MTL - Unlimited Supplies: Take the Space Supermarket To Support the Right Minister-Chapter 494 withdraw troops

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  Chapter 494 Withdrawal

  Su Jingchen saw that Ting Mao sent more men to attack the city, and immediately called the archers to the top of the city wall. The arrowheads of Yujian were wrapped in sackcloth, which was drenched with kerosene, and lit on the torch before shooting.

  Because most of the barbarians in the city were stained with boiled dung, the arrows with fire were shot down, which quickly ignited their whole bodies.

The Hu people who were on fire panicked and rolled on the spot to put out the fire. As they were rolling, rain-like stones fell on their heads. Suddenly, there were screams from all over the city. The cement road just built at the gate of Yangcheng City was covered with blood dyed red.

   Seeing this, Ting Mao's eyes were about to split, he drove the horse under his crotch, and came to the gate of the city.

   "Son surnamed Su, you are used to using these dirty tricks, come out and single out if you have the guts!"

  Su Jingchen raised his lips and smiled, "Why should I single out with you?"

  There are all his people outside the city, he is stupid to go out to fight him one-on-one.

   "Let's fight one-on-one. If you win me, I will retreat and return the three cities to Great Liang." Ting Mao tried to lure Su Jingchen out of the city with a big bait.

   "It's a shame that you still have the heart to yell at me here. When tomorrow's army will still have no water to eat, I wonder if you can still be so arrogant?"

  Su Jingchen made a hand gesture behind his back, Fu Qing immediately understood, and immediately all swords were fired, all running towards a single target.

   In a panic, Ting Mao blocked part of the arrows with the blade, but was still inevitably shot by the feather arrows in the arms and legs.

   The horse under Ting Mao's crotch was also hit by an arrow, and the frightened horse ran away with the injured Ting Mao all at once.

   "Quick, retreat, retreat!" Seeing that Ting Mao was injured, Ting Su hurriedly called the remaining soldiers to retreat.

  When Ting Mao found a chance to jump off the horse, he found that the horse had brought him to the river.

   people? What about the man he sent to dig the well?

   Ting Mao frowned, and walked over there in confusion. When he got closer, he saw those subordinates lying on the ground in a disorderly manner without breathing, and Ting Mao felt a pain in his heart.

  With such a small number of soldiers, the Liang army did not all stay in the city to defend the city, but even sent a team to stay outside the city.

   There are thousands of people digging the well. How did the Liang army kill his people so quietly?

  Ting Mao tried to find someone alive from the messy corpses.

   When he checked the corpses one by one, he found that there were no wounds on the corpses.

   Weird, really weird.

   Are these guys too thirsty to drink the poisonous river water?

   It shouldn't be!


  Ting Mao felt a burning pain in his wound, and his body became hot.

   "Bastard!" There is poison on the arrow!

  Ting Mao didn't care to study how these people died, so he hurried back to the camp.

   On the road, he met Ting Su who came to look for him. Ting Mao relaxed and passed out.

  Ting Mao was poisoned by an unknown drug and fell into a coma. The military doctor was helpless. After discussing with several other lieutenants, Ting Su decided to retreat directly to Linzhou City and wait for Ting Mao to wake up before making other plans.

   After all, the water source they carry is limited. If this continues, the soldiers will die of thirst. At least the water source in Linzhou City is drinkable.

   "If you want me to say, what kind of Linzhou City is still guarding, we should withdraw directly." A lieutenant general said.

  Anyway, Ting Mao is injured now and is still unconscious. Even if they withdrew, Ting Mao would have nothing to do, right?

When they came out, there were nearly 20,000 people. Although some of them were sent back to deliver the spoils, there were still more than 15,000 people. Now it is better to let the water poison some of them, and the traps will be damaged. Those who go out to dig wells And those who inquired about the news did not come back.

   It is obvious that the Liang army wants to disperse them and consume them slowly.

   If they retreat in groups, they may be able to retain most of their strength. If they want to disperse, they may have to stay in the cool land and use it as fertilizer for the farmland.

   Ting Su looked at his uncle Ting Zheng and asked Ting Zheng's opinion.

   Ting Zheng is the oldest one in this battle, and he also has some combat experience. If he opposed the siege of Yangcheng from the beginning, Ting Mao would have to be a little bit scrupulous about coming.

  But Ting Zheng, like Ting Mao, is a militant. In a word, they are afraid of Li Guangpu, but they are not afraid of the champion of Lao Shiziwen.

  The two uncles and nephews wanted to take down Yangcheng before Li Guangpu's support, so as to vent the anger of being bullied by Li Guangpu for so many years, and let Li Guangpu know that they are not fools!

   "Withdraw!" Ting Zheng sighed, "The main general is injured, the morale of the army is unstable, withdraw quickly!"

   "Withdraw to Linzhou, or...?" Ting Su asked.

   "Go to Linzhou to rectify temporarily, and let the wounded soldiers bandage their wounds!" If Ting Mao wakes up at that time, he will make another plan. If he does not wake up, he will have to carry Ting Mao's body back.

   That's it, Hu Jun only set up camp for one night, and then retreated overnight the next day.

  Su Jingchen originally thought that when Jun Hu was exhausted, he would cooperate with the outside and take Hu Jun down in one fell swoop, but he didn't expect that Jun Hu would withdraw overnight.

  This... isn't this a joke?

   If you don’t have those skills, don’t attack the city like others!

   I can really see that this Hu country is a small country with a very small population. There are really no capable people!

   No wonder Li Guangpu pushed them to death by himself, and he could only engage in sneak attacks. I guess it was the first time that they attacked the city gate, right?

  After all, when Li Guangpu was guarding the border, Hu Jun couldn't even touch the edge of the city gate.

  Although it is said that the poor should not chase after him, Su Jingchen does not!

   Hu Jun's plan is to retreat to Linzhou City first, he has already reached this point.

   It will take three days to retreat from Yangcheng to Linzhou City, walking fast and slow.

  Su Jingchen asked Fu Qing to stay in Yangcheng, and he and Qi Yunfan took the elite soldiers in the city and chased after him.

  Although Hu Jun died and was injured, there are still more than 10,000 people.

  The reason why Su Jingchen and Qi Yunfan dared to chase them out with 4,000 people naturally had other plans.

   It is definitely not good to just face up.

   That's right, Su Jingchen thought of a dirty way again.

   Gu poison!

  Qi Yunfan told Su Jingchen that the old nest of the Wu clan was in the Siming Mountain between Linzhou and Yangcheng, and expressed that the Wu clan was willing to contribute to the fight against Hu Jun.

  That's right, the people Hu Jun sent out to inquire about news and dig wells were all disposed of by the Wu clan.

  Qi Yunfan does not intend to continue to hide the identity of the young master of the Wu Clan. Anyway, Jun Mobai has collapsed, and he does not intend to find someone to continue plotting other things.

   After Hu Jun was dealt with, he planned to escape the world in Siming Mountain.

   Hu Jun was on his way all night, and happened to stop to rest near Siming Mountain, what a coincidence!

  Ting Mao just woke up leisurely, and then heard the sound of konghou coming from a distance.

  The sound came from far to near, melodious and long, and touching. Just when everyone was fascinated by it, the sound of the harp suddenly turned sharply and made a strange sharp sound.

  (end of this chapter)