MTL - Unexpectedly, I Traveled Again and Again-Chapter 596 Humanity's final line of defense - Elchea!

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Jubby's joining brought a slight change to the oppressive atmosphere in the entire territory.

It's not that she has the same magical power as Zhou Fangwu that changed the colony, but that she changed Rick.

Rick, who has always carried all the burdens on himself, did not step out under the heavy pressure imposed by Zhou Fangwu, but chose to continue to oppress himself to bear everything about the human species.

In this way, he seems to become more cheerful and active, but after a long time, he will become depressed again.

The appearance of Jubby changed this situation.

Jupi, who doesn't understand [heart], will make Rick re-examine himself, and embark on the road to find [heart] together.

In other words, the two of them are redeeming each other.

Jubby and Rick stay together every day, whether eating, sleeping or patrolling the colony, the two have never been separated.

This makes everyone in the colony mistakenly think that Rick and Jubby are married.

Sending best wishes.

Only a few people know that the relationship between the two of them has not yet reached that point.

However, the fact that Rick and Jubby often leave the colony every day did not surprise many people. On the one hand, Rick is the leader of the colony and needs to leave the colony from time to time. On the other hand, the two are recognized as husband and wife and act together. It is also justified.

In this case, the number and time of Rick going out to the colony became more and more frequent and longer.

There are still many things to do after moving to the new colony, but Rick has handed over all these things to his sister Cole, in the name of cultivating her management skills.

But Zhou Fangwu knew that he was making two-handed preparations.

Because the subsequent battles will be extremely difficult and severe, once he dies, Cole needs to take over his duties and lead the rest of the people to continue struggling to survive in the war.

Cole also lived up to expectations.

At the beginning, she was a little confused and didn't know what to do, but after just a few days, she was able to cope with it freely, and it was obvious that she had great leadership talent.

From this point, it can be seen that Rick did not designate Cole as his successor because Cole was his sister.

This is also of course.

If it is only used by relatives, it is irresponsible to all human species.

Zhou Fangwu didn't have much communication with Cole, because Cole, like everyone else, has a strong awe and admiration for him, so under normal circumstances Cole would not choose to disturb him.


Zhou Fangwu took the initiative to find her.

He said to the acting leader who was speaking softly behind him, "Cole, you're here."

"Master Fire Passer."

Cole also quickly bent down to show enough respect.

"Just call me Wu."

Zhou Fangwu waved his hand to tell her not to be so restrained.

Although she is now the temporary leader of more than 2,000 people, she still can't let go when facing Zhou Fangwu. She doesn't have the majesty and confidence that a superior should have.

"Master Wu...?"

Cole gave this answer after thinking about it.

"...Well, if calling it that doesn't embarrass you."

Zhou Fangwu wanted to continue the topic, so he didn't bother with these anymore.

Take Cole to the underground square, below the priest's tower.

Zhou Fangwu asked, "Keer, do you know what it is?"

Cole replied without thinking: "The towers connecting the settlements."

The very standard answer is also the main function of what Zhou Fangwu told her.

"It is a node connecting the human species. But its function is not only that."

Zhou Fangwu motioned for her to put her hand up.

After doing the same operation as Rick before, after confirming that it is a human species, the tower burst into a dazzling light.

But no slate appeared from the beam of light.

"Your bloodline has been entered now. Congratulations, you have truly become the leader of the human species." Zhou Fangwu clapped his hands congratulatingly to express his congratulations, but it seemed a bit simple in this quiet underground square.

Cole didn't care about this. Instead, she asked anxiously, "What about Nark? Isn't he the leader of the human race?"

Cole wasn't smart, but with such an obvious leader change, there was no way she didn't know it was Rick's request.

And doing so means that Rick has...

"You should know, Cole." Zhou Fangwu pressed her shoulders to calm down the impatient new leader: "What we are going to do next is very dangerous, quite dangerous! So we need someone good enough to lead The rest, and that person is you."

"No! I'm my sister. If Rick is in danger, I should..."


