MTL - Underworld Game Producer-Chapter 202 Competitive Games? MOBA!!!

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【Death Game Producer】【】

The discussion of conferring gods did not make much progress.

There are many histories, and there are too many plots that can be magically changed.

The two discussed it for a whole day and did not discuss why.

The two-person discussion group has increased a lot of people.

Throughout the day, the head and deputy leaders of the Happy Paradise production team all gathered in the conference room.

All the work at hand stopped.


It is currently the highest priority of Happy Paradise.

This game makes so much money, it must be a series that shines, and it is absolutely not allowed to fail.

Survival 3 sold more than 10 million copies in the end, and they are planning to escape 4. They were originally planning to end it.

But if the players buy it, as long as the series of games can make money, Li Wen will do it.

Although it is said that Happy Paradise makes games and other game companies have a different operating model.

But Happy Paradise is also a pure game company, making games to make money.

Judging from such exaggerated sales of Fengshen, there is a high probability that it will become another signature game series of Happy Paradise in the future.

And it might be the top card.

Then if you want to keep the top card, so that the Fengshen series can always be sold, for example, you need to set the tone for the sequel.

These chief and deputy team leaders sitting in the conference room are all talents cultivated by Li Wen with a big budget.

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Every leader and deputy team leader has the ability to be unique.

Although the types of games they are good at are different, it is still very easy to discuss and give opinions now.

The only person who couldn't keep up with these chief and deputy team leaders was Zhou Bo.

Although the chainsaw production team is a small temporary production team.

And there is no vice-chairman yet.

But it also belongs to the production team of Happy Paradise.

Therefore, he naturally also came to participate in this meeting about the Conferred God Game.

To be honest, although he can't get in the way at the moment, he is very satisfied just listening to the unconstrained opinions of the chief and deputy team leaders.

He also learned a lot from it.

By the way, the reason why he likes Happy Paradise so much is not all because he is a fan of the escape series and Resident Evil.

More because of the working environment of the Happy Paradise family.

For example, right now, every chief and deputy team leader is speaking enthusiastically regardless of their own interests. It can be seen that everyone hopes that Fengshen can succeed.

If it is replaced by another game company.

Most of these meetings turn into silent meetings.

It is impossible for those talents to hand over their ideas for no reason.

Moreover, if one's own idea is selected and the other party uses it, there is no benefit to the person who successfully comes up with the idea in the game.

But if the game fails, then he must be responsible.

It's not like Happy Paradise. If the game fails, you will find the reason, and if you can't find it, just change to another type, and don't touch the failed type.

Just like Dead Souls, the game didn't actually lose money, it paid back its capital.

But the earning is too little, and the players attracted are too few.

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【Death Game Producer】【】

Li Wen didn't ask anyone to take the responsibility and take the blame. He even apologized to the production team of Death Soul, which is now the production team of Battle Royale.

And also paid out of his own pocket to invite the entire production team to team building.

Replaced by the boss of another company.

If the game fails, the boss will definitely not feel that it is his fault, even if the game is messed up because of his thoughts, it is a mess.

The boss will certainly not admit his mistakes.

Will be directly accountable, the person responsible for the project.

Find someone to take the blame.

This has also led to the fact that in many companies, most of the middle and high-level managers are very low-key, keeping a low profile, not seeking merit, but seeking nothing.

In this way, who would express their thoughts indiscriminately.

What's more, it has become an unspoken rule in many companies that it has nothing to do with oneself.

After all, we are just colleagues, not father and son, nor teachers and students.

Happy Paradise is different, the speech never stopped from the beginning to the end of the meeting.

Even during the break and meal time, they still surrounded Fang Hong and kept expressing their opinions.

Fang Hong was both moved and troubled.

There is no way, although many people are powerful, but when there are too many ideas, it will be very messy.

He can't even pick out good ideas on his own.

After this meeting of production team leaders ended, he seemed to become even more confused.

He wanted to lick his face and ask Li Wen for advice.

Unexpectedly, Li Wen patted him on the shoulder directly, and gave him a thumbs up, asking him to cheer.

The total cost of the Fengshen game reached one billion.

Reluctantly stepped into the ranks of high costs.

However, for the budget of Conferred God 2, Li Wen directly gave him a budget of 2 billion.

