MTL - Unrivaled Medicine God-Chapter 3112 Invincible in the world!

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Chapter 3112 is invincible in the world!

"How can this be?"

"I am not blinded? The two great powers are already invincible for thirty-three days. Was they crushed by bloodstone ancestors?"

"What kind of realm did the bloodstone ancestor reach?"


Countless shocked eyes gathered from the blood stone ancestors.

This scene is too shocking.

For many years, thirty-three days have been in a delicate balance.

It was not until the day when the ancestors turned out to break the balance.

However, the celestial ancestor is not invincible, he has the reincarnation of his opponent!

In fact, the eternal ancestors of that year were powerful, but they were far from invincible.

To this day, he casts a chaotic body and reappears in front of people.

This eternal ancestor is invincible!

However, such an invincible eternal ancestor is so weak at this time!

No one looked at the blood stone ancestors with a blank look, shocked: " really took the last step? It is impossible!"

The evil spirits are less young and laughed: "The blood races spurred the wars of the gods, and the people of the ancestors of the ancestors gathered together ninety-nine blood beads! These ninety-nine blood beads contain all the meanings of the blood avenue! The Tao is chaotic. The body, the fusion of these ninety-nine blood beads, finally pushed the door of eternal life! And the reward of the door of eternal life to this road is the avenue of blood! From then on, this road is the only one of these thirty-three days. Master! You, do you have any opinions?"

With a glimpse of the sky, I immediately felt a strong sense of oppression and rushed to the surface.

Such a sense of oppression, in addition to his feelings before the teacher, he never felt it.

But now, he feels it again!

The power of the bloodstone ancestor makes him feel powerless!

"Impossible! This ancestor is hundreds of millions of people. In the heavens and the real world, I have never been able to step out of this step! Why, by the way," the reincarnation of the ancestors.

The evil spirit boy smiled and said: "If it was before, this question really can't answer you. But now, this road can tell you. The reincarnation road is not the mystery that you can explore! So from the beginning, your way went wrong. !"

The reincarnation of the ancestors turned wild, as if there was a hammer and squatted on his chest.

The words of the bloodstone ancestors are simply heart!

He spent his life and pursued a cycle of reincarnation.

In the end, is it a void?

"No! This is impossible! My way, how can it be wrong? You lied to me! You must be lying to me!" The reincarnation screamed.

The evil spirit boy does not care, just smiles: "The way of reincarnation, control the sentient beings! The cycle of life and death, all have a certain day! The path of reincarnation is too big, not you can control! If you master the reincarnation, then still What do you want to do, and if you go beyond the other side, you can’t go beyond heaven!”

Later, the bloodstone ancestors were a bit embarrassed.

After this step, he was invincible in thirty-three days.

However, he is only the spokesperson of Heaven.

Heaven is the supreme rule of all things!

No one can surpass heaven!

The face of the reincarnation is getting paler.

Because he understands that bloodstone is not without reason.

Life and death cycle, this is too big!

He can't stand it!

"Well, there is not much nonsense! From now on, both of you are my dogs, do you have any opinions? Don't look at this with your eyes, chances, only once, think again and answer!" Shi Laozu wrote down.

The reincarnation looked awkward and his face was unwilling.

But rejecting is equal to death!

This is beyond doubt.

"I...willing!" No one suddenly slammed his head and bowed to the bloodstone ancestors.

The bloodstone ancestor smiled and looked back at the round: "What about you?"

The face of the reincarnation ancestors changed and changed. Finally, I still bowed my head and said: "I am willing!"

Bloodstone ancestors nodded with satisfaction and said: "Know this, why stop you?"

Reincarnation said: "You can kill Ye Yuan, only you!"

The blood stone evil charm smiled and turned to look at the sky, said: "Is you asking Ye Yuan to come out, or let this road be hands-on? From now on, you are all the people of this Tao, and this road does not want to kill."

From beginning to end, the bloodstone ancestors did not have a bit of irritability.

It seems that everything in this world has been unable to make him heart.

He came to take revenge, and it was just revenge.

At a glance, the sky feels endless pressure.

That kind of pressure, as if there were thirty-three days, it was down.

The fear of the heart can't be stopped, it is the shudder from the soul!

Not only him, but everyone who is too bright, feels this tremor, no matter how strong or weak.

After a long time, Mi Tianwei barely adjusted his breathing, Shen Sheng said: "Ning is jade, not for the whole! To see Ye Yuan, come by yourself!"

Bloodstone ancestors nodded slightly and said: "Okay, understand!"


Suddenly, the strong people in the world, the body burst open, blood and fog!

Almost a moment, blood stains the sky!

And from beginning to end, the bloodstone ancestors did not even touch a finger.

When Mi Tian and others saw this scene, the muscles on their faces were twitching.

They thought that the blood stone ancestors would be forced to break the border like the two.

But who knows, he does not need to move, he slaughtered tens of thousands of strong!

Today's blood stone ancestors, it is terrible!

Bloodstone ancestors said: "This ancestors control the blood of the road, all flesh and blood, are in the mastery of this road! Let you be born, they will be born! Let you die, then die! Kill you, only in a mind! If you ask for death, then let your benevolence be benevolent! Oh, you are so desperate, this is very much like this!"

For Tai Ming Yu, the blood stone ancestor is 10,000 unhappy.

Even if he is now invincible, it is still unhappy!


At this moment, a figure flew directly out of Tai Ming Yu.

I saw this figure in the sky, and I couldn’t help but change my face.

Ye Yuan!

At this time, Ye Yuan actually went out!

Moreover, this guy actually flew out of the world, this is looking for death!

Bloodstone ancestors killed him, but it was a matter of thought!

"Ye Yuan, come back!"

Ye Yuan did not turn back, just waved his hand and flew straight to the blood stone ancestor, faintly said: "I am coming, stop!"

Bloodstone ancestors fascinated and said: "You are finally out!"

Ye Yuan's face is cold and heavy, Shen Sheng said: "You will pay for the things you just did,"

Bloodstone ancestors smiled and said: "Oh? What is the price?"

Ye Yuan Shen said: "Your life!"

"Let's go! What are you doing, dare to talk to your ancestors? My ancestors, already invincible!" Iraqi blood immediately scolded.

Bloodstone just smiled and waved at him. The blood of Iraq was a glimpse, and immediately snorted and cold sweat.

Today's blood stone ancestors, no longer need to force.

He is truly invincible!

(End of this chapter)