Zhou Fangwu forcefully interrupted her.

Seeing her face about to cry, her heart softened for a moment, and even her tone became gentler.

"Cole, think carefully about the rest of the human species. If you go with us, who else can lead them to continue to live in the war? It is because Rick believes in you that he will let you be the leader, isn't it? ?"

"I...I...I see."

War will make a person grow up quickly, and Cole accepted this result after a brief absence.

Cole, who has experienced the war, knows that this is what she has to do. Even though she is extremely reluctant, she still has to forcibly lock her feelings, and at the same time bear the future of others, and continue to move forward with Rick's legacy.

He sighed secretly that Cole deserved to be the chosen successor.

But Zhou Fangwu secretly scolded Rick in his heart.

This guy actually let himself be the villain, and he must be taught a lesson later.

"But you don't have to worry, I have prepared other gifts for you, which are enough for you to use in your future development."


"follow me."

Zhou Fangwu smiled mysteriously at Cole and led her into the tower of priests.

But Cole was surprised: "This tower can actually walk in? I thought it was just a tower purely for decoration!"

"Hahaha, the surprising thing is yet to come!"

Zhou Fangwu patted her on the head with a smile.

The inside of the priest's tower is very simple, just a magic circle-like thing, with a lonely stone pillar on it, with streamers spinning back and forth on it, very mysterious.

"this is…?"

"Put your hands up."

Instead of answering Cole's question, Zhou Fangwu asked her to put her hand up instead. Out of absolute trust in Zhou Fangwu, Cole put his hand up without hesitation.


A golden light shone from the slate, and then sent out a scanning ray that enveloped her.

The same thing as the elf appeared in front of his eyes. Cole was a little scared, but he still resisted and did not let go.


The golden light occupied the entire field of vision, not dazzling but soft, but Cole still closed his eyes subconsciously.

open again—

A golden, illusory space unfolded in front of her eyes.

But this is not the main thing, there are many people... More than 20 people stand on a disc to form a circle, which seems to surround her.

No, Cole was also on the disc.

There are more than 10 people, including men and women, old and young.

All of them stared at Cole, with curiosity, inquiry, doubt, tenderness, and tolerance in their eyes, but without any contempt or hostility.


They looked at their eyes with some kind of eagerness and admiration.

It was very familiar, like the way people in the colony looked at Zhou Fangwu.

No, I was watching Zhou Fangwu.

At some point, Zhou Fangwu came behind Cole.

"Master Fire Passer!"

"Master Fire Passer!"

"Master Fire Passer!"

Everyone was shouting the title of Zhou Fangwu loudly, as fanatical and worshiping as a believer meeting a **** of faith.

But when Zhou Fangwu pressed his hands down into the void, their shouts stopped immediately, but the enthusiasm in their eyes disappeared no matter what.

"23 people... Lost another compatriot... Is it Bo Luomo?"

Zhou Fangwu felt a little sad.

A compatriot said it was easy, but in fact it was the disappearance of a colony.

This time, a middle-aged man spoke up: "No, that's not the case, Master Fire Spreader!"

"Romeka... I remember that you are closest to the settlement of Boromo."

"It's a great honor for you to remember me!...But now is not the time to talk about this." The middle-aged man...Romeka calmed down her excitement, and said in order: "In fact, Bo Luomo has now joined my colony , because the flames of war will spread to his colony, so..."

"I see."

Zhou Fangwu thought about it. Before Rick got the strategic distribution map, he knew where the next war would start, so he asked all the colonies in the dangerous zone to leave first through the tower of priests.

That's why there are two colonies gathered.

"Very well, I am very happy to see that you are still safe and sound."

"Thank you for your concern!"

"Okay, I have called you this time because I have something important to announce."

Zhou Fangwu no longer greeted them, but conveyed the final order to them.

"—She, from now on, will be the leader of all human beings."

Taking advantage of the situation, he pushed Cole and asked her to introduce herself.

"Hello, I'm Cole."

