MTL - Underworld Game Producer-Chapter 172 Chen Rui's dream

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【Death Game Producer】【】

If it weren't for Li Wen's escape, it would indeed have created a track and injected fresh vitality into the entire game.

Otherwise, even if Happy Paradise becomes a top manufacturer, it is unlikely to be able to nominate the best of the year.

As for the best horror game, it is estimated that it will also be given to other games, so he doesn't even think about it.

After all, the annual game awards conference is almost always a project jointly founded by game companies above the third-tier manufacturers at home and abroad.

The purpose is to motivate all game manufacturers, and use this platform to promote their own games on it.

To put it bluntly, this year's best game or something is just a gimmick made by the game company to make more money.

Li Wen's high bonus is destroying their interests.

Fortunately, the profit that Li Wen distributed to the employees did not reach their bottom line, but fortunately, it was within the range they could bear. of.

It does hurt them.

If Li Wen distributed 30% or more of the profits to the employees, it would cause turmoil in the entire circle of game practitioners.

What greeted Li Wen was no longer the current hostility.

He will be banned by the entire game industry.

Still mercilessly blocked.

As the saying goes, cutting off someone's money is like killing one's parents.

Li Wen didn't even think about it, he distributed the profits to his own employees, and it didn't matter to anyone else.


"Brother, did you forget about spending money to make a movie for me?"

Li Wen, who had been busy all day and was very tired, returned home, and heard Chen Xin's words as soon as he entered the door.

Chen Xin sat on the sofa, holding snacks in his arms, watching TV, enjoying it very much.

Since she left the game support position, she did not continue to be Li Wen's assistant, but applied for a logistics job instead.

Every day is very relaxed and freehand.

In addition, she can still get the dividends of the battle royale all the time, making money is not a lot at all.

Because Li Wen was too busy taking charge of two projects at the same time, he didn't have the energy to pay attention to her at all.

Otherwise, judging from all the things Li Wen did to her, there is a high probability that she would not be able to enjoy and relax so much.

She will definitely assign her a job that is tiring and has a lot of work, such as Li Wen's assistant...

Then he told her in a very serious tone that he did this to train her, and that he had to eat hard to become the super poisonous chicken soup of Master Ren.

When Li Wen heard this, he scratched his head, as if he had indeed said that he would invest some money to make a movie for her.

But the movies and TV series about this matter are very awesome...

It's useless for him to copy it. Many movies and TV shows that were very classic and highly rated in his previous world, to be honest, compared with many movies and TV shows in this world, they are very average.

This can be felt directly.

Since copying such a skill has been sealed, he doesn't have any acquaintances in the film and television industry.

Just invest in making movies like this, isn't it just a pure being slaughtered and taken advantage of?

Although now Happy Paradise's activity funds have exceeded 10 billion.

But the money did not fly over by itself, but was earned by the whole company through hard work.

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【Death Game Producer】【】

In this world, to invest in a high-quality movie, you must prepare at least one billion yuan.

After all, special effects, voice actors, and actors are all very valuable.

But he can't do it, throw away the billions if you say so.

Even if the investment in Devil's Soul is high, there is a high probability of losing money, but there is always something to look forward to.

And he still has a glimmer of hope, for example, the players in this world just shake m, they don't need to develop at all, and Devil's Soul likes to suffer as soon as it is released.

As for making movies, he is a layman, and he doesn't have a script that he is confident that he can make money. He really has no idea, and he is not willing to spend money.

But he promised Chen Xin that after all, he has an older brother who is related by blood.

Talking is not a word, it is indeed very bad.

If Chen Xin was some kind of snobbish relative who ran away when he was lonely, then he could ignore Chen Xin with peace of mind.

But the problem is, when he was most lonely, this girl even gave him the money given by her parents for emergency.

The grace of dripping water must be repaid by the spring.

This is the education he received from childhood.

He was very tangled, looking at Chen Xin whose eyes were shining, staring at her, he coughed lightly.

"Okay, but I have one condition."

He endured the pain, one billion is one billion, his heart is bleeding, this one billion can develop a high-quality game in Happy Paradise.


Chen Xin frowned tightly.

