MTL - Unexpectedly, I Traveled Again and Again-Chapter 569 Devil's Civil War【5200】

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At this moment, the eight kings who are the most powerful in the world gather together.

It is no exaggeration to say that the 8 of them used all their strength to wipe out the entire world.

And the island country they are in is already on the verge of falling.

If anyone among these godslayers was the most nervous, it would be Kusanagi Godou who made the island country his base camp.

As the host, he should have been the host.

But because he was the youngest godslayer, the Marquis of Vauban took over the job forcefully.

Kusanagi Godou didn't care about that either.

It is due to the short time for him to become a godslayer, and what the island country needs is only a tool man, so he has not yet cultivated the power and demeanor corresponding to a king, and he has to endure being taken the lead by the Marquis of Vauban.

Wearing a classical suit that matched the title of Marquis, exuding overwhelming majesty, the oldest godslayer spoke.

"My fellow countrymen, though such gatherings are heart-wrenching. But to me, the oldest, to see you all again before the end of my days, and to decide the winner--is a joy, indeed. Makes you feel good."

He glared at Zhou Fangwu and Luo Hao with sharp eyes, ignored the gentle and smiling Mrs. Aisha, and then swept over Tony, Alec, John, and Kusanagi Godou with haughty eyes. At this moment, he had already understood Identify who is his rival and who is his stepping stone.

The oldest godslayer should also be the strongest, but he was defeated by the younger generation one after another.

The title of being the "Oldest Godslayer" has become "Antique" like a mockery.

The proud Marquis of Vauban certainly could not accept such contempt.

Even if others don't have this idea, it's all just his fantasy.

Moreover, none of the godslayers present released their murderous aura and hostility. After all, it was already a parliament, and it was the so-called opening ceremony before the official decisive battle.


You ask why you did it to Mrs. Aisha?

Isn't that a "kind greeting" between friends?

"Then, about the [King of the End] Rama Chandra (Yana), and the terrible covenant... I don't think there is any need to explain it to you, right?"

The Marquis of Vauban wanted a quick end to this boring opening ceremony.

He has been aroused to fight, and he is eager to have a hearty fight.


At this time, someone spoke again.

"Wait a minute. I'm sorry, but I've only been a godslayer for a short time. I haven't been in this world for half a year, and it's even the first time I've met some of my compatriots.

Therefore, I have never fought Rama, and I don't know anything about him. "

Zhou Fangwu showed the ignorance and abruptness that a newcomer should have.

The Marquis of Vauban, who already had a grudge against him, said coldly: "Hmph, it's not like you don't have servants, and you've been hiding in the sky, how could you not know about Rama's news?"

"There are always omissions in the intelligence, and rather than trusting the data on paper, I trust the judgments of my compatriots."

Zhou Fangwu flattered him quietly.

The godslayers are a group of arrogant guys, even if they have men to prepare, they will only trust their own judgment in the end.

This point, Zhou Fangwu is no exception.

"Brother Yu, I remember that I asked Yinger to tell you the information about that great hero."

"Sister Yi, have you forgotten that your poor apprentice can't get out of bed after being beaten by you? How can you have time to tell me the information?"

"Well... sorry, I overlooked this point."

Master Luo Hao admitted his negligence without hesitation, but he firmly refused to apologize: "It's all because Ying'er is lazy. It's decided, after I finish this time, I must educate him well."

Hey hey hey, it's been said that your disciple was beaten so hard that he couldn't get out of bed, right?

In other words, you should know who was beaten by you!

The interaction between the brothers and sisters made the other extreme godslayers raise their eyebrows slightly.

Alec Black Prince asked aloud: "Warrior King, do you brothers and sisters want to join forces? But even if you join forces, I don't care."

Although he said so, his brain still thought quickly.

If the two are really united, it will be a very tricky pair for other godslayers who fight alone.

"Sa, who knows~"

"How come, I don't bother to cooperate."

