MTL - Unexpectedly, I Traveled Again and Again-Chapter 5 Borrow money or blackmail?

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Migrant workers, the soul of migrant workers, and migrant workers are all masters!

We want to work quietly and surprise everyone!

There are no difficult jobs, only brave workers!

I thought so, but actually...

A week later, the three found work at a construction site.

"Okay—everyone has worked hard—that's it for today! Come on, this is today's daily salary."

"Thank you! The foreman has worked hard!"

"Thanks for your hard work!"


After receiving a meager daily salary from the foreman, Zhou Fangwu and the others went to the public bathhouse, washed their muddy bodies, soaked in the hot tub, and drank a glass of fresh milk after coming out.

"Ha~ I'm alive!"

"Delicious! Delicious milk after a hard work!"


Zhou Fangwu finished drinking the milk silently, and sat silently on the seat by the door without speaking.

"What's the matter? You're not very energetic today? You're not sick either."

Akuya walked up to Zhou Fangwu with concern, and put her hand on his forehead to feel the temperature.

"Senior Zhou Fang didn't speak all day today, did something happen?" Sato Kazuma also came up and asked with concern.

Are these two guys already addicted to the road of part-time work?

Thanks to the two of you, one is a high-ranking goddess, and the other is a high school student with 'big ideals'.

"Aqua, Sato-kun."



The two answered, not understanding what Zhou Fangwu wanted to say.

"We...why are we here?"

Zhou Fangwu shook his empty baby bottle, and looked at the two through the glass, "With a meager daily salary, we live in a cold, foul-smelling stable... Aren't we gathered here to defeat the devil?!"

"But look at the present, don't talk about saving money to buy equipment, if you don't work, you won't even be able to eat your next meal, how can you talk about defeating the devil?!

What are we doing! "

Zhou Fangwu's words were like a bolt from the blue, waking up Akuya and Sato Kazuma who were addicted to part-time work.

"But, didn't Wu say that he wanted to work part-time?" Akuya blamed Zhou Fangwu and began to shirk responsibility.

"That's true, but wasn't it for survival at that time? Part-time work is the top priority!"

"It's obviously Wu's fault!"

Akuya is really top-notch in rolling and pouring dirty water, no matter what, she must be Zhou Fangwu's fault.

"Senior Zhou Fang is right, we can't go on like this anymore." Sato Kazuma also woke up, knowing that he and others can't continue to waste time in Xinshou Village.

"However, if we have no money to buy equipment, how can we complete the adventurer's commission?"

Indeed, as Sato Kazuma said, "Without money, you can't buy equipment, and without equipment, you can't defeat monsters, so you can get rewards to complete the commission." '

In the final analysis, it is still a matter of money.

Zhou Fangwu squeezed the space between his eyebrows, thought carefully and said, "Well, I'll go out tomorrow, and if I'm lucky, I can borrow a lot of money."

"Borrowing money...?!"

"Borrow money?"

Borrow money, borrow money again!

Akuya has already retreated quietly not to participate in it, and said at the same time:

"No, I will never borrow money again."

Borrowing money last time had already caused huge trauma to Akuya's heart, and she would never agree to borrow money again.

At least, she won't go again!

"Don't worry, I'll borrow money this time." Zhou Fangwu reassured her.

"Okay, then we'll wait for the good news from you, Senior Zhou Fang." Sato Kazuma still believed in Zhou Fangwu, after all, Zhou Fangwu suggested the best choice every time.

After dinner, the three of them returned to the stable, spread a thin layer of sheets, and lay down to sleep.

Sleeping until midnight, Zhou Fangwu only felt that his body was extremely heavy, and he was so pressed that he couldn't breathe.

"Good weight!"

When he opened his eyes, it turned out that Akuya was holding him and pressing on his chest.

"Hey, Aqua, it's so heavy, let it go!"

"Don't...I'm cold..."

Akuya said in a daze, and hugged even harder.

The season is now spring, although spring has begun, but the spring nights are still cold.

The three of them didn't have thick bedding and clothes, and a thin layer of sheets really couldn't keep their body temperature, and they would only get colder and colder in the end.

Holding a group for warmth is the best way to resist the cold.

However, Zhou Fangwu is still a normal young man with vigorous energy and blood, and he will not be able to hold back if he is hugged by a beautiful girl.

Although Akuya's IQ is regrettable, her extraordinary appearance, plump body with bumps and convexities, and her excellent temperament as a goddess rank among the top rankings of beautiful girls in all anime.

"The Confused Wu Jiang Can't Sleep! "

"Aqua, go hug Sato-kun."

"Don't! I won't go there because the pervert and the real sneaky ones did nothing good." Hearing Zhou Fangwu's proposal, Akuya immediately vetoed it, and at the same time increased the intensity of her hug.

Suddenly, there was a heavy and rapid breathing sound, which was especially obvious in this silent night.

"Hello, Kazuma Sato."


"Work hard to make money, and then move out of the stables. At least...have your own private room."

"Yes, what UU Reading said is true."

Sato Kazuma's voice was slightly embarrassed.

Adolescents are always unable to restrain their inner throbbing.

. . . . . .

Early the next morning, the three of them came out of the stable.

"Akua, Sato-kun, the two of you are going to work first today, while I'm going to borrow money."

Zhou Fangwu made an arrangement for the two, and at the same time gave them a hope of success: "If it goes well, you can buy weapons tomorrow, and you can formally accept the task to get the reward the day after tomorrow."

"Oh, I'll leave it to you, Senior Zhou Fang!"

"I believe in you, Wu!"

Watching Akuya and Sato Kazuma leave, Zhou Fangwu also turned and walked into the town.

He was looking for a shop, a small shop that sold magic props.

That's right, it's Wiz's store!

Wiz, one of the eight officers of the Demon King's Army.

Responsible for the enchantment of Demon King City, is a Lich.

At the same time, she is also the operator of a small magic props shop in Axel City, but in fact she has no business acumen, and often buys some weird props for sale, resulting in the small shop running at a deficit, with no money coming in.

By the way, the magic item Wiz bought was made by Megumin's father Uyosaburo.

The people shown in the anime are very simple, with a gentle and weak personality. After becoming a lich, they have never harmed humans, so they have not been offered a reward.

Different from the gentleness in the Lich period, she was a real irascible old lady in the human period. She has a fiery personality, is jealous of demons, and loves the truth. She will not stop even in the face of the surrendering demon army.

Known as the martial arts faction and the ice witch.

And the person Zhou Fangwu wants to borrow money from is her!

As a human being, raising (extorting) borrowing (frauding) money from a lich is exciting just thinking about it!