MTL - Underworld Game Producer-Chapter 184 Saw gamification sure is nice

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【Death Game Producer】【】

"It's really like that... How much does it cost? It's such a good acting."

Zhou Bo still didn't feel that this was a real incident, and he was the victim who was accidentally involved in the case.

From the beginning to the end, I still believe that this is the 'game' arranged by my ex-girlfriend.

In order not to spoil the 'game', he didn't plan to show up, he just wanted to clear the level quickly.

His feet were indeed unbearably cold, cold and painful.

Quietly groping away from the abandoned factory, he continued on the already potholed and dilapidated road.

It took a full hour to reach the inhabited place.

There are mostly self-built houses here, and the first floor at the bottom has been built as a store, and some stores are still open.

He really can't walk now, his feet are worn out, he admits defeat, this kind of game can't be completed without great perseverance.

Zhou Bo had no money, and his cell phone was not at hand, so he couldn't even hail a car.

Even, he didn't even know where he was.

It seems that the plan to appear directly in front of the ex-girlfriend has failed.

He entered a supermarket. The supermarket was guarded by a young man who was watching the live broadcast. He was a little surprised when he came in.

After all, the weather is so cold now, and the people who come in are dressed in rags, like beggars.

In this day and age, homeless people are rarely seen, so the young man was taken aback for a moment.

"Hello, can you borrow my cell phone to make a call?"

Zhou Bo rubbed his hands and spoke in embarrassment.

The young man almost refused, but he was indeed a little pitiful looking at him, and finally hesitated for a few seconds before taking out the phone and handing it to him.

He took the phone and dialed his ex-girlfriend's number skillfully.

He has a very good memory, not only the phone number of his ex-girlfriend, but also all the numbers in his mobile phone address book.

What happened next, Zhou Bo was in a bad mood.

Only then did he realize that he had really been kidnapped.

At first, he didn't believe it when he hung up the phone. It wasn't until the police came to pick him up that he realized that he had really become a victim.

This time, he was even on the hot searches.

Although the ex-girlfriend and the strong man just wanted to wake up Zhou Bo, it was not a real crime.

But by mistake, he helped the real criminals.

Fortunately, Zhou Bo forgave the two, and they were criticized and warned for a long time.

As for the group of men in raincoats, they had already been watched by the police for a long time, and the last one did not escape, and they were all arrested.

Coupled with the fact that these people have their lives on their backs, there is a high probability that they will not be able to get out this time.

Zhou Bo was also worried and frightened for a long time.

The hotel where he lived also closed down due to safety hazards.

Zhou Bo found him, it seems that as long as he plays the first game of Happy Paradise, he will encounter various events.

It seems that he has never played the first game of Happy Paradise to his heart's content.

If not, forget it.

This time, he even met someone who actually cut his waist, although he likes horror events very much.

However, if the waist was really cut, that would be the most painful thing.

He didn't even dare to think about what would happen to him next time he played the first game of Happy Paradise.

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【Death Game Producer】【】

Maybe, he will lose his life next time.

After all, such outrageous things can happen to him.


The news that Zhou Bo was caught by the waist-cutting man in order to play Evil Spirit Possession, and escaped from the crime den alone spread throughout Happy Paradise.

He went from an unknown employee in the personnel department known only to a few people to a famous person in the entire company.

All of a sudden, it was on fire in Happy Paradise.

There is even a little fan girl, mainly because he is really handsome.

In the past, he was unknown and did not do anything that attracted attention, so he was not noticed by others. He was very low-key.

Now that it has become popular, and has received more attention, many people have discovered that Zhou Bo is so handsome, and he instantly became a little fan girl.

Even Li Wen admired Zhou Bo very much.

When Zhou Bo asked for leave to start playing The Evil Spirit, he already felt that something would happen to this guy.

All he could think of was the entanglement between his ex-girlfriend and best friend.

Unexpectedly, such a big thing happened, and it was a bit beyond his expectation.

When he thought that Zhou Bo was able to escape from the waist-cutting hand, he admired him very much.

He was very interested in the whole incident, so he learned all the details of his escape from Zhou Bo.

If it was him, he thought that he was definitely not as capable as Zhou Bo.

There is a high probability that the first level will be stuck by the owner.

The main reason is that he can't pick the lock and doesn't have so many skills.

He is not a fan of horror events, so he has nothing to do to tinker with the lockpicking skill.

Born in a peaceful age, to be honest, the chances of encountering something like Zhou Bo are less than that of winning the lottery.

No, winning the lottery is not a reference at all.

After all, the lottery can perfectly 'avoid' all jackpots.

To change the metaphor, Lei Pi is very appropriate.

The chance of being kidnapped by a waist cut is estimated to be many times smaller than the chance of being struck by lightning while walking on the street.

But, Li Wen can refer to Zhou Bo's incident and make a self-help game.

In the world before his rebirth, there was a series of movies, which were very classic.

That is Wen Ziren's chainsaw series.

The most classic of the chainsaw is the first two movies, and the reversal at the end made both movies very shocking.

As for the subsequent sequels, since it is no longer directed by Wen Ziren, Saw has also become extremely clichéd and has become a serious plasma film.

[To be honest, I have recently followed up, changed sources, and have many voices for reading aloud. Both Android and Apple are available for .huanyuanapp. 】

In the future, the sequels will be uglier than the last one.

Of course, Li Wen didn't intend to make a movie, but made the genre of Chainsaw into a game.

In his former world, there are also game companies that have made Chainsaw into a game.

But to be honest, the game was so rubbish, it was a waste of such a good theme. UU reading

Make the chainsaw into a game, and it's still in the world where Li Wen's game industry is very developed.

With the blessing of the second-world platform, it can definitely give countless players an unforgettable exciting journey.

It's like Zhou Bo was kidnapped by Ga Yaozi.

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【Death Game Producer】【】

Li Wen felt a little excited just thinking about it.

Of course, he wasn't happy that the game was a good use of his special ability to torture players.

I just want to bring a good game to the players, so that the players will not be harmed in reality.

You can enjoy enough stimulation without being kidnapped by the waist cut.

The more I think about it, the better I feel.

It's just that he now has the most critical place for the Devil's Soul.

At most, I can only spare time to write the script, and I don't have time to make the whole process.

He can still take care of the evil spirit possessed, and he also relies on the company Zhang Chunsheng and others.

Now Zhang Chunsheng and the others are already busy with their own affairs, and they really don't have many people available.

"By the way, I remember Zhou Bo said that before?"

"He seems to have always wanted to switch careers to make games?"

Zhou Bo taught himself how to play games, so Li Wen naturally took notice.

In addition, the two live next door, so they often communicate, Zhou Bo is indeed very talented.

Maybe Zhou Bo can really give it a try?

After all, he has the precious experience of being kidnapped by Ga Yaozi, so if he uses it in the game, he might be Wang Zhan?

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