MTL - Unrivaled Medicine God-Chapter 3061 Re-understand the source!

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Chapter 3061 re-understands the source!

"Successful! It really succeeded!"

"The musk dominates this time, and it’s ruined!"

"I can't think of it, Ye Yuan, a little emperor, really defeated the masterland!"

"How is this possible? The two realms are not at one level at all. Why can Ye Yuan win? Can't figure it out!"


Ye Yuan took the treasure and walked out of the sub-array. The whole audience was amazed.

This declares that Ye Yuan is better than Musk.

At this time, Musk dominated and looked at Ye Yuan, unable to tell the uncomfortable.

Fair war, she was defeated by an emperor!

This kind of thing, he is somewhat unacceptable.

As if, for many years, the understanding of the road has become a joke!

How many years have she realized the battle?

How many years has Ye Yuan been?

Is the gap so big for people than for people?

“Why? Why is this?” Muxiang lost his way.

"The 'day' array is not as simple as you think! The nine-way array of elements, the devastating 10,000-dollars, the knowledge here is thorough! The nine elements are the root of all the elements! The seven-party ruling Jane, comprehend the avenue. But also because of this, many places are more error-prone, and even difficult to comprehend. The essence of the 'day' array is not in the big array, but in this nine-line array!" Ye Yuandao.

The musk was shocked and the eyes were faint.

Obviously, Ye Yuan said something that made him stunned.

But knowing is one thing, and comprehension is another matter.

The musk's line is very strong, but the "day" array is not something that she can comprehend between day and night.

This is the gap between her and Ye Yuan.

This "day" array is enough for her to use her life to realize!

"I... I lost!" Mu Xiang smiled bitterly.

Ye Yuan patted her shoulder and said: "You are very strong. The ‘day’ array is your chance to break the shackles. You will feel it, maybe you will be able to prove the supreme rule in the future, not necessarily.”

This move is very strange in the eyes of everyone.

Under normal circumstances, this is the embarrassment of the elders to the younger generation.

But a small emperor, actually doing such a move against a masterland, how do you really see how awkward.

However, you have nothing to say!

Because, this emperor's day, indeed defeated the masterland!

An incredible victory!

The next journey became an exhibition game for Ye Yuan.

Musk dominates regardless of injury, and follows Ye Yuan, just like a small follower.

As Ye Yuan said, this "day" array is her biggest chance!

Even if she can understand the case, it will benefit her for the rest of her life.

The first murder of the heavens and the world, this head is not white.

Ye Yuan has no thoughts of hiding. Although he and these masters do not deal with it, the danger of the blood family is close at hand. If their strength can go further, it is naturally a good thing.

So, a surprising scene appeared.

Muxiang, the master of the day, is like a disciple, and often accepts Ye Yuan’s teachings.

The progress of musk is obvious.

Three years later, Muxiang's strength has soared, and it has broken through to the top dominance!

A host of masters, it is really envious to the extreme.

"It's amazing! I didn't expect that the musk master would be blessed in disguise, and broke it in one fell swoop!"

"I have heard that Musk is in this realm and has been stuck for 100,000 years!"

"Ye Yuan is really too strong! He actually puts an ordinary master, and his life has become a top master!"

"However, the progress of the musk master is big, but it is still far worse than Ye Yuan! From half a year ago, she was unable to keep up with Ye Yuan on the road!"


At the time of the breakthrough, everyone was amazed.

No one expected that in the end, Musk dominated the big bargain.

However, since half a year ago, Musk dominated the confusion on his face, and it became more and more popular.

What Ye Yuan said, she can't understand it.

This big battle, the more difficult it is, the harder it is.

It is obvious that there are only nine elements, but the things that are derived are extremely complicated.

On this day, Ye Yuan came out of a sub-array and his eyes became very bright.

His whole body is full of the power of the source.

The cloud dominated the eyes and exclaimed: "This kid, comprehending the origin of the martial arts! Emperor 昊天天界, comprehend the two sources, this is simply too enchanting!"

The geniuses of the heavens looked at this scene and only felt that they had reached the extreme.

Comprehending the source is not a difficult thing for them.

But these people have basically broken through to the emperor.

In the realm of Emperor and Heaven, no one can do it.

Not to mention, comprehend two sources.

"Hey, I really sit down and watch the sky! I always thought that I was a genius, not losing anyone! But today, I am completely dressed!"

"This guy, how is the brain in the end, why is it so strong?"

"There are people outside, there are days outside!"


Genius is nothing.

Even if it is Yang Qing, they are often dissatisfied.

But Ye Yuan, they are really serving.

This guy is simply a enchanting!

Even if you crush your peers, you can also teach a top master!

Ye Yuan meditated in situ, digesting the fruits of the origin of the road.

After a few days, he slowly opened his eyes and his eyes became very bright.

"Ye Xiaoyou, how? Now, are you sure to go out?" The cloud dominated a little excited.

Ye Yuan shook his head and said: "Go, you can't go out! The whole lost temple is shrouded in the 'day' array! However, with my current strength, walking in the big array, it should not be What are the dangers?"

The master of the cloud changed his face. He did not expect that the coverage of this large array was so wide!

Doesn't this mean that the lives of all of them are in the hands of Ye Yuan?

"Ye Yuan, are you deliberate?" Zhang Hexin said.

Ye Yuan smiled and said: "You no longer talk nonsense, believe it or not, I will bring you directly to the dead door? I am killing you now, just as easy to kill an ant!"

Zhang Hexin turned pale, he did not believe, but he did not dare to gamble.

Muxiang Shen Sheng: "Zhang Hexin, you dare to disrespect Ye Xiaoyou, this seat is not finished with you!"

Zhang Hexin fried, and angered: "Death mother, you still lick your nose? You think that if you break through to the top dominance, you are qualified to scream with your seat?"

Zhang Hexin is the top master, which is why he can be the leader of the seven masters.

But now, the realm of musk is already catching up with him.

Muxiang sneered: "Zhang Hexin, this seat advises you to be low-key! Otherwise, Ye Xiaoyou shot, you don't know how to die! You really think that you are the master, very powerful?"

The cloud dominated some irritability, Shen Sheng said: "Enough! Less nonsense, move on!"

Under the leadership of Ye Yuan, the people finally crossed the huge royal garden and entered the palace group of the fascinating palace!

(End of this chapter)

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