MTL - Unrivaled Medicine God-Chapter 3116 Irritating the heavens!

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Chapter 3116 angers the heavens!

Above the void, under the ten-layer robbery cloud, a figure swayed among them, and the sword was rushing, and the explosion sounded one after another, and the whole chaos shook.

Even the ball-shaped lightning that could not stop the strong side of the other shore, Ye Yuan was completely blocked!

"A strong sword! With a sword cast by a sword, it is really strong!" Iraqi blood shocked.

"Not a strong sword, a strong man with a sword! His kendo is already in control, not far away! It can be said that he is the first person under the avenue!" Bloodstone looks dignified.

If he does not rob, he really does not know that Ye Yuan is so strong.

He thought that the power of the avenue was the strongest in thirty-three days.

Everyone’s life and death is between his thoughts.

But now, he feels the threat!

Before he thought that Ye Yuan would be a master of the race if he succeeded in the robbery.

But now it seems that this is not the case.


Suddenly, a few ball-shaped lightnings were erratic and went to the wall.

Mi Tian and others saw it, and the scalp was numb.

The boundary wall can't stop these spherical lightning!


Several swordsmen were surrounded by layers of layers, and they hit the ball lightning in an accurate and unmistakable manner.

The sky wiped the cold sweat on his forehead and gently sighed.


"It turns out that when a person's kendo is to protect others, it can explode such a powerful force!"

The power of this spherical lightning is beyond anyone's imagination.

But Ye Yuan, actually stopped again!

Zhuo extraordinary can feel the belief of Ye Yuan in the sword of the guardian!

This belief is the powerful secret of Ye Yuanjian.

A few days later, the countless ball lightnings finally disappeared without a trace.

Iraqi blood muttered: "He...he actually went over! His limit, where is it?"

Although the bloodstone was a little surprised, it was not unexpected. He had already guessed that Ye Yuan had a backhand.

"Nothing strange, according to the estimation of this road, Ye Yuan should be able to spend at least 18 robbing! But the 19th, he is in any case, can not pass!" Bloodstone Road.

The blood of Iraq, as well as the lawless, reincarnation, and other people, were all shocked and looked at the bloodstone with disbelief.

Eighteen robbery, how is this possible?

You must know that before this, the strongest talent has survived the seven-year annihilation!

Ye Yuan actually wants to double on this basis.

The blood stone ancestor’s evaluation of Ye Yuan is too high.

Of course, no one dares to question the blood stone ancestors.

Seeing the expressions of the people, the bloodstone ancestors chuckled and said: "This robbery of the world, no one has ever seen the eighth road before, this road has no way to know. But now, it is able to see the leopard." This annihilation of the world is like a heavy one, but the ninth to the tenth, the power and form have undergone great changes. So this road guesses that the thirty-three annihilation, every ten robbers as a level That is to say, there are four levels of this robbery, and the tenth robbery after the Nine Robbery, the power directly climbs a step! As for the last three annihilation of the world... the power is probably enough to kill the world!"

In these words, I heard the hearts of everyone.

This is indeed the truth!

However, they are also convinced that Ye Yuan has the ability to pass the sky, and it is impossible to survive this catastrophe!

The tenth robbery, the ball-shaped lightning, Ye Yuan with the guardian sword, spent the next time.

The eleventh robbery, the infinite skyfire, Ye Yuan still survived.


The fifteenth robbery, Wan Dao Xuanbing robbery, the guardian sword collapsed, Ye Yuan used Dandao to refine the Wandao Xuanbing, bombarded the robbery cloud, and successfully passed.


The nineteenth robbery, Ye Yuan still relied on the merits of refining and refining all things.

At this point, the power of the annihilation has exceeded the imagination of all.

There is no sky-faced iron green road: "The power of this robbery has already caught up with the strength of the old man! The 20th robbery, the power will definitely have a great improvement, the old man... absolutely can't pass!"

The reincarnation was equally ugly: "If it weren't for the annihilation of the world, we two would find it, I am afraid I couldn't eat it! This kid, obviously not even the master, why is it so strong?"

Others are looking at them with some sympathy.

These two great supremes are the two of the best three of the heavens.

But whoever expected, they broke the shackles, got a glimpse of the power, and was directly suppressed in the end.

Now, they are sadly discovering that they are not Ye Yuan’s opponents.

From start to finish, the two of them are a joke!

Although the Supreme is strong, it’s not a good time!

Bloodstone looked at them and smiled: "You don't have to be arrogant, almost, this is the limit of Ye Yuan! This twentieth annihilation, he is absolutely impossible to pass!"

During the speech, the twentieth layer of robbery began to condense.

This time, the strong people like the reincarnation and the skyless are somewhat moved.

The bloodstone ancestors guessed that they were all right. The power of the twentieth annihilation of the world made them unable to even revolt.

This is the real avenue!

The previous robbery of the world was the looting of the source.

But this twentieth catastrophe, they clearly felt the power of the road!

In other words, starting from this robbery, it is the real ruin.

Ye Yuan is even more powerful, and it is impossible to spend it!

However, at this time, Ye Yuan’s momentum suddenly changed, and a hegemonic force rushed into the sky.

This momentum is actually no worse than the robbery cloud that is condensing!

As if, he is playing against the heavens.

The **** pupil of the Iraqi blood is shrinking, and he is shocked: "This is another momentum! This is a five-step step! It’s so strong! Compared to the original blood-killing, this move does not know how strong! How is this possible, just a few In his time, his strength is so strong!"

The same is a five-step step, at this time Ye Yuan will come out, the power is no longer the same.

To create a chaotic spirit list, Ye Yuan can not only improve the kendo.

More importantly, Ye Yuan understands his own way!

This is also the reason why Ye Yuan’s strength has increased so much in just a few years.

Avenue, control Wandao!

One law pass, Wanfatong!

Whether it is kendo, Dan Dao, or the martyrdom, it is just a means of realizing your own way.

The word in the heart is the Tao!

What he wants to protect is his own home, the closest person he is.

For the sake of this heart, how about breaking through the sky?

Ye Yuan’s “potential” came out, and the blood stone ancestors showed amazement in their eyes.

This move is not like a strong one!

But soon, he was relieved.

He grinned: "This trick, big reversal! This should be his last card. The stronger the move, the faster he will die! Look at it, he will completely anger the heavens!"


"Step by step on the mountain river, the age of the old is as long as the night!"

Under the huge "potential", Ye Yuan stepped out.

This step is like stepping on the sky.

The twentyth floor robbery cloud, together with the previous nineteen robbery clouds, collapsed!

The legendary twentieth annihilation of the world was so fragile under Ye Yuan’s five steps.

However, as if to prove the words of the bloodstone ancestors, the robbery cloud is almost in an instant, and then condenses again.

This time, it is completely different from the previous robbery cloud.

The wind swelled and the clouds rolled, as if it were the roar of heaven.

Soon, twenty-two robbery clouds will be formed.

People think that the twenty-first annihilation will soon fall.

but no!

On the twenty-first floor, the robbery cloud continued to take shape.

Then, it is the twenty-third, the twenty-fourth... until the twenty-ninth.

Nine roads robbery, even condensed together!

(End of this chapter)