MTL - Unlimited Supplies: Take the Space Supermarket To Support the Right Minister-Chapter 489 make wedding dresses for others

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Su Jingchen sent He Jian out to find the doctor, and he found out when He Jian came out of the county office, because he knew that the King of Linzhou had retreated to Yangcheng, and those who had hoped for the King of Linzhou did not dare to wait and see, the streets were crowded with people It was extremely lively, and everyone rushed out of the South City Gate with their burdens on their backs.

  He Jian happened to see Jin Langzhong's father and daughter in the crowd, so he simply stopped them and took them to the county government.

   Jin Langzhong's medical skills are still among the best in Yangcheng. If Jin Langzhong can't treat the disease, then it is estimated that other doctors in Yangcheng are also helpless.

Like some others, Jin Langzhong had hope for the king of Linzhou, thinking that the Hu people were unable to capture Linzhou City, so he sat on the Diaoyutai and waited for the good news of the Hu people's defeat, but he didn't want Linzhou to be lost. He wanted to chase him to Yangcheng, so Jin Langzhong decided to take his whole family and flee for their lives.

   But he didn't want to be stopped by He Jian halfway, Jin Langzhong had no choice but to let the others go first, and he came to see the doctor of King Linzhou by himself.

  Jin Shuirou was worried about his father, and insisted on staying to help his father, so he also stayed.

Jin Langzhong carefully held up Jun Mobai's face, and glanced at Jun Mobai's face, only to see that Jun Mobai's face was livid, his lips were purple, and his heart trembled. How could he be so unlucky, but He Jian gave it to him? see?

  If this can't save King Linzhou, I'm afraid he won't get anything!

  Jin Langzhong took Jun Mobai's pulse, and the more he probed, the more frightened he became.

  Fu Qing saw that Jin Langzhong's expression was changing, so he hurriedly asked, "How is it? Can the prince still be saved?"

Jin Langzhong nodded invisibly, "My lord's life is fine, but his body has been eroded by the poison to a great extent. I'm afraid he will be sick in the future, so he can only use it as a medicine jar." Even if it is a medicine jar, it has to be It can only be maintained with expensive medicines. If ordinary people have this symptom, they will probably have to wait to die. Even if Jun Mo Baigui is a prince, this body and bones can only be a burden to the family.

  However, Jin Langzhong dared not say this, he also wanted to see a doctor for King Linzhou as soon as possible, so that he could take his daughter out of the city to catch up with his family.

  Jin Langzhong didn't notice the shocked look in his daughter's eyes when he saw Jun Mobai.

  Seeing that Jin Langzhong and Qi Yunfan said the same things, Fu Qing beat his chest and stomped his feet, feeling very annoyed. Who is it that kills a thousand swords to plot against their lord?

  Hu people, there must be Hu people's traitors in their retreating team!

  Hu people are nomads. It can be said that everyone is good at archery, but in their retreating team, the archers are at the end of the team, so there is almost no possibility of the traitor hiding among the archers.

  Fu Qing's thoughts were in trouble. He really didn't understand how the master of the back arrow could shoot accurately in the dark night.

  Fu Qing analyzed his doubts to Su Jingchen, hoping that Su Jingchen could help him find out the traitor.

   "Apart from the archers, are there any guards around the prince who carry bows and arrows?" Su Jingchen asked Fu Qing.

  Fu Qing realized the meaning of Su Jingchen's words, and was shocked, "Yes, yes, but everyone is a close friend who has followed the prince for many years, and they are all trustworthy people."

   "The person who assassinated the prince is here. As for who it is, I think Master Fu should know better than me." Su Jingchen asserted confidently.

  Fu Qingteng stood up from the chair, "Could it be that An Kuiquan pretended to join our prince?"

  Fu Qing strode towards the courtyard, seeing that there was no figure of An Ning Anle among the guards in the courtyard, he asked angrily, "Where is An Ning Anle?"

   "At dawn, they went out and said they knew a famous doctor in Yangcheng, and went to find a doctor for the prince!" Fu Dong replied.

  Fu Qing's eyes were scarlet, and he kicked Fu Dong away, "It's useless, I didn't tell you to look after the twins, that's how you look at them?"

   "Cousin, could it be that the two of them were the ones who assassinated the prince?" Fu Dong was shocked.

  An Ning An Le is the guard of the Northern Territory, and the twin sons of Li Guangpu's Lieutenant General An Kui Quan An. Vice General An was their prince's man in the early years, so An Ning An Le is naturally theirs too.

How can it be? how can that be possible?

  An Kuiquan was someone their lord had placed next to Li Guangpu long ago, and he even knew where their lord hid his private soldiers. If he had disliked his lord, then their lord would have been killed long ago.

  The Fu family brothers analyzed and analyzed, and finally agreed that An Ning and Anle were obedient to his father on the surface, but secretly they were with Li Guangpu.

   "This biological son doesn't agree with his father, what is the reason?" Fu Dong cursed.

   "Don't worry about why, send me someone to chase these two brats, kill them and avenge our lord!" Fu Qing felt sad.

   Their lords are gone!

  If An Ning Anle and Li Guangpu were of the same mind, wouldn't An Kuiquan, who thought he was hiding well, have been exposed by Li Guangpu long ago?

  Fortunately, they still thought their plan was foolproof, but that old fox Li Guangpu had already seen through their plan and sat on the hills in Jinzhou to watch the tigers fight!

  Fu Qingqi's blood surged up.

  He is still so angry, if their prince finds out, wouldn’t he be so angry?

   Just when Fu Qing was thinking about whether to tell Jun Mobai the truth, Jun Mobai woke up.

  Jun Mobai only summoned Fu Qing alone.

Ever since Jun Mobai woke up, he could clearly feel the difference between his body and the past. Now he is powerless, and the wound on his back is still hurting. How could he be tortured like this?

  Although this is not the first time he has been injured, it is indeed the most serious injury he has suffered in so many years.

  Fu Qing knew that if he concealed something from Jun Mobai, he might lose Jun Mobai's trust in him. Instead of letting Jun Mobai find out from other sources, he might as well explain it to him himself.

  Jun Mobai was shocked when he heard that An Ning and Anle were traitors.

   Co-authoring with him for so many years, the plan that he thought was perfect, is a joke in the eyes of Li Guangpu?

Jun Mobai spit out a mouthful of old blood, pulled the corner of his lips weakly, and cursed, "Heh... Li Guangpu is an old fox, he thinks he is loyal, but he doesn't know that the new emperor has already planned to replace him candidates.

  It’s okay to be like this, or…”

  Fu Qing looked at Jun Mobai worriedly, "My lord, what are your plans next?"

  Jun Mobai swallowed a mouthful of blood, closed his eyes slightly, and said nothing.

  The reason why he was able to train 10,000 horses in the poor northern region in just a few years was because of his fifth uncle. Half of his people were taken over by his fifth uncle.

  Jun Mobai did all this in the name of winning the world for his fifth uncle. Now, even though he is planning in every possible way, he is still making a wedding dress for someone else.

   "Send Fu Dong to Yuzhou on a fast horse and tell Uncle Wu that I'm afraid I won't be able to help him in the future."