MTL - Unlimited Supplies: Take the Space Supermarket To Support the Right Minister-Chapter 457 You are really strong when you are strong!

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  Chapter 457 Only when you are strong are you really strong!

  A person who has no oil in his stomach will think of stealing food, especially for these people who can’t eat meat a few times a year, how many people can stand the delicious sausage?

   But Yu Xiaolian must not afford to feed them meat every day, but it is still necessary to improve the food occasionally.

   "Sister Man Hong, shall we go to the kitchen?"

  Sun Manhong nodded, and the two walked to the kitchen together.

  Arrived in the kitchen, Li Dayan and Wang Dafen were kneading dough, Zhang Jinhua and Zhang Yinhua were washing spring vegetables in a large wooden basin.

  Seeing Yu Xiaolian coming, Li Dayan, as the team leader, immediately greeted her.

   "Ma'am, you are here!"

Since Li Dayan worked in the sausage factory, in addition to paying half a month's wages in advance, she can save at least two dry food every day to take home. This allows her children to fill their stomachs and at the same time she can After saving some savings, she thanked the new county magistrate and his wife from the bottom of her heart.

   "Well, are you going to steam steamed buns?"

   "Well, it's steamed buns!" Li Dayan knew that people in the city used to call dry food buns steamed buns.

   "It's the same at noon today, steamed buns, vegetable and egg soup, let's change it in the evening, steamed rice, stewed potatoes with fat intestines, slipped liver tips, and cold pork heart!"

  Originally, Yu Xiaolian planned to use pig offal and pig offal to improve food for female food factory workers and cement factory workers.

   "Tell the workers that they can also take their rice home to eat after work. Two or two spoons of rice per person, and one spoonful of vegetables per person."

Yu Xiaolian knew that among these workers there were some filial sons and grandchildren who ate good food in the food factory, but their parents and fathers at home were eating bran-swallowed vegetables, which made them feel very uncomfortable. It doesn't matter who eats it, anyway, it's one serving for each person.

A few days ago, Li Dayan told Wang Dafen that Guanshi Liu didn't know what to use for the stinky intestines, heart, liver and lungs in this ice room. They didn't expect to eat them just like that. They thought they were for something else. Useful!

   "Ma'am, this... three dishes?" Li Dayan was still a little unbelievable.

   "Yes, get three, and improve the food every ten days. Today is the fifteenth, so next time it will be the twenty-fifth, and the food will be improved on the fifth, fifteenth, and twenty-fifth of the first day.

   If I don't have time to come over, what are you doing, just ask Guanshi Liu! "

After Yu Xiaolian finished speaking, she called the grass root again, "Go to the ice room in the cellar, and send those pig lungs, pig heads and pig trotters to Wuyuan Mountain, and also improve their food. Let them also eat meat for this evening meal! Take all the pork kidneys and pig tails over there, we don’t want it here.”

   "Yes!" Grassroots responded, "Ma'am, it will be dark soon when I come back. You must wait for me to pick you up, and don't go alone."

  Since Yu Xiaolian was injured last time, Su Jingchen's training has never been taken lightly, so now he doesn't dare to leave Yu Xiaolian's side a few meters away, and his eyes are always alert to his surroundings, whether there will be any sudden unpredictable dangers.

"Well, I'll wait for you to pick me up! It's will deliver those things later, and drive the ox cart in the factory." Yu Xiaolian's carriage has now been arranged by her as a BMW, and it is impossible to use it for the grassroots. .

  Grass root nodded, even if the wife didn't specifically explain, he would know.

Yu Xiaolian saw Wang Dafen kneading the dough vigorously with her head down, and she didn't seem to see her coming, she felt strange in her heart, this Wang Dafen was acquainted, and Yu Xiaolian had already given her the nickname Wang Bold in her heart, In the past, when she saw Yu Xiaolian, she would have to lean up and talk, but now she lowered her head, for fear that Yu Xiaolian would look at her face.

  Yu Xiaolian walked over and bent down to look at Wang Dafen's face. His face was a little bruised, but healed. It was obvious that he was beaten a few days ago, but isn't Wang Dafen a widow? Now that she is separated from her mother-in-law again, who will beat her?

   "Ma'am, what are you looking at?" Seeing Yu Xiaolian staring at her, Wang Dafen dodged embarrassedly.

   It's just that when she opened her mouth, she exposed that she was missing two front teeth.

