MTL - Unlimited Supplies: Take the Space Supermarket To Support the Right Minister-Chapter 453 More haste less speed

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  Yu Xiaolian heard the temptation in Zhao Ping's words. In fact, she wanted Zhao Ping to find Zhao Chunyu at the beginning. Now that Zhao Ping has this intention, she is of course willing to fulfill him.

   "If you want to go to your sister's place, I can send someone to send you to Zheng's Mansion."

   "Now?" Zhao Ping raised his head, feeling a little urgent.

  His mother died. Because he was angry with his sister, he never went to see her, nor told his sister that his mother had been dead for two months.

   But at this time his thoughts have changed. He wants to go to his sister, tell her that his mother is dead, and then go to his mother's grave with his sister to pay homage. Maybe only in that way, his mother will rest in peace.

"Right now!"

   "Then I'll go!" Zhao Ping said eagerly.

   "Grassroots, send Zhao Ping to Zheng's Mansion in Nanxiang!" Ever since Yu Xiaolian came to Yangcheng, he hasn't seen Zheng Yuanfeng's face.

Zheng Yuanfeng was very busy, busy all over the world, especially after the death of the old emperor, the new emperor Jun Tingye rehabilitated Zheng Yuanfeng's father, and after the Zheng family doctor changed his status and restored his status as an imperial doctor, Zheng Yuanfeng was able to do medical work in the capital even more ostentatiously. Business, so Zheng Yuanfeng has already handed over all the business in Beidi to Manager Hai. It's not a big deal, and he won't come to Beidi easily.

Although I have never seen Zheng Yuanfeng's noodles, Yu Xiaolian of Zheng Zhai has been there, because he provided Zheng Yuanfeng with chili seeds, hot pot base recipes, and the two gourmet recipes, so the restaurant opened by Zheng Yuanfeng Some time ago, Zheng Yuanfeng told Yu Xiaolian in his heart to go to Nanxiang Zheng's Mansion to collect dividends, so Yu Xiaolian went to Zheng's Mansion once.

  However, she didn't see Zhao Chunyu.

   "Mrs. Su, thank you for taking care of me these past two months." Zhao Ping bowed deeply.

  Yu Xiaolian glanced at Zhao Ping, "Go, if Zheng's stay is not good, you can come back and find me!"

   I don't know if it's because of Feng's end-of-life entrustment, or because of atonement for killing Zhao Kuo, Yu Xiaolian always feels that she has an obligation to take care of Zhao Ping.

  After Zhao Ping left with Caogen, Yu Xiaolian stared at Zhao Ping's back and fell into deep thought.

   "It's fine to let him go." Su Jingchen's voice sounded behind Yu Xiaolian.

  This Zhao Ping is Zhao Kuo's son, staying here every day without looking up, Yu Xiaolian will always think of Zhao Kuo, sending him to reunite with Zhao Chunyu is actually the best.

   "Why did you come to the backyard? The front is not busy now?"

  Since Su Jingchen became the county magistrate of Yangcheng, it can be said that his busy feet do not take up space, and he gets up early after dark.

   It is really too much mess left by the former county magistrate.

   "It's time for dinner, I'll come over to have lunch with you." Su Jingchen was just about to take Yu Xiaolian's hand, but he gasped in fright at the bruise on Yu Xiaolian's forehead.

   "Why were you injured? How did you do it?" Su Jingchen's tone revealed distress.

   "I'm so hungry, let's chat while eating!" Yu Xiaolian went to hold Su Jingchen's hand.

  Su Jingchen followed Yu Xiaolian to the dining room. He felt hungry at first, but he lost his appetite when he saw the table full of food.

  He couldn't wait to know how Yu Xiaolian got hurt!

  Yu Xiaolian saw that the kitchen had prepared her favorite river prawn tofu soup, so she quickly filled a bowl for herself, and gulped down a bowl of hot soup, before Yu Xiaolian told Su Jingchen how she was injured.

  After talking about Xiao Hu, Yu Xiaolian babbled and said that in order to improve the personal quality of the post officials, it would be best to get some training or something.

  Su Jingchen finished listening with a serious face, "I suddenly remembered that there is something urgent to deal with ahead, you eat first, don't wait for me!"

  Yu Xiaolian paused for a while, as if she guessed what Su Jingchen was going to do, but she didn't intend to stop Su Jingchen.

  Certain places in the post house really need to be rectified. If she hadn't happened to be smashed on the head, Su Jingchen would not have thought of rectifying the post house for a while.

  Yu Xiaolian devoured her meal, and when she was almost done eating, Su Jingchen came back suddenly.

   "Wait for the red sausage food factory to let go, can you open a school?"

  Of course, the word school was learned by Su Jingchen from Yu Xiaolian.

   "You want me to open a school? What school?" Yu Xiaolian was surprised.

   "Didn't you just talk about the training class? You can't do it when you come to the training!"

  Yu Xiaolian frowned, she wanted a high-quality post officer, but...

   Forget it, this kind of errand that endures hardships and does not make money, she will take it, and she will consider it a contribution to the court and the people.

   "Okay, then in a few days, you call all the post officials in Yangcheng County for training, and the post officers will be unnecessary. I have taught the post officers, and the post officers will naturally train the post officers when they go back.

   Moreover, there is no need to open any school. In two days, I can explain what I want to say, but I don’t know if they will implement it when they go back? "

   "Don't worry about this. After you finish teaching them, I will send people to posthouses in various places to conduct spot checks after a while. If anyone doesn't follow the rules and receive them, I will take them down and replace them!"

When Su Jingchen was free, he often read modern books in Yu Xiaolian's space, so occasionally a lot of modern words came out of his mouth. He was interested in the things in those modern books and some incredible technologies. Curious and envious.

   "En!" Yu Xiaolian responded with satisfaction, "By the way, Liu Shuangli said you were looking for me, what do you want me for?"

"Wuyuan Mountain's progress is too slow. Although some laborers have come in one after another, it is very laborious to grind the quarry. It is even more difficult to grind it into the lime powder you mentioned. , I want to try to study the shredder you mentioned, I need your help!" Su Jingchen said sincerely.

  Yu Xiaolian refused, "No, I'm afraid the pulverizer can't be manufactured now. The kind of large pulverizer I told you is not something that can be manufactured in ancient times."

  Su Jingchen didn't give up, "What about the small ones?"

  Yu Xiaolian continued to shake her head, "If you want to crush a corn stalk or something, you can still try it, but not a quarry!"

Su Jingchen was a little disappointed. He went to Wuyuan Mountain and saw that the laborers used the most primitive method to grind the stone mine little by little, and then sifted the gravel to get out the stone powder. Then he thought of the book he read in Yu Xiaolian's space At that time, Su Jingchen had an impulse to develop such a giant pulverizer that could crush everything.

  I thought Yu Xiaolian would be very supportive of him, but I didn't want her to tell him directly, so don't go wild.

  Su Jingchen said in a muffled voice, "Then it can only be excavated manually?"

  Yu Xiaolian nodded, "That's the only way, don't underestimate manpower, in fact, there will be a lot of work in the future world, which requires people to do it by themselves.

  You are too impatient, and you can’t eat hot tofu in a hurry. Be steady, even if you can’t repair the cement road this year, it will be a great achievement to repair it next year! "