MTL - Unlimited Supplies: Take the Space Supermarket To Support the Right Minister-Chapter 484

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  Chapter 484

  Yu Xiaolian still wanted to continue making nails, and was about to think of a way to send Su Jinghua and Sun Manyue away, when Fangcao hurried to answer her.

   "Ma'am, the master said that we need to build a wall a few dozen steps outside the city gate, and we need to build a platform, which needs to be two feet high.

  The wall is on the magpie platform. It is one foot and three feet high, the feet are eight feet thick, and the top is three feet thick. "

  Fang Cao is considered to be the more educated maidservant of the Su family, so she was able to write down Su Jingchen's words so clearly.

   "The master also said that if you do this, the opening and closing of the door will not be known from the outside. Even if you break into the wall, the artillery and stones on the city will rain down, and the sheep and horses on both sides of the wall can pinch the enemy."

   "Well, what else did the master order?" Yu Xiaolian asked.

  She decided that if there was anything she needed to hear from the corner in the future, she would send Fangcao there. After all, it is a very powerful ability to recount verbatim.

   "Master asked the yamen to go out to help build the wall, and let us servant girls and servants go together to collect kerosene and... manure from every household in the city." Fangcao was a little puzzled when he said the word manure.

  Master didn't say what to do with collecting dung water, she thought about it, but didn't understand.

   In a word, it must be related to defending against the enemy.

  Yu Xiaolian heard that Su Jingchen was going to collect dung water, and immediately understood his plan. It seems that Su Jingchen planned to use dung water to make golden juice.

  The method of gold juice is as follows: a big pit is dug for every ten stacks, and an iron pot is set on the pit, and all the urine and feces of the stackers are poured into it.

  When the enemy thieves attacked the city, they boiled the dung and water with firewood, poured it down with a spoon and bucket, and the meat rotted until they died of pain.

  Another method is to hold a wooden barrel, or vat, or bottle. When the enemy is at the root of the city, spray it with dung, or pour it down on the head, and drench it all over the body, making the city wall slippery and unattainable.

  Although this method is a bit smelly, it is still very effective.

  It's just... Yu Xiaolian decided that as long as this method is used at the gate of the city, she will hide away.

   "Madam, if I have no other orders, I'm going to get busy. The new grass and vanilla are still waiting for me!"

  Yu Xiaolian waved her hand, "Go ahead!"

  Fang Cao turned around and left.

  Yu Xiaolian pretended to have a headache, "I'm a little dizzy, I want to sleep for a while!"

   "Sister-in-law, you should lie down quickly, and I will massage your head, so you can sleep peacefully!" Su Jinghua said, and came to help Yu Xiaolian.

  Yu Xiaolian waved her hand, "Don't press it, I'm afraid I won't be able to fall asleep even if I press it, you guys go out, I'll be fine when I lie down."

  Yu Xiaolian is not only thinking about fixing the nails, she is also thinking about seeing if there are any upgrades in other parts of the space.

   After all, it’s one hundred thousand taels of silver. It’s a bit of a scam to just upgrade such a tasteless function.

  Sister, is it easy to save one hundred thousand taels of silver? !

  As soon as Su Jinghua and Sun Manyue left, Yu Xiaolian immediately entered the space after closing the door.

  She couldn't wait to check for any changes in the space, but she checked all the supermarkets and found no changes. Could it be that there is just an extra listening function?

  Yu Xiaolian was not reconciled, and ran to the backyard again.

   Gan! !

  The garage of her home appeared. Yu Xiaolian excitedly found the key to the garage shutter door, opened the garage door and found that her father's usual Wuling car and the competition were all in the garage. Yu Xiaolian was immediately happy.

  Even if it can’t be used as a means of transportation, it’s still good to ride a motorcycle in the backyard of her house!

   It's been a long time since I felt the thrill of holding the steering wheel, and Yu Xiaolian couldn't wait to sit in the driver's seat.

  The engine started successfully and the car can be driven, which is great.

  It would be even better if I could drive back to Los Angeles, Yu Xiaolian suppressed her excited thoughts.

  Sliding the car around in the backyard of the supermarket, parked the car back in the garage, and wandered around the small second floor, and found that the space had not been upgraded to other places, so Yu Xiaolian continued to pick nails.

  After Yu Xiaolian picked up two big bags of nails, Su Jingchen took the nails to the front yard at night, and then there was another sound of knocking in the front yard, and everyone was making nail boards overnight.

   While making preparations for the enemy, Su Jingchen sent He Jian to the vicinity of Linzhou to find out how the battle was going there.

  Hu Jun soldiers approached the city, Jun Mobai only had 5,000 soldiers and horses in his hands, but he didn't panic at all.

  The reason why he connected the cement factory to the border between Hu and Liang, and arrested the people of Hu to serve as corvee, is to intensify the conflict between the two countries.

  From abandoning the cement factory to abandoning the two cities, Jun Mobai lured Hu Jun all the way to Linzhou City.

Although the people in those two cities were lost, there was no way out. His second uncle, the emperor, was suspicious by nature. soldiers and horses.

  However, Hu Jun sang all the way, bravely and diligently, and he was quite unstoppable, and the situation seemed to be getting out of control.

  Jun Mobai panicked!

  Linzhou is where his residence is, and he does not intend to abandon it. His original plan was to defend Linzhou to the death, waiting for Li Guangpu to lead troops to support him.

   I don't know if Fu Tong has arrived in Jinzhou at this time?

  Xu Jun has to come quickly!

  There are more than 15,000 people in Hu Jun. Their purpose is very simple and rude. They attacked Linzhou City and looted it all, so that the so-called Linzhou King can see how powerful they are.

The general led by Hu Jun was a bearded man named Ting Mao. Ting Mao was tall and tall, with strong muscles and strong bones. He was the strongest of the younger generation in Hu State warrior.

  The Hu State is a nomadic people like the Mongolian State, but the Hu State is inferior to the Mongolian State in terms of population and the number of cattle and sheep.

  Although Mongolia is also a nomadic people, they are located in the southern border where the spring is warm and the flowers are blooming.

  Compared to Mongolia, Hu State is much more difficult. The summer there is very short, with only about 70 to 80 days of warm weather throughout the year.

  Every winter, a large number of cattle, horses and sheep in Hu country will freeze to death, especially those young cattle, horses and sheep who have just given birth. Only a very small part can survive the freezing winter where dripping water turns into ice.

  In the past hundred years, there have been fewer and fewer women in the Hu country, and the Hu people have no choice but to practice sharing wives.

  The Hu State after sharing wives did not improve the current situation of the shortage of women, so the Hu State sent envoys to send their Hu State's "national treasure" to Jun Tingye.

   Hu Guo used that 'national treasure' to successfully exchange hundreds of young and beautiful women from Great Liang, but these hundred women were not enough to save Hu Guo from the crisis of dwindling population.

But Hu Guo couldn't get any advantage from Li Guangpu, the general of Zhenbei. This kind of fear is engraved in the bone.

  (end of this chapter)

Read The Duke's Passion