MTL - Unfathomable Doomsday-~

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The so-called war.

All of this has nothing to do with Lu Qiu.

The war between the federation and the heavens is only the process of Lu Qiu in order to achieve a certain purpose.

"Is it really good to watch them die like this?"

Lu Qiu did not leave the military fortress.

After the Luozheng was interrogated, it was temporarily released because the military fortress was invaded by the Zerg.

But Loxmark, the Federal Marshal, did not go to the federal side.

"The fried is very loud."


A splendid, a vampire stands in the universe, looking at the planet fortress made by humans at that moment.

The Zerg has completely revealed the edge they should have! This group of monsters born only for killing and fighting, do not know what pity.

They swallowed everything in sight! Even if there are some even stomachs...

Simply destroying for destruction, this group of single-cell life is simply the public enemy of the entire universe.

The planet’s fortress is full of fire, and even in the universe, you can clearly see the hot flames on the surface of the lacquered black fortress.

"Who do you think this war will win?" Lu Qiu originally wanted to go back, but met Luo Luo on the way to sneak away.

The man wearing rimless glasses seems to have waited for a long time in this illusory universe.

"I don't know, humans believe that they will win, and the heavenly people believe that the final victory belongs to them, but the future is determined to be good, and there is only one ending."

Luo Luo pushed his glasses. Glanced at the road autumn.

This kind of conversation like an old friend for many years is really strange.

Because Luo Ke remembers the man around him, he sighed and saw that Lu Qiu’s appearance should be guessed.

"Don't you have the power to control the time? If the league loses, you can go back and change the future." Lu Qiu tempted Loxie: "This is the same as the archive game, isn't it?"

"The future is doomed, fate is doomed, the beginning of the change, but the ending is still unable to change."

Luo Luo said faintly.

"No matter how you try."

"So can I try?"

I don't know why, when Lu Qiu said this sentence he was looking forward to, the tone was unexpectedly dull.

"What to try? No matter how you try it. The future can never be changed."

"Oh..." Lu Qiu chuckled: "Do you know? I used to live in the same place. It is warm and friendly. The sun rises and shines on the earth every day. The moon appears on time every day, guiding in the dark. People. Where is the kingdom of mankind. The humans declare their own ownership. In fact, I liked that place a long time ago, but I destroyed it."

"Yeah." Luo trace nodded, as if listening to a simple narrative.

"You thought that I killed nearly two billion people. Destroy countless families and ruin the things that are ordinary or beautiful in the eyes of human beings just for one person." Lu Qiu took out the pendant of his chest and carefully tried to figure it out. .

"In my memory, Lu Qiu is not the first time you have done this kind of thing."

Luo Luo said in a nostalgic tone.

"Not the first time? Have we seen it?" Lu Qiu looked at the strange man.

"Forgot...? Indeed, you should forget, once the painful memories, what kind of system should you have?"

Luo Yan said the most important secret of Lu Qiu.

"Yes." Lu Qiu felt that there was nothing to hide.

"Where do you think it came from? Alien super technology? God's mischief? Or both? This incredible existence."

"God? Are you not? You are exposed to it, I think you can't create this system."

Lu Qiu shrugged.

"Really, I am the star of the time series. The person who created this system is you, Lu Qiu." Luo trace pointed to Lu Qiu and fell into memories: "The **** of the first sequence of creation, these memories are too long, if If you remember correctly, we should be primary school students."

"Primary school classmates?" Lu Qiu heard such a naive vocabulary under such a serious topic, and he was very entangled in his own predecessor.

"The Protoss is not without its own country, but only those human beings are not aware of it. The Protoss does not like to argue with people. The place of seclusion can be called the Divine Realm. The towers built on the nebula represent every world. Luo Luo carefully recalled: "There is a school in my own country..."


Lu Qiu’s laughter sounded again.

"what's so funny."

"Nothing, just think that the gods that humans once looked up have actually lived this ordinary life."

"The gods are just a little more powerful creatures, and they have things that they can't do."

Luo Luo recalled the days of fire, tears and tears.

"Thousands of illusions should be good with you?"

"It's good, he is a very good existence... a combination of heaven and earth?"

Said, Lu Qiu turned his eyes to Luo Luo.

If the two most terrifying races in the universe are undoubtedly the Protoss and the Heavenly Man, the Protoss possess the power of the gods, almost omnipotent, and the ability of the heavenly man to be almost immortal, and the power to assimilate all mechanical products. Fearful.

The horror of the crystallization of the two races.


"The child doesn't seem to have a mother." Lu Qiu recalled that this time has been tossing in this world for so long, and he really did not meet Luo Qian's mother.

"Dead." Luo said the tone is very weak: "The mother of thousands of illusions is the first generation of heaven and earth, not a product of human creation, but died because of me."

