MTL - Underworld Game Producer-Chapter 175 Perverts always hide in the crowd

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【Death Game Producer】【】

If two people meet during the live broadcast, they usually won't engage in any assassination, and they will still be very friendly on the surface.

Even if there may be some quarrels, they will not express them in front of the audience.

However, after Dark Night chooses to play the time-accelerated server, it basically means that he is playing alone and will not start the live broadcast.

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After all, there are really not many viewers in the second world to watch the live broadcast. Just opening a game experience is much better than watching the live broadcast.

The current live broadcast platforms are all for Tianxuan migrant workers whose games are not free.

Use your mobile phone to watch the live broadcast, as if you have played this game, and you will cry if you talk too much.

There's no way, it's not that they don't want to play games, it's just that they really don't have much time to play games in reality, and because they love games, they can only watch live broadcasts to satisfy their cravings.

If these people have time to bring the second world, who will watch the live broadcast, just go to play the game.

Xiao Tian and Ye Zi, who played games in private without live broadcast, naturally never died.

In the beginning, Xiao Tian successfully killed Ye Zi several times through her informants.

But then I don't know what's going on with this guy, the **** is out of the table, not only surpassed her in level, but also got a special enhancer.

This woman must be krypton gold, only Ruanmeibi can make players become stronger so easily.

Xiaotian also krypton gold, but she doesn't krypton gold krypton too much, she always thinks that the level, equipment, props and so on are only interesting if they have to fight for it by themselves.

Although Krypton Gold can become stronger, compared to someone like her who wants to challenge more difficult modes, she will soon lose interest in this game.

Therefore, she has always been self-disciplined, and she didn't make herself the number one person in the district.

As for another game she often plays on stream, Battle Royale.

She spends a lot of krypton. Unlike the dawn of the night, no matter how much money is spent in the game of battle royale, it doesn't matter, and it won't affect the balance of the game.

The most important thing today is the live broadcast of The Evil Within.

This Evil Possession has always been very low-key, and she only knew about it after finishing the game a few days ago.

Judging from what Happy Paradise revealed, this is a survival horror game.

Resident Evil rumors?

Resident Evil is a representative of survival horror games. After she learned about this game, she immediately thought of it.

However, judging from the introduction of the game, it really has nothing to do with Resident Evil, and they are two completely different and independent worlds.

Although she is very obsessed with Dawn of the Night now, almost all of her time outside of the live broadcast is given to this game.

There is no way, the dawn of the night is really very good, it's so cool.

But she is still very interested in Happy Paradise and Li Wen's new works.

She even heard Li Wen say that the game of The Evil Within is terrifying, and it should be the scariest and most oppressive game currently produced by Happy Paradise.

Hearing this, how could she bear it, the sense of anticipation was directly full, okay?

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【Death Game Producer】【】

The closer the live broadcast time is, the slower time feels to Xiao Tian.

In order not to affect the effect of the live broadcast, she never opened the demo version of The Evil Within that had been sent over.

No, it can't be called the demo version of The Evil Within, it should be called the special version of Xiaotian.

After all, it was specially made for her in order to let her have a better live broadcast effect.

This time, it is different from the previous demo version. There is a small tutorial at the beginning.

After the small tutorial is over, the hard dishes are served directly.

One of the classic scenes in the game.

Being chased and killed by Miss Sadako, he did it in one go, until she killed Miss Sadako.

This paragraph was made into a special version of Xiaotian.

When Li Wen was in contact with her, he told her that this period was full of oppression and a strong sense of terror.

It's better to get used to it in advance, otherwise it will be too high-powered by then, and it will be very embarrassing.

The more Li Wen was like this, the more itchy she became, and sometimes she almost couldn't help but wanted to play with it.

But she still held back, although she knew very well that what Li Wen said might not be false, the demo version of The Evil Spirit Possession is indeed very scary and oppressive.

For a better program effect, she could only endure the strong urge to play.

Xiaotian is a big anchor, and also a very famous big anchor in the game live broadcast circle.

To be honest, it is very difficult to continue to improve one's popularity.

If she wanted to retain or even attract more fans, she only had one way to improve the quality of the live broadcast and make the show more effective.

