MTL - Unfathomable Doomsday-Chapter 7 Non-existent taboo

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At night, Lu Qiu stood on the balcony and looked at the city.

In addition to the daily power supply of the street lights, the city has completely fallen into the darkness, and from time to time issued a few screams of screaming, what zombies should be sent out.

The despair value of Lu Qiu has gradually become about 56,000...

After resolving the three ignorant humans, redeem it. A large part of the money exchanged by Lu Qiu will cause a vision. It takes a period of time to exchange permanent skills and bloodlines.

It is best to find a place without people.

The city has undoubtedly been shrouded in darkness, and all the figures on the streets are zombies.

There may be some survivors hiding somewhere, but Lu Qiu believes that the city will become a zombie in the near future!

If the army of the New China Federation wants to stop it, then it will be defeated!

Lu Qiu was thinking about how to block the perimeter of the city to tear, when there was a cry in the room behind him.

what happened?

Lu Qiu originally planned to kill the bald head directly when the group of people slept. The vampire is the best assassin. As long as the gun is not in the bald hand, he has no threat to Lu Qiu.

But this night does not seem so peaceful!

"What the little girls are struggling with!"

When Lu Qi walked into the room, he found that Wang Hu could not restrain his male impulse. The negative emotions that he had smashed during the day broke out completely at night.

He put the female high school student, Sakura, on his shoulder and planned to walk into the bedroom.

As for what to do, as long as it is a man, it is clear.

In the eyes of Xia Ying, with tears in her eyes, she struggled with incompetence, and the slender arm hitting the rock-like king's back had no effect.

"Help me..." Finally, Xia Sakura can only ask for help from her classmates.

Lu Qiu glanced at another corner of the room.

Which teenager curled up in his own corner and hugged his body, and in the afternoon he said that he wanted to protect her, but now it is driven by fear, and the boy suddenly understands that everything is not so simple.

That man has a gun! Will kill yourself! will die!

Fear made him unable to move, and Xia Ying looked desperately at his classmates. He did not mean to save himself.

"Don't!" The last scream, let Sun Qi hold his head and close his eyes tightly, and shivered: "Not my fault, not my fault!"

Lu Qiu looked at this scene without any feelings.

This is the inferiority of human beings, desires, fears, weaknesses...

The door of the bedroom was not closed. Wang Hu threw the summer cherry on the bed and held her shoulder.

"I will make you cool..."

The filthy words, and the screams and crying of the girl's despair.

Xia Ying is struggling, but what this strength can do is to make the clothes on her body less fast.

But... this is a good thing for Lu Qiu.

Because of this idiot who has been tempted by lust, throw the assault rifle down to the bottom of the bed!


Lu Qiuzui’s corner reveals a weird smile.

"Don't!!" How can Xia Ying not think that he will have today, the man's hateful face, and his classmates' death and death, let Xia Ying completely desperate...

In the morning, the students who were close to each other bite each other, blood, internal organs and minced meat! Crazy world……

Now she would rather die than be willing to suffer any more, and there is no way to endure it.

All of this world seems to have completely collapsed, and Xia Ying can no longer find what he is familiar with.

Until between the hustle and bustle, she suddenly saw the eyes of Lu Qiu...

Peaceful and gentle.

"Road... Autumn?"

It’s not an illusion... Lu Qiu is standing by the bed at this time. Looking at this awkward foreplay, Wang Hu’s clothes have been taken off, and Xia Ying’s body has become uncomfortable.

"Mom! Laozi is doing business, you are going to hurry up!" Wang Hu turned his head and found that Lu Qiu didn't know when it appeared next to him. He was furious and stretched out his hand to catch the road autumn, but The next second, this bald head instantly found that he could not breathe!

"Sorry, sorry..." The eyes under Luqiu's lens squinted and smiled, but the movement at this time was completely incompatible with the expression at this time.

He grabbed Wang Hu’s neck! Let this tall man be lifted up!

"I don't like your food being tarnished!"

When Lu Qiu smashed his hand, he directly threw Wang Hu’s body like a dead dog on the wall. The tall body slammed into the wall and made a dull sound.

"You... kid!" Wang Hu’s forehead bursting into the blue sky, roaring the road autumn, the stunned head filled with anger was filled with anger, and the pain behind him made him die of reason!

"Do you know who Laozi is?" His tall body rushed to the front of Lu Qiu and raised his fist and rushed to Lu Qiu's head: "I am a local snake in this area!"

Slow, too slow! Lu Qiu side escaped the man's punch, but he did not give up, once again angry open his hands rushed up!