Compared with Fengshen 1, it has directly doubled.

The game plot of Fengshen 2 has been determined, and he will become Yingzheng's thug, helping Qin Shihuang to remove all obstacles that dare to resist.

Regardless of whether the opponent is a human or a demon, they cannot escape the punishment of the player.

The details of the plot have not been polished yet, this is just a plot idea given by Li Wen.

Of course, he can also participate in the screenwriting work of Fengshen 2, but Demon's Soul really can't leave.

It is impossible for Feng Shen 2 to wait until the completion of Demon's Soul to start production.

Therefore, this time the script and everything else fell on the Fengshen production team.

There are screenwriters in the production team.

The plot of Fengshen 1 was written by Li Wen and the two screenwriters of the production team.

Although the plot of Fengshen is not the core of the game.

But it's also an integral part of the game as a whole.

In the end, Li Wen also gave Fang Hong a small suggestion, that is, the plot should be in the second half.

Just like Fengshen 1, secondary 2 has a miraculous effect.

The vast majority of players will often fantasize about being different in middle school.

I often fantasize about gaining the ability to save the world or something.

The plot of Fengshen partial middle school can just satisfy the fantasies of players.

Of course, it can't be too much, this degree needs to be grasped just right.

It can't be so high that the players get goosebumps all over the place.

It is enough to make the players excited by just one or two plots.

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【Death Game Producer】【】

It is a test of the screenwriter's ability.

Coupled with the absence of Li Wen in Fengshen 2, the pressure on the two screenwriters in the production team was very high.


The popularity of Fengshen is getting higher and higher. Due to the difficulty of the game, various strategy texts and videos are everywhere.

Fengshen players actively exchanged their game ideas in various game forums.

It's been a little over a week since it was released.

A small number of players have cleared the 30th floor of Deep Hell.

It can be regarded as completely clearing the game of Fengshen.

Same as Nioh.

Fengshen has five weeks.

Each week will unlock the upper limit of the level, or unlock the upper limit of attribute points.

From 99 points directly to 200 attribute points.

Because of the randomness of the entries, the game of Fengshen is very playable.

In the beginning, Fengshen didn't have a player pvp mode like the arena.

But there have always been players who want to join player pvp.

In order to satisfy the players, the production team made a pvp system.

It's not easy at all, you need to balance each weapon.

However, because of the different skills, each weapon is doomed to be unbalanced.

Arena, players can participate directly on the map.

Match other players, optimize attributes, and play a 1v1 match with each other.

And there is also a leaderboard.

In the arena, the attributes of each player are the same.

The only difference is the weapon in hand.

When playing against players at level 1 and level 100, the attributes will also be balanced.

Want to win only by the player's own operation.

The arena was well-received when it was released.

Countless masters are obsessed with fighting their opponents every day.

It's a lot of fun fighting with people.

Because Nioh's action system is rich enough, the combos played by the players are also very gorgeous.

He even took a fancy to a domestic company that specializes in e-sports events.

Contacted Li Wen and wanted to use Fengshen Arena to hold an e-sports league.

However, if there is only 1v1, it will be relatively monotonous, so I want to make Fengshen's pvp more diversified.

Li Wen was also reminded by this company.

There are no moba games in this world, but more traditional rts games.

It has not been ported to the next-generation platform, and these rts games are very complicated and not very enjoyable to watch.

E-sports events are also tepid.

It is very different from the lol and dota events before his rebirth.

The most popular e-sports events in this world are shooting competitions.

Basically, they are all shooting competitive games similar to cs.

There are traditional shooting games like cs, and there are shooting games with special skills like apex heroes.

These shooting games have e-sports competitions, which are very popular.

The Fengshen arena pvp mode is considered good by e-sports.

Anyway, it doesn't require any investment, and it can make money, which is a good thing.

Let the Fengshen production team create a team battle, and the two sides will fight, it should be fine.

Li Wen felt that besides Demon's Soul, he also had a mission to save Moba.

Let moba games also become popular on the next-generation platform.

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【Death Game Producer】【】

RTS games in this world are more complicated than StarCraft, Warcraft, Red Alert, etc.

As an rts game enthusiast, Li Wen tried rts games in this world. At that time, he thought it was too complicated and not very fun, so he gave up.