"Then, what do you mean by me and me?"

Whether it is war, or the sorrow and happiness of others. Lu Qiu did not pay attention to these things, and one thing that Lu Qiu only paid attention to was back to the past.

"I am a splendid spirit, not without feelings. People can't resurrect, and no one can change this kind of thing."

Luo Luo recalled.

"I used to be like you, countless times back to the past, when she was alive, trying to change this ending, but every time, every time is the same result. I can't accept this result. Just like you. But no matter how you try, no matter how many things you do, no matter how long you have returned."

"The final outcome. It still won't change... is it?"

So Lu Qiu hates the fate of this thing...

Very annoying.

But Lu Qiu does not believe it.

"Thousands of magic and Xi Yu are all that she left for me. Since the past can't be changed. I can only protect the future. I am doing it now and I am trying. It is the most correct choice to leave human beings. His future is very bright. ""

"Well, the end of the teaching, I only ask you one thing!" Lu Qiu clasped the pendant: "Let me return to the day I remember! The day the flame took her away from me!" ”

"Do you really want to do this?" The strange force appeared on the Luozheng hand: "It is very painful. The person you want to save may not die from phlegm, but after you save her, you may Killed in various ways, can you bear it? The person you love has died in front of you countless times."

"Fate? Then let me challenge and see! The fate!"

"..." Luo said with a sigh: "Think carefully about the time you have to go back, but I hope that you will not collapse."

Under the faint glory, Lu Qiu's figure disappeared into the universe, and there has never been a general.

"Brother, welcome home..."

Among them, Lu Qiu seems to have heard the sound he has long expected.


In the past, once, what is the connection in the future.

Nai night did not know, she did not want to know.

Nai night only knows that Lu Qiu is pursuing the past, a beautiful past in the road autumn fantasy...

Therefore, Lu Qiu will never face the present, and in the future, Lu Qiu has never had it.

Nai night is so silently guarded by this paranoia.

The delegation of the Heavenly Man has left, and Luo Qian and her sister went to the position of Heaven as a special envoy, hoping to find a way to release her sister.

Now the whole Nai No. is only one person at night, she holds a cup of black tea, and feels that the remaining temperature is gradually waiting for Lu Qiu's return.


Road autumn!

The cup fell to the ground, and Nye raised his head in horror.

Disappeared? Nai night stood up and couldn't believe it.

Probably the reason that Lu Qiu was converted into a genus by Lu Qiu, the existence of Lu Qiu, no matter where it is at night, can be faint.

But this time there is no!

The breath of Lu Qiu disappeared into the universe.

No traces left, no traces at all.

what happened? The Nye night began to rhythm and the kinetic energy was turned on to maximize.

Uneasy spread in the heart of the night!

This seems to have no feeling of being in the beginning, and it is more disturbing than death.

In the end what happened!

As the night of the heavens, no longer hide their identity, the military fortress in the hinterland of the Federation, disappeared into the universe with a transition.

The planet’s fortress is damaged, and the federation will not be silent anyway.

Among the star-gate nodes, the trend of steel swept the entire universe, and hundreds of heavily armed battleships marched toward the fortress.

This is a real big battle, and the invasion of the Zerg completely angered the Union.

However, they seem to have discovered a single-day ship.

Lu Qiu... Nai night did not pay attention to the muzzle aimed at his mothership, and he did not have the conscious consciousness of going deep into the enemy camp. He began to look for the figure of Qiqiu in this area of ​​the universe.

The devastating artillery fire fell on the armor of the Nye.

Even if the heavens are so powerful, they will not be able to support them in the face of a hundred times their own strength. The surface of the Nai No. has a broken trace. The only one in the ship, there is also scarlet blood on the night.

This is not the ship of the heavenly man as a cannon fodder, but the incarnation of the angels themselves. Generally, the heavenly people will store their bodies in the depths of the heavens and humans, and will not go out in person.

But now, in addition to this mothership, Nai night has nothing.

The bombardment of the ship was on top of a sail boat that wandered in the waves of fury!

No! Hinder me!

The body has been hurt. Nai night will of course be affected. As soon as she gritted her teeth, she directed the federal fleet and poured out her own gunfire.

However, after sinking several serial ships, it was a more intense counterattack by the Federation.

"Ha..." Nai night fell to the ground, and the part of the gunfire that destroyed the ship was fed back to the night of the night, leaving her will to be blurred, but she still had no choice to escape.

Too bad, isn't it? really too embarrassing, just leave your belongings and leave, every time.

In the end...where did you go! Road autumn!


Why... is this the case?

Lu Qiuyu had his own pupil, and his hands were stained with blood...

This is the blood of my sister.

