MTL - Unfathomable Doomsday-Chapter 197 Final request

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The night is deep. .

Lu Qiu returned to the original small study room and painted his own place.

Lu Qiu does not know why he is coming here.

Perhaps this is the only clean place in the noisy palace.

Now Lu Qiu is lying on this bed, staring at the ceiling. There is a small bed for people to rest in the study.

Lu Qiu did not know what the master of the study thought.

Very tired...

A strange tiredness rushed to the surface, almost to engulf Lu Qiu.

Obviously at midnight, it is the most vigorous time of the vampire, but the spirit of Lu Qiu is like falling into the abyss and has been falling.

How long have you not closed your eyes and slept?

Ever since I knew that my sister can be resurrected...

How long has Lu Qiu had not rested?

One month? Two months?

I have been on the verge of killing, taking away one life after another.

I... aren't you enjoying these?

Lu Qiu sat up from his seat and stared at his forehead.

Enjoy, as a vampire, Lu Qiu, not only did not feel tired for these killings, but has been enjoying it, because Lu Qiu likes the feeling of blood splashing, the sound of human beings asking for mercy, will make Lu Qiu feel a strange Desire.

But tonight...

Lu Qiu took out the painting that was painted during the day... The girl in the painting is still so quiet, it seems to be within reach...

Depression is really not suitable for Lu Qiu.

Lu Qiu is rubbing the surface of the scroll, but every time he thinks of the face of Nai night because of the **** the scroll, Lu Qiu always has a slight uneasiness.

what is this? What do humans call feelings?

Heartache? Pity?

Is this guy who has abandoned everything and is really qualified to have these ridiculous things?


Lu Qiuping regained his inner feelings and was preparing to start planning the details of tomorrow's plan.

The door of the room was suddenly knocked...

No matter what I can face, I can maintain a calm and calm road. At this moment, my hand trembled and almost fell to the ground.

With the sniper rifle all the year round, Lu Qiu can also be an excellent sniper. Lu Qiu’s hands will not shake, otherwise Lu Qiu’s bullets will not shoot so stable.

But... what is going on today.

Lu Qiu quietly took the painting back, and the breath spread around the body of Lu Qiu, and it was easy to feel the person standing outside the door... It was Nai Night.

What is she doing? Moreover, the bottle of black light virus on hand did not drink?

After feeling some strange, the expression on Lu Qiu's face was cold, as usual.

"Come in, the door is unlocked."

Lu Qiu stared at the night in the room silently coming in. She didn't even change her clothes. She wore a pajamas and ran from the bedroom of the emperor to the study.

The one held in the night, perhaps the only item that can illuminate the room.

There was no room for a bright light, and the red-red light emitted by the black light virus illumined the pale face of the night.

"What's the matter?" Lu Qiu sat up from the bed. This little girl didn't see a long time in a few days. As a girl, she was always half-headed than Lu Qiu.

Nai night did not drink black light virus, this is the real violation of the bottom line of Lu Qiu!

Lu Qiu gave her so much, gave her a new life, gave her strength, and even gave her the admirable identity of the audience!

Just for tomorrow, the moment when the black light virus gives birth to the newborn, is no longer bound by the human body!

However, Nai night did not drink, although there is nothing on the surface of Lu Qiu, but the tone contains the majesty from the older generation.

If you notice this kind of breath in the normal state, you will be scared to hide in the corner like a kitten.

Even if she is so powerful in the outside world, in front of Lu Qiu, she is always a small wild cat who has lost her claws.

Today, this little wild cat has made something unexpected to let the road fall.

"I will obey your orders."

Nai night, still as cold as she just woke up.

It was only the night that kept stirring the clothes of the clothes, and exposed her inner nervousness. The little girl was a little girl. The fighting power of Nai night was strong, but her kind heart was destined that her heart would not be too high.

The tension of the night, Lu Qiu can see, Lu Qiu did not return, continue to wait for the words below the night.

"Can I promise my last request before everything is returned to you?"

Nai night was full of her courage, dare to say this sentence, she looked up and Lu Qiu confrontation, two pairs of scarlet scorpions intertwined in the air.

Is everything returned to me?

This is really a little self-awareness.

So what is the final request?

The good-hearted royal girl, after knowing what kind of disaster my nationals will suffer, would you like to finally recover it?

In this way of seeking mercy? It’s ridiculous.

What qualification do you have to ask me for a so-called request? You... can you come out and exchange this request with me?

A sardonic smile appeared in the corner of Lu Qiu, and came back...

When I said this sentence in the night, Lu Qiu and the familiar relationship of Nai night came back.

Nai night is a small wild cat, and Lu Qiu is holding a funny cat stick, so that this little wild cat will never stop and follow its own path.

Lu Qiu gave her food and gave her a place to live. Now, what new requirements does this little wild cat have?

Is it comforting her afterwards?

Still being the kindness of His Royal Highness, ask yourself not to hurt those innocent civilians?

what exactly is it? I am stupid and stupid.

Refused, no matter what request is made at night, Lu Qiu will refuse, and then smashed, Lu Qiu wants to destroy the hope of everyone in the world, including the Royal Highness in front of him.

"Let's say, maybe I will promise." Lu Qiu smiled as always, calmly.

When I got the response from Lu Qiu.

Nai Nai took a deep breath at night, and the five fingers held the glass bottle with the black light virus tightly. Lu Qiu even suspected that she had such great strength and would not crush the black light virus!

Until now, Lu Qiu discovered that in his own impressions, both the trouble and the surname of the surviving younger generation, there is such a girlish side.

Nai's shoulders trembled slightly, biting her lips lightly.

In the end, I decided to make my own determination. I reached out and even gave myself the black ribbon that I had to give to myself.

The supple hair pours down and is almost dragged to the ground.

Lu Qiu glimpsed a little, and the smile on his face was solidified.

In the darkness, Nai night is like an elf, carefully standing in front of Lu Qiu, the girl closed her eyes, exhausted all the strength of her body, and said what she really wants, or pays for. .

"Before I disappear..."

She spoke up, and the long black hair was draped down, and the night with a timid expression on her face made her suffocate.

Nai’s hands clasped together in the night, and the heart was pounding. The speed of the heart beat was so fast that Nai couldn’t bear it, but despite this, Nai’s night still looked directly at him with some flustered eyes, with an equal status, with a jealousy. Girl, not an awkward identity!

"Get away... everything about me... okay? Road autumn..."

Speaking of the mouth. (To be continued.)

Read The Duke's Passion