At that time, there was no idea of ​​making moba games.

Now, it seems that you can try it.

The focus is not the game, but the e-sports event behind the game.

He can even form an e-sports team, of course, just thinking about it, he doesn't have much time to manage the e-sports team.

He is very tired now just managing the company Happy Paradise.

There's absolutely no time for anything else.

If the next-generation version of lol is produced, will it also have miraculous effects?

Making a moba game, and lol is very simple for the current happy paradise.

Basically, there is no difficulty, and it can be made.

Choose a dozen people at random, and you can fiddle with them in a week.

With a working group of 200 people, he can design heroes and produce high-quality moba games in a week.

Happy Paradise is not a novice game company, and is already familiar with the second-world and sub-era platforms.

To be honest, more familiar than making old platformers.

Wanting to make a next-generation lol is as simple as breathing.

Li Wen was a little distressed, and he took out the mirror in the drawer.

Looking at the white hair mixed with his black hair, he hesitated.

Demon's Soul is currently the most important project in the entire Happy Paradise.

Fengshen 2 has not yet been officially launched, so the most important thing at the moment is Demon's Soul.

Games in the lol era may not necessarily become popular.

Although the probability of fire is still quite high.

A moba game that is easy to learn but difficult to master.

Let the natives of this world also try the game that was popular all over the world before Li Wen was reborn.

At the peak of lol, during the finals, only domestic viewers could reach 200 million online views.

Not to mention players all over the world.

When lol became popular, it swept everything, and it was still called an Internet cafe at that time.

Almost everyone in the Internet cafe is playing lol, creating an era and a myth.

In fact, dota, the predecessor of lol, could have become the era.

However, Blizzard's arrogance caused some creators of dota to reinvent the wheel and come up with lol.

At that time, Dota was very popular, and basically everyone in the university dormitory was playing Dota.

However, dota is very unfriendly to novices, and a single deny operation is enough for novice players to lose the fun of the game.

Until the appearance of lol, a certain news had a unique vision and represented lol.

Once promoted, it went out of control and exploded across the country.

This fire is not only burning in the country, it is burning all over the world.

It became the most popular battle game at that time, bar none.

And it continued to explode until Li Wen was reborn.

The number of online users has remained in the top three in the world all year round, and it is still one of the hottest games.

Although pubg was born in 2017, domestic players knew about a platform called steam.

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【Death Game Producer】【】

But pubg still failed to shake the status of lol.

Even when eating chicken was the most popular, half of the Internet cafes were still playing lol.

Eating chicken can become popular in Li Wen's world, and he thinks that lol will definitely be popular in the next era.

Why, he didn't think of making it until now lol?

It was because Fengshen did a good job in pvp, and an e-sports company contacted him, so he remembered lol.

Is his love for lol only a little bit?

At any rate, he used to be a master with a rank of 2200 in the He was still in college at the time, and he had plenty of time to play games. Coupled with his young mind and quick response, he was the first to start playing.

Rank being able to reach such a high level can be regarded as his brightest moment.

Later, lol changed the ranking and scoring method, and he reached the highest level in the suburbs.

With the growth of youth, the rank is getting lower and lower, and finally it is basically the level of gold and platinum...

After playing for so many years, he thinks he should love lol very much.

But I can't remember it all the time, it seems that his love for lol is nothing more than that.

Li Wen thinks that there is a great possibility to make money in lol games in the second era.

In order to make money, let alone a few gray hairs, even if all the hair falls out, he will do it.

Isn't it hero design, and map design...

The original version of lol is still fresh in his memory, and it is impossible to forget it.

He still remembers squatting in the grass with his classmates at the beginning to grab the sword master.

Any hero outfit is the joy of endless blood drinking with double red crosses.

Later, after playing the game for a long time, after starting to play ranked, I no longer have the pure joy when I first came into contact with lol.

Thinking of the past, the corners of Li Wen's mouth curled up slightly.

"Brother, what are you thinking? You laugh so disgustingly!"

Chen Xin suddenly opened the door and walked in while he was falling into memories.

It's fine to enter without knocking, but how dare you talk about him?

Li Wen shook his head, he didn't have any intention of bullying Chen Xin.

Isn't it? Hit the muzzle yourself.

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