MTL - Unfathomable Doomsday-Chapter 218 Desperate road

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"Your body... there is a very dangerous atmosphere, it is like a monster."

Lordland used his different colors to look up and down the road.

"I can kill those monsters, in a sense, they are also monsters."

Lu Qiu faintly answered his question.

Lu Qiu once thought about the fact that there are those human beings who dare to face the demons. The inexplicable fear of the devil is disregarding the level. No one can avoid it. The ordinary people are just under this negative emotion. The devil is directly mentally broken!

According to the tens of thousands of exiles, the Knights eventually survived fewer than 300 people, and among the three hundred, many have symptoms of mental disorders.

In the last battle, on the third day of the runaway, Lu Qiu mobilized thousands of demons, and the last siege, the surviving knights, most of them were suppressing tears in their eyes, fear has begun to become Numbness, some are just a belief in survival.

It can be said that as long as you are able to survive in the battle against the devil, and to ensure that your human beings can think normally, the feelings are almost the same as the monsters.

"It’s really scary to fight against those demons." Lordland put away the hostility to Lu Qiu and looked back at Lonard’s departure: "To be honest, I was also worried at the time, my child would not be able to bear it." The negative smell from the demon collapsed, but now it seems that he has overcome his fear."

"It seems that you are not worried about your child's life and death."

"Death? If there is no courage to swing the sword in front of the group of demons, then it is equal to death. He is my only son. It is also my most important person, deputy head of Lu Qiu, no matter what, I am still sincere. Thank you."

This is really a formulaic answer.

Lordland did not see any grateful look.

"If your son is really important, then the person who will pick him up from which city should be you, not me." Lu Qiuqi said.

"I have reasons to be guarded in this city." Lordland answered Lou Qiu seriously: "But in order to repay, as long as you don't please the bottom line, I will promise whatever you ask."

If the city is destroyed, what is the requirement to kill all the people in the city?

He will not agree. Lordland does not look serious. But he is a very rational person! If he chooses between his son and the life of the whole city, he will choose this city, the city of the city of glory from beginning to end.

"I haven’t thought about it for a while, if the city owner has arranged a good place for me. I think it’s enough."

At this stage. Lu Qiu did not want to have too much contact with Lordland. Although his own disguise is perfect, it may inevitably be exposed in front of Lordland, which may be the seventh-level life.

"Of course." Lordland readily agreed to Lu Qiu's request. Throwed a key to Lu Qiu, saying that any room in the city's main house can give Lu Qiu a shelter.

After Lu Qiu thanked, Lordland left because he had to think about how to arrange the group of displaced people.


Lu Qiu looked at the city and finally smelled Lonna's breath and followed Lonner along the route he left.

If you want to pack more information about Lordland, ask his son is more reliable.

After a few turns of the left turn and right turn, Lu Qiu found himself on an open space, several tombstones stood on the open ground where the green grass was planted, and Lorna was standing in front of a tombstone for this tombstone. Sent a bunch of flowers.

Lu Qiu did not say anything, went to his side, looked at the name on the tombstone, was a woman, probably died five years ago...

"She is my mother."

"Did you die? Because of the disease?"

"No, it was killed by World of Warcraft." Lorna said it was very indifferent. As for what he was thinking about inside, probably only he knew it.

"At the beginning of the city's establishment, it often attracts a large number of World of Warcraft attacks. The reason is still unclear. The Warcraft inhabiting the depths of the forest is a hundred times stronger than the human being. The war was really fierce. My mother was there. Killed in the war."

Lorna recalled the situation at the time and suddenly clenched his fists.

"At the time my father had the ability to save my mother, but... but in order to close the gate, he blocked the passage of Warcraft invasion, and watched my mother be eaten by Warcraft... He could have saved Down..."

"But if you don't block those invading Warcraft, there will be more people eaten by Warcraft, isn't it?"

It’s really rational and it’s a bit creepy.

"But she is my mother, the man's wife!" I don't know when, Lorna had tears in his eyes, and retorted against Lu Qiu loudly: "He only married my mother alone in his life! Even if There is no more person now! The mother’s position in his heart is definitely higher than anyone, why...”

"The partner of justice."

Lu Qiu pointed at the crying, not like a man, Lorner extended a thumb.

"Are you not doing the same thing as your father? To protect the majority and abandon the minority, this is your justice."


"Go fight like a man. Isn't that what you decided to do?"

Lu Qiu shot his shoulder.

Crying, finally stopped, Lonna grew up three nights ago, not the naive child.

"Understood, Lord Lu Qiu." Lorna gratefully glanced at Lu Qiu, estimated that now in his heart, if the first respected person is his father, the second respected person is probably Lu Qiu, This kind of teacher is also a friend.

Finally, Lu Qiumu sent Lorna to leave.

In fact, if the perspective is changed, this guy should become the protagonist of this world.

Whether it is the thing that happened to him, or his character, how to look at it is linked to the protagonist.

Leading humans to counterattack demons and the like.

But a little pity is...

The party to this script is destined to not win.

"Partners of justice...?" Lu Qiu looked up looked at the most conspicuous building in the city, most likely the place where the energy wall generator.

"This boring thing is over... Zelas, how long is it from the dark world to fully integrate with the world?"

"Up to three hours, Summoner... At that time, the sun will not appear in the world, the darkness of the dark world will spread all over the corner, everything will wither... The frost will freeze everything." (To be continued.)

Ps:ps: A little bit tangled, I found that I don't seem to have any ability to become a full-time writer. So it is impossible to take a book to support myself. It is impossible to see the current results. As a student, life is the most important. One of the exams is almost near, and while learning the codeword, it’s really mad and it’s mad. The recent plot is a little bit dissatisfied. It’s too exhausting, so I’m going to stop it. Update for a while, the time is about a month or two, let me calm down... I will rectify my thoughts, and finally I just want to say that this book has been there all the time. I will always write to the third volume of the Great Star Age. So far, Xiaozhongwen has almost come to this place, and my style is not suitable for mainstream text. If the exam is good, the next book can be pleasantly written to sneak into the light novel, then give I am sorry to everyone, I am sorry.

Read The Duke's Passion