MTL - Unrivaled Medicine God-Chapter 3108 Heaven is born again!

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Chapter 3108 is born without rebirth!

"Heyday predecessors, you have lived for countless years, the most knowledgeable. I don't know the thirty-three annihilation of the world that you have seen in your life, the most people have reached the first few?" Smile and hehe.

This time, everyone’s eyes are looking at the sky.

The strength of Mitian is not the strongest, but he was born from chaos and lived for countless years. Naturally, he is well-informed.

If you say who is the most authoritative, it is none other than him.

The sky is calm and still silent.

Yang Qing was anxious: "Predecessors, you are saying, is this going to kill us?"

By this time, they naturally understood that this blood is not an alarmist.

The robbery of the thirty-three deaths is indeed there!

However, it is too little and too little to attract such robbing. It has been ignored for a long time.

Those old guys should all know.

The last time, Ye Yuan made a five-step step, and both the Iraqi blood and the Mitian had the feeling that it should be the robbery of the thirty-three.

Mi Tian also knows that he can't stop it, only to sigh: "About 800,000 years ago, there was a Terran rebellion called Mo Fan, which was brought to this robbery. At that time, he ... passed the eighth robbery, in the ninth When it was robbed, it was annihilated! This is the one I have ever seen, the most!"

As soon as this statement came out, Yang Qing and others were maddening.

Mi Tian, ​​it can be said that it is a living fossil of thirty-three days.

In his memory, the strongest retrospective, only survived eight!

You know, not all the retrofits can lead to this robbery.

What can be attracted is itself a counter-innovator in the retrogression!

However, the strongest one is only eight!

Iraqi blood smiled and said: "The predecessors of the heavens are afraid of hitting you, so some words he has not said yet. This Mo Fan I have heard, the strength is extremely strong, and when the emperor released the realm of the heavens, he also killed the top master. Even if it is not as good as Ye Yuan, it is not far away."

"As a genius like him, there are not many! In fact, it is rare to be able to spend three robberies! In this impression, there are only five people! In addition to Mo Fan, the most one has only reached the first Five robberies! Now, do you still think that Ye Yuan can break through the dominance?"

Having said that, Yi blood could not help but laugh.

The strong people of Tai Ming Yu’s end are dead.

If the blood of Iraq is equal to the death penalty of Ye Yuan.

In his words, he revealed some information, and the thirty-three annihilation of the world was a catastrophe.

There is no other role in this robbery. It is to kill these people who are against the sky in the cradle.

Ye Yuan is definitely a stunning generation, even if it is more than Mo Fan, it is a big cut.

Yes, there are more than 20 robbers behind!

"This... how could this be?"

"Don't you say that Tai Mingyu is really innocent?"

"This is really a blue sky! How can there be such a terrible road robbery in this world?"


The strong people of Tai Ming Yu’s end, suddenly fell into a panic.

If you are bloody, you will crush all their hopes.

The last hope of Tai Ming Yu’s end is that Ye Yuan can successfully rob.

In that way, you can have a fight with the blood family.

But now, this hope is shattered!


Suddenly, the emptiness of the sky, the strong people of the sky swayed, and some even could not stand and fall.

The face of Iraqi blood changed, saying: "This power comes from the Ganges Chaos! Yes... is the eternal ancestor!"

Mi Tian is also a dull face, saying: "The power of chaos, is it strong... Is he already reaching the other side?"

This force swept the entire void and spread to thirty-three days.

At this point, you can feel this powerful force in any place for thirty-three days.

Such power, they have never felt it.

Even the blood of the heavens and the blood of Iraq did not give them such a strong sense of oppression.

At this time, in the chaos of the Ganges, the figure of a middle-aged man in a robe is slowly condensing.

Numerous Ganges chaos came to him and helped him reshape the flesh.

Such fluctuations spread through the waters of the Ganges to the entire thirty-three days.

"Ha ha ha ... my chaotic body, finally shaped success! These hundreds of thousands of years of waiting, after all, is not in vain! Reincarnation of the old dog, waiting to bear the anger of my ancestors! This time, all the accounts, Let's count together!"

The celestial ancestors screamed and laughed, and the spirits were high and the momentum was skyrocketing.

He used the strongest of the heavens as a guide to refine the chaos of Tiandan. At this time, it was a success!

Behind the eternal ancestors, the door to eternal life opened wide.

Two doors of eternal life, almost completely open at this time.

The depths of the hollow hole are extremely deep and mysterious.

Gradually, the body of the eternal ancestors was completely condensed, and the door to eternal life also came to an abrupt end.

Only the last trace, it is completely open!

"Ah! Ye Yuan, it's all your kid, otherwise the seat will be able to reach the real side! Before killing the old dog, this seat will kill you this kid!"

In the chaos, the roar of the eternal ancestors came.


I saw his body shape, directly through the chaos of the Ganges, and rushed toward the direction of Tai Ming Yu.

A skyrocketing wave rushed over here.

"He is coming!" The sky changed and he was shocked.

"Good... a strong atmosphere! Is this the real other side?" Zhuo's extraordinary eyes flashed.

The face of Iraqi blood is also very unsightly. He doesn't know what the ancestors want to do.

Under such strength, all resistance is superfluous!


The void was directly blasted into a large hole, the shape of the ancestors, and slowly came out.

As soon as I played, everyone’s momentum was directly suppressed.

Including Mi Tian and Yi blood!

At this point, people really realize what the other shore means!

The breath of the eternal ancestors is too strong!

His gaze swept across the faces of everyone. Anyone who was swept by him was like a mountain top, and he couldn't help but squat.

For a time, the strong man of the sky was actually smashed down.

That is the surrender to Heaven, they can't control themselves!

Only the strong players above the dominant position can barely stand.

However, the shape of all people has fallen, and no one dares to fly in front of the eternal ancestors.

The skyless eyes fell on the blood of Iraqi blood, and the blood of the blood was stared at by the beasts.

"Blood blood, congratulations to the eternal ancestors to prove the road!" Iraqi blood directly worshipped, without a trace of hesitation.


There was no screaming in the air, a large sleeve, and a terrible force was blown over.

The blood of the Iraqi face was furious, and the holy force of the body was madly swaying, trying to resist.

However, his power has not been displayed, and he was directly smashed by a huge wave.


The blood of Iraqi blood was arrogant, and finally slammed and blew open.

But soon, the blood of the group was condensed and he was born again.

Only at this time, the face of Iraqi blood was extremely pale, apparently suffering a great trauma.

The powerful man of the sky saw this scene, and each one was shocked.

Who is Iraqi blood?

Can compete with the heavens, is the supreme powerhouse standing on the peak of thirty-three days.

But in front of the eternal ancestors, he was so vulnerable!

Obviously, the eternal ancestors are not serious at all!

Otherwise, just a blow, he can directly ask for the blood of Iraq!

"Hey! My ancestors said, will you get a congratulatory message from your turn? Leave your life and roll back to tell the broken stone, the account of the God Palace, and the ancestors will come to him soon!"

After that, he stopped paying attention to the blood of Iraq and turned to the heavens: "Ye Yuan Xiaozi, let him get out and die!"

(End of this chapter)

Read The Duke's Passion