MTL - Unexpectedly, I Traveled Again and Again-Chapter 567 Shinjuku falls

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Erica is the go-to guy! — as it should be.

Zhou Fangwu thought about cultivating her more, teaching her the skills and martial arts he knew, at least worthy of the title of "Knight of the King".


In the past few days, Erica has been learning skills with an open mind, but from time to time she will show her charm like a little woman, completely trying to seduce someone.

Needless to mention someone, it can only be Zhou Fangwu.

It was nothing at all, but in order to establish her status as the number one knight, she always deliberately teased and provoked Sanila, making the jealous and wronged [Sun Witch] blow up on the spot, and the black kitten with a crescent moon on her head no longer looked elegant.

The fox and the cat, the two women compete secretly.

However, Zhou Fangwu did not stop them, on the contrary, he encouraged them to become more competitive before the final battle.

And the Wanligu sisters.

The younger sister looks innocent and innocent, but the older sister has a sad and depressed face, as if she is worried about something.

Wanting to come, Wanliya Yuri also learned the news that the Godslayer was about to enter a civil war.

The miko who has always chosen to sacrifice herself to benefit others must be extremely worried about the upcoming tragic war.

But she didn't dare to persuade Zhou Fangwu.

The civil war between the godslayers is doomed, and the final result is that only one person survives. To ask is undoubtedly to send Zhou Fangwu to death, so even if she knows that the world will be turbulent, she can only keep silent and keep silent in her heart. pray.

I hope this battle will not have too much impact on the world.

Such a ridiculous wish.

Not to mention the civil war between the Godslayers, after that there will be a decisive battle with the King of the End, enemies who are a thousand times more powerful than the Godslayers, may tear the earth apart with a single blow, and a fireball will destroy them. Let the whole city burn, so why not talk about it.

This day lasted for a full 7 days.

While Zhou Fangwu was teaching the skills, he was also secretly guarding against the gods' opponents, but until the leader Luo Hao recovered and walked out of the thatched hut, he was not attacked at all.

Enemies lurking in the dark are the least reassuring.

It is said that soldiers come to block the water and cover the earth, but the King of the Last King who is thousands of times stronger than himself is coming. Even if Zhou Fangwu and Luo Hao are added together, they can only escape in embarrassment, or even be driven out of this world.

His whereabouts should have been known, but if he hasn't come for such a long time, is there any other plan?

Or, did the King of the End do this on purpose?

Zhou Fangwu didn't know.

"Brother Yu, the palace has been restored, and it's time to leave for the land of the barbarians."

"A land of barbarians? Why?"

Zhou Fangwu knew that the destination she was going to was an island country, but he didn't know the reason why she went there.

Has the eighth Godslayer from the neighboring island nation—Kusanagi Godou been selected as the first target of the [Destroy All Godslayers] plan?

"Hmph, I'm just going to meet an old friend." Luo Hao snorted softly, "Before the civil war, there must always be a rule. Half a month ago, someone suggested to meet first."

【King Council】

The battle between the godslayers is undoubtedly massive, a mobile natural disaster that can easily destroy a country, if a war is fought in a prosperous city, it will definitely bring huge troubles to human society.

And the last enemy is the king of the end, and will not exhaust all combat power.

Most importantly, exchange intelligence.

Regarding the information about the King of the End, all the godslayers have guessed and speculated, so they shared the information before the civil war.

Even though the godslayer disdains to share information with others, in the face of an enemy thousands of times stronger than himself, he still needs to work together to win.

"I see." Zhou Fangwu nodded.

"Brother Yu, do you want to be with me?" Luo Hao extended the invitation, but then said: "Before that, I have to do something, which may be a bit dangerous."


"Ah, before the civil war, get rid of that troublesome woman."

A troublesome woman is also somewhat dangerous.

These labels all point to that, which is recognized by all godslayers—the super-moving natural disaster-level witch, [Queen of the Fairy Cave] Mrs. Aisha.

Hierarch Luo Hao had a long-standing grudge with the Marquis of Vauban, but before that, in order to prevent Mrs. Aisha from disrupting the situation, she decided to get rid of this troublesome woman first.

"Well...forget it, I'll go by myself."

Zhou Fangwu refused.

Mrs. Aisha saved herself at least once, so it would be a little ungrateful if she besieged her together with the leader Luo Hao.

In addition, he still has other old friends he wants to see, so he won't be with Luo Hao.

"Well, that's fine. In this way, it won't make other people of the same race misunderstand."

Leader Luo Hao expressed his resistance to [Sister and Brother Unity].

The only self-respecting martial arts leader in heaven and earth, even among the many godslayers, he still maintains his own arrogance and domineering, and disdains the cooperation of others.

After that, the leader Luo Hao left.

Without telling anyone, she used the alchemy [Shrink the ground into an inch] and went straight to the island country, showing her self-willed and free will as a king.

"Are you in such a hurry?" Zhou Fangwu shook his head and sighed.

