MTL - Unfathomable Doomsday-~ Desperate

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The longer it stands on this horrible 'airship'.

The more I feel at night, the more terror that I have stepped on my feet...

This is not the existence of this world at all!

There is no way to stop the night of the wind from the oncoming winds, she is the monster in front of her eyes!

The destructive power contained in the body of this steel giant beast under the control of Nai night!

Almost every attack is full of firepower.

And each missile is exactly the same as the body that infects the body, and there is a beautiful fireworks around it.


Nai night eyes staring at the infected body that escaped...

Now the star Luo, must be very scared... so Nai night will end it all.

Give me... stop!

The missile is just like the inexhaustible, and it is an explosion. The missile frenzy swept the infected body under the command of Nai Night!

The power of the engine is almost at its maximum limit. Even if the Cavaliers have not died by hand, the aircraft has almost disintegrated under this unreasonable use.

Controlling at this level, Nai night is not without any price!

The blood of the true ancestors is not something that belongs to the night of the night... or the power that Nai Night now has, none of which is the thing of the night.

If you want to become stronger in the night, you only have to exchange your own life for strength. Now it is these things that Nai night is doing!

The erosive ability of the blood of the true ancestors is gradually assimilating the body of the night, and the body of the night is occupied...

While giving the powerful power of the night, it is also destroying the body of the night!

Still a little bit better! a little bit!

Nai night does not plead for atonement in this way, she only hopes to complete the small agreement with Xingluo.

End this show!

Must end!

The speed of the heart beats almost suffocates the night, the spirit of the night is highly concentrated, and all the power that can be used is brought to the extreme!

Finally approached! Just when I was about to fly out of Yangdu, the infected body seemed to be weak, or it was exhausted by continuous bombing...

The speed of the flight slowed down, and the distance between the night and it began to get closer.

Immediately...just fine, Xingluo... let you get rid of it right away!

"The undamaged lake light" appeared in the hands of Nai night, the fighter at the foot was on the verge of disintegration, and the tail and wings were already cracked because of the speed too fast! Now Nai night is completely relying on her ability and talent to control the balance of this incomplete fighter...

Nai night can even see the lines above the infected body.

It is now... Nai night hand caressed the blade of the ruined lake light! The infected body seems to have been waiting for a long time...

Violating the laws of physics in the air, it suddenly hovered!

After that, the abdomen of the infected body is torn, revealing a sharp barb like a sawtooth!

At this moment, Nai night had no way to control the movement of the steel behemoth under his feet, so he rushed up with inertia.

She didn't hide, and she didn't mean to hide. "The undamaged lake light" pointed to the deadliest position of this monster!

‘Oh! ! ’

The infected body made a sharp squeak, and the body of the night slammed into the infected body.

The blade of "The Undestroyed Lake Light" has fallen into the body of this infected body...

The present night is more like a vampire than humans.

The blood of the true ancestors completely inspired the fierceness of Nai night as a vampire.

Or it is an instinct called ‘Luqiu’.

He knows where the most deadly weakness of the infected body is, and inherits the night of Lu Qiuqiang... It is also clear!

In the night, the sharp barbs of the infected body are worn through the legs and the abdomen. The whole body is at the cost of the collision near the edge of the collapse!

The sword of Nai night pierced the most deadly position in the body of this infected body, which is the heart of Xingluo.

Not the heart of a monster, but the heart of a star!


When the blade pierced the body of the infected body, Nai night found that Lu Qiu once again ruthlessly deceived himself. This sly monster in front of him is just a layer of skin wrapped in Xingluo.

The small body of Xing Luo Jiao still sleeps in the muscle tissue that is crawling in the body of this monster.


Nai night clasped the hilt of the purple-black sword, and the monster also lost any strength, and fell down from the height of the kilometer with Nai night.

The information transmitted from the sword, Nai night can clearly feel the moment when the body of Xing Luo is penetrated, the moment when the weak heart stops beating!

This sword, Nai night really killed the star Luo.

The fun of the young girl was ruined, her only hope.

At the same time, a terminator was also drawn for the show.


The huge body of the infected body fell into the bottom together with Nai Night. I don’t know how far from the central forest, after hitting several trees, it caused a dust to stop.

