MTL - Unfathomable Doomsday-Chapter 231 This kind of 邂逅 is not romantic!

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The assumption of a parallel world has been raised long before it is known.

In another world outside this world, there may be another you, with the same appearance, the same voice, but for various reasons, and embarked on different life, with different personalities.

This assumption, today, has been confirmed.

"Your name, is Lu Qiu right?"

In the shadow of the dust, Lu Qiu was interested in watching the other face's horrified expression.

The other side licked his own eyes and seemed to think that it was an illusion because he walked in the sandstorm for a long time.

Unfortunately, this is not an illusion.

"" The other person looked at his own appearance. The man who had little difference except the color of the pupil was in a state of sluggishness.

"It doesn't matter, the important thing is, right away, you will become me!"

"Wh..." I haven't waited for the other party to react. Lu Qiu reached out and grabbed his neck. The blood sprang from the body of Lu Qiu, and the sharp tentacles pierced the poor guy's body, only for a moment. The body became a smoky blue smoke disappeared in front of Lu Qiu.


After absorbing the other's memory, Lu Qiu initially confirmed that he was indeed a resident of the Federation, but he came to this ridiculous planet because of an accident. As for the reason...

"It's a weak guy." After reading his memory a few minutes ago, Lu Qiu sighed and looked for a direction to fly to the past.

Fortunately, this planet has a slightly higher temperature than the whole day, and the climate is indeed similar to the earth, and it will not have any bad influence on the human body.

After the sandstorm stopped, Lu Qiu saw a black smoke floating in the sky, and under the smoke, it was a broken ship.

The model is a small tourist ship. The reason for the fall is that when a person approaches the planet, it happens to hit the living creature on the planet, that is, when the brainworm wakes up, the insect is very rude. The human beings who passed the planet came out.

The power of the Zerg can completely attack the targets outside the planet. For some reason, these bugs are not able to reproduce as indefinitely as described in the game. It seems to be restricted by something, and it has not been created. The situation in which the three gods are erected.

The situation in this universe is now the unilateral monopoly of the human federation.

Lu Qiu leaped down the hollow that was thrown out because of the fall, and walked to the front of a pile of metal ruins according to the memory in his brain.

With a handful of hands, the existence buried under the rubble was revealed. It was a human being. It looked like a woman with a good appearance. This is just a meal for Lu Qiu, but it is useful now. .

In Lu Qiu’s memory, the world’s own self seems to be a student of the Academy Planet. Because he accepted the mission, he will follow the team and leave the parent star. If you go back to Qiqiu, it will inevitably be suspected. .

Then Lu Qiu needs a witness, but it is a pity that the world is timid and pitiful. He clearly can only help her from the pain of being burnt by the hot metal. However, because of fear, I was afraid that the spacecraft would detonate twice, so I ran away.

It is estimated that if she does not walk in the autumn, she should be thirsty and die in the ruins.

Because the world itself has no idea to save her, even though she is the object of her own secret love in the world, with two years of classmate relationship, the weakness has made him a very stupid move.

"In any case, this witness can not die."

Lu Qiu took out a bottle of water from the portable space equipment, not for her drink. After a little stroke of Lu Qiu, the kettle on the hand decisively turned into a giant water basin!

On this planet, the precious water is precious, with a cool breath on the sleeping beauty.


"Hey! Who!" She suddenly woke up.

"Wake up?" Lu Qiu leaned on a metal piece and looked at the girl who had awakened.

The full name is Night Pity. In the memory of the autumn of this world, it seems that he is the heir to a powerful business family. It is definitely the unpredictable existence of the road in this world.

"You? Road... Autumn?" She recognized Lu Qiu in an instant. After a while, she looked at her wet body and just wanted to stand up, but there was a pain in her leg: "It hurts and hurts." ......"

It seems to have been twisted to the feet when forced to land.

Lu Qiutou looked at the change of the expression of the lady, thinking after a while.

"Next." Lu Qiu took out a bottle of first aid spray and gave it to her.

Her skill was not bad, and she caught the bottle of the old-fashioned first-aid spray, and sprayed it on her wound for a moment.

Feeling that the pain was slightly relieved, her dissatisfaction was also suppressed in the throat and back to the stomach.

"Are you saving me?" She was a little unbelievable.

"Don't you have the answer to live? Is it not enough to save anyone?" Lu Qiu shrugged, he just wanted to not become a single survivor. This is enough.

