MTL - Unlimited Supplies: Take the Space Supermarket To Support the Right Minister-Chapter 417 Liujia Liusheng

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  Chapter 417 Liu Family Liu Sheng

  Li Mingtan's long gown was held tightly by Hui Niang, and Li Mingtan kicked Hui Niang away.

If you want to ask Li Mingtan if he has feelings for Hui Niang, there must be. Hui Niang slept with him and gave birth to a son for him. He is not a cold-blooded animal, so he has a special feeling for Hui Niang. feelings are there.

   But selling Hui Niang didn't actually save his family anything. When his mother bought Hui Niang, Hui Niang was a big girl with a long and beautiful body, so it was naturally more expensive.

   Now, although Hui Niang is not an old woman, she has already given birth to a child, and if she sells it, she can't sell it for a good price, but why does Li Mingtan insist on selling Hui Niang?

  Because he discovered an unprecedented emotional crisis between him and Wu Shi.

  In the past, he and Mrs. Wu both had a tacit understanding. Mrs. Wu was always considerate in handling the family affairs for him, and would never take the matter of running out of rice and make him lose face.

Wu's uncharacteristic behavior made Li Mingtan realize that Wu had endured enough and acted enough, which also meant that he could no longer make progress. The reason why Li Mingtan sold Hui Niang and gave Brother Chang to Wu's upbringing was actually It was also to appease the Wu family.

  Of course, there is also an element of being ashamed of the Wu family.

   "Tell my elder brother to go to the dental shop, call the human teeth, and sell them today!" Li Mingtan flicked his sleeves and strode away.

   Seeing Hui Niang fell to the ground, Mrs. Li was crying and twitching, and hurriedly said, "What's the use of crying? You hurry to ask Wu Shi, only she can manage Mingtan, you go!"

  Hui Niang got the advice, and also felt that seeking Wu is the right way, so she quickly got up from the ground, and ran to Wu's room in a stumbling manner.

  Ms. Wu has actually been paying attention to the movement here. She has been fidgeting in the room for a long time, waiting anxiously.

  Seeing Hui Niang running over covered in dust, crying and begging her, Mrs. Wu was surprised. Why isn't it a matter of separation? Why sell Hui Niang?

  Would you like to say whether the Wu family has any grudges against Hui Niang?

   Then there must be, the lady in the main family would like her husband's concubine?

   If so, that lady must be a fool.

  Things are different from what Mrs. Wu thought, but it is good to sell Hui Niang.

Although they are both women, the Wu family also feels sorry for Hui Niang, but thinking that Hui Niang gave birth to Li Mingtan's son on her own, with the support of her mother-in-law, and secretly provoked and ridiculed her several times, Wu's face turned cold, and sent Hui Niang kicked out.

  After closing the door, Mrs. Wu sat on the edge of the kang in a daze. Things were different from what Yu Xiaolian said, but being able to sell Hui Niang was considered a victory in the first step.

   Take your time, she's in no rush!

After Yu Xiaolian brought Zhao Sanya back home, Cao Gen told Yu Xiaolian that Li Wenyuan had been here, and left when she saw that Yu Xiaolian was not at home, but left behind a lot of gifts, and asked Yu Xiaolian what to do with it. No need to send it back?

Yu Xiaolian frowned, walked closer to the living room and looked, and sure enough, there were several packages of exquisite snacks in the living room, as well as a high-quality inkstone and a large pack of ink sticks. The ink sticks were all black with purple in them. The best.

  Yu Xiaolian asked Grassroots, "Did Li Wenyuan say what's the matter with him?"

  The grassroots replied, "No!"

  If someone has something to do, you can't talk about it as his servant.

  Yu Xiaolian always felt that Li Wenyuan didn't just want to repay her kindness at the beginning, and must have something else to ask her for.

  However, she doesn't have any great skills. What exactly does Li Wenyuan want her for?

Yu Xiaolian felt that she would not be rewarded for nothing, and she didn't want to have too much contact with Li Wenyuan. She pointed to the things Li Wenyuan sent and told the grassroots, "Do you know where Li Wenyuan lives? Send these things back and say I said no reward for no merit."

   "I know where Li Ju's family lives, and the last time he sent something, the master asked me to send it back." Caogen said, and started to pick up the things on the table.

   "Sanya, you can send it with me. Li Juren brought these things with two servants. I can't carry them by myself!"

  Zhao Sanya glanced at Yu Xiaolian, seeing Yu Xiaolian nodding her head in agreement, she started to carry her things, and soon went out with Caogen.

  Yu Xiaolian returned to her room and found that Su Jinghua was sleeping on the kang, and pulled a blanket to cover Su Jinghua.

  What Yu Xiaolian didn't expect was that when Cao Gen and Zhao Sanya came back, Li Wenyuan actually followed them.

