MTL - Unrivaled Medicine God-Chapter 3114 Road source!

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Chapter 3114 Road Royal Source!

The horror of the horror, the Taiming jade and the blood of the people are completely separated.

The scope of the robbery is extremely large, forming a natural barrier between the two.

Obviously, Ye Yuan was afraid of the robbery, and the bloodstone ancestor killed the killer of Tai Mingyu.

Today's blood stone ancestors, in addition to the end of the world, swept the world!

But in this way, he did not have a retreat!

Once he can't help but annihilate the world, the world behind him will be completely destroyed!

The robbery of the world is not to say that it is fun.

This is a broken boat, unsuccessful, it will become a benevolence!

"Tai Ming and I live together and die! Er, etc., no!" Ye Yuantou does not return, Lang said.

"I am waiting, willing!"

Almost without thinking, everyone responded.

This is their only way to live!

Bloodstone ancestors saw this scene, his face was gloomy.

He did have a plan just now. When he was away from the robbery, he slaughtered a person from the world and interfered with Ye Yuan’s robbery.

I did not expect Ye Yuan to be so embarrassed, and directly tied the people in this world with himself.

However, this is also good, the difficulty of Ye Yuandu robbery is even bigger!


Another few thunderstorms sounded, and Tiandao seemed to express his dissatisfaction.

Ye Yuan is doing this, it is simply defying the heavens!

In the chaos, the clouds are rolling, and the lightning is thundering, like the end of the world.


Ye Yuan brows slightly, and suddenly burst into a punch!

This punch, as if the dragon came out to the sea, the power of the four elephants rushed up and went straight into the sky!

The **** pupils of the Iraqi blood are shrinking, revealing the meaning of shock.

The power of this boxing has been infinitely close to the realm of the other side!

Even if it is the supreme ruler, it must be spiked under this boxing.

Compared with the day when Tai Ming Yu was in battle, Ye Yuan was strong again at this time!

It seems to be the reflection of Ye Yuan’s arrogance, and the countless electric snakes are suddenly dropped in the clouds.

That is the anger of heaven!

The strength of these electric snakes can definitely kill the supreme master!

Two powerful forces collided in a flash.


Countless electric snakes annihilate in an instant!

This is not finished, Ye Yuan’s boxing is still in full swing, and it’s going straight into the sky.


Robbing the clouds, crashing!

The first annihilation of the world has not yet taken shape, but it was actually blown away by Ye Yuan!

There was a dead silence around him, and everyone was shocked by the strongness of Ye Yuan.

Before this, the robbery of the world was blown to burst.

Everyone feels that the annihilation of the world is so powerful.

But where do you know that you can't stop Ye Yuan from punching?

"This... is this too strong? Isn't it true that the catastrophe is so powerful?"

"I feel that Ye Yuan seems to have no strength at all. This catastrophe seems to be no rumor!"

"I think so too, you said, Ye Yuan will not really succeed in the robbery?"


The **** strong people can't help but doubt the power of the robbery.

It is not that the robbery of the world is not strong, but that Ye Yuan is too understated, which has brought great shock to them.

Iraqi blood snorted, said: "You know a fart! Although I don't want to admit it, Ye Yuan is indeed the first retrospective of the ages! Before the retreat, his strength is even stronger than that of Mofan in the past! This first robbery Naturally, he is not threatened by him. However, the thirty-three annihilation of the world is more than a horror! You will soon know that this catastrophe is terrible! And, this is the first annihilation The power has reached the level of the other side! Can you block it if you go?"

Everyone is not talking.

Indeed, this is the first annihilation of the world, and the power has reached the level of the other side.

Later, the power may be beyond imagination.

With Ye Yuan’s strength, at least he can survive the seven-year annihilation.

This is the first priority, naturally it is not enough to see. Soon, the robbery of the robbery cloud reunited.

The horror to the extreme pressure, once again fell on everyone's heart.

But this time, the pressure is stronger!

"A strong pressure, I can't breathe!"

"Look at the robbery cloud, there is another layer of robbery clouds condensed! This is a double-layered robbery!"

"The power of the source of good horror, I feel that the power of the source is already overflowing!"


The strong people in the world should be robbed together with Ye Yuan.

Ye Yuan's pressure, they can clearly feel.

That kind of horrible pressure is at least ten times stronger than the previous one!

Long Jian looked at the double-layered robbery cloud, and his face was dignified: "Xuan Taiqing, can you block this robbery?"

Xuan Taiqing is a basaltic family, and its defense is extremely amazing.

But at this time, he shook his head and said: "Can't stop!"

The dragon sword has become more dignified: "This is the second catastrophe, it is already so powerful, the latter ones... can't imagine!"

Xuan Taiqing nodded: "The division of power in the realm of the other shore is very vague. If we divide our realm into the realm of the predecessors, we will divide it into the ninth order. The power of this second annihilation will probably reach the third order. You and I are barely blocked, and it is definitely a serious injury!"


Between the words, Ye Yuan jumped up and rushed to the sky.

In the double-layered robbery, countless lightnings were again lowered.

It was only this lightning that was intertwined and slammed down.

Power is a world of difference compared to before.

Ye Yuan took his hands up, and Qinglong, Baihu, Suzaku, and Xuanwu four elephants and gods rose into the sky.

These four great beasts each occupy the north and south of the East and West, and the power of the blood of the body erupts, and the endless force of the Holy Spirit surges out, forming a huge barrier.

The scene was spectacular to the extreme.

The blood stone ancestors saw this scene, and the pupils shrank.

He did not expect that Ye Yuan’s blood source is so powerful!

As a heavenly messenger who controls the avenue of blood, his power on the blood is too clear.

Ye Yuan’s blood source is infinitely close to the avenue!

Moreover, Ye Yuan has a path that is completely different from him.

His path is mainly to kill and cut, and his anger is extremely heavy.

The source of Ye Yuan’s blood is awe-inspiring, just right!

The blood stone ancestor also got the four-image blood, which also played a great role in his control of the blood avenue.

However, he simply cannot control the power of the four elephants.

However, Ye Yuan can!

The barrier formed by the forces of the four elephants is extremely strong.

Let those lightnings be strong, I am not moving!

Long Jian and others looked at each other and saw the shock from the eyes of the other party.

"I didn't expect that our four elephants would be together and have such a terrible power!" Long Jian took a deep breath and said.

鸾青荷道: "The power of Ye Yuan's blood has surpassed all of us! Only him can bring the power of the four elephants to the extreme! With this barrier, the annihilation of the world is a hundred times stronger. Can also block!"

Nodded and nodded: "Ye Yuan's realm is not high, but his understanding of the Tao has reached a very deep level. He is using his own sword to control the power of the source! Daojian is his fundamental! The realm is no longer important!"

(End of this chapter)

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