I clearly... I obviously saved Jier!

Save her from the cross! Kill all the humans who are screaming!

But it didn't work, when she took her hand away. A bullet that doesn't even know where it comes from. Through the chest of my sister.

Still silver plated!

Lu Qiu’s consciousness once again returned to this universe, facing the pupils of Luo Luo’s unsettled eyes and the sound of gunfire roaring behind him.

The use of war to describe the scene behind the Luo mark is somewhat inaccurate, only a unilateral killing.

Lu Qiu recognized that battleship. The night sign...just now is in the fire.

"How? Do you want to continue to try? It seems that there is a person who cares about you. You don't want to run into the federal army."

The expression of Luo Luo has no joy or no sadness. Pushed the glasses and looked at the road autumn.

"I don't believe it!" Lu Qiu bit his teeth, and his sister's death again, let Lu Qiu be in the anger: "Ji, she will survive!"

"..." Luo trace sighed. Once again, Lu Qiu was sent to the past, and then looked at the precarious warship with a sad look.

Since the people who killed the entire holy city are not enough!

Then kill the whole country and the country!

The blood was stained with Lu Qiu, and the death river was completely released. In the moment when his sister was sent to the execution ground, Lu Qiu completely released his own killing intention.


"Why..." Lu Qiu holds the body that has become cold in her arms. She is as serene as she slept: "Why!!"

"The fate can't be changed, and the deceased will rest in peace." The voice of Luo Lue rang in the autumn of the road.

"No! More, all human! Let me try again!"

Lu Qiu’s pupil is scary and scary.


For the past attachment, Lu Qiubi’s imagination is terrible, but...


The sorrowful voice made Lu Qiu wake up in the killing, and Lu Qiu looked at the universe behind Luo.

This is the sorrow of the night, the night of the night has completely disappeared from the original appearance, the artillery destroyed everything, and the broken fragments floated in the air.

"Would you like to go?" Luo's rimless glasses reflected the autumn cheeks covered with blood: "The past you pursue will ruin your future!"

"The future? My future is only Ji Er alone! Only she is alone! I have never had a future! After Jier died!"

Lu Qiu roared, but his eyes did not dare to look at the cruel battlefield.

"Then continue to pursue your past."

Luo Luo looked at Lu Qiu with a sad look.


What is the feeling of being physically dismembered?

Nai night finally realized today.

The body of the battleship was smothered by ruthless artillery.

If this is going to die, Nai night feels that my body is hard to describe with all kinds of bruises!

However, it feels that this area has a faint scent of road autumn, and Nai night whispered the name, but did not answer.


"How? How do you feel like you are watching the death of a loved one?" Luo Luo stared at Lu Qiu.

The scarlet pupils have no magic, and the dead is like a dead man.

"Come again... come once..." Lu Qiu whispered without any anger.

"The struggle in vain." Glory once again enveloped Lu Qiu.

Originally, I always remembered the name of a person, but...

"Road...Autumn..." The shout from the distance like a prayer made Lu Qiu suddenly raise his head!

Glitter dissipated.

The scene that appeared in front of Lu Qiu. It’s not the cross that was baked by the flames...

But... a girl's figure.

The long black hair is straight to the waist, and the lavender pupil has a dissatisfied look.

Here is... Lu Qiu found himself sitting on the bed.

"Hey! Why don't you talk?" The girl said so.

This is... When Lu Qiu met Nye Night for the first time, she was full of hostility towards herself.

"I..." Lu Qiugang wanted to speak, but the scenery changed again.

"I need a sharper sword."

The girl who lost her family, lost her loved ones, and was shrouded in hatred made this request to the devil. The devil responded to her, and the blood contract was concluded. She became the prop of the devil.

By the power of the devil. The girl became the first lady to be respected by thousands of people. Strong as a steel-like soul!

But the girl has a fragile side after all... which night falls on the stars...

Lu Qiu clearly remembers that the strong first emperor hid in his arms and cried.

What do you like to feel? For the first time, Lu Qiu asked such a question that would never be asked.

At the end of everything, her life is about to come to an end when the devil's arrangement is about to come to an end.

"Get away... everything about me... okay?"

Lu Qiu remembered, deeply remembering that night. The girl’s beautiful appearance makes her suffocate. Lu Qiu remembers. never forget!

Even if she turned into a monster, Lu Qiu still remembers clearly.

Every drop of your blood, every inch of skin. Every soul is mys!

Lu Qiu whispered, whispering this sentence.

It’s stupid!

Lu Qiu never shed tears.

On the day when his sister died, Lu Qiuqing felt it clearly, and the pain of tears was a hundred times more painful.

This kind of lost feeling, Lu Qiu does not want to realize it again!

In the past? What happened to my past?