Unfortunately, this is difficult.

Nowadays, in addition to the games of Happy Paradise, which allow her to have a program effect during the live broadcast, of course, there are also very few games made by pure horror game manufacturers that are not bad.

It can also provide some program effects during live broadcast.

As for the mainstream games, it doesn't mean that the mainstream games are not fun, and they are not as fun as the games of Happy Paradise.

The anchor is playing a mainstream game, which is very comfortable and refreshing.

But in the eyes of viewers watching the live broadcast, these are very ordinary and will feel boring.

It's like a Gilded reboot.

It won the best game of the year this year, which is the result given by the players' votes and media evaluations.

A game that isn't fun won't be the game of the year at all, don't even think about it.

Although the game of gilt is really fun, the live broadcast effect is very average, and even the audience watching the live broadcast will be very bored.

Because there are too many dialogues in the game.

The audience does not have a sense of substitution as a game anchor, so many dialogues, and various bright and dark lines are entangled.

After a long time, the audience will be bored and want to sleep.

When the live broadcast of the game and Happy Paradise is live, there are two completely different styles of painting.

If Li Wen hadn't been reborn into this world and launched a big hammer brother, the game live broadcasting circle, whose market had already begun to slump, would have a second spring.

Maybe now, there are not many anchors who live broadcast games, and all of them have switched to live broadcasting other things.

The game live streaming industry reached its peak after the launch of Escape from Happy Paradise.

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【Death Game Producer】【】

When various anchors broadcast this game live, the effect of the program exploded.

In particular, the anchors play multiplayer mode, and the interaction with passer-by players makes the audience full of interest.

And the frightening five-player game made the live broadcast effect explode directly.

Whether it's the anchors cheating the passers-by players, or the passers-by players cheating the anchors, the live broadcast room is full of joy.

The effect of traditional mainstream game live broadcast programs is completely different.

So, it's not easy for Xiaotian. A game that can improve the effect of the show, how could it be possible to enter the game in advance and destroy the effect of the show.

This kind of survival horror game needs to be seen for the first time to have the best program effect.

Anyway, the audience came to watch her make a fool of herself, and the more she made a fool of herself, the more explosive the effect of the show would be.

She felt that it couldn't be more terrifying than the Silent Hill pt at the second world press conference, right?

At the beginning, she was indeed quite frightened by Silent Hill PT, but she was not scared to pee or anything like that, and she was still at the limit of what she could bear.

She didn't believe that the trial version of The Evil Within would be more terrifying than Silent Hill PT!


Eight o'clock at night.

Before Xiaotian started broadcasting, there were already a lot of viewers in the live broadcast room, and there were many barrages floating on the black screen.

The audience is already chatting.

The content is nothing more than curiosity about the game The Evil Within.

Most of the audience watching Xiaotian's live broadcast are people who like to play games.

This is also the case, most of the barrages are discussing games, and occasionally a perverted barrage will appear.

This kind of perverted barrage will soon float by, and there is not even the slightest sense of existence in the dense barrage.

There was a little brother who noticed the perverted barrage that floated past just now.

It made him even a little excited, and he seemed to have turned on his own abnormal switch.

Watching the dense bullet screen drifting by, he panted heavily, tapping his fingers on the glass of the phone.

'I want to eat shit! Eat **** shit. '

xxx is the object of this little brother's crush.

He hesitated, and put his finger on the send.

Maybe it's a bit too perverted for me to do so?

But when he thought that someone would notice his perverted speech, he seemed even more excited.


His barrage is sent out.

I don't know what's going on, there was a dense barrage of bullets just a second ago, but after he sent his perverted speech, the barrages disappeared a lot.

His perverted barrage just floated across the screen, very eye-catching.


It's so exciting.

The barrage is anonymous, and no one knows who sent the barrage.

Until, a message floated on the screen of the phone, 'Liu Jun? '

The little brother's name is Liu Jun. It doesn't matter what his name is. What matters is why the barrage behind him knows his name.

This must be a coincidence.

That's right, Xiaotian's fans come from all over the world, and his name is not an uncommon word, and it is relatively rare and common, very popular.

