MTL - Unlimited Supplies: Take the Space Supermarket To Support the Right Minister-Chapter 469 bandit woman

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   "My lord, I don't seek meritorious service in exterminating bandits, but I can't have any achievements, right? I beg your lord to give you a lighter punishment." Zhao Pingting kowtowed to Su Jingchen.

Before interrogating Zhao Pingting, Su Jingchen had already discussed with Li Wenyuan about sentencing Zhao Pingting. Although the bandits were hateful, there were many unarmed old and weak women and children among them. They were either old or young, and they were forced to stay on the mountain , although there is a crime of accomplice, but the crime is not fatal, if Zhao Pingting hadn't set everyone on fire, this person would have been sentenced to at least part of the sentence of exile after interrogation and investigation.

  But thinking that Zhao Pingting organized all the valuables from the cottage in one place and let Su Jingchen directly collect the ready-made ones, it was more or less a 'credit'. Su Jingchen spared her the death penalty and sentenced her to exile.

  As soon as Zhao Pingting heard that it was the punishment of exile, Zhao Pingting fainted directly. Although exile does not need to beheaded, it is no better than the death penalty.

  After Zhao Pingting was taken down, Su Jingchen asked Li Wenyuan to collect all the gold and silver that had been confiscated from the bandit's lair, and put it into the account. There were a total of three thousand taels.

  In addition to the money, the non-burned medicinal materials and cloth, rice flour, grain and oil, bottles and jars, and messy things in the cottage were brought back to several carriages.

   The food was mixed with Mongolian sweat medicine by Yu Xiaolian, but at this time, the food was in short supply, so it was impossible to throw it away.

  Su Jingchen asked people to wash, dry, and sift the grain, and then distributed it to the people in several villages at the foot of Wuyuan Mountain, which were often ravaged by bandits. The distribution was very even, and every household had it.

The old daughter-in-law tremblingly took the food from the official, and before she could thank her, a villager shouted, "She is a bandit wife. In the past, the bandits went down the mountain to rob food from house to house. Everyone suffered, but her family was fine." Son, her husband and son are both bandits, poor man, no one can give this food to her!"

  In the past, everyone was afraid of the bandits' revenge, and they didn't dare to provoke them, so they didn't dare to speak out. Now that the bandits in Wuyuan Mountain have been slaughtered, what else do they have to be afraid of?

  The old daughter-in-law shook her hand in fright, and dropped half a bag of grain on the ground.

   "Look, she's guilty!" Someone shouted.

The old daughter-in-law was really guilty. Since she saw the thick smoke billowing from the cottage a few days ago, she knew that something might have happened to the cottage. Later, someone from the village went out to inquire and brought back the news that the bandits were suppressed by the government. The old daughter-in-law knew it was over.

  Her man and her elder son are gone, only her and her younger son are left, how can she live?

  Ever since her family couldn't stay on the top of the mountain, her man took her to seek refuge with Boss Pan in Wuyuan Mountain, and she was always run out by Boss Pan's wife. She had no choice but to bring her youngest son down the mountain to live.

  Since hiding my identity at the foot of the mountain and living the life of ordinary people, I found that this kind of life is really good. I don’t have to worry about it all day long.

She has also advised her man and eldest son Jinpen many times to wash their hands and stop being a bandit, but her family's old man always said that as long as he gets another big ticket and get some pension money, he will come down the mountain and have a down-to-earth relationship with her. live.

Indeed, the villagers of this village were robbed once, and she did not stop her at that time, but she thought that no one would see that she was in contact with the bandits. Unexpectedly, the villagers not only saw it, but also knew that her husband and son were both bandits. It turned out that these villagers didn't dare to speak out before, but they all kept it in their hearts, and they were waiting to settle accounts with her now!

"My lord, I really don't know bandits. My man died long ago. I'm an orphan and widow. I was bullied in this village. I didn't expect them to pour dirty water on me in order to distribute more food." Mrs. Ma A look of aggrieved can't do it.

  The officer frowned and looked at Ma Shi carefully.

   Ma Shi does look different from other people in the village. She wears different clothes and probably eats differently. She looks better than those thin and yellow-faced villagers.

   "You... take out the household registration documents!" The official was also suspicious.

Mrs. Ma breathed a sigh of relief. In the past, when her man stood on the top of the mountain, he was also in Wuyuan Town. Because of her reputation as a man, Cao Dewang, the village head of Wuyuan Mountain Town, also paid homage to the top of the mountain in private. Household registration documents were built one by one. Thing, she doesn't know how many fake ones there are.

  In the past, the cottage robbed the goods of passing merchants. In order to clear the goods in various surrounding counties, almost all the bandits in the cottage had several identities.

   Mrs. Ma took out the fake document and showed it to the officer, "Master, my man is Wang Dahe. He died in the year of the drought, leaving us orphans and widows. Look... please write clearly on this document."

   "What's your name?" The officer read the household registration documents, and suddenly asked the old man's youngest son's name.

   Mashi was startled, for fear that her son might say something wrong.

  Seeing her five-year-old son, he replied in a childlike voice, "My name is Xiaobao, Wang Xiaobao."

  The official servant believed that such a young child would not lie, so he returned the household registration documents to Mrs. Ma, and warned the surrounding villagers not to bully the orphans and widows.

  After the official left, Ma picked up the scattered grain on the ground one by one, and at the same time took a deep look at the family of the woman who spoke out and complained to the official.

  The woman was startled by her look, and regretted her impulsiveness just now.

  No one else made a sound, she was stupid to be that early bird.

  The official sent away, this bandit mother-in-law can't take revenge on her?

The woman gained her courage, and before the crowd dispersed, she hurriedly said, "You were the one who attracted bandits in our village last time. I heard that young bandit call you your mother, and you still use fake I'm telling you, if you are sensible, you should get out of our village quickly, otherwise in the future, everyone will come to your house to get whatever is lost in our village."

  The woman who spoke was named Yu Shi, and she lived next to Ma Shi's house. It can be said that she could smell whatever Ma Shi cooked every day.

  Not only can she smell it, but her youngest son can also ask about it. Every time Ma's family stews chicken and stew, it can make her youngest son cry.

In the past, her family raised a few hens, and she was never willing to sell the eggs laid by the hens. They were all for her young son to eat, but last time the chickens were robbed by bandits, and there were not any chickens left in her house, but her neighbor was How could she not be angry when she ate chicken stew the next day?

   Co-author, this bandit didn't rob her neighbors, but just robbed her house!

Since then, Mrs. Yu has been very concerned about this neighbor's every move. Whoever came from Mrs. Ma's house, the chickens eaten at her house, and the color of the chicken feathers, Mrs. Yu would pick up the garbage that Mrs. Ma dumped have a look.

Nothing is difficult in the world, as long as there is a heart, Yu Shi did not stare in vain, she heard the young boy with a knife calling Ma Shi his mother, and then followed the young boy from a distance, watching the young man go up the mountain with her own eyes. .

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