Now, Lu Qiu wants to pursue his own future!

Nai night.

Lu Qiu whispered.

Suddenly opened his eyes, the battlefield once again appeared in the eyes of Lu Qiu.

Hundreds of federal ships surrounded the small warship.

"Damn!" Blood surrounds Lu Qiu's body, and he ignores the difference between Luo and Luo. Lu Qiu suddenly rushes toward the figure floating in the universe!

The undead in the dead river was released, and the hot colors in this universe almost became a planet.

The undead mourned, and the physical body collided with the steel behemoths.

And Lu Qiu hugged the body that gradually became cold in the universe.

"Nai night! Don't...feed! wake up!"

The beating of the heart seems to...

"Road... Autumn?"

"System! Fix, fix her body, right now!"

Lu Qiu holds the body of Nai night and feels the heart that has not beaten.

"Because the object is a higher life, it needs..."

"No matter how many desperate values ​​do not matter! It doesn't matter if you run out of it! Let her live! Please!" Lu Qiu prayed: "She is all I have now!"

"as you wish."

Glorious, enveloped the two, in this universe, the only remaining light.

"Nai night, is it okay?" Lu Qiu suddenly felt that the night of the night was manually.

Nai night opened her eyes, eyes with a little tears watching Lu Qiu, have not waited for the road to say the next sentence, the lips and Lu Qiu intertwined.

So happy... I closed my eyes at night.

Enjoy this moment.

In the universe where a warship exploded, no one could separate the two.

………………………One year later…………………………………

Above the mother star of heaven.

“Is it really today?”


Arthas and Yuli excitedly discussed some strange things.

Look at Yuri’s expression and the look of Alsace’s ears, which looks very happy.

"Well, the summoner hasn't come out for so long." Ancient Wuling. Zelas also floated aside and looked at the door of a metal room.

"Should...should there be anything?"

And followed by a group of girls, of course, all are heaven.

"I can't be sure." Alex still did, shaking his head silently.

"Ah... this news came too suddenly, but I was rushing back from the front line."

Now Luo Luo phantom wears a dark military uniform, the sign of the **** hunter is not on the left arm, it seems to have become a qualified head.

"To what is it?" As the incumbent mother of the heavenly man, Loya asked a little whispering to Arthas.

Probably because of the silver hair, the relationship between them looks very good.

"..." Arthas's tail shook and whispered in Loya's ear: "Little baby."

“诶?啥?!” After Luo Ya’s meeting, the door was opened.

"Everything goes well, oh, my brother, come back."

The voice of Xi Yu sounded above the planet. After all, she did not get rid of the shackles of the eternal seat, but turned the motherhood of heaven into her own body.

The door was just opened, and a group of people looked at the scenery in the room with a sneaky probe.

A room is furnished in a simple room.

There was no change in the autumn of the road. He sat by the bed and looked at the pale night of the face.

And between the two, a new life is born in this world.

"What is the name I am going to give her?" Nai night asked Lu Qiu.

"Lu Ji." Lu Qiu caressed the forehead of this new life, when his father felt really strange.

"Do you have any meaning?" Nai's hand was always clasped with Lu Qiu.

"Let me not forget the past and guard the future."

Lu Qiu glanced at the crowd standing at the door.

"It belongs to everyone's future."


"Hey! How about you as my daughter's godfather?" By Lu Qiu.

"Godfather? Lu Qiu, I am busy busy fighting recently, the front line is tight, there is no time to help you see the child" by thousand magic.

"The Holy Spirit Hunter Legion is not where to go?!? The front line is still tight?" By Lu Qiu ~ Speaking of your war as a spiritual hunter did not participate, I also have some as the head of the army Not good. "by thousands of magic.

"The Holy Hunter Legion has more than two hundred hunters, and you are still looking for me!" By Lu Qiu.

"Hey! Are you alone in the top of our team?" by thousand magic.

"Ah... I have to go honeymoon with Nai night, take a step first." By Lu Qiu.

"Hey, hello! This is the third time! How many honeymoons do you have!" by thousand magic.

"Always not enough!" by road autumn.


So the end of the day was finished under such an unscrupulous ending. From then on, the road passed a happy life...

Ok... In fact, it’s not so rushed because the author’s performance of this book is really no way to save, and the subscription is amazing! ! People don't want to write a new pit before they finish it! Hey~

Well, in fact, the new pit will be issued immediately, and it is expected to meet with you tomorrow, it is still an incredible series.

Let me talk about it first. The timeline for the next book is before the end of the day, so please don't guess too much.

Please take care of it in the future, above.

(To be continued, "This text is provided by the Dawning Update Group @仙魔". If you like this work, you are welcome to vote for the recommended ticket, the monthly pass, your support is my biggest motivation.)

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