as there is a medical kit.

Although Dawn of the Night players also have settings such as severed limbs, these severed limbs can still be regenerated because of the game.

After all, this is a game, and it is still necessary to give players enough gaming experience.

As for the setting of broken limbs, it is just to allow players to have better attack ideas and strategies in pvp.

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【Death Game Producer】【】

It can also create the possibility for players to kill high-level characters with low-level characters.

The main focus of this game is pvp.

The battle between players is the essence of the game.

As for pve and the like, it is slightly simpler than pvp, even if the boss is very powerful.

And it is also equipped with anthropomorphic AI, the strongest intelligent AI on the market.

But because it is still a monster, the behavior of the boss will be restricted within a certain range.

Compared with players, it is still much worse.

Why set the range for the boss?

It's very simple, if you don't set the range, then the pve of this game is basically useless, no, it should be said that the whole game is over.

The players are basically finished.

Imagine a boss equipped with anthropomorphic AI, without any constraints, and completely free to move.

For the players, it was simply a massacre.

The boss will most likely find a way to nip the threat in its infancy.

In this way, the player still has a terrible experience, being chased and killed by a bunch of bosses as soon as he is born, and the game experience is directly reduced to the lowest point.

Just like the tyrant Zhou Bo met before.

If the tyrant does not have the constraints of the logical range of behavior.

Tyrants don't stay in Tier 4 forever.

Will keep chasing him until he is killed.

This is not a good experience for all players.


The two began to explore downwards. As Zhou Bo's health was getting lower and lower, it had reached 40%, and his legs also began to feel weak.

It is very difficult for the whole person to walk on flat roads, let alone go down stairs.

Xiao Zhang could only straddle the crossbow on his right arm, and supported him with his left hand to move on.

"I think I'd better reopen it, and now I feel like I'm useless, and we don't know if we can find a healing kit in this building."

Zhou Bo's current thoughts are very negative, he has no game experience in his current state!

Rather than surviving like this, it would be better to cut through the mess and let it reopen directly.

Although the crossbow is precious, but now that it is given to Xiao Zhang, it seems that there is no regret.

"Don't give up, bro, there are a lot of healing kits in Dawn of the Night game, no materials are needed to make them, and the finished healing kits will be refreshed everywhere, it is one of the most props in the game."

"What's more, it's still a beta version, and the blood packs will be doubled. You just need to persevere, and you will be able to resurrect with full blood."

Xiaozhang persuaded Zhou Bo while supporting him.

"But, I'm just a burden now!"

Zhou Bo always felt a little embarrassed. If he encountered any dangerous situation, he might kill Xiao Zhang, a normal person.

He is now a drag bottle!

"Troublesome? I don't think so."

Xiao Zhang spoke with a very serious voice.

"This time our company only has more than 200 people who signed up for the test."

"And Dawn of the Night has a complete Raccoon City, it's a big!"

"Every tester is randomly assigned anywhere, and the chances of us meeting together are pitifully low."

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【Death Game Producer】【】

"And this is not a chicken game. There is no safe zone for players to gather together."

"Maybe after the normal test, you will not meet other testers."

"I am one of the members of the production team of Dawn of the Night, so I am very clear about some strategies of this game. It is definitely more important for two people to play together than to play alone."

"Although you look miserable now, you only need a blood pack to be resurrected. The game experience of the two of us exploring Raccoon City will definitely be better."

"After you reopen, the probability of meeting other testers again is very low!"

Xiao Zhang earnestly persuaded Zhou Bo to persevere, persevere and persevere!

Zhou Bo opened his mouth, as if he wanted to refute, but after thinking about it carefully, what Xiao Zhang said was indeed very reasonable.

Although he has already met two colleagues, he really doesn't think it is difficult to meet other colleagues in the dawn of the night.

And the funniest thing is that the first colleague he met was taken away by himself...

After seeing Zhou Bo's shaky expression, Xiaozhang quickly struck while the iron was hot, "Don't worry, I know there are many strategies in this game, as long as you follow me, it will be very enjoyable."


Before Zhou Bo finished speaking, Xiao Zhang's head exploded suddenly, and blood splashed all over his face...

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