MTL - Unlimited Supplies: Take the Space Supermarket To Support the Right Minister-Chapter 423 Man Qing doesn't want to go back to Northland

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  Sun Manyun secretly pulled her mother's hand.

  Sun Wulin's daughter-in-law came back to her senses, and said in disbelief, "Isn't Zhang Kui in his thirties?"

   Fourth Master Sun nodded with some shame, "Thirty-five."

  Actually, he didn't want his granddaughter to marry someone who could be his father, but who would want a woman with a bad reputation?

   "Ah?" Sun Wulin's daughter-in-law was surprised. Isn't that twenty-one years older than her family's Man Yue?

   "No way!" Sun Manyun said no to Fourth Master Sun one step ahead of her mother.

   "Master, Man Yue cannot marry Zhang Kui!"

  That Zhang Kui is tall and thick, has a beard and looks like a wild man. He looks very rude at first glance. Her sister must not marry that kind of person.

  Besides, that Zhang Kui is the nurse who signed a death contract with the Yu family, but whoever signed a death contract would not want to be free? Who knows what Zhang Kui's plan was, maybe he wanted to use Man Yue to plead for his lowly status.

"My mother has already decided to go to the Northland. When Manqing Mansheng arrives there, someone will pay homage to the ancestral grave of our grandson's family. Lord, can you let them go back?" Her father's mind knew that her father was reluctant to part with her two grandchildren.

  But you can't push Man Yue into the fire pit for the sake of Man Qing and Man Sheng!

  Sun Siye looked solemn and remained silent for a while.

  After a while, he let out a long breath and said, "Forget it, if you want to go back, go back!"

   Fourth Master Sun turned around and left after speaking.

  Sun Wulin's daughter-in-law hasn't made up her mind yet, but her eldest daughter has already made the decision for her.

"Pack up your things. You pack your own things. I heard from Aunt Chunfang that Yu Xiaolian won't be able to stay at home for a few days. It seems that she has to leave tomorrow or the day after tomorrow. Let's take advantage of these two days to bring everything we need with you." "Sun Wulin's daughter-in-law belongs to the category of being kicked out of the shelves, and she will be returned if she doesn't return.

The children of the Sun family immediately went back to the house to pack their clothes. Since they separated, Sun Manqing and Sun Mansheng both had their own separate rooms. They thought it would be a good thing to marry their daughter-in-law back in a few years. One thing, but I don't want this family to be stable for a long time, and there will be another change.

  Sun Manqing packed his clothes slowly. He didn't want to leave Los Angeles and Taohua Village at all. When they were in Hewanzi, they lived so hard that they couldn't eat a few meals of white rice throughout the year.

  The reason why they live so well now is because of Aunt Chunfang's workshop. If they go back to the Northland and they have no place to earn wages, wouldn't they just sit and eat?

He is sixteen this year, and his father has discussed several times about marrying him a wife, but he feels that his family's conditions are good now, and there are too many girls in the village who want to marry him, so he is a little picky The marriage has never been settled.

   Right now, if he goes back to Hewanzi, he will have to start from scratch. His trembling grass house may have collapsed long ago. If he goes back, he and Mansheng must be responsible for repairing the house.

Man Sheng was only twelve years old, and was sent to the academy by his mother a few years ago, and now he has a slender and weak body, and the work he can do is relatively limited. He had to do it all by himself.

  Sun Manqing became annoyed more and more, so he simply threw the packed clothes into the Kang, and sat down on the edge of the Kang.

  How nice this house is, he is building a house by himself now, and when he gets married, he can go to work in the workshop of the Yu family with his wife. The two of them can earn more than two taels of silver a month, how wonderful!

  Where can I find a better job than here?

  Sun Manqing had a flash of inspiration and ran to Fourth Master Sun's house.

"Master, didn't you mention the daughter of Liu Tuhu's family in the village a few days ago. Is Liu Erni pretty good? I met her on the road a few days ago, and she is really good looking. I...I want to marry her!" Sun Manqing raised his hands nervously. make a fist.

  He can guarantee that if his mother finds out that he doesn't want to go to the Northland with her, she might beat him to death with a big stick.

   Fourth Master Sun was putting crushed tobacco leaves in the pipe pot, and was a little stunned after listening to Sun Manqing's words.

   But only for a moment, Fourth Master Sun was happy.

   Two grandchildren, it is good to keep one, it is better than both.

   Besides, who knows if Man Qingniang will marry again after she gets there? If she gets married, the two grandchildren of their old grandson's family will no longer belong to someone else's family?

  The two grandsons are so old, and they are not asked to do any tiring work at home. If they go to work for their stepfather, Fourth Master Sun will vomit to death just thinking about it.

   Fortunately, the grandson Manqing can see clearly and knows where to live a good life.

   "It stands to reason that your mother is a widow, and I don't care where she goes, but she can't take away the grandson of our old grandson's family.

   But I think about it, it's not easy for her. I don't have the heart to force you two to stay. If you want to stay, that would be great.

  However, if you don't like Erni from Liu Tuhu's family, we can still choose slowly. To the extent that in order to stay here, driving ducks to the shelves, getting married is a matter of a lifetime. "Fourth Master Sun finished speaking, happily lit the pipe and pot with the torch, squinted his eyes slightly and took a puff.

   "Master, no!" Although he didn't like Liu Erni very much, he didn't dare to tell his mother the truth.

   Only by making his mother believe that he has a sweetheart and that he wants to stay in Los Angeles because of Liu Erni, his mother may not be so sad.

"Master, it would be great if you could persuade Yu Xiaolian to take Man Yue away. Why is my mother so hard-pressed to let go of the good life, and she is willing to go back to a poor place like Hewanzi." Actually, he didn't want to be with her. His mother is separated.

   But think of his mother for a daughter. Sun Manqing was full of resentment for disregarding the future of his two sons.

   Fourth Master Sun took another puff of cigarette, then looked at his old woman, "Old woman, why don't you try to persuade me again?"

Grandma Sun's body is far worse than that of Grandpa Sun. Although she is five years younger than Grandpa Sun, due to the large number of children, she did not have a good rest during confinement, and suffered from many confinement diseases. Now she is in a special body Not good, the whole person is particularly lethargic, lying on the kang for half a day without moving.

   Grandma Sun asked Fourth Master Sun, "Who do you persuade?"

   "Who else can I persuade, please persuade his mother, Manqing, that girl of the Yu family is a stubborn one, her parents can't shake her off, who dares to persuade her?

  You go and tell Man Qingniang, just say that Man Qing has fallen in love with Liu Erni, and wants to get married and live here, and doesn't want to go back to Beidi. You ask her if she wants to have a grandson and enjoy the blessing of her daughter-in-law? If you want to stay! "Sun Siye felt that it would be absurd for the whole family to move back to Beidi for the sake of Sun Manyue.

  That girl, isn’t it easy to get married? That bachelor can't marry a wife, there are all of them.

  Why do you have to marry that rich family? Don't you know what you are like? Don't have any points in mind? From his point of view, even if his granddaughter hadn't had this kind of incident, she wouldn't be able to marry into a good family of a wealthy family.