   "Where are your teeth? Have you been beaten?" Yu Xiaolian frowned.

   No wonder Wang Dafen was evasive, it turned out that he lost his front teeth and was afraid of being laughed at.

  Wang Dafen kneaded the dough vigorously, with infinite grievances in his voice, "I was beaten by my father-in-law and uncle!"

   "Why did they beat you? Why did they beat you? Aren't you and your father-in-law doing it for your family? Besides, you were beaten, why didn't you report it to the police?" Yu Xiaolian was very angry.

  Wang Dafen's husband died, orphans and widowed mothers are already very difficult, her father-in-law doesn't help her, it's fine, and he even beats people.

   "My uncle is the patriarch of our village!" Wang Dafen whispered.

   "What's wrong with the patriarch? The patriarch can beat people at will?" Yu Xiaolian hated him for not fighting, and usually looked at Wang Dafen, very bold.

  Wang Dafen gave her the feeling that if anyone slaps her, she will immediately return the temperament of two slaps. This loud and hot temper can actually be bullied, and she endured it quietly.

   "If you offend the patriarch, you will be expelled from the clan!" Li Dayan couldn't help interjecting.

She and Wang Dafen are sisters-in-law, from the same husband's family and clan. Of course, she also received the same treatment as Wang Dafen. Half of the money was given to her mother-in-law, so she was not beaten.

  But Wang Dafen believes that the family is separated, that is, two families, and they should earn their own money and save it separately. Even if the parents-in-law and Yan’s pension, they will be given 50 to 150 yuan a year.

Wang Dafen felt that her in-laws were too greedy to pay half of their wages, so she refused to agree, so they fought with her mother-in-law. The three children all help her mother.

Wang Dafen's parents-in-law suffered a loss in Wang Dafen's house, so they asked their youngest son to call the patriarch to uphold justice. After the patriarch came, the angry Wang Dafen didn't say anything nice, and even the patriarch scolded him, that's all. Yes, Wang Dafen was severely beaten, and his two front teeth were honorably laid off.

   "Just don't eliminate the clan, what benefits does the clan give you?"

  If there are scholars in the family, removing the family will affect the official career, but Wang Dafen's family can't even eat enough, so what family are you talking about?

   With such a family, how can we give them any shelter?

  Wang Dafen seemed to be awakened by Yu Xiaolian's words.

   No, just don’t get rid of the clan, which of these people in the clan helped her?

   Not only did he not help her, but he also said a lot of ridicule and sarcasm. There is actually nothing to miss in such a family.

   "But... the child's surname is Chen, if..."

  Li Dayan was afraid that her son would blame her if she was expelled from the clan.

   After all, the expelled people are like a rootless duckweed, helpless.

  With people from the clan, at least when fleeing famine, everyone can walk together and work together when encountering difficulties. If they are expelled from the clan, there will be no one to lend a hand if they encounter natural or man-made disasters in the future.

  Wang Dafen snorted, "You still count on them? Sister-in-law, let me tell you, only what you have is what you have, and what you are strong is only strong!

  When you are rich, even if you are expelled from the clan, those clansmen will take the pole to recognize you as a relative. When you are tough, your words will have weight! "

  Li Dayan pulled Wang Dafen aside and persuaded in a low voice, "I know what you think, you are relying on the wages you get from working here now, so you want to make your back worthwhile.

   But do you know how long this place lasts? Where are so many pigs that can be killed every day? If we lose this job, we might have to rely on the family.

  Besides, we are still living in the Chen family's house. If we are expelled from the family, we will be kicked out, maybe the child will have to be kept by the old Chen family. Are you willing to separate from the child? "

  Wang Dafen's excited heart just now was suddenly weakened by Li Dayan.

   "Sister-in-law, then our family said it was divided, but in fact it didn't?" Wang Dafen was depressed.

  Li Dayan sighed, "This is what we women have been doing all our lives!

  People, you can’t compete with fate. We, women who have lost their men, can't compete even more, and we can only raise our children to adulthood, and we can be regarded as a complete errand. "

  After listening to Li Dayan's words, Wang Dafen went back depressed and continued kneading the dough.

Yu Xiaolian heard the conversation between Li Dayan and Wang Dafen the whole time. Seeing Wang Dafen's rebellious spirit just got up, she was persuaded by Li Dayan with a few words, so she couldn't help but said, "Our Great Liang law, knocking out front teeth is considered a serious injury." , if you go to sue the officials, you can exile the person who beat you."

