MTL - Unfathomable Doomsday-Chapter 182 As a sister

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Central government...

The bedroom of the emperor.

Tonight's central government is destined not to be calm, the city's escorts are all out to find out to fight against the monster's attack, protect the imperial court of the people.

Therefore, in the bedroom of the emperor, it is extraordinarily quiet.

Nai night lay on the bed, the wounds on the body have all healed, and the white skin is as smooth as a newborn.

Breathing is very uniform and should be a good dream.

Lu Qiu La Zhang chair sat on the bedside of the night, and crossed the chin against the chin and looked at the sleeping face of the night.

Carefully look at...

Lu Qiu has been here for ten minutes, and his thoughts are drifting away.

‘Oh wow! Brother... those dogs are terrible, have been chasing me! ’

‘oh... it’s so dark at night, one is afraid of sleeping... brother...’

‘My brother lie, honey is not good, the bees are sore... oh...’



This is Lu Qiu’s greatest impression of his sister. No matter what is encountered, it is stupid and has no opinion.

However, if you are afraid, if you are wronged, you will only know how to drill into your own arms, and the same is true when you cry.

Lu Qiu opened his white fingers and clenched his fingers.

How long did it take to feel that feeling? The feeling of being dependent.

When I was holding myself in the night, crying in my arms, Lu Qiu really felt a bit bad.

The bad thing is that there is a small figure that suddenly breaks into the heart of one person who was originally there. Occupied a small position.

Although it is insignificant, it makes Lu Qiu unacceptable.

"Summon Master, what do you seem to be worried about?"

The figure of Zelas appeared on the side of Lu Qiu, just shrinking.

The Arcane creature emits a light blue shimmer that illuminates the position where Lu Qiu sits.

Lu Qiu did not look back at him, but he was always watching Nai Night.

"It's still the same problem, Zelas, do you think I will like someone?"

Zelas did not leave Lu Qiu, and since the beginning of the road into the central government, it has been squatting nearby. It is like a nuclear bomb held in the hands of Lu Qiu. As soon as there is a crisis situation that cannot be solved by the road, this nuclear bomb can be started at any time, and the entire central government will be bombed.


Zelas was silent for the second time before Lu Qiu, a master among the masters of arcane and magic. There is hardly any magic and arcane knowledge that he can't understand. But for the feelings of human beings.

As a great magician who has been cultivated into a fine detachment of the human body. How did Zelas know?

Zelas practiced sincerely and never thought about other things.

"Summon Master, you are among the dozen or so masters I serve. Give me the most indescribable existence."

Hard to describe? This is not a good name.

"Yes? How unspeakable in the eyes of my family?"

Tonight, there is no need to continue to do anything, just wait for the dawn.

So Lu Qiu had time to chat with Zelas.

"Excuse me, when you first met you, you were very naive." There was no concealment in the conversation between the life of thousands of years and Lu Qiu.

Lu Qiu did not refute, Zelas is telling the truth.

"But at the same time you are terrible."

"I am really terrible in the impression of human beings." Lu Qiu did not deny it.

"No, I have served a few more ruthless masters than the Summoner. They have almost no evil, they plunder the money and treasure by my strength, force other opposite **** to mate with them, forcefully surrender to him, and a little dissatisfaction is death. Next," Zelas recalled.

"I don't seem to be any different from them."

Lu Qiu can be sure that the person he killed is definitely a hundred times more than the so-called cruel masters in Zeraz’s mouth!

"You are fundamentally different from them! They do this to satisfy themselves! Money, mating, rights... They are pursuing these, but what do you get? Money, beauty, or rights? No, there is nothing! Indeed, you are a wicked person. The world’s most wicked person, sinful, cannot forgive, but the sins you carry are only for another person.”

Zelas seems to pour out the long-buried things in his heart, and feels very happy.

"So I think that the Summoner is very naive!"

People are not for themselves, are they dying...

"This is also a terrible place for the summoner." Zelas squinted at the night after lying in bed: "You have no regrets about everything you do, as always, there is no one who only obsessed, is scary."

“Like you?” Lu Qiu also glanced at a purely arcane spirit from a human being. Zelas was not dominated by the world’s secular world, and he was obsessed with magic and arcane. Get such a terrible power!

"Yes..." Zelas nodded and seemed to find his own shadow on Lu Qiu: "If I didn't say anything wrong, Summon Master, what you have done, will not take care of your heart." In the real feeling, it is enough to complete the purpose, and to accomplish that purpose by whatever means..."

Collect despair...and then...

Lu Qiu gripped the pendant hanging on his neck.

"If I remember correctly, the summoner is only 20 years old this year. It is normal for people of this age to have the opposite sex."

In the trough, your super college-level magician should not talk to me in this way.

In fact, this is not the real idea of ​​Lu Qiu.

"You are right." Lu Qiu reached out and gently stroked the forehead of Nai night, feeling the soft touch in his palm, and his eyes became gentle: "I really like my next generation. ""

When is it? When I was holding my own crying in the night, the inexplicable feelings grew in the heart of Lu Qiu.

"But you will abandon this. In your opinion, the extra feelings to accomplish the purpose, right?"

Zelas screamed the road that Lu Qiu chose.

"It’s my beggar, I know it well."

Nai night is just a chess piece on the road autumn board. Sooner or later, it is a chess piece that is going to be rushed and discarded, and it is still the most important one.

Lost the night, Lu Qiu this game is all lost!

Lu Qiu can't afford this price!

Can't afford it at all.

"Do you know the principle of equivalent exchange?" Lu Qiu touched the forehead of Nai night and said to Zelas.

"The rule of entry for alchemy." Zelas certainly knows.

"If you want something, you have to give up something."

Now, Lu Qiu's other hand clasped the pendant hanging on his chest, the pendant that stored his sister's ashes, and finally stopped the movement of the night forehead, leaning against the chair.

"I killed a billion people, even obliterated myself, and the goal has never changed! This time is the same."

"The price is really heavy." Zeras whispered No, these costs are nothing compared to the return. ”

Lu Qiu squeezed the pendant and answered Zelas.

So this is the terrible place for no one.

They can do whatever they want for their own purposes.

Zelas sighed and disappeared in front of Lu Qiu...

After the disappearance of Zelas.

Lu Qiu stood up and used his little fangs to bite his fingers and reached the pale lips of Nai night. Some of the blood that overflowed with golden radiance dripped down the corners of Nai’s mouth. In the mouth of the night.

"Thirty million, 30 million people's life for your three-day life, the Royal Highness, don't let me down when I am." (To be continued.)

Ps: ps: So sleepy... Go to sleep birds... Ask for tickets... Do you want to continue today?

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