MTL - Unfathomable Doomsday-Chapter 212 Stupid human

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Vector manipulation, the popular one is to manipulate the direction of all energy.

As long as the skin touches something, it can manipulate its direction...

This is the ability to be absolutely invisible!

If you evolved into the legendary level of LV6, the body of Lu Qiu, in addition to the mental attack, is already invincible.

Only the conditions required for evolution to LV5 are extremely demanding. In addition to the real breakthrough of the 50th floor of the top tower, Lu Qiu really has no way to come up with any good way to improve the level of this super power.

However, even if it is LV4, the power it possesses is immeasurable.

The stone ground that stood at the foot of Lu Qiu broke down. Immediately afterwards, Lu Qiu appeared above the demon in front of Lorna.

The hand pierced the devil's forehead, and the blood began to violently under the control of Lu Qiu. Then the demon's body exploded sharply...

Because of the vector manipulation, there is not a drop of blood on the demon body that is contaminated by Lu Qiu. Instead, Lorna dyed a black blood.

Lorna’s eyes are full of fear. Human beings, even if they say it verbally, there is no way to hide their weakness.

The son of the proud prince, who has seen such a **** scene, it is good to be able to hold back without vomiting.

Lu Qiu glanced at him and he didn't say much.

In the eyes of Lu Qiu, this is just a necessity to complete the task. It is enough to give it to the Prince of Lordland.

The ravages of the entire Demon Legion are still continuing.

Hundreds of greedy demons have dealt a terrible blow to this civilian-populated group of exiles. The devil’s breath of inexplicable fear is enough to make many civilians lose their thoughts of running away.

The two Knights with a certain combat power in the entire team were entangled by the Demon Rangers of the two teams.

The Demon Ranger is a group of human demons that are covered in a black cloak. Compared to the sly demons, the human demons belong to a higher level. They have their own command, and all the demons are owned. The human form, if you look at the appearance, only makes people feel that they are a group of humans wearing some horrible equipment.

Only the devil is still a demon, and the inexplicable fear emanating from the Demon Ranger is not much higher than the ordinary devil.

Ordinary people are watching the dark red pupil under the shadow of the hood of the Demon Ranger. They will be occupied by a lot of negative emotions, collapse, and even commit suicide.

Of course, this kind of death is a desperate death. Otherwise, the rate of despair will not be as high as 99%.

If Zelas can kill desperate human beings and get despair, this is even better. Unfortunately, those humans have not reacted to what happened, and they were bombarded with **** and desperate. No time at all.

In fact, Ranger Ranger, this group of demonic creatures are mainly using bows and arrows and daggers. They are good at making various traps to carry out guerrilla warfare in the forest and torture the enemy to death.

This kind of encounter on the open ground is very unfavorable for them. The dozens of demon rangers with an average rank of 40 or so, after the morale of the human knights encouraged morale, soon died because of human counterattacks. A few.

This is also the intention of Lu Qiu. If Lu Qiu sent a creature of the same level as the Demon Ranger, a giant magic creature named Dark Fighter, it is a body that is more than three meters high. With an inexplicable fear, it is enough to destroy the team of exiles.

Lu Qiu does not intend to kill this group of humans so quickly, slowly, one by one tortured to death.

Just as Lu Qiu squinted at the place where the Knights and the Demon Ranger confronted each other.

Lorna suddenly pulled the corner of the autumn clothes.

"Come... hurry up and help them!"

Lorna has recovered from the situation just now in fear, a touch of blood on her face, anxiously pointing at the group of civilians who are not guarded by the Knights.

No one protects civilians, and this is what the Knights intend to do...

Perhaps there are many powerful folk masters among these groups of civilians, but how can they not be a disgrace of the sinful demon of the greedy branch.

The turmoil of the civilians alone is enough for the greedy demons to trample on the lives of these people. The obese body is so squirming, there are people around, and one mouth does not know how many fresh human flesh can be swallowed.

Simply crisp.

“Why are you going to help them? The group of civilians seems to have nothing to do with you?”

The devil is raised in the autumn, killing a pet is enough. Lu Qiu makes this group of people live for a while is already kind enough... Well, the word kindness is not suitable for Lu Qiu, it is already lucky for this group of human beings. He even wants Lu Qiu to continue to kill his pets and help those humans?

"Even if it doesn't matter, you can't see death or death! Lord Lu Qiu, please help me quickly!"

Lorna’s anxious expression is full of words, but his kindness, he can’t perform himself, but asks others.

Lu Qiu brows a pick.

"Why don't you go by yourself?"

"I..." was asked by Lu Qiu, and Lona suddenly turned red: "My feet are just twisted, I can't move at all... Please, please hurry!"

If you go, don't you die?

Lu Qiu Tilona added the meaning he finally wanted to express.