"As long as you move out of my house, I will immediately invest in making movies for you. You have made a lot of money now, and you should learn to be independent."

Think of one billion as the key to drive Chen Xin out and become independent.


Chen Xin jumped up straight away and stood on the sofa with fierce eyes and gritted his teeth.

"You bastard, do you want to drive your lovely sister out so much?"

While changing his shoes, Li Wen said two words without looking up.

"The table."

Chen Xin was very angry, threw the snacks on the table, put his hands on his hips, and started the battle mode.

"Blood is thicker than water!"

After Li Wen changed his shoes, he sighed, walked to the living room, looked up at Chen Xin who was standing on the sofa with his hands on his hips and condescending.

"Then do you agree to this condition?"

This girl probably won't refuse, now that they've lived together for so long, to be honest, looking at Chen Xin annoys him, even asking him to do the laundry.

He didn't do any housework at all, and even asked him to cook, which was like serving an ancestor.

If Chen Xin is a very diligent younger sister who rushes to do everything for him, he wouldn't always want to drive her away.

"This this..."

Chen Xin fell into deep thought, and seemed to be considering the pros and cons of leaving here.

On the one hand, she can realize her dream of becoming the protagonist, and on the other hand, she can indeed live a very comfortable and comfortable life.

To be honest, it's really hard to choose.

She and Li Wen have had a good relationship since childhood, and there is no pressure living in Li Wen's place, not to mention that Li Wen can cook good meals.

What she is most greedy for is Li Wen's good cooking skills.

Thinking of moving out by herself, she can basically only live with takeaways, and she is in a bad mood.

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【Death Game Producer】【】

But...becoming the protagonist of a movie was her childhood dream.

When she was a child, the first time she saw a movie, she was deeply attracted by the characters performed by the actors in the movie.

From then on, she wanted to be an actress.

It's a pity that the reality is very cruel. Although she was successfully admitted to the Academy of Film and Television, her grades are still excellent.

But her external conditions are very ordinary in the film and television academy, and she is unknown.

Let's put it this way, she is more like a green leaf with those bright flowers in the film and television academy.

After graduating, she took on some jobs, but basically they were all tricks, and she persisted for a long time.

I have always thought that I haven't found a bole who appreciates me.

It's a pity that Bole didn't show up, but it was difficult for her to support herself.

In the end, in order to survive first, he had to rely on Li Wen.

Tangled, really too tangled.

The expression on Chen Xin's face kept changing, dreams and a comfortable life were always tormenting her choices.

Finally, she shook her head.

"Forget it, I have no interest in acting now."

Compared with her dreams, she seems to prefer her current comfortable life.

"Isn't it your dream to play the leading role?"

Li Wen couldn't help complaining, he looked surprised, how much this girl wanted to be here.

In order to be able to continue to live the life of wearing clothes, reaching out for food and opening mouth, even the great dream of being a starring role is not given up?

"I don't think it's interesting to be the protagonist."

Chen Xin thought about it seriously, she folded her chest with one hand and rested her chin with the other, "Being an actor is too tiring, I'm fine now, so! Brother, please forget that you want to invest in me to make a movie."

"The most important thing is, don't try to drive me away!"

After glaring at Li Wen who was speechless, she sat down on the sofa again, picked up the snacks she had just thrown away, and watched the gossip variety show that was playing on TV again.

"Are you sure you don't want to act anymore?"

Li Wen tried to ask.

Chen Xin nodded, "acting is so tiring. When I was a game manager, I was acting every day. Thinking about it, I feel quite tired."

Indeed, as a game console, she is acting all the time when facing players.

"I won't drive you away, I'll pay you to make a movie."

Well, Li Wen was completely defeated, his heart was indeed too soft, of course he had promised Chen Xin before.

Although he didn't take this opportunity to drive Chen Xin away, even Chen Xin gave up his dream in order to stay here.

He was moved by the girl's persistence.

Chen Xin turned to look at Li Wen, and shook his head seriously, "I really don't want to act anymore."

Although acting is a dream, she now feels very tired when she thinks of acting so hard and having to memorize lines and so on.

Besides, she is very satisfied with her current life, and she is not willing to step out of her comfort zone.