This infected body is huge, the black smashed meat exudes a disgusting taste, and the viscous green liquid keeps spilling through the wound it is pierced.

It is already dead...

The body was killed by the night, and it could not live as a shell.

Nai night in the belly of this monster, the body of the armor turned into a stardust broken...

"Cough..." Nai night mouth coughed up a lot of blood, which was mixed with visceral minced meat, and the wounds in the legs and abdomen were terrifying.

The feeling of weakness spreads in the night...

However, Nai night did not stop the action.

"Xingluo..." Nai night called her name, and with her hand, violently tore the ugly shell of the monster, hands into it to find the familiar figure.

"Don't die... please!"

Nai night still has the last hope in the last...


This time, Nai night is really touching the familiar feeling.

She pulled hard... The final naked star, the slender and petite body, was rescued from the ugly shell by Nai night...


The girl with a little unknown mucus on her body opened her eyes and looked at the night.


Under the light of the moonlight, Xingluo is as usual, without any change...

She is still alive!

Nai night suddenly reached out and held the body of Xing Luo into her arms!

"Great... you're fine... really... great!"

Star Luo's somewhat confused eyes, after being held up by Nai night, suddenly became awake, and she reached out and hugged the body of Nai night.

Feel the dependence and concern of Nai night.

How familiar is this feeling, Xingluo is the second time so late in the arms of the night.

The first time was on the airship. The idiot and the queen were turned by their own brush. They also thought that they would be killed by the mourners themselves.

However, when Nai night had no reason to hold Xing Luo into her arms, she swears that this is her own life, and for the first time she felt the warmth of embracing.

For the first time, I felt the feeling that my life was cherished by people... For the first time, someone would feel crying because of their life and death.

Star Luo is very happy, really happy...


"Sorry... Nai night sister... This time it seems... no... the way to say nothing."

Star Luo held the hand of the night body, and gradually became weak, and the body gradually became transparent.

Xingluo Vernet, the life that should have died early, because she met a demon and let her continue, but now that the transaction has come to an end, the devil is the time to take back what he should have. Stars lost the black-light virus support, the body is not qualified to exist in this world.

"Star Luo don't!"

"I have been very satisfied with Nai Night Sister, I can perform on the stage again, and then I met you, I feel very satisfied."

Star Luo finally sniffed the taste of Nai night, not the smell of blood, but a taste of Nai night. She hoped to remember that because of the collapse of bodily functions, Xing Luo finally could not see anything. ... I can't hear anything, and the smell has not disappeared.

Star Luo wants to remember the existence of Nai night...


This may be the only purpose of Nai night to live in this world, and revenge has become irrelevant.

"Hurry up and escape, Nai night sister."

The body of Xingluo collapsed little by little in the arms of Nai Night, and became a little starlight dissipated.

"Now, run away! Don't go back... from which man."

"Xingluo!" No matter what the night calls, Star Luo can't hear.

Finally, under the eyes of desperate night, the star Luohua disappeared in front of the night of the night for the starlight.

Nai night looked at the scattered stardust...

The body of the monster on the ground is also Nai night fell on the forest land, the whole body lost all strength... where it fell.

It’s not just the body but the heart.

Don't want to go back again... escape? Nai night is in the blurred vision, thinking of thinking.

The blood of the true ancestors rioted in the night of the night, as if to swear by their own rights, occupying every corner of the body of the night, but also destroying, not far from death.

Nai night did not resist the riots of the blood of the true ancestors, but it still eroded her body, every inch of skin, every drop of blood...what now belongs to which man.

The body of the night will not die, but the soul will be destroyed by the power of the blood of the true ancestors, and then dominate the body...

Perhaps, this is also what he hopes for. Nai night finally laughed at himself and laughed at the world shrouded in darkness... I couldn’t find a place to live in the night, and no one can rely on it to continue to stay. ,

Very tired, Nai night really feels very tired, so I will sleep forever, and escape with Xing Luo.

But I don't know why, but I heard the forest in the night, and it seems that a footstep is gradually approaching myself.

who is it? Nai night tired and slightly opened her eyes...

"!" After seeing the people, Nai night suddenly enlarged his pupil, and the fear of fear grew in the heart that had died in the night. (To be continued [This text is provided by the breaking update group @ch8296929].)