"I can have five lives on my hand! How can I lose to you this dead kid! Ah!"

He made an angry roar and wanted to hug the slim body of the road, but he was once again escaped, and the body lost its balance and his head hit the floor.

However, when he turned around again to open his mouth and wanted to continue to squat on the road...

An icy steel suddenly inserted into his mouth, against his teeth and tongue, and pain, so that his head was awake.

The smell of smoke in the mouth spread, and Wang Hu’s eyes widened and he saw what was in his mouth!

The muzzle of the assault rifle!

Lu Qiu held an assault rifle in one hand, his finger on the trigger, and indifferently watching Wang Hu sitting down on the ground, as long as the trigger was pulled, the man would be killed in a headshot.


Wang Hu’s throat was agitated, and cold sweat was flowing out of his forehead, and fear spread throughout his body.

"You said that you have five lives in your hand?" Lu Qiu took off his glasses, and the scarlet pupil looked at Wang Hu.

Wang Hu looked at the man's eyes in front of him, and did not know why he had embarked on a runaway idea from his heart.

"That, I will tell you a fact." Lu Qiu cracked his mouth, as if the shark's fangs looked extraordinarily terrifying: "I am, on my body, but there are 50,000 lives." Ah! The reason why this city will become like this is all that I have caused."

"Hey!" Wang Hu’s head, which got this horror fact, instantly crashed.

"And you will become one of them."

Lu Qiu did not hesitate, directly triggered the trigger of the assault rifle in his hand, and the huge recoil came in the hands of Lu Qiu’s hand.

The sound of the shooting slammed through, and the blood and brains splashed on the walls of the room.

Then a headless dead body fell to the ground, blood flow as a note.

Human beings are so fragile, they are still clamoring, and now they are just a headless dead body that has been eaten.

"Oh..." The girl who was lying in bed, who was not dressed, grabbed her mouth and screamed with tears in her eyes. The pupil trembled and watched this scene.

Kill... killing... it’s blood...

What happened to the world? ! She questioned herself and gradually shifted her gaze from the body to the gunman.

The girl pleads with Lu Qiu in her heart, hoping to find something familiar in this strange world.

Lu Qiu's gentle eyes and smiles remained in her memory a few hours ago.


"It's up to you."

The scarlet pupil, the fangs of the mouth cracked open, Lu Qiu dropped the assault rifle in his hand, step by step to the girl above the bed.

But now only like a monster, the huge contrast makes her unable to think.

Summer Sakura stepped back and struggled weakly.

“Why are you afraid?” Lu Qiu went to the bed and stared at Xia Ying’s eyes: “Answer me, why... why are you afraid?”

I... Why are you afraid?

In the end, the girl clung to her head helplessly, screaming and pouring out her long-standing thoughts.

"Because you are all monsters! Monsters! Everyone has become a monster! No matter who... are... monsters!"

The world has completely changed into a world far from the concept of Xia Ying, and everything around it seems to be so collapsed.

"Monster? Yes, we are monsters."

The blood-sucking species in the human concept is the only monster that can be described, we are monsters! a monster that is spurned and hunted by humans...

But now it is different.

I... killing humans now!

Lu Qiu grabbed the collar of Xia Ying, and in the desperate scream of the girl, she showed her fangs and bite down.


Her pupils contracted, and the feeling of blood rushing her into complete despair, while a strange pleasure also grew in her body.


It sounds very sweet and the sound of swallowing sounds in the wonderful taste!

Lu Qiu gradually got excited and used her tongue to lick her delicate skin, hoping to get more blood.

Is this the blood of a virgin?

Not drinking enough!

Hungry, I don’t care much about how much blood a little girl has in her body.

It’s just a big mouth to swallow.

Blood ran down the bed on her neck, and Lu Qiu's lips became more scarlet after being contaminated with blood.

After the meal was consumed, Lu Qiu finally released his lips.

"Oh, is it broken?"

Lu Qiu looked at the summer cherry at this time, and fell on the bed like a broken puppet. The pupil also glowed with a godless light, and the last hope in the bottom of his eyes gradually disappeared.

"It doesn't matter, anyway, it has no use value." Lu Qiu smacked the blood of his mouth and felt that today's dinner was the most delicious meal since his birth.

This will really be addictive to the blood of this virgin.

One of the so-called vampire taboos, isn’t it because of this blood of a pure girl?

I am afraid that after the autumn, I will not be able to forge because of this delicious taste.

Taboos do not exist for the current road autumn!

PS: This book is actually a cure, rest assured, I will pinpoint the dark part.

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