  Being her ex-brother-in-law, Yu Xiaolian had no choice but to go out to meet him.

   "Scholar Yu!" Li Wenyuan bowed deeply, almost ninety degrees.

  Yu Xiaolian frowned even deeper. She had a hunch that Li Wenyuan definitely had something to ask her.

  Yu Xiaolian politely asked Li Wenyuan to sit down.

  As soon as he sat down, Li Wenyuan said that he had something to ask.

  Yu Xiaolian asked, "What's the matter?"

  When she asked this question, Yu Xiaolian had already thought about rejecting Li Wenyuan's words in her heart, that is to say, no matter what Li Wenyuan begged her, she didn't want to help.

   "Hearing that Xueguan Yu was promoted, Brother Yu was overjoyed. Poor Brother Yu has been waiting for a vacancy in Beijing for three years, but he didn't even get a ninth-rank official. I'm really ashamed.

  I shouldn't have come to bother me, but I have been wandering in the capital for three years, and I really can't afford to wait, so I had the cheek to come to the door and beg Yu Xiaolian to help me! "As Li Wenyuan said, he lifted up his clothes and knelt down for Yu Xiaolian.

  Yu Xiaolian: "..."

   It was quite sudden.

  She didn't expect Li Wenyuan to beg her for this matter.

  Why did Li Wenyuan come to beg her? She doesn't know anyone in the capital either!

Yu Xiaolian asked Li Wenyuan to get up to speak, but Li Wenyuan refused, and continued, "I know I'm taking the liberty of this trip, but I really have no other choice. The ministry has been dispatched to work in various places, only I... have no contacts, and the family has no money, and I don’t know when I will wait like this.”

   "Since there are no vacancies for Juren candidates, why don't you go to the entrance exam? Why didn't you participate in this year's Qiuwei?" You can continue to take the Jinshi exam, so why stay in the Juren position?

  Li Wenyuan's voice was full of sadness, "To be honest, when I came to Beijing to take the exam three years ago, I offended someone, was framed for plagiarism, the test paper was invalidated, and I was ordered not to continue the exam."

   "Oh, what I said, now that the imperial court is employing people, how could it be possible that they haven't sent you an errand for three years? It seems that someone is obstructing it. I don't know who you offended...?"

Since the severe drought in the north, it has not been relieved, and the situation in the south is not much better than that in the north. People with an education level like Juren are now considered rare. There are very few talents. They have no errands for three years. Very abnormal.

   Li Wenyuan gritted his teeth and said in a trembling voice, "It's Princess Yu's concubine Liu Sheng!"

Three years ago, when he first arrived in the capital, he met Liu Sheng through someone's introduction, and became friends with him. Later, during the test, he trusted him even more, but he didn't want to publish the ranking. If Li Wenyuan was not on the list, it would be difficult to see that Li Wenyuan was good. Once the four discussed it, they framed Li Wenyuan for plagiarism, and they worked together to pull Li Wenyuan from the ranks of Jinshi.

   Just like that, Li Wenyuan didn't even take the imperial examination, so he was ordered not to take the scientific examination again.

   "The exams are all over? He said you plagiarized with red lips and white teeth, and you admit it? Let them show evidence?" Yu Xiaolian was confused.

   Li Wenyuan was furious, "The key is not whether I recognize it or not, it is that the examiners all listen to Liu Sheng's words, and they judge me for plagiarism, what can I do?"

  His arms can't twist his thighs, he is a child from a poor family, without any backing, how dare he challenge Princess Yu's natal family?

  Liu Sheng even warned Li Wenyuan that if he dared to make matters worse, he would take away Li Wenyuan's identity as a juror. Li Wenyuan had to swallow this grievance in tears because he was afraid of the power of the Liu family.

   But letting him go back to Los Angeles in such a disgraceful manner, Li Wenyuan felt unwilling. Fortunately, not long after the new emperor ascended the throne, King Yu was demoted to common people because he blatantly quarreled with the new emperor, and even the Liu family was also affected.

  But a lean camel is bigger than a horse. Although the Liu family is not as powerful as before, the orders given by Liu Sheng against Li Wenyuan are still valid.

   No one would offend the Liu family for a powerless Li Wenyuan, even the Liu family who has passed away, not everyone can be easily offended.

Hearing this, Yu Xiaolian also understood. Indeed, there is no fairness in this world. You say you have not plagiarized, but a child from an aristocratic family can characterize you with a single sentence. Students' sophistry.

"Although I sympathize with what happened to you, I'm afraid I can't help you. I don't know any powerful people. I'm afraid I have something to say to them!" Although Yu Xiaolian has known a lot during this time, They are officials, but they are all nodding acquaintances. It is impossible for her to come to beg those people for Li Wenyuan.

   Li Wenyuan hurriedly said, "I'm not asking you to beg them, I just hope that after your husband is in high school, if he is sent to a local office, I am willing to follow Mr. Su, the master or the supervisor."