What's more, she is not only living happily in Happy Paradise, but also earns a lot of money, has no worries about food and clothing, and even allows her parents to live a prosperous life.

Her life has been very successful.

Now she is really not willing to let her start anew but challenge a new life.

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【Death Game Producer】【】

Mainly because of Li Wen's conditions.

Let her seriously think about her current situation before making a decision.

If she asked at the beginning, Li Wen didn't ask any conditions, and directly agreed to make a movie.

She probably wouldn't think about it so much, maybe when she actually started filming, she would feel that the current life is the most comfortable.

She felt that she had passed the age of chasing her dreams, so it was better to be more pragmatic, and her life was good now.

To put it bluntly, she is just lazy.

Dreams and the like don't seem to be that important under her laziness.

Li Wen chatted with Chen Xin for a while, only to realize that this girl really didn't want to act anymore.

It's not because I don't want to move out, I don't want to act, I really don't want to act.

If that's the case, then he wouldn't feel any guilt if he didn't invest in making a movie for Chen Xin.

Although he doesn't make a movie for Chen Xin, he will not give up on driving Chen Xin out of his house, and he will succeed one day.

If it doesn't work, just find someone to marry. When the time comes, the couple will live together and see if the girl can still lick her face and continue to live here.

But when Li Wen thought about it carefully, this girl seemed to be able to lick her face and continue to live here.


"Boss Li, the game you are developing is called Demon's Soul. Is it a horror game?"

This is a local TV program, a game column, and some young and promising game producers are regularly invited to the program for interviews.

The reporter looks very **** and dresses very sexy. It seems that he dressed like this to increase the ratings.

It's normal, most people who like to play games are still men.

"Devil's Soul is not a horror game, but a sword and sorcery ARPG game."

Li Wen didn't look at the reporter's **** figure.

To be honest, the reporter is indeed sexy, he is also a normal man, and he is also very interested in such **** women.

Unfortunately, he is in contact with Li Xin every day, and can see Li Xin every day.

Compared with Li Xin, this reporter is indeed much worse. He already has a high resistance to beautiful women.

Without Li Xin's intensive training, maybe his gaze would be involuntary and out of his control.

"Arpg game?"

The reporter was very curious, "What about the other Evil Within that is being developed? Is it also an ARPG game?"

"It's not."

Li Wen glanced at the reporter's puzzled face, "The Evil Within is a traditional survival horror game."

"In terms of genre, it should be the same as the Resident Evil series, both of which belong to the survival horror game genre."

The reporter nodded and brushed his long hair in front of his ears, "As a loyal fan of Boss Li's games, I have always wanted to ask you a question, and I don't know if you mind."

Li Wen nodded, "If I mind, you must still ask, so you can ask."

The reporter was amused by his answer and burst into laughter.

He looked at the reporter blankly. Isn't this guy's smile too low?

Or did he have a great sense of humor himself?

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【Death Game Producer】【】


Since the reporter was laughing all the time, the director of the program group couldn't help calling out the card.

"Xiaoying, are you okay? Professionalism! Professional!"

The director's voice was very helpless.

This interview is just one of the interviews in the entire game show.

"President Li, I'm sorry, Xiaoying doesn't know what's going on today, please take it easy."

Li Wen waved his hand, "It's okay..."

"I'm sorry, Boss Li."

Xiaoying finally controlled her smile and looked at him apologetically.

"Is it funny what I said? Or is my face funny?"

Li Wen pointed to his face.

He didn't mean to blame the reporter Xiaoying, he was just asking.

But what he said sounded like he was very angry.

"sorry Sorry sorry..."

Reporter Xiaoying apologized repeatedly, she was just a newcomer, she finally got the chance to appear on TV, and she messed it up all at once.

She had a strange disease since she was a child.

Whenever I get nervous, I can't help but laugh out loud.

She had been able to hold back just now.

However, when she faced the camera, the tension had been building and finally exploded.

"It's okay, don't be nervous, I just want to ask, nothing else."

Li Wen was a little helpless, he naturally didn't know Xiaoying's problems.

I just suddenly wondered if I have a talent for being funny...