My sister-in-law is really in a hurry, and she believes that no one can get back one thing. Lu Yinghua's broken bones in the past few days have not changed her mind. One can imagine how willful she is.

After Luo Hao's leader left, Zhou Fangwu also set off for the island country.

It's just that he brought a lot of people with him when he left, including Sanila, Erica, sister Wanligu, and Lu Yinghua who had broken bones all over his body.

He threatened, "As long as I have breath, I will insist on making Master change his mind!"

The words are sonorous and powerful.

If he wasn't covered in bandages like a rice dumpling and could only lie on his back on the hospital bed and couldn't move, then he must look very handsome like this.

"Sanila, there will be a civil war between the demon kings next, it is quite dangerous, you..."

"Of course I will accompany the king!"

Before he could finish speaking, Sanila resolutely expressed her position, resolutely not leaving the side of the king she served.

And Erica.

"As the king's first knight, he will naturally be by the king's side. Where my king points, the knight's sword will go."

[Crimson Demon] is fully prepared.

Sister Wanligu didn't speak, but just looked at him.

The sisters are originally from the island country, so they naturally chose to go back with Zhou Fangwu.

"Alright, just think of it as honing what you have learned during this period of time."

Zhou Fangwu did not dampen their enthusiasm.

This time it was a war between Godslayers, they couldn't join the battle, but it was great to be able to watch the battle.

Being able to learn fighting skills and see through the real bodies of other godslayers with his spiritual vision is a great help for Zhou Fangwu.

Summoned a golden boat, several people took the boat and went straight to the island country.

There is magic interference around the golden boat, ordinary people can't see it at all, except for the magicians, no one can find it, but the magicians will know that it is Zhou Fangwu's car when they see it, and no one dares to stop it.

Unimpeded along the way, came to the island country Shinjuku.

This is the location reserved by several other godslayers, and it is also the seat of the council where the eighth godslayer—Kusanagi Godou is going to receive other godslayers.

However, Zhou Fangwu did not land when he came to the sky above Shinjuku, but just floated in mid-air.

Because this is no longer a modern urbanized city, but a large lush forest with staggered roots, and the whole city is surrounded by greenery.

— Shinjuku has fallen!

Zhou Fangwu also didn't expect that these willful and domineering godslayers would be so disrespectful to Kusanagi Godou, who is also a godslayer.

Anyway, he is also the eighth godslayer.

And here is the island country Tokyo, the center of a country.

Is it really okay to be so presumptuous on other people's territory?

But among the godslayers, whoever has the bigger fist is the one who believes in the truth, and Kusanagi Godou, who has just become a godslayer, is the weakest one, so naturally he has no right to protest.

If you feel uncomfortable, then fight, whoever wins has the final say.

Of the eight, only Kusanagi Godou was the weakest.

It was already midnight when they arrived in the island country.

Zhou Fangwu stood in front of the golden ship, overlooking the entire lush modern city.

"King, here is..."

"Island country, Shinjuku. To be precise, we are currently in the sky above Yuwan."


Mariya Yuri immediately covered his mouth, his eyes widened in disbelief.

She never imagined that a modern city would be invaded by forests.

There are no pedestrians passing by on the road, and there are big trees covering the sky everywhere, and the broken appearance seems to be a disaster.

It's not like, it's a disaster.

The gathering of 8 mobile natural disasters is a disaster for a city!

"Wang..." Mariya Yuri raised his head and looked at Wang who was beside him.

"I advise you not to go down." Knowing what she was thinking, Zhou Fangwu reprimanded in a cold voice: "You should know that the godslayers are a bunch of guys without common sense, and going down is purely asking for death, and...presumably the official history The codification committee has moved the people out, as evidenced by the lack of human breath in the whole city."


Mariya Yuri heaved a sigh of relief.

Zhou Fangwu didn't lie to her, the whole city was indeed devoid of human breath, but with his eyesight far beyond ordinary people, he saw that in the corner of Shinjuku, there was a building like a bar and dance hall, and there were many pure white figures outside. Standing motionless.

All are werewolves who have been salted!

—The pupil of Sodom, the pack of greedy wolves.

The person with these two powers should be the Marquis of Vauban.

Unexpectedly, that old guy would arrive so early.

Not only there, but also other places, such as Meiji Shrine, Yasukuni Street, Roppongi, Shinkiba and so on.

All have visions, or there is no abnormality.

Doesn't this just mean that the godslayers who came one step earlier have already divided the entire Shinjuku into one side?

Zhou Fangwu is not prepared to go down.

With the powerful power of the golden ship and the unique advantage of occupying the sky, it would be a fool to go any further.

Wouldn't it be beautiful for the clams to fight each other for the fisherman's profit?

And just as he was about to sit on the mountain and watch the tigers fight, there was a miserable begging for mercy from below the golden boat.

