MTL - Unexpectedly, I Traveled Again and Again-Chapter 560 gods trap

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Zhou Fangwu never doubted Pandora.

I also know something about her helping humans.

As the [woman who gives everything], long before the Olympian gods invaded Greek mythology, Pandora was the goddess of the earth, a more noble existence than the gods.

But after being invaded, her godhead was immediately degraded, and she became a [witch] who released all evil.

So whether it is her nature as a goddess or being demoted as a witch, Pandora will firmly stand on the human side.

The purpose is to make those gods look good.


Zhou Fangwu also did not expect that Pandora would choose to give herself the [Usurpation Ring] in order to avenge her revenge!

This is the origin of all [God Killers], and it is also the most important tool to usurp [God of Disobedience].

Once she gave this to herself, Pandora would no longer be able to claim to be the godslayer's mother.

"Really, the expectations I have for myself are too heavy. How much do I not believe in myself?"

Zhou Fangwu felt a lot of pressure.

Giving this thing to him is nothing more than thinking that Zhou Fangwu can't beat the enemy to add some combat power to him, or that he can win by opportunistically and so on.

Just think about it.

If Pandora had confidence in Zhou Fangwu, she would not have given him the [Usurpation Ring].

From this point of view, it is much more serious than he imagined now.

"So, where are you now?"

Zhou Fangwu looked at the deserted desert.

The scorching weather and the vast expanse of brown sand reminded him of his first battle with [Sun God Ra], and also the godslayer he became when the Jedi counterattacked at the most dangerous moment.

It's not hard to imagine that Pandora sent her here to warn her not to be careless.

Of course, it may also be that he has excess self-awareness.

Use flying magic to rush into the sky, use the inhuman vision of clairvoyance to find the track of human activities, and go straight away when you find people.

Through understanding, I know that this is the border of Fayoum Province.

In other words, he returned to Arabia again, which can be regarded as his base camp.

It is undoubtedly convenient to return to the territory.

Before he could do anything, someone had already discovered him, knelt down at the corner and shouted the king's name.

"Your Majesty! Subordinate Kukukan, pay homage to King Zhou Shang!"

"Oh, thank you for your hard work."

In front of me is an Arab male in his 30s, with nothing special about him, not even any magic power flowing through him.

It doesn't matter who he is, but Zhou Fangwu knows that it is enough for him to be a member of 【Kymet】.

With the help of Kukukan, he returned to the manor.

I met Felsa, the leader of the [Kaymet] Magic Association who is loyal to him.

"Long time no see, lord! May your reputation resound throughout the world, and everyone will bow down at your feet!"

Like his younger sister, he treated Zhou Fangwu with 120% respect.

Even more so than his sister.

"Okay, okay, you also know that I don't like this, so don't show it." Zhou Fangwu waved his hand.

"Yes!" Ferza smiled slightly.

He knew that Zhou Fangwu, like [Pluto], was a kind king who cared about his people.

But he hasn't seen each other for a long time, and he doesn't know if Wang has changed.

After all, the god-killing demon kings have unpredictable personalities. If you don't know what to do, then you should pay the highest respect from the beginning.

"Felsa, how long have I been away?"

"Nearly half a year! To be precise, it has been five months and twenty-one days since the birth of the eighth king."

As expected of the leader.

Questions to the king can accurately answer the number of days.

Hearing his answer, Zhou Fangwu was slightly taken aback.

half a year...

Time flies a bit fast.

Unlike the gods with eternal life, there will be many turmoil in human society in the past six months.

Especially for the birth of the eighth king, those masterminds behind the scenes will not wait obediently.

"Tell me, what happened in the past six months, focusing on Kusanagi Godou and Luo Hao, and... have you heard any information about the King of the End?"

"Yes! A lot has happened in the past six months since you left."

Then, Ferza recounted the information he knew one by one.


Kusanagi Godou was born as the eighth king. As soon as he became king, he was favored by the Toyo Association, and he was fully integrated in just half a month.

The Yusan family...the remaining two families all surrendered voluntarily.

Because Zhou Fangwu couldn't help but wiped out the Jiufazuka family, the remaining two families were terrified, and immediately chose to take refuge in the past when an equivalent godslayer appeared in their own country.

At the same time, Kusanagi Godou's title was "King of Rakshasa".

Being able to steal from several godslayers and behead one of the disobedient gods, Kusanagi Godou can be said to be in the limelight.

Many magic associations have also secretly contacted him, and they are very optimistic about him.

Zhou Fangwu was not very happy.

Because these are all his background boards, whether it is power or power, it should be his.

But as soon as I thought that [Hasusano] was behind the scenes, there was nothing I could do.

After all, they have been dormant in the island country for thousands of years, and their power has long been entrenched. Why should they be taken over by a new godslayer, especially if there is another godslayer of the same level in the country.

But what makes Zhou Fangwu curious is that the frequency of the God of Disobedience is too high.

In just half a year, Athena, Metis, Perseus, Artio, Suzuno, these disobedient gods jumped out one after another, plus several gods he had killed, All the disobedient gods who were supposed to appear took the stage.

One can't help but wonder if this was deliberately arranged by someone.

Say yes, Three Goddesses.

After that came the Hierarch Luo Hao.

As the overlord at the pinnacle of the martial arts world and a peerless demon, she lived in that thatched hut on Lushan Mountain as usual, but the Five Prison Sacred Cults under her command frequently wandered around and often came here to ask about Zhou Fangwu's information.

Maybe he was also worried about Zhou Fangwu's safety.

In fact, the godslayers are a group of small powerhouses. Even if they are sent to other worlds in deep danger, they will eventually return here under the guidance of fate.

On the contrary, Sanila often contacted Felsa to report some insignificant matters.

Like Erica, the trivial matters between Mariya Yuri and her sister, are not too important.

But I also learned that they are working hard for the next battle and learning various related knowledge at the same time.

I also heard that sometimes the leader Luo Hao will mention them when he is interested.

But the price is the bruises from the beating.

"Then, what about the other godslayers? Did they make any big moves?"

"No...According to the intelligence, they didn't make any big moves. I just heard that they frequently flowed to various areas, as if they were looking for something... sister said, they They are looking for the existence of the King of the End."

and also…

I heard that the Hierarch Luo Hao has already fought against the King of the End. "


Zhou Fangwu thought that the King of the End would act after he came back, but he didn't expect that those gods couldn't help harvesting!

Or is this a trap, deliberately luring yourself to appear?

As soon as he appears, the King of the End will launch a general attack and start harvesting? !


"Tsk, sinister gods." Zhou Fangwu cursed secretly, and said, "Ferza, get ready, I'm going to Mount Lushan!"

"Yes, king!"

Ferza answered with a serious face.

He also knew that the final battle was coming!

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