This domineering martial arts leader destroyed Zhou Fangwu's sophisticated disguise as soon as he opened his mouth, and he could only sigh when his scheme failed.

It's a pity that they didn't get jealous.

But in this way, other godslayers will not join forces, and the situation will not be unpredictable. Although fighting alone is troublesome and easy to suffer from the enemy, at least you don't have to worry about your teammates turning against you in the end.

"As you can see, the domineering and unparalleled righteous sister wants to challenge everyone."

【Everyone here is rubbish】

Zhou Fangwu deliberately instilled this fallacy in other god-slayers, and transferred all the hatred to the leader Luo Hao.


Luo Hao's leader Mei gave Zhou Fangwu a wide-eyed look, but she didn't refute, because that's what she thought in her heart.

Sure enough, the other godslayers looked sullen.

But it was not yet the time to officially start the war, and they did not attack on the spot.

"Okay, okay, if you have a grudge, you can settle it yourself later. Can you explain Rama's matter to me first?"

Zhou Fangwu took the lead unconsciously.

"Then, it's up to me to answer this question."

Kusanagi Godou took the initiative to accept this troublesome matter.

One is to repay the favor, and the other is that he is the godslayer who has fought against Rama three times without dying, and he is the person who knows the most information about Rama.

A month earlier, Rama had been awakened by four disobedient gods.

They are Lancelot, Lakshman, Perseus and Susanoo.

That's right.

It was the Susano who secretly helped Kusanagi Godou become a godslayer, who was called "the dog raised by the gods in the netherworld" by Pandora.

He never expected that he would become one of the [Four Heroic Gods] who awakened the King of the End.

However, with the essence of [steel] and his achievements in saving the world by [conquering Yamata no Orochi], he can indeed be called a hero god.

It's just that what he did in the Netherworld afterwards couldn't be called a hero god.

And when the [King of the End] was resurrected, the volcanoes all over the world began to activate, and the temperature began to rise, even if it was winter, it was still very warm.

Anomalies started to erupt.

The huge spell power not only created a strong sense of crisis for the godslayers, but also brought huge troubles to the world.

In other words, both parties are eager to solve the hidden danger (the other party).

"I see."

Other places are pretty much the same, but there are still many unexpected doubts.

Under normal circumstances, only three disobedient gods would be absorbed by [Cluster Disc], but I didn’t expect Susanoo to appear after [Monkey King] was dealt with. The most important thing is that the last king took himself His younger brother was also absorbed.

Do you want to wipe out all the godslayers in one go?

Rama, who has been sleeping for nearly a thousand years, was finally forced by the goddess of fate to crusade against the demon kings.

And Susanoo...

This poisonous snake hiding in the dark definitely has a purpose in choosing to be absorbed by the King of the End.

The local gods of the island country naturally carry the characteristics of the local people.

Even though it is his strength to submit to the strong and embrace the thighs to absorb the advantages of others, it is also their forte to show their own malice when the superiors show their flaws.

It is impossible to say that Susanoo has no plans.

It's just that the King of the End is too powerful now, and he hasn't revealed his real purpose.

"Then, in order to fight against that great hero, the strategy the seven of us should adopt... I think there is no need to discuss with each other."

The decision of how to fight against the King of the End is obvious.

"In that case, when will it start?"

"Now!...Although I really want to say that, I still want to make some arrangements first."

Alec Black Prince replied in seconds.

But thinking that he was not good at face-to-face combat, he asked to wait a little longer.

In fact, this is just his cover-up.

For this scheming godslayer, everything had already been arranged long before the council began.

In this way, it is nothing more than lowering the vigilance of others.



They are also godslayers, and they claim to be different from their compatriots who claim to be reckless, but they have no intention of hiding their fighting spirit.

"I'm sorry, everyone. Although it's a little too much to say this, please give me the opportunity to fight the King of the End." Kusanagi Godou was tough once in a while, and actively asked for this opportunity to fight.