Simple, but no faux pas.

Rather, the current human species is still at the lowest level of the race, and they don't know what etiquette is at all.

It's really nice not to drop the chain.

But everyone didn't speak, they just cast their eyes on Zhou Fangwu behind her.

Zhou Fangwu looked at them, and the moment he opened his mouth, he was shocked.

"We want to end this war."

In a flat tone, they said the most impossible words in their opinion.


No one refuted!


They are still eager to try!

" this day finally here?!"

There is hope and confidence in everyone's eyes.

Even though they are extremely weak humans, they firmly believe that under the leadership of Zhou Fangwu, the war will definitely end!

But Zhou Fangwu knew that they worshiped so blindly.

His eyes were dazzled by a little bit of power, and his mind was dazzled by the sudden appearance of a life-saving straw, as if he was fucked.

Among the 23 people, some frowned slightly, some danced happily, but none of them chose to shrink back in fear.

Rather than being oppressed all the time and not knowing when the war will end, it is better for them to make a final cry in their limited lives to prove that they have been here.

They are all ready to fight to the death.


Even Zhou Fangwu didn't have the confidence to end this peerless war, so how could he let them die?

"This war has nothing to do with you."


Some people were already screaming.

"Why, Master Fire Passer!"

It was a middle-aged man who spoke, and his expression was a little excited.

"Black." Zhou Fangwu called out his name softly, "I still remember the first time I met you 5 years ago, when you were chased by goblins, you closed your eyes in fear after exhaustion, the coming energy gun…"

"But it's different now!"

Black clenched his fists, as if he was powerless to fight back before he spit on him.

"Very good, Blake. Keep the current dissatisfaction and play more roles in the next arrangement."

Zhou Fangwu looked at him and praised him.

But he didn't change his mind.

"The subsequent wars will not use force—the strong will sharpen their minions, and the weak will sharpen their wisdom. Because we don't have strengths in this area, we can only rely on wisdom to find the key to ending the war. In this case, it doesn't take too much Lots of people."

"But I can..."

"You have more important missions! Far more important missions than ending the war!"

Zhou Fangwu forcefully interrupted him.

"You are the tinder, and you are the continuation of the oldest race on this planet, which has evolved from a beast to a two-legged beast and possesses wisdom—the future of the human race!


I mean, if!

…We failed, and you are the future, the inheritors of our will. So, in a sense, you are more important than you think!

have you understood? ! "

"Yes! Swear to the will!" x23

Everyone had a determined and serious look on their faces.

Cole said softly, "Lord Wu..."

"Ah, sorry for leaving you out in the cold."

Zhou Fangwu apologized softly, then pointed to the 23 people in front of him and said, "If you think about it, you guessed it, they are the leaders of the colony I helped."

"I know that, but..."

"I brought you here because I want you to meet them. After all, you will be the leader of all human beings in the future."


Cole's face was slightly worried.

At this time, an old woman with a kind face comforted her and said, "Don't be afraid, since you are the leader chosen by Lord Fire Passer, we will help you."

Her words were gentle, and Cole was relieved of his nervousness.

It is still difficult to make a girl who is only 20 years old the leader of all human beings.

But now there is no time for her to grow, and she can only rely on the help of others.

And the 23 people in front of me are the best teachers.

"You know, Cole."

Zhou Fangwu seemed to be talking, and said softly:

"This planet has something called [Elf Corridor], which spreads in every corner of the planet, bred the gods and all things, and bestowed the gods with great strength and long lifespan.

The gods created their own subordinate races.

Upper species, lower species...


It is unfair that this planet has not given the oldest species—human beings any

Therefore, I stole the power of this planet, and gathered the [Elf Corridor] scattered in every corner of the planet to every node, so that they can be activated and connected to become an indestructible line of defense, and it is also the only and final line of defense for human beings.

And where you are now, this tower of priests is the heart of this line of defense!

It is also my legacy, the most important inheritance!

whose name is—

Elchea's final line of defense! "


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