   After Li Wenyuan finished speaking, he looked at Yu Xiaolian expectantly.

The boss or the supervisor are all errands under the county magistrate. They are from the eighth rank. Li Wenyuan's requirements are not high. .

Yu Xiaolian remembered that after Su Jingchen was in high school, his first errand was as a seventh-rank resident, and then he was promoted to a sixth-rank court official, then a sixth-rank court councilor, a fourth-rank general counselor, and a third-rank light. Doctor Lu, and finally Doctor Lu, the second-rank gold Ziguang Lu.

   Well, this is Su Jingchen's life.

  In his whole life, he has never been out of the capital almost, and he has never been to a local office. Even if he goes out occasionally, he is also an inspector of the censor. After handling the errands assigned by the emperor, he will immediately return to the emperor.

  So, what Li Wenyuan expected may come to nothing, because it is impossible for Su Jingchen to go to a local office.

  Suddenly, Yu Xiaolian thought of Fu Yi's words some time ago, and always felt that Fu Yi's words had another meaning.

  Yu Xiaolian was afraid that the development of things would be very different from the book, so she didn't reject Li Wenyuan outright. If Su Jingchen was really sent to a local office, it would actually be very beneficial to bring Li Wenyuan, his "person of his own", with him.

   "You have a lot of confidence in my husband-in-law. I will borrow your good words. If he is on the list and is really sent by the emperor to Wang Fadi, I will definitely ask him to take you with him."

  Li Wenyuan originally just had the mentality of giving it a try, but he didn't expect Yu Xiaolian to agree so happily, so he kowtowed to Yu Xiaolian in a moment of excitement.

  Yu Xiaolian was terrified. She couldn't stand this big kowtow, but she was still kowtowing to her, not to mention juren, she was a scholar, and she didn't have to kneel in the courtroom. Li Wenyuan's courtesy was too great.

   It can be seen that Li Wenyuan has been very wronged and depressed in the capital for the past few years.

  Yu Xiaolian asked the grassroots to help Li Wenyuan.

   "You go back and wait for the news. I will definitely do what I promised you, but if my husband-in-law doesn't let it out, then I can't help you much." Yu Xiaolian decided to put the ugly words first.

   Li Wenyuan said gratefully, "Whether Brother Su is released or not, I, Li Wenyuan, are grateful for Xueguan Yu's kindness today. If Brother Yu has a chance to become famous in the future, I will definitely repay you and my wife."

"Brother Wen Yuan, don't be polite. We were originally half of the same township, but now we are both strangers. We should help each other. Just one thing, brother Wen Yuan, don't come here with gifts. There is nothing missing at home. You are now in the capital. Wandering, not stable, it is time to spend money, brother, keep the money for your own use!" At this moment, Yu Xiaolian really felt that Sun Manyu missed a good man, no matter how Li Wenyuan's mother was, Li Wenyuan was still very good.

  Those who can bend and stretch are destined to achieve great things.

   Thinking in another way, if she met a scoundrel like Liu Qing, she probably couldn't bear this kind of grievance.

  At this time, the idea of ​​male superiority to female is still very stubborn. For his own future, Li Wenyuan is willing to kneel and kowtow to a woman for her. It can only be said that this person is very tolerant, and he is a person who can achieve his own goals without any scruples.

   Often such people are not simple.

   After being grateful to Yu Xiaolian, Li Wenyuan left the Su family.

  Yu Xiaolian had a premonition in her heart. She always felt that what Fu Yi said that day had a special meaning. He didn't mean to let the emperor send Su Jingchen to Beidi, right?

  Facts later proved that Yu Xiaolian's premonition was very accurate.

   On the night of February 18th, Su Jingchen finally came out of the examination room. Yu Xiaolian led Su Jinghua and stood in the crowd waiting for him.

  It's only been nine days, Su Jingchen's beard has already grown, and he looks very haggard, and his feet are sloppy when he walks. Yu Xiaolian is afraid that his feet will fall to the ground, so he hurriedly asks the grass roots to help him.

  Su Jingchen waved his hand and told the grassroots that he was fine and could walk by himself, so he ran towards Yu Xiaolian and took Yu Xiaolian's hand, "How long have you been waiting? Is it cold?"

   "I'm not cold, Jinghua and I are both wearing thick clothes, and the weather is getting warmer and warmer recently, I guess Xiaocao is about to show up soon!

How are you? Have you not slept well these days? "

  As soon as Yu Xiaolian said that, Su Jingchen noticed that his concubine sister Su Jinghua was standing next to Yu Xiaolian, and Su Jingchen's eyes flashed with a trace of complexity.

For this sister, he can't like it, but he can't hate it either. He chooses to give her the best food, clothing, housing and transportation. She loves each other, and he can't seem to do it.

  (end of this chapter)

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