But what he said was to ask the other godslayers to withdraw from the stage of this battle.

"Yellow-haired boy, since you know it's too much, don't say it." The Marquis of Vauban looked at him coldly.

"Don't say that, Godou is very active."

He has a grudge against the Marquis of Vauban, and has an old quarrel with Kusanagi Godou, and the hostility in his words is not concealed at all.

Although this is also quite consistent with his idiot character.

At this time, John let out a low laugh: "Hehe, hehehe... It's all the same as I imagined beforehand."

As if hearing some funny joke, the helmet mask on her face trembled.

It's just that Zhou Fangwu found that her eyes were focused on him, and felt a little abnormal.

Before she was born, she spoke again and set the tone for this meeting: "Sure enough, we have no other way to go, so please allow me to do my best to protect my own safety. Of course , I also ask all the compatriots who are doing it to do their best to fight for the only qualification."

Leader Luo Hao: "Hmph, I will naturally try my best."

Marquis Vauban: "It should be said, of course not."

Alec Black Prince: "That's why I say you are reckless."

Tony: "Well, I've been looking forward to this fight for a long time."

Zhou Fangwu: "Well, everyone please please me as much as you want."

Kusanagi Godou: "In order to protect the island nation, I absolutely want to win."

Every godslayer has issued a declaration of his own victory, and without exception, he has strong confidence in himself.


Those who are not confident in themselves will not be able to become a godslayer.

They are a group of militant people, they will not evade the next battle, and will definitely do their best!

...However, there is one exception.

"Wait, wait! Everyone!"

When Mrs. Aisha saw them eager to try, she cried anxiously: "Everyone, we had to fight each other before, it was absolutely wrong! What everyone lacks is [love]! You just need to take love return-"

"Shut up! Idiot woman!"

Before she could finish speaking, she was roughly interrupted by the Marquis of Vauban.

The emerald eyes stared at her like a wolf, emitting a faint green light.

Anyone who sees it will be terrified.

"Brother, elder brother..."

"Don't call me elder brother, idiot woman."

The Marquis of Vauban put her in a difficult situation again, and at the same time reprimanded: "You also have the idea of ​​wanting to win, do you want to reduce your own danger with this appearance? Charm is also a very remarkable power."

"No, I didn't..." Mrs. Elsa shook her head in denial.

"Queen of the Cave Witch, can I ask you a question?" John asked, "The King of the End is coming. If there is no civil war, how can we stop him?"

"Of course it's 'love'..."

"Hmph, it's not 'love', but 'exile'."

Mrs. Aisha's words were interrupted again by the Black Prince Alec.

He squinted his eyes slightly, and said meaningfully: "You who have [Power Fairy Corridor] can send all godslayers to other worlds at different time points, and there are no godslayers in this world, [finally] King] completed the task and fell asleep again..."

That's right.

The task of [King of the End] is to destroy the godslayers who ravage the land.

But if the Godslayer disappeared, then he would have to fall into a deep sleep again.

The happy ending where the world is not destroyed and no one dies is reached.

"A-what's wrong!" Mrs. Aisha asked loudly: "The world doesn't need to be destroyed, and no one gets hurt, so what's wrong with that?!"

"All! All, all! We are godslayers, wouldn't we just flee without a fight?!"

Black Prince Alek also looked at her coldly.

"And... do you think your method is the best?! As long as there are godslayers born, [King of the End] will be resurrected indefinitely. The more godslayers there are, the stronger the [King of the End] will be.

Now there are only 8 Godslayers in the world, even if this makes the volcanoes all over the world active, the earth trembles.

If you add a few more compatriots..."

Maybe the moment the [King of the End] is resurrected, the world will collapse.

In the final analysis, [Alliance Dafa] is too cheating.

Therefore, before the situation becomes more serious, they will be determined to carry out a civil war among the godslayers.