"My sis, sis! Is it you? It must be you!" Her voice was very flustered, "Please let me go, please! No, don't...I don't taste good, not at all! "

Moving his gaze down, he saw a dark and beautiful girl in a priest's uniform.

But now her posture is very indecent.

She was bound by a tentacle-like vine and hung upside down in mid-air, and directly below her was a giant piranha with a scary appearance.

She is about to be eaten!

"Mrs. Aisha?!" Zhou Fangwu was startled.

This is a very obvious dress, as well as the same kind of smell coming from her body. This girl who is about to be eaten by a giant flytrap is the troublemaker that Luo Hao is going to solve first - Mrs. Aisha.

Unexpectedly, she was caught by the leader Luo Hao so soon.

The same godslayer, who is not a strong man with the power to destroy the world, how did you get caught so easily when you came here?

"Sister, my lord—! Are you there?! Sister Luo Hao, I think this is a bit too rough! Please!"


No matter how much she yelled, it was useless, Mrs. Aisha was pulled closer so neatly, and turned into Shinjuku Yuwan, the forest of the devil world.

[Hundred herbs are fragrant, thousands of flowers are dazzling]

This is one of the powers of Hierarch Luo Hao. Its effect is to make plants and flowers grow vigorously and turn them into a super-powerful stunt like a forest in the demon world.

After catching the woman who got in the way, Hierarch Luo Hao looked at the golden boat floating in the sky.

Knowing that she is the power of her brother-in-law, she immediately soared into the sky with her feet, heading straight for the golden boat.

In the blink of an eye, they came to the deck.

"You're late, Brother Yu."

"It's Yijie, your [shrinking the ground into an inch] is superb."

"Hmph, even if you compliment me, I won't show mercy to you."

Even so, the corner of her mouth still evoked a satisfied smile.

Hierarch Luo Hao likes to be praised the most.

"So, Yijie, are you going to get rid of Mrs. Aisha?" Zhou Fangwu asked.

"Of course! This is such a good opportunity, I will never miss it!" Luo Hao's leader clenched his fists tightly, but asked again: "Why, brother Yu, do you want to save her?"

"Well... that's what it means." Zhou Fangwu didn't deny it, and explained: "She saved my life back then, so..."

"I see. However, getting rid of her is my long-cherished wish. You can't stop it even if it's a fool, otherwise... the battle between siblings will be advanced!"

What Luo Hao said was extremely decisive.

But before Zhou Fangwu could speak, Lu Yinghua, who was covered in bandages, came running over, crying loudly to dissuade him: "Master, you can't do this! Fight the uncle, and then fight other demon kings. If you're not careful, you'll burp too!"

"Eagle... what are you talking about, unworthy person!"

Hierarch Luo Hao slapped him away, completely ignoring him as his apprentice.

Originally seeing the disabled Lu Yinghua, Luo Hao's leader thought that the apprentice cared about him, even if he was disabled, he would come to help him, but he didn't expect to say that he would belch as soon as they met.

Really **** her off.

What's even more exasperating is that Mrs. Aisha, who is bound, is relying on her own charm power to instigate against Luo Hao's family members and let her go.

"As expected of the Queen of Witches, the power of charm can even move the souls of man-eating plants. She is really a tricky woman." Luo Hao praised sincerely.

And at this moment.

A bright sword light soared into the sky, violently destroying Yu Wan who was covered by the forest.

Luo Hao's face changed, and he used the alchemy [clairvoyance] to look down.

A boy holding a long knife with a black blade raised his head and looked at the leader Luo Hao on the golden boat.

— Kusanagi Godou.

As the godslayer of the island country, he finally appeared after other demon kings ravaged.

He didn't wave the long knife in his hand again, but said something softly with his lips parted.

"The strongest godslayer in the East, if you plan to start a full-scale war with me here, I am willing to accompany you. However... the Marquis of Vauban is also wandering around here, and Miss Aisha is still alive.

If you become weak after fighting me and someone else takes advantage of you...

Presumably, Luo Hao's leader would also find it troublesome. "

【Surround Wei and save Zhao】

Pretty brilliant planning.

This is not a one-on-one duel, but a multiplayer melee.

Not only the enemy in front of him, but also Xiao Xiao who is hiding in the dark, if someone else picks the peaches, it will definitely be unacceptable.


"Brother You said that troublesome woman saved your life...Is that so?"

"That's right."

"Hmph, I don't believe that troublemaker will save someone's life. But forget it, for your sake, let her go."

It was her decision not to join forces with Zhou Fangwu.

Now not only Kusanagi Godou, but Zhou Fangwu is also looking for Mrs. Aisha. The leader Luo Hao is at a loss for a while, and finally can only let go of the prey he has already obtained.

on the other hand.

Mrs. Aisha, who was about to be swallowed by a giant fly-eating plant, finally survived.

The off-line Witch King had no idea what was going on.

The vine that looked like a shot loosened its strength, and she quickly broke free from the vine's restraint and escaped from the tentacles.

But no matter what, she had to escape quickly.