  Wang Dafen shook his head, "I won't sue."

Just like what her sister-in-law said, I don’t know how long this job will last. Maybe I will still live on the land of the Chen family in the future. Not sure what will happen!

   "The person who was beaten is so passive, you are so mad at me!

Even if you don't want to sue the officials, you can threaten them with suing the officials, whether it is land, or houses, or money, or other things. If you follow what I teach you, I guarantee that they will not dare to think whatever you want. No! "

  Yu Xiaolian has always had a stress response to the low status of ancient women and being bullied, so she can't see the useless looks of Wang Dafen and Li Dayan.

  Yu Xiaolian's words moved Wang Dafen's heart a little. She glanced at her sister-in-law Li Dayan.

   Seeing Li Dayan shaking her head invisibly, she lowered her head again and stopped making a sound.

  Yu Xiaolian stepped forward and grabbed Wang Dafen's hand, "Look up at me!"

  Yu Xiaolian took out her waist badge, "Look, I'm not only the magistrate's wife, but also a seventh-rank academic officer. When my husband was not an official, I was a female academic officer.

  Women can be officials, can set up female households, you can be the head of the household, and you can be the head of your own family.

  You are right in saying that you are truly capable only when you have what you have, and you are truly strong when you are strong.

  Since we have been treated unfairly, we should dare to resist, otherwise they will get worse, thinking that women are easy to bully and deserve to be bullied. "

  Wang Dafen was deeply moved by Yu Xiaolian's impassioned words.

However, I still lack confidence, "Ma'am, you are educated, you are a daughter of a rich family, we are not, we are just old farmers who don't know a single word, and we don't have any big skills. The backing is lost!"

"Wang Dafen, you are your son's strongest and biggest backer. You have to be hardened so that your children can be hardened. You have endured this thing now, and you will have to endure the next thing in the future. There will be more things to bear in the future." !"

  As the saying goes, endure breast hyperplasia for a while, and take a step back for uterine fibroids, why are you used to them?

Seeing Wang Dafen's hesitation, Yu Xiaolian continued, "If you are afraid of having no place to live, you can bring your children here. Don't worry, our factory won't be ruined, so you can work here. Your parents-in-law and the others will also work here. Don’t dare to come here and make trouble!”

   Anyway, the occupancy rate of the dormitory she built is less than half, and the house is empty.

   "I listen to you, ma'am, I want the child to move here!" Wang Dafen did not expect that Yu Xiaolian would agree to let her child live here.

   She is not afraid of anything as long as the children are around her.

  Seeing this, Li Dayan quickly asked, "Ma'am, can you let my two children come to live with me? They are twelve years old and ten years old. They can do any work, chopping firewood and carrying water!"

Yu Xiaolian nodded, "Both of you, bring your children here, but this is an exception for you, don't be someone else saying that you can bring your children here, if they all come, I'm afraid this factory will become a kindergarten !"

  Li Dayan and Wang Dafen looked at each other, and knelt down and kowtowed to Yu Xiaolian, "Madam, we are very grateful..."

Yu Xiaolian didn't go to help them. After they kowtowed three times, Yu Xiaolian said, "The wages in our factory are ten yuan a day, which is still a little lower, but it will definitely increase in the future. When your children come, I just provide food and housing, but I don’t count them as wages. They stretch out their hands as much as they can, and don’t try to do the work they can’t do.

  I believe that after two or three years, you can also save some money. Or building a house, or marrying a daughter-in-law for the son, should be enough. "

   "Madam, can I go back and bring the child here now?" Wang Dafen was a little impatient.

  Since she was beaten that day, her eldest son hated their grandparents. Every day she works here, she is always in fear, for fear that his eldest son will do something against the sky.

   "If I remember correctly, you are from Chenjiacun, right?" Chenjiacun is very close to the outskirts of Yangcheng, and it takes only half an hour to walk.

   "Yes, I'll go back as soon as I go!" Wang Dafen was very flustered, she always felt that it would be safe to pick up the child as soon as possible.

   It's not that she's afraid of what will happen to the child, but she's afraid that her eldest son will do something to his grandparents.

   "Then go and come back quickly, don't delay cooking at night!" Yu Xiaolian let her go.

  As soon as Wang Dafen and Li Dayan left, Sun Manhong took over the job of steaming the buns.

  (end of this chapter)

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