MTL - Unrivaled Medicine God-Chapter 3059 Repeated trials and defeats!

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Chapter 3059 has been tried repeatedly!

Musk is very confident, coming to the front and stepping in.

There was no movement at all.

Then she went out of the second step and still had no movement.

The third step, the fourth step... The fragrant incense is always in the air, and there is no stagnation.

Compared with Ye Yuan’s last encounter, it can be said that it is imposing.

Zhang Hexin and others saw it and they were overjoyed.

The hard times of these months have finally brought in hope for victory.

"Great! Powerful! In the end is the master of the day, the strength is not covered!"

"Before the musk was dominated, it was just not noticed. Once I realized that I was in the ‘day’ array, I couldn’t stop her here!”

"Ye Yuan, the kid, this is a miserable!"


For the shock of the outside world, Ye Yuan is deaf.

He is still writing and drawing, thinking about something.


A palm of the hand came, and Ye Yuan’s paintings were directly erased.

Ye Yuan’s thinking was naturally interrupted.

He frowned and looked at the people, not Zhang Hexin and who?

Zhang Hexin said with a sneer on his face and said: "Kid, I have been holding you for a long time! Now, is it still pretending? You have lost!"

"What to do with him nonsense? Direct kill!" The empty sea followed, cold channel.

These days, Ye Yuan can not toss them.

The number of times they let them go is much more than that of musk.

As a result, Musk has already realized the battle, but Ye Yuan still has no clue.

They are not happy with Ye Yuan, and now they are naturally revenge.

Ye Yuan looked at Zhang Hexin and chuckled: "This sub-array is not that simple. You are like this now, be careful not to end it."

The empty altar sneer: "The musk has broken, what else can't be closed? Kid, this seat is not good for you for a long time!"

Ye Yuan looked at him and smiled: "Then you may be more unhappy for a while. Anyway, you can't kill me now, because I am the only choice! Kill me, once the fragrance fails, you guys Can't get out! If you are so confident in her, let's do it."

Ye Yuan spread his hands and made a pair of people to make me look like a fish.

This time, Zhang Hexin was hesitant.

He snorted and said: "Kid, don't be proud! Musk will be successful immediately, then, it is your death!"

Ye Yuan shrugged and did not care.

This subarray is not that simple.

The change in the middle, he has not been thoroughly seen until now.

Ye Yuan naturally will not look down on the master of the day, but he can be sure that the fragrant incense is a mistake.

This subarray design is extremely subtle, and there are several places that are very confusing.

Because of uncertainty, Ye Yuan will let Zhang Hexin and others wait for many times, not intending to toss them.

However, Zhang Hexin and others naturally feel that Ye Yuan is deliberately targeting.

Of course, he is too lazy to explain.

Ye Yuan dared and musk screamed, and he also relied on it.

He combines thousands of sources of seed, and a large part of them are fans of the fascinating palace.

Among them, there is a similar source of power to the "day" array.

Ye Yuan guessed that the original owner of this source seed should have a close relationship with the seven-party master.

It is with this source of seed that Ye Yuan is more advantageous than others in the "day" array.

Although the musk is powerful, it is a good one, but it falls into the best.

Those few confusing places are not so easy to find.


Zhang Hexin’s voice did not fall, and the musk was directly blown out.

Seriously injured!

The six majors are maddening, and they are really told by Ye Yuan!

Musk, failed!

"What happened?" Zhang Hexin said.

The fragrant brow frowned and said: "It seems that something is wrong, I will re-introduction! Rest assured, this sub-array I have fully realized, it is not difficult to break!"

In a word, let everyone's heart go back to the stomach.

"Good! There is something to help, even though, this can not be lost!" Zhang Hexin calmly said.

After all, it is the first killing, naturally allowing mistakes.

However, the face of the mastermind is lost!

This trick can not be lost to Ye Yuan anyway!

Musk was a bit stunned, but he nodded and said, "Okay, I will comb it again."

So she pondered her head again.

Zhang Hexin feels that there is a gaze to himself.

Turning around, I found that Ye Yuanzheng looked at himself like a smile.

Grandma’s, it’s been said by this guy!

"Hey! Kid, you are less proud! She is just a bit of a scorpion, the general direction is correct! You, just wait for the first!" Zhang Hexin snorted, no longer pay attention to Ye Yuan.

Can't afford to lose this person!

This time, Ye Yuan is so good to pick it up, and he has two hands and one fork, and he does not understand.

"What's wrong? Ye Yuan will not give up?"

"If he doesn't give up, he won't win much? The musk master also said, she has fully realized!"

"Also, although there is a bit of a scorpion in the middle, the result is definitely that she won. The speed of Ye Yuan is still too slow!"


When everyone saw it, they whispered.

In a blink of an eye, it took another half a month.

In the middle, Musk can't toss Zhang Hexin several times.

Then she went to the battle with confidence.

Zhang Hexin and others once again shake their spirits and secretly cheer for musk.


I know, after a while, the musk was blown up again.

This time, even worse!

Zhang Hexin and others looked pale and quickly went up to support the musk.

“Nothing?” Zhang Hexin asked.

He did not have a good relationship with Muxiang, and even some grudges, but at this time he was unanimous, and he naturally cared.

This time, the half of the musk was blown up, quite bad.

It’s not that easy to recover.

But Muxiang, as if I didn't hear it, was full of doubts: "Impossible! I have already deduced it for dozens of times, obviously not wrong! Why, why?"

The six masters face, the look is very complicated.

Without looking back, they have already felt a burning gaze.

It has failed again!

"It doesn't matter, we have time, come again!" Zhang Hexin encouraged.

Muxiang did not say anything, nodded.

After a few days of injury, Musk finally recovered and began to study.

But unfortunately, every time she was seriously injured.

Moreover, it is heavier than once!

After trying it seven or eight times, she finally couldn’t hold it.

"Why! Why is this happening! I obviously have already realized the battle, why is it impossible to break the line!" Muxiang screamed at the sky, his eyes were full of confusion.

Zhang Hexin’s face is ugly to the extreme.

After a series of heavy losses, Muxiang has been unable to fight again!

His gaze couldn't help but look at Ye Yuan.

Ye Yuan did not look at him, and he was talking to Yang Qing.

This guy is definitely deliberate!

But, no way!

"Kid, musk is not good! You are going to go to the battle!" Zhang Hexin came to Ye Yuan, Shen Sheng.

(End of this chapter)

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