At the same time, in order to prevent Mrs. Aisha from disrupting the situation, she was expelled before the parliament started.

In other words.

Mrs. Aisha has become the common enemy of all Godslayers long before the Godslayers Civil War.

…if she insisted on sending all the Godslayers to other worlds.

"How, how could..."

Mrs. Aisha burst into tears.

Looking sideways at such a scene, the rest of the demon kings also expressed their decisions.

"Although I don't want to say that, but there is nothing I can do."

Tony smiled heartily and said, "We'll meet again somewhere in Tokyo soon! Hey, Wu! I'm looking forward to another hearty swordsmanship exchange with you! So, don't die until then !"

"Of course. You, too, Tony, take good care of your authority and wait for me to claim it."


Zhou Fangwu spoke incomprehensible words, and Tony was at a loss.

But he didn't care, and turned to leave.

Along with him was Black Prince Alec, who straightened his clothes and walked out gracefully, still talking in his mouth as if he was worried.

"Eight Godslayers gathered together or something, I hope tonight is not the day when the island country sinks..."


John just shrugged and didn't deny the possibility.

The gathering of a group of people with huge power and a decisive battle will definitely bring troubles to the island country. If you are not careful, it will really sink the island country.

Hierarch Luo Hao and Marquis Vauban did not respond.

Obviously, the two of them have acknowledged this possibility.

"Island country sunk... no, no!"

Mrs. Aisha stopped crying, and there was a different kind of determination on her weak face, which was different from her usual gentle atmosphere.

Kusanagi Godou who was standing beside her retreated subconsciously.

The Godslayer's warning bell rang violently.

And Mrs. Aisha's strangeness also attracted the attention of other godslayers. Tony and Alec, who had already walked a long way, stopped in their tracks.

"Since everyone insists on fighting, then I can only stop you."

It's hard to imagine that the weak Aisha would say such tough and domineering words.

"Oh? Do you have that ability?"

The Marquis of Vauban looked at her with interest.

Not only him, but others also looked at Mrs. Aisha.

"I know that I am not as strong as my elder sister and elder brother, and may not be as powerful as my other younger brothers... But, I also have things I can do myself!"

"Hmph, ridiculous remarks. What can you do with just you?"

"I don't know...but! In order to protect innocent people, I will do my best!"

"Okay, let's try it!"

The provocative Marquis of Vauban, in the emerald eyes, the green light became stronger than before.

Mrs. Aisha, who was always at an absolute disadvantage in the past, dared to be so arrogant in front of other compatriots.

"Okay, then let me work hard!"

Mrs. Aisha clenched her hands in front of her chest as if she was cheering herself up, and then said something inexplicable to Kusanagi Godou.

"Mr. Godou, I borrowed the magic power of the Jingu."


Before Kusanagi Godou could react, Madam Aisha suddenly seized control of the huge magic power he had gathered in the Meiji Shrine long ago.


Kusanagi Godou was dumbfounded.

The Meiji Jingu Shrine is the central building of the entire island nation road palace It brings together the magic power of the entire island nation, one can imagine how huge it is.

This is also one of his trump cards against other godslayers.

He never expected that his hole card would be taken away by Mrs. Aisha so easily.

At the same time, Mrs. Aisha began to chant the spirit of speech.

"When the fruit of goodness is not yet ripe, even good people will be rewarded with evil; when the fruit of goodness is ripe, good will be rewarded with good! Good people should be rewarded with good, and evil people should be rewarded with evil! Please grant protection until the killing of your compatriots ends!"

【Power·Grace of the Lucky Saint】

Relying on the powerful mantra, activate it, and forcibly use [Power, Fairy Corridor].

Originally, Mrs. Aisha couldn't activate this power on her own, but after activating it with the help of a huge mantra, she could temporarily open the existing cave.

Although Mrs. Aisha is kind, she still prepared the only hole card.

—Send all Godslayers to other worlds!

Read The Duke's Passion