It must be the same name.

‘Liu Jun, you actually want to eat xxx’s poop, you are so perverted. '

Liu Jun had some doubts, whether it was really someone he knew.

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【Death Game Producer】【】

But after thinking about it, he shook his head again, fixed the phone on the bracket, and continued to work overtime.

Although he was working at the same time, he was always watching the live broadcast screen of his mobile phone.

Suddenly, another bullet screen floated by.

'Liu Jun, turn your head and look. '

After seeing this barrage, he turned his head subconsciously.

I happened to see a girl holding a mobile phone in her hand, pointing at the Xiaotian live broadcast room that had not yet started broadcasting on the screen of the mobile phone.

The most terrible thing is that this girl is exactly the **** he has a crush on.

In an instant, he fell into a super invincible social death scene, and his whole body was numb.

It seems that it is really not easy to be a pervert or something.

After the metamorphosis episode ended, Xiao Tian came belatedly and started the live broadcast.

She was late this time.

And the time of being late was not short, a full ten minutes.

It was also during these ten minutes that Liu Jun and the others would awaken their perverted attributes and fall into the shooting scene.

Whether Liu Jun can continue to work in his company in the future, these all belong to Liu Jun's story...

It is rare for Xiaotian to be late for the live broadcast, so the audience forgave her after she Chen Chen apologized.

In fact, she was late this time because she forgot the time while playing a game, but luckily a little assistant reminded her.

Otherwise, she might be even longer late.

In order to make the live broadcast better tonight, Xiaotian didn't open the demo version of The Evil Within.

Just when she was bored, she realized that she hadn't played a scary game for a long time.

It was the last time since the last horror game.

As for when was the last time, it was naturally escape 3 o'clock.

Because the process of Escape 3 is too long, it is a pigeon-style horror game, and you can only start over if you quit halfway through the game.

In order to familiarize myself with the atmosphere of horror games in advance.

She chose to play Silent Hill pt.

Silent Hill pt has not been played for a long time, I still remember when this demo was just put on the platform for free play.

Her fans call her live every day.

There is no way, most of the fans said so, she can only follow suit and live broadcast Silent Hill pt.

At the beginning, she only had the experience of trying out the Second World press conference.

So when I was playing, I was still very scared, and I often died and started again.

Gradually, she broadcast live over and over again, night after night.

After playing more times, that infinite corridor is more intimate than returning to my own home.

Silent Hill pt can no longer scare her, she completely overcome the whole demo.

The audience watched her play so easily, and after the scene they wanted to see did not appear, no audience asked her to play Silent Hill pt again.

She was about to live broadcast a game that Li Wen said was scary and oppressive, so she decided to find out the feeling first.

She started playing Silent Hill pt again, and was pleasantly surprised to find that she was afraid again.

Often do not exercise, the fear returned, UU reading her whole body was terrified.

Due to fear, the already clear memory of customs clearance seems to have become blurred.

The Silent Hill game, which is already familiar, has become difficult and terrifying to her.

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【Death Game Producer】【】

So this is also the main reason for her being late.

Although she stumbled and stumbled, she still let her remember while playing, and once again passed the perfect ending of Silent Hill pt.

Some things are still unfinished, but for the demo version of The Evil Within, I have a stronger urge to play.

As soon as she was on the broadcast, she seemed a little impatient. After casually apologizing to the audience and chatting with the barrage for a while, she opened the demo version of The Evil Within.

It is also the highlight of the live broadcast tonight.

Although it is a trial version, it is absolutely not castrated before the game starts.

There are also two difficulty modes, which are no different from the official version.

enter the game.

The Evil Within is played in first-person.

Xiao Tian slowly opened her eyes, and the moonlight shone through the glass, illuminating everything in front of her eyes.

This appears to be in a factory?

Look at the elevator going up and down, and the circular staircase behind the elevator she's on.

There seemed to be no road in front of her, and she was covered by iron nets.

Charged in a cage?

At this moment, Xiaotian suddenly heard a series of movements behind her.

It was as if something had crawled through the barbed wire wall behind her.

She turned her head to look, suddenly a little confused...

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