Do you know that it is sent to death so you don’t go, ask someone to go?

Lord Lorna, your kindness is really touching.

"Are you an order?" The expression on Lu Qiu's face became cold. Lu Qiu hated human beings. One of the most annoying qualities was hypocrisy. It used a pious appearance to conceal his inner devil. This is almost all human beings. one side.

If you don't have the power, don't be a hero. Lorna obviously makes Lu Qiu the same role as the two captains of the charming knights.

In fact, in the City of Yaoguang, Lorna did do this habit of asking others to do unreasonable things. Because of his father's sake, his requirements are generally agreed. He does not care about the feelings of others. Just know that it is time to exercise your own justice!

"No...not an order." Lorna was a little scared by Lu Qiu's cold eyes, and his tone was weakened: "Is it possible for me to ask you? Lord Lu Qiu! Please help those people!"

Seeing that Lu Qiu was still indifferent, Lorna suddenly pulled out his sword and reached his neck.

"If you don't agree with Lu Qiu, I..."

"How?" Lu Qiu did not believe that this fearful devil would sacrifice his life for this.

The child's waywardness does not work in front of Lu Qiu, this guy is not the sister of Lu Qiu.

"I don't have a face to see my father, it's not as good as..."

Said that Jian Feng is really close to his neck.

Face? This troublesome little devil!

Lu Qiu grabbed Lona's hand, and at this moment Lorna's face showed a happy smile.

"Lord Lu Qiu, your kindness and justice, can't recognize this kind of thing!"

"The kid..." Lu Qiu looked down at Lorna. I don't know why, the breath of the red-red pupils made Lonner feel a little chilly: "Do you know the justice, the price you need to pay?" ?"

Cold, bitter cold, this man is even more terrible than his father.

Lorna didn't dare to move, even dare not answer the question of Lu Qiu, but the whole body shivered slightly.

However, the next second.

"Well, if you want to be a partner of justice, don't do such a dangerous thing next time."

The ice and snow melted, and the glare of the sun was replaced. Lu Qiu extended his hand and pressed it on Lonna’s blond hair.

"If you die, everything is over, everyone is finished, so don't make fun of your life in the future! Do you understand?"

Lu Qiu was swearing at Lonna.

For the big change in Lu Qiu's mood, Lorna was a bit stunned when he reacted.

Sure enough, Lu Qiu is a good person! Just like your father.

It’s just tears.

"I... I understand, Lord Lu Qiu, I... I am not making such an impulsive act!"

Lorna almost cried in the hands of Lu Qiu, but fortunately, Lu Qiu’s hand quickly and easily escaped Lonna.

"Then I will go first, you are careful about your safety."

"I will." Lorna nodded.

Knife mouth tofu heart...?

Sure enough, it’s a good person...


What a **** little devil!

Lu Qiu looked at the group of human beings who were slaughtering the devil, and vented all the anger that was accumulated in the heart to the demons...

No strength! No idea!

In the moment when Lu Qiu’s hand touched the demon, this group of sly monsters all burst into pieces...

Not even the courage to face these monsters.

But still where to say what to save others...

It’s ridiculous!

A blow of the whip leg, relying on the burst of vector manipulation, compressed air gathered at the sole of the foot, Lu Qiu hit a big demon to the end of the smash.

If it doesn't matter if you keep your life!

Lu Qiu stepped on the ground and fell to the ground, trying to climb like a turtle, some ridiculous demons, one fist...

You have long been the feed of these guys!

The heavy fist pierced the fat body of this demon, and the ground was sinking a little because of this great strength!

The heavy bombardment caused the devil to make a savage embarrassment and once again became a plasma bomb exposure.

With vector manipulation, a drop of blood on Lu Qiu's body is not contaminated.

Originally slaughtered, the greedy demons who wanted to do what they wanted, after being easily and easily killed by Lu Qiu, these demons with their own consciousness, also feared to retreat a little.

"Take it over." Lu Qiu glanced at the fearful demons, and said coldly: "Who killed me, who is the master of the devil!"

As the name implies, the greedy demon is the most greedy pulse of the devil. Lu Qiu does not spread the breath of the will from the dark world. They are only afraid of the power of Lu Qiu.

Now, what is the temptation to become the master of the dark world?

This group of demons have not yet fully developed cerebellum and immediately abandoned their food, and gathered in groups to rush to Lu Qiu.

To live in this world, you must first know how small your strength is!

When Lu Qiuer’s day hides in Tibet, the church gives Lu Qiu’s things, and Lu Qiu will never forget.

I will only ruin myself if I don’t care!

Lu Qiuyi stepped on the stone ground standing under the foot, and the crack began to spread as the center of the road, and the entire ground was cracked.

To do anything, you have to pay the price!

Under the manipulation of the vector, the broken stones floated on the side of Lu Qiu, and they shot at the speed of the pop-ups to the demons.

One after another, the ground continues to shatter and sink, turning into one sharp stone to kill the demons.

In fear of this

Under the horror of the eruption, those demons became a piece of lifeless meat in front of Lu Qiu.

Hundreds of greedy demons, all died in a flash.

Lu Qiu gasps, vector manipulation is too labor-intensive, let alone this level of outbreak.

"Thanks to the adults for their help!!"

"It is the command of Lord Lorna..."

"Sure enough, Lord Lorna did not abandon our civilians."

The civilians who survived around have cast a grateful eye on Lu Qiu.

Lu Qiu saved these humans from the hands of demons.


Lu Qiu looked at Luo Nai who looked at the place and did not consciously smile.


Watching these people survive... Are you satisfied?

Is it to satisfy your justice, or is it the desire to be called justice?

I am eager to see those who have been saved by myself to cast their grateful eyes? The desire to be regarded as a hero by others?

This is the so-called justice. In the eyes of Lu Qiu, it is just a name that human beings hope to be respected by others.

Think about it...

Lu Qiu’s mouth twitched slightly.

Since you want to help others, I will give you a lesson.

The price of justice...

Lu Qiu stepped on the ground and there were some creepy bodies on the ground, but found that he was lying next to him.

Originally, Lu Qiu thought that there was only a body around him, but it seems that there is still a survivor under the attack of the devil.

Lu Qiu converges with a smile that looks strange to him. He looks down at the person who is still struggling with blood.

It’s a little girl... the body is very petite.

"Can you still hold it?"

Here, the human beings who can save the whole body under the devil's predation are basically fighting the demon. Lu Qiu does not think that this figure is a petite figure. It is a little girl.

"Can you... can you take Yuka's sword? This way... Yuka can hold it."

The name is Yuka? Lu Qiu glanced at her long hair with a lot of mess.

Sword? Lu Qiu followed the direction of her fingers and found a sword.

It’s just that...the sword is really too big. The height of the girl’s height is only about one meter and five meters, but the sword is as long as two meters.

Is the sword really able to get this little girl?

Despite the fact that Lu Qiu had some doubts, he handed the heavy sword to the girl who was struggling to sit up and named Yuka.

"Thank you, big brother... I just had a big brother."

Estimated to lie on the ground, saw the scene of the road to kill the devil.

"What about your parents?" Now Lu Qiu is playing a good man...good guy.

"Hey, Yuka is in his twenties this year. He has long since left his parents to stand on his own feet."

She shook the long hair that was messy, and she said weakly.

Twenty years old?

Is there really so much legal Loli in this world?

Lu Qiu was really scared by her age.

But what should I do next?

There is nothing to heal in Lu Qiu's body. There are so many wounds on her body. The most shocking thing is the tears on the abdomen.

Although it did not hurt the internal organs, it is also a very serious injury.

"I have a medical box here!"

Lorna, whose leg was twisted, also walked over and held a small white medical case in his hand.

After the war, the wounded were not in a minority. Lorna had this medical kit in his hands. I don't know how many people are staring tightly, but the identity of Naholona, ​​plus Lu Qiu is next to it, no one dares to grab it.

"No...nothing, Lord Lorna, Yuka's body is very good, and he can recover at once."

She seems to want Lorna to hand over these precious therapeutics to others. In order to convince Lorna that she is quite a small breast, she is involved in the wounds of her body. She can't help but cough up a blood. Come.

This has not been any more convincing.

Young girls have always been easy to make men feel sympathetic almost under the mandatory order of Lorna, Yuca was able to accept the medical box.

The knights who fought against the Demon Ranger on the front line also returned, and most of them were injured.

Because there are several sacrifices in the ranks, the knights are first treated for wounds.

A demon attack has caused many civilians to panic and do not know how to do it.

The atmosphere in the entire team has also become somewhat depressed.

At this time, the core of the entire team plus hope, Lonna must stand up and say something.

What does Lorna use to encourage those who do not give up hope, these have nothing to do with Lu Qiu...

In the plan of these human beings in Lu Qiu, there are not many shadows that can truly see the city of glory.

And Lu Qiu, it is time for the son of this innocent prince to take a good class and let him understand that the so-called exercise of justice is not something that can be done by telling others a few words! This is a price to pay!

PS: Well, the author has played some of his heads, and then chased a new fan, so when I found out that time, it was already so late, so it was so late... In fact, this also blames the author for playing too much. It’s don’t mind, cough, and have a holiday tomorrow, so it’s possible to add more, just like this. (To be continued "This article is provided by the breaking dawn update group @芊羽漠漠". If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the first launch of the referral ticket, the monthly pass, your support is my biggest motivation.)

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