"This... sure." Lu Qiu's answer made her somewhat unexpected.

Although there is no formal expression, but in her usual, she feels more or less, that is a little singular, like a child, Lu Qiu has some strange emotions to himself.

However, in her school, there were more people who had strange emotions.

After all, good females are the goal of male pursuit.


"Use your heavenly news, Miss Night, it should not be bad." Lu Qiu did not wait for her to open the subject and pointed to her palm.

The most common kind of communication tool in the human federation, which combines various functions into one, is basically the extent that it can't go out without this stuff.

This is not a kind of machinery, but a creation that makes the road autumn incomprehensible. It is engraved on the body like a tattoo.

This is also the only tricky thing that autumn feels. I don't have this to prove that I am a federal.

So this lady can come to make a guarantee.

"Your heavenly news?" She always felt that the current road autumn became a bit strange, I don't know why I asked a question.

"..." Lu Qiu did not speak, pulled away his sleeves, and saw Lu Qiu's arm, night pity gripped his mouth.

The scarlet blood ran down the arm and almost saw the wound of the muscle tissue, which also went to the night to show that his natural news was completely destroyed.

Unless it hurts your own bones, Tianxun will not lose its ability to work.

If the news is destroyed, the owner must have been seriously injured. This kind of news will usually be sent to the federal terminal network in the first time, but it is not the federal ship’s class. To save him.

Perhaps if the great news of the Missy in front disappears, the federation will send a fleet. This is the naked class difference.

"This... wait... wait!" How proud she is, after all, the flowers that live in the greenhouse, so shocking wounds, the night pity immediately ran to the side of Lu Qiu, want to use the road to give her first aid spray... After a few clicks.

"Oh..." there is nothing in it...

"This is a small dose. It is already the limit to cure your wounds." Lu Qiu's face is not red and does not jump, sincerely said panic.

"How could this be!"

Suffering such a heavy injury, I still gave myself such a precious medicine. It is totally unimportant to sprain something. This kind of wound is completely deadly.

Night Pity found that this road in front of the road is indeed a familiar road autumn in a sense, is it because of that strange emotion to do this stupid thing?

As a young lady's pride, she absolutely does not allow anyone to die because of her, so she learned to play in the extraterrestrial survival program, and wanted to tear off her clothes and make a cloth strip to stop the blood.


"Miss Atnight, how expensive is your clothes? Don't you know? Quality is good, you know, you can't bite this little silver tooth."

This woman is stupid and can't look directly. Lu Qiu silently estimated her own amount of school dropout, estimated by the human blood volume, and now the speed of blood loss is definitely fainting.

"That... what to do!" Night pity is completely a kind of crying.

"...Your news? Missy Night, you said that I am a good news, and immediately there is a fleet of bombardment on your house's domineering?"

The night pity in Lu Qiu’s memory is an elegant and beautiful but very domineering aristocratic I remember that because I was provoked by the unopened person, I said that this sentence can almost represent the entire interstellar All the words of the upper class.

"Yes, Tianxun, right now! I am going to come soon! I will find you the best doctor in the interstellar, so I am not allowed to die."

"According to the speed of human blood loss, I still have ten minutes to die, and now, with my blood loss, should I fall into syncope?"

"Stunned?" Night pity.

"I am dizzy." After the completion of Lu Qiu's body fell to the ground.

"Say dizzy and faint! Hey! Hey! Lu Qiu!!" Night pity swayed the shoulders of Lu Qiu.

If it is an ordinary person, it is estimated that he has long since died because he could not withstand the toss.

Therefore, if the night pity in the heart of the world is an elegant and beautiful, almost all the adjectives of praise and beauty are used on her, they are very appropriate.

Now Lu Qiu can think of a word.


PS: Keke, the second female in this volume is Nai Night, but the female one is not this girl, so don't expect too much, and there is a wooden fantasy fantasy domain? I built a guild in the second district. Well, I admit that the name of the guild is called the women's mountain. Do you think this is very interesting? 0X0, if someone plays fantasy domain, in the second district, add a friend together, my ID is In the garden of Yi’s garden, it’s better if you come to the guild.

(To be continued, "This text is provided by the Dawning Update Group @仙魔". If you like this work, you are welcome to vote for the recommended ticket, the monthly pass, your support is my biggest motivation.)

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