MTL - Unrivaled Medicine God-Chapter 3033 Vertical ladder!

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Chapter 3033 Chapter Ladder!

Yuantong Yuandongtian, one of the three days of the Terran.

Here, it is the world of the human race, the most powerful power of the human race.

Of course, the geniuses here are as numerous as the rivers.

Above the void, several people look down on the face, and the face is full of pride.

"Hey, a group of ants, things that really think that there is something in the sky in this world? It is through this vertical ladder, can this inheritance really fall on their heads?"

The person who spoke is a young son. He is called Zuo Qingying. He is the most famous big family in Yuantong Yuantian, the rumor of the left family.

He and the people around him are the most talented younger generations in Yuandong.

A strength, unfathomable.

These people are Lu Haoran of Quyou Tianzong, Wang Ningyan of Ziji Tiange, and Zhou Xianchen of Zhou Tiandi Palace.

These four forces almost represent the peak of the Terran!

At that time, the Lost God Palace fell, but it pushed the Terran to the peak of the heavens.

The three days of Yuantong Yuandongtian, Yuting’s hustle and bustle, and the darling of the world, the rise of the three days, the human race is three days high!

The three generations of the Terran, the thirteenth power, and more than a dozen masters of the other side of the realm, can even press the imaginary glory days.

The group of people, Zuo Qinglan, Lu Haoran, Wang Ningyan, and Zhou Xianchen, almost represent the younger generation of the human race, and the strongest standards of the heavens!

These people, each have the strength of the more fighting, strong to the extreme!

Therefore, the people below are naturally unable to enter their eyes.

The vertical ladder is the passage leading to the Void Palace.

Only after passing the passage is the first test completed.

There are so many people in the world, and it is not everyone who is qualified to enter the Palace of the Gods.

"Oh, it seems like this pie can be on your head!" Zhou Xianchen looked disdainful.

Zuo Qingyi is not angry, faintly said: "Who will not blow, but the scorpion is a horse. Once you pull it out, you will know."

The eternal Fenghua Wang condensed smoke, as the name suggests, it seems that it does not eat human fireworks.

It seems that looking at her, she feels sacred.

I saw her slowly opening, and Miao Ruotian said: "The left brother said that there is no reason. In fact, this kind of screening is not necessary at all. Other families do not say that the human race will eventually break out and will not exceed The scope of the thirteen major forces. Those low-level planes are not necessary at all. It’s amazing, even predicting the future, but in my opinion, it’s just that.”

Zhou Xianchen and others are nodding their heads.

In fact, they all agree with this view.

It’s just that between these geniuses, it’s also dark and compelling, deliberately chilling the other side.

Zuo Qing said: "I am too lazy to be in this ink with you. I will go down first! It is time for these ants to know what they are, and to retreat."

After all, Zuo Qing’s body shape changed into a vertical ladder.

Zhou Xianchen snorted: "This guy, it’s really a day when you don’t want to force it to itch!"

Sure enough, in the middle of the ladder, there was a burst of exclamation.

"Hurry! Who is it, can ignore the avenues!"

"That is the left-handed left-handed family. It is worthy of being called the first son of the heavens. His strength is really strong!"

"With him, how about we even boarded the ladder?"

"Oh, the gap is too big! I know that I want to eat swan meat! But I am really not willing!"

"Don't give up! Even if you can't get the inheritance, as long as you can enter the lost temple, the harvest is great!"


In the vertical ladder, many people are self-defeating.

But some people are naturally reluctant, and they are not willing to give up.

Only at this time, the ladder in the vertical sky is already full of flesh and blood.

The vertical ladder, the ninety-nine nine hundred ninety-nine-thirty-order, the more up the road, the greater the pressure on the road.

Some people can't stand the pressure of the road, and they are directly pressed into patties.

The difficulty of light is the level of hell.

Not a true genius, I can't get on this 100,000-level ladder.

However, this road is very fair.

There is no requirement for the realm, and the test is only an understanding of the Tao.

Even if you only have a small pole, you have a deep understanding of the Tao and hopefully pass the test.

It doesn't matter if the realm is low, you can slowly comprehend.

Suddenly, there are several figures in the crowd that are quick and fast. It is Lu Haoran and others.

The three turned into three afterimages, and went straight to the left, and the speed was so fast that the naked eye could not see clearly.

The appearance of the three people, naturally in the vertical ladder, once again blowing a storm.

The strength of these four people is really too strong.

Others are struggling on the ladder, but they are on the ground.

They even unfolded their body and were not affected at all.

This can not help but sigh everyone, the gap between people is really too big.

The four people are very fast, and the first 50,000 steps are impossible to stop their steps.

After 50,000 layers, their speed gradually slowed down, but it was much stronger than others.

In front of the ladder, the highway pressure is negligible for them.

Therefore, these people are almost always on the same page.

Until the 70,000th floor, several talents gradually revealed a slight gap.

"Hey, left, you are too slow! If you go on like this, I will catch up!" Lu Haoran said.

Among the few people, he has the least words, but his strength is very strong.

Of course, the strength of several of them is between the middle and the middle, that is, the difference is not too much.

But in this vertical ladder, the 99,999, nine-story ladder can subdivide the strength.

Some things are obvious at a glance.

Sure enough, Zuo Qingying was black and his face was not awkward.

However, Zuo Qingyi refused to admit defeat easily and took out the strength of breastfeeding.


Zuo Qing’s figure was a vertical figure and jumped directly onto the platform.

He looked at Lu Haoran behind him and taunted: "Lu Haoran, Zhou Xianchen, you are just like this! However, the first of the condensed smoke fairy, my left is convinced!"

This vertical ladder is more time than time.

He first entered the vertical ladder and was the first to board the platform.

But at this time, the time spent by Wang Ningyan is the least.


Three figures, almost the front and rear feet, boarded the platform.

Below, people are still trying to climb.

These four people actually came to the top and the first batch was on the platform.

Lu Haoran said faintly: "What strength are you motivated? I only made eight points of strength. You are afraid, have you tried your best?"

Zhou Xianchen also dismissed: "I have only made eight points of strength. This first position is naturally to give the condensate fairy!"

Wang Ning smoked his brow and said: "Why, I am the first, do you still need your charity?"

Zhou Xianchen smiled and said: "Look at my mouth, the condensed smoke fairy is the first fairy of the heavens. How do you need other people to give? I just just wanted to be angry and left, and the first one of the condensed smoke fairy is well deserved!"

Wang Ningyan snorted and said: "Less poverty, let's go to the vertical list, who is the first person on this